
Go to the documentation of this file.
00032 #ifndef LL_LLWINDOW_H
00033 #define LL_LLWINDOW_H
00035 #include <sys/stat.h>
00037 #include "llrect.h"
00038 #include "llcoord.h"
00039 #include "llstring.h"
00042 enum ECursorType {
00043         UI_CURSOR_ARROW,
00044         UI_CURSOR_WAIT,
00045         UI_CURSOR_HAND,
00046         UI_CURSOR_IBEAM,
00047         UI_CURSOR_CROSS,
00048         UI_CURSOR_SIZENWSE,
00049         UI_CURSOR_SIZENESW,
00050         UI_CURSOR_SIZEWE,
00051         UI_CURSOR_SIZENS,
00052         UI_CURSOR_NO,
00053         UI_CURSOR_WORKING,
00054         UI_CURSOR_TOOLGRAB,
00055         UI_CURSOR_TOOLLAND,
00056         UI_CURSOR_TOOLFOCUS,
00058         UI_CURSOR_ARROWDRAG,
00059         UI_CURSOR_ARROWCOPY,    // drag with copy
00061         UI_CURSOR_ARROWCOPYMULTI,       // drag with copy
00062         UI_CURSOR_NOLOCKED,
00067         UI_CURSOR_TOOLSCALE,
00069         UI_CURSOR_TOOLPAN,
00072         UI_CURSOR_TOOLSIT,
00073         UI_CURSOR_TOOLBUY,
00074         UI_CURSOR_TOOLPAY,
00075         UI_CURSOR_TOOLOPEN,
00076         UI_CURSOR_TOOLPLAY,
00077         UI_CURSOR_TOOLPAUSE,
00079         UI_CURSOR_PIPETTE,
00080         UI_CURSOR_COUNT                 // Number of elements in this enum (NOT a cursor)
00081 };
00083 class LLSplashScreen;
00085 class LLWindow;
00087 class LLPreeditor;
00089 class LLWindowCallbacks
00090 {
00091 public:
00092         virtual ~LLWindowCallbacks() {}
00093         virtual BOOL handleTranslatedKeyDown(KEY key,  MASK mask, BOOL repeated);
00094         virtual BOOL handleTranslatedKeyUp(KEY key,  MASK mask);
00095         virtual void handleScanKey(KEY key, BOOL key_down, BOOL key_up, BOOL key_level);
00096         virtual BOOL handleUnicodeChar(llwchar uni_char, MASK mask);
00098         virtual BOOL handleMouseDown(LLWindow *window,  LLCoordGL pos, MASK mask);
00099         virtual BOOL handleMouseUp(LLWindow *window,  LLCoordGL pos, MASK mask);
00100         virtual void handleMouseLeave(LLWindow *window);
00101         // return TRUE to allow window to close, which will then cause handleQuit to be called
00102         virtual BOOL handleCloseRequest(LLWindow *window);
00103         // window is about to be destroyed, clean up your business
00104         virtual void handleQuit(LLWindow *window);
00105         virtual BOOL handleRightMouseDown(LLWindow *window,  LLCoordGL pos, MASK mask);
00106         virtual BOOL handleRightMouseUp(LLWindow *window,  LLCoordGL pos, MASK mask);
00107         virtual BOOL handleMiddleMouseDown(LLWindow *window,  LLCoordGL pos, MASK mask);
00108         virtual BOOL handleMiddleMouseUp(LLWindow *window,  LLCoordGL pos, MASK mask);
00109         virtual BOOL handleActivate(LLWindow *window, BOOL activated);
00110         virtual BOOL handleActivateApp(LLWindow *window, BOOL activating);
00111         virtual void handleMouseMove(LLWindow *window,  LLCoordGL pos, MASK mask);
00112         virtual void handleScrollWheel(LLWindow *window,  S32 clicks);
00113         virtual void handleResize(LLWindow *window,  S32 width,  S32 height);
00114         virtual void handleFocus(LLWindow *window);
00115         virtual void handleFocusLost(LLWindow *window);
00116         virtual void handleMenuSelect(LLWindow *window,  S32 menu_item);
00117         virtual BOOL handlePaint(LLWindow *window,  S32 x,  S32 y,  S32 width,  S32 height);
00118         virtual BOOL handleDoubleClick(LLWindow *window,  LLCoordGL pos, MASK mask);                    // double-click of left mouse button
00119         virtual void handleWindowBlock(LLWindow *window);                                                       // window is taking over CPU for a while
00120         virtual void handleWindowUnblock(LLWindow *window);                                                     // window coming back after taking over CPU for a while
00121         virtual void handleDataCopy(LLWindow *window, S32 data_type, void *data);
00122         virtual BOOL handleTimerEvent(LLWindow *window);
00123         virtual BOOL handleDeviceChange(LLWindow *window);
00124 };
00126 // Refer to llwindow_test in test/common/llwindow for usage example
00128 class LLWindow
00129 {
00130 public:
00131         struct LLWindowResolution
00132         {
00133                 S32 mWidth;
00134                 S32 mHeight;
00135         };
00136         enum ESwapMethod
00137         {
00138                 SWAP_METHOD_UNDEFINED,
00139                 SWAP_METHOD_EXCHANGE,
00140                 SWAP_METHOD_COPY
00141         };
00142         enum EFlags
00143         {
00144                 // currently unused
00145         };
00146 public:
00147         virtual void show() = 0;
00148         virtual void hide() = 0;
00149         virtual void close() = 0;
00150         virtual BOOL getVisible() = 0;
00151         virtual BOOL getMinimized() = 0;
00152         virtual BOOL getMaximized() = 0;
00153         virtual BOOL maximize() = 0;
00154         BOOL getFullscreen()    { return mFullscreen; };
00155         virtual BOOL getPosition(LLCoordScreen *position) = 0;
00156         virtual BOOL getSize(LLCoordScreen *size) = 0;
00157         virtual BOOL getSize(LLCoordWindow *size) = 0;
00158         virtual BOOL setPosition(LLCoordScreen position) = 0;
00159         virtual BOOL setSize(LLCoordScreen size) = 0;
00160         virtual BOOL switchContext(BOOL fullscreen, const LLCoordScreen &size, BOOL disable_vsync, const LLCoordScreen * const posp = NULL) = 0;
00161         virtual BOOL setCursorPosition(LLCoordWindow position) = 0;
00162         virtual BOOL getCursorPosition(LLCoordWindow *position) = 0;
00163         virtual void showCursor() = 0;
00164         virtual void hideCursor() = 0;
00165         virtual BOOL isCursorHidden() = 0;
00166         virtual void showCursorFromMouseMove() = 0;
00167         virtual void hideCursorUntilMouseMove() = 0;
00169         // These two functions create a way to make a busy cursor instead
00170         // of an arrow when someone's busy doing something. Draw an
00171         // arrow/hour if busycount > 0.
00172         virtual void incBusyCount();
00173         virtual void decBusyCount();
00174         virtual void resetBusyCount() { mBusyCount = 0; }
00175         virtual S32 getBusyCount() const { return mBusyCount; }
00177         // Sets cursor, may set to arrow+hourglass
00178         virtual void setCursor(ECursorType cursor) = 0;
00179         virtual ECursorType getCursor() const { return mCurrentCursor; }
00181         virtual void captureMouse() = 0;
00182         virtual void releaseMouse() = 0;
00183         virtual void setMouseClipping( BOOL b ) = 0;
00184         virtual BOOL isClipboardTextAvailable() = 0;
00185         virtual BOOL pasteTextFromClipboard(LLWString &dst) = 0;
00186         virtual BOOL copyTextToClipboard(const LLWString &src) = 0;
00187         virtual void flashIcon(F32 seconds) = 0;
00188         virtual F32 getGamma() = 0;
00189         virtual BOOL setGamma(const F32 gamma) = 0; // Set the gamma
00190         virtual void setFSAASamples(const U32 fsaa_samples) = 0; //set number of FSAA samples
00191         virtual U32      getFSAASamples() = 0;
00192         virtual BOOL restoreGamma() = 0;                        // Restore original gamma table (before updating gamma)
00193         virtual ESwapMethod getSwapMethod() { return mSwapMethod; }
00194         virtual void gatherInput() = 0;
00195         virtual void delayInputProcessing() = 0;
00196         virtual void swapBuffers() = 0;
00197         virtual void bringToFront() = 0;
00198         virtual void focusClient() { };         // this may not have meaning or be required on other platforms, therefore, it's not abstract
00200         virtual S32 stat( const char* file_name, struct stat* stat_info ) = 0;
00201         virtual BOOL sendEmail(const char* address,const char* subject,const char* body_text, const char* attachment=NULL, const char* attachment_displayed_name=NULL ) = 0;
00204         // handy coordinate space conversion routines
00205         // NB: screen to window and vice verse won't work on width/height coordinate pairs,
00206         // as the conversion must take into account left AND right border widths, etc.
00207         virtual BOOL convertCoords( LLCoordScreen from, LLCoordWindow *to) = 0;
00208         virtual BOOL convertCoords( LLCoordWindow from, LLCoordScreen *to) = 0;
00209         virtual BOOL convertCoords( LLCoordWindow from, LLCoordGL *to) = 0;
00210         virtual BOOL convertCoords( LLCoordGL from, LLCoordWindow *to) = 0;
00211         virtual BOOL convertCoords( LLCoordScreen from, LLCoordGL *to) = 0;
00212         virtual BOOL convertCoords( LLCoordGL from, LLCoordScreen *to) = 0;
00214         // query supported resolutions
00215         virtual LLWindowResolution* getSupportedResolutions(S32 &num_resolutions) = 0;
00216         virtual F32     getNativeAspectRatio() = 0;
00217         virtual F32 getPixelAspectRatio() = 0;
00218         virtual void setNativeAspectRatio(F32 aspect) = 0;
00220         void setCallbacks(LLWindowCallbacks *callbacks);
00222         virtual void beforeDialog() {}; // prepare to put up an OS dialog (if special measures are required, such as in fullscreen mode)
00223         virtual void afterDialog() {};  // undo whatever was done in beforeDialog()
00225 // opens system default color picker
00226         virtual BOOL dialog_color_picker (F32 *r, F32 *g, F32 *b) { return FALSE; };
00228 // return a platform-specific window reference (HWND on Windows, WindowRef on the Mac)
00229         virtual void *getPlatformWindow() = 0;
00231         // control platform's Language Text Input mechanisms.
00232         virtual void allowLanguageTextInput(LLPreeditor *preeditor, BOOL b) {}
00233         virtual void setLanguageTextInput( const LLCoordGL & pos ) {};
00234         virtual void updateLanguageTextInputArea() {}
00235         virtual void interruptLanguageTextInput() {}
00237         static std::string getFontListSans();
00239 protected:
00240         LLWindow(BOOL fullscreen, U32 flags);
00241         virtual ~LLWindow() {}
00242         virtual BOOL isValid() {return TRUE;}
00243         virtual BOOL canDelete() {return TRUE;}
00244 protected:
00245         static LLWindowCallbacks        sDefaultCallbacks;
00247 protected:
00248         LLWindowCallbacks*      mCallbacks;
00250         BOOL            mPostQuit;              // should this window post a quit message when destroyed?
00251         BOOL            mFullscreen;
00252         S32                     mFullscreenWidth;
00253         S32                     mFullscreenHeight;
00254         S32                     mFullscreenBits;
00255         S32                     mFullscreenRefresh;
00256         LLWindowResolution* mSupportedResolutions;
00257         S32                     mNumSupportedResolutions;
00258         ECursorType     mCurrentCursor;
00259         BOOL            mCursorHidden;
00260         S32                     mBusyCount;     // how deep is the "cursor busy" stack?
00261         BOOL            mIsMouseClipping;  // Is this window currently clipping the mouse
00262         ESwapMethod mSwapMethod;
00263         BOOL            mHideCursorPermanent;
00264         U32                     mFlags;
00265         U16                     mHighSurrogate;
00267         // Handle a UTF-16 encoding unit received from keyboard.
00268         // Converting the series of UTF-16 encoding units to UTF-32 data,
00269         // this method passes the resulting UTF-32 data to mCallback's
00270         // handleUnicodeChar.  The mask should be that to be passed to the
00271         // callback.  This method uses mHighSurrogate as a dedicated work
00272         // variable.
00273         void handleUnicodeUTF16(U16 utf16, MASK mask);
00275         friend class LLWindowManager;
00276 };
00279 // LLSplashScreen
00280 // A simple, OS-specific splash screen that we can display
00281 // while initializing the application and before creating a GL
00282 // window
00285 class LLSplashScreen
00286 {
00287 public:
00288         LLSplashScreen() { };
00289         virtual ~LLSplashScreen() { };
00292         // Call to display the window.
00293         static LLSplashScreen * create();
00294         static void show();
00295         static void hide();
00296         static void update(const char* string);
00298         static bool isVisible();
00299 protected:
00300         // These are overridden by the platform implementation
00301         virtual void showImpl() = 0;
00302         virtual void updateImpl(const char* string) = 0;
00303         virtual void hideImpl() = 0;
00305         static BOOL sVisible;
00307 };
00309 // Platform-neutral for accessing the platform specific message box
00310 S32 OSMessageBox(const char* text, const char* caption, U32 type);
00311 const U32 OSMB_OK = 0;
00312 const U32 OSMB_OKCANCEL = 1;
00313 const U32 OSMB_YESNO = 2;
00315 const S32 OSBTN_YES = 0;
00316 const S32 OSBTN_NO = 1;
00317 const S32 OSBTN_OK = 2;
00318 const S32 OSBTN_CANCEL = 3;
00320 //
00321 // LLWindowManager
00322 // Manages window creation and error checking
00324 class LLWindowManager
00325 {
00326 public:
00327         static LLWindow* createWindow(
00328                 char *title,
00329                 char *name,
00330                 LLCoordScreen upper_left = LLCoordScreen(10, 10),
00331                 LLCoordScreen size = LLCoordScreen(320, 240),
00332                 U32 flags = 0,
00333                 BOOL fullscreen = FALSE,
00334                 BOOL clearBg = FALSE,
00335                 BOOL disable_vsync = TRUE,
00336                 BOOL use_gl = TRUE,
00337                 BOOL ignore_pixel_depth = FALSE);
00338         static LLWindow *createWindow(
00339                 char* title, char* name, S32 x, S32 y, S32 width, S32 height,
00340                 U32 flags = 0,
00341                 BOOL fullscreen = FALSE,
00342                 BOOL clearBg = FALSE,
00343                 BOOL disable_vsync = TRUE,
00344                 BOOL use_gl = TRUE,
00345                 BOOL ignore_pixel_depth = FALSE,
00346                 U32 fsaa_samples = 0);
00347         static BOOL destroyWindow(LLWindow* window);
00348         static BOOL isWindowValid(LLWindow *window);
00349 };
00351 //
00352 // helper funcs
00353 //
00354 extern BOOL gDebugWindowProc;
00356 // Protocols, like "http" and "https" we support in URLs
00357 extern const S32 gURLProtocolWhitelistCount;
00358 extern const char* gURLProtocolWhitelist[];
00359 extern const char* gURLProtocolWhitelistHandler[];
00361 // Loads a URL with the user's default browser
00362 void spawn_web_browser(const char* escaped_url);
00364 void simpleEscapeString ( std::string& stringIn  );
00366 #endif // _LL_window_h_

Generated on Fri May 16 08:33:02 2008 for SecondLife by  doxygen 1.5.5