
Go to the documentation of this file.
00032 // Microsoft Visual C++ generated include file.
00033 // Used by newViewRes.rc
00034 //
00035 #define IDREMOVE                        3
00036 #define IDI_LL_ICON                     103
00037 #define IDC_GRABHAND                    104
00038 #define IDR_MENU1                       112
00039 #define IDD_DIALOG1                     113
00040 #define IDI_INSTALL_ICON                133
00041 #define IDC_CURSOR1                     134
00042 #define IDC_CURSOR2                     136
00043 #define IDB_BITMAP1                     138
00044 #define IDB_BITMAP2                     140
00045 #define IDB_BITMAP3                     144
00046 #define IDC_CURSOR3                     147
00047 #define IDB_BITMAP4                     148
00048 #define IDB_BITMAP5                     149
00049 #define IDB_LOGIN                       149
00050 #define IDC_CURSOR4                     153
00051 #define IDC_CURSOR5                     154
00052 #define IDI_LCD_LL_ICON                 157
00053 #define IDC_CURSOR6                     158
00054 #define IDC_RADIO_56                    1000
00055 #define IDC_RADIO_128                   1001
00056 #define IDC_RADIO_256                   1002
00057 #define IDC_RADIO_CUSTOM                1003
00058 #define IDC_STATIC_LAND                 1004
00059 #define IDC_EDIT_LAND                   1005
00060 #define IDC_STATIC_WATER                1006
00061 #define IDC_EDIT_WATER                  1007
00062 #define IDC_STATIC_WIND                 1008
00063 #define IDC_EDIT_WIND                   1009
00064 #define IDC_STATIC_CLOUD                1010
00065 #define IDC_EDIT_CLOUD                  1011
00066 #define IDC_STATIC_TASK                 1012
00067 #define IDC_EDIT_TASK                   1013
00068 #define IDC_STATIC_OTHER                1014
00069 #define IDC_EDIT_OTHER                  1015
00070 #define IDC_EDIT_USERNAME               1018
00071 #define IDC_EDIT_PASSWORD               1019
00072 #define IDC_EDIT_ACCOUNT                1020
00073 #define IDC_EDIT_GUEST                  1021
00074 #define IDC_EDIT_LASTNAME               1021
00075 #define IDC_LABEL_TEXTURE               1028
00076 #define IDC_BUTTON_APPLY                1030
00077 #define IDAPPLY                         1030
00078 #define IDC_BUTTON_GRAB                 1031
00079 #define IDC_COMBO_TEXTURE               1032
00080 #define IDC_RADIO_POSITION              1033
00081 #define IDC_RADIO_SIZE                  1034
00082 #define IDC_RADIO_ROTATION              1035
00083 #define IDC_STATIC_POS_X                1036
00084 #define IDC_STATIC_POS_Y                1037
00085 #define IDC_STATIC_POS_Z                1038
00086 #define IDC_EDIT_POS_X                  1039
00087 #define IDC_EDIT_POS_Y                  1040
00088 #define IDC_CHECK_AUTO_LOGIN            1040
00089 #define IDC_EDIT_POS_Z                  1041
00090 #define IDC_STATIC_FILENAME             1041
00091 #define IDC_STATIC_POS_X2               1042
00092 #define IDC_EDIT_FILENAME               1042
00093 #define IDC_STATIC_POS_Y2               1043
00094 #define IDC_COMBO_FACE                  1043
00095 #define IDC_STATIC_POS_Z2               1044
00096 #define IDC_RADIO_TEXTURE_LOW           1044
00097 #define IDC_COMBO_MATERIAL              1044
00098 #define IDC_EDIT_SIZE_X                 1045
00099 #define IDC_RADIO_TEXTURE_MEDIUM        1045
00100 #define IDC_EDIT_SIZE_Y                 1046
00101 #define IDC_RADIO_TEXTURE_HIGH          1046
00102 #define IDC_EDIT_SIZE_Z                 1047
00103 #define IDC_STATIC_POS_X3               1048
00104 #define IDC_STATIC_POS_Y3               1049
00105 #define IDC_STATIC_POS_Z3               1050
00106 #define IDC_EDIT_ROT_X                  1051
00107 #define IDC_EDIT_ROT_Y                  1052
00108 #define IDC_EDIT_ROT_Z                  1053
00109 #define IDC_CHECK_USE_PHYSICS           1065
00110 #define IDC_LIST1                       1068
00111 #define IDC_LIST_USER                   1068
00112 #define IDC_LIST_LOCATION               1068
00113 #define IDC_BUTTON_CHANGE               1070
00114 #define IDC_BUTTON_CLOSE                1071
00115 #define IDC_CHAT_SAY                    1072
00116 #define IDC_STATIC_VERT_SCALE           1073
00117 #define IDC_STATIC_SCALE                1073
00118 #define IDC_EDIT_VERT_SCALE             1074
00119 #define IDC_STATIC_HORIZ_SCALE          1075
00120 #define IDC_STATIC_SCALE2               1075
00121 #define IDC_EDIT_HORIZ_SCALE            1076
00122 #define IDC_BUTTON_STRETCH              1077
00123 #define IDC_BUTTON_REPEAT               1078
00124 #define IDC_EDIT_VERT_OFFSET            1079
00125 #define IDC_EDIT_HORIZ_OFFSET           1080
00126 #define IDC_EDIT_ROTATION               1081
00127 #define IDC_STATIC_KBPS1                1082
00128 #define IDC_STATIC_KBPS2                1083
00129 #define IDC_BTN_INTERNAL                1083
00130 #define IDC_BUTTON_RESET                1083
00131 #define IDC_STATIC_KBPS3                1084
00132 #define IDC_BTN_EXTERNAL                1084
00133 #define IDC_STATIC_KBPS4                1085
00134 #define IDC_BTN_QUIT                    1085
00135 #define IDC_STATIC_KBPS5                1086
00136 #define IDC_RESOURCE_TITLE              1086
00137 #define IDC_STATIC_KBPS6                1087
00138 #define IDC_RESOURCE_DESC               1087
00139 #define IDC_EDIT_SAY                    1091
00140 #define IDC_BTN_NORMAL                  1092
00141 #define IDC_BTN_WHISPER                 1093
00142 #define IDC_BTN_SHOUT                   1094
00143 #define IDC_STATIC_ACCOUNT              1102
00144 #define IDC_STATIC_PASSWORD             1103
00145 #define IDC_STATIC_GUEST                1104
00146 #define IDC_STATIC_SERVER               1104
00147 #define IDC_STATIC_SPACESERVER          1105
00148 #define IDC_STATIC_LASTNAME             1105
00149 #define IDC_CHECK_GUEST                 1106
00150 #define IDC_SCRIPT_EDIT                 1107
00151 #define IDC_LSLSYNTAX                   1108
00152 #define IDDONE                          1109
00153 #define IDC_LIST                        1110
00154 #define IDC_EDIT_MESSAGE                1111
00155 #define IDC_BUTTON_REFRESH              1112
00156 #define IDC_STATIC_OFFSET               1113
00157 #define IDC_STATIC_ROTATION             1115
00158 #define IDC_STATIC_FILEPATH             1115
00159 #define IDC_STATIC_PX                   1118
00160 #define IDC_STATIC_PY                   1119
00161 #define IDC_STATIC_PZ                   1120
00162 #define IDC_STATIC_SX                   1121
00163 #define IDC_STATIC_SY                   1122
00164 #define IDC_STATIC_SZ                   1123
00165 #define IDC_STATIC_RX                   1124
00166 #define IDC_STATIC_RY                   1125
00167 #define IDC_STATIC_RZ                   1126
00168 #define IDC_BTN_APPLY                   1127
00169 #define IDC_COMBO_SERVER                1131
00170 #define IDC_STATIC_FIRSTNAME            1132
00171 #define IDC_EDIT_FIRSTNAME              1133
00172 #define IDC_REMEMBER_PASSWORD           1134
00173 #define IDC_REMEMBER_PASSWORD2          1135
00174 #define IDC_FULL_SCREEN                 1135
00175 #define IDC_RADIO_HOME                  1136
00176 #define IDC_RADIO_LAST                  1137
00177 #define IDC_COMBO1                      1138
00178 #define IDC_COMBO_FARM                  1138
00179 #define ID_TESTMENU_TEST                40001
00180 #define IDC_STATIC                      -1
00182 // Next default values for new objects
00183 // 
00186 #define _APS_NEXT_RESOURCE_VALUE        159
00187 #define _APS_NEXT_RESOURCE_VALUE        167
00188 #define _APS_NEXT_COMMAND_VALUE         40002
00189 #define _APS_NEXT_CONTROL_VALUE         1139
00190 #define _APS_NEXT_SYMED_VALUE           101
00191 #endif
00192 #endif

Generated on Fri May 16 08:34:28 2008 for SecondLife by  doxygen 1.5.5