LLAudioData Member List

This is the complete list of members for LLAudioData, including all inherited members.

getBuffer() const LLAudioData [inline]
getID() const LLAudioData [inline]
hasDecodedData() const LLAudioData [inline]
hasLocalData() const LLAudioData [inline]
hasValidData() const LLAudioData [inline]
LLAudioData(const LLUUID &uuid)LLAudioData
LLAudioEngine classLLAudioData [friend]
mBufferpLLAudioData [protected]
mHasDecodedDataLLAudioData [protected]
mHasLocalDataLLAudioData [protected]
mHasValidDataLLAudioData [protected]
mIDLLAudioData [protected]
setHasDecodedData(const BOOL hdd)LLAudioData [inline]
setHasLocalData(const BOOL hld)LLAudioData [inline]
setHasValidData(const BOOL hvd)LLAudioData [inline]

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