
Go to the documentation of this file.
00032 #include "linden_common.h"
00034 #include "lltextureentry.h"
00035 #include "llsdutil.h"
00037 const U8 DEFAULT_BUMP_CODE = 0;  // no bump or shininess
00039 const LLTextureEntry LLTextureEntry::null;
00041 //===============================================================
00042 LLTextureEntry::LLTextureEntry()
00043 {
00044         init(LLUUID::null,1.f,1.f,0.f,0.f,0.f,DEFAULT_BUMP_CODE);
00045 }
00047 LLTextureEntry::LLTextureEntry(const LLUUID& tex_id)
00048 {
00049         init(tex_id,1.f,1.f,0.f,0.f,0.f,DEFAULT_BUMP_CODE);
00050 }
00052 LLTextureEntry::LLTextureEntry(const LLTextureEntry &rhs)
00053 {
00054         mID = rhs.mID;
00055         mScaleS = rhs.mScaleS;
00056         mScaleT = rhs.mScaleT;
00057         mOffsetS = rhs.mOffsetS;
00058         mOffsetT = rhs.mOffsetT;
00059         mRotation = rhs.mRotation;
00060         mColor = rhs.mColor;
00061         mBump = rhs.mBump;
00062         mMediaFlags = rhs.mMediaFlags;
00063         mGlow = rhs.mGlow;
00064 }
00066 LLTextureEntry &LLTextureEntry::operator=(const LLTextureEntry &rhs)
00067 {
00068         if (this != &rhs)
00069         {
00070                 mID = rhs.mID;
00071                 mScaleS = rhs.mScaleS;
00072                 mScaleT = rhs.mScaleT;
00073                 mOffsetS = rhs.mOffsetS;
00074                 mOffsetT = rhs.mOffsetT;
00075                 mRotation = rhs.mRotation;
00076                 mColor = rhs.mColor;
00077                 mBump = rhs.mBump;
00078                 mMediaFlags = rhs.mMediaFlags;
00079                 mGlow = rhs.mGlow;
00080         }
00082         return *this;
00083 }
00085 void LLTextureEntry::init(const LLUUID& tex_id, F32 scale_s, F32 scale_t, F32 offset_s, F32 offset_t, F32 rotation, U8 bump)
00086 {
00087         setID(tex_id);
00089         mScaleS = scale_s;
00090         mScaleT = scale_t;
00091         mOffsetS = offset_s;
00092         mOffsetT = offset_t;
00093         mRotation = rotation;
00094         mBump = bump;
00095         mMediaFlags = 0x0;
00096     mGlow = 0;
00098         setColor(LLColor4(1.f, 1.f, 1.f, 1.f));
00099 }
00101 LLTextureEntry::~LLTextureEntry()
00102 {
00103 }
00105 bool LLTextureEntry::operator!=(const LLTextureEntry &rhs) const
00106 {
00107         if (mID != rhs.mID) return(true);
00108         if (mScaleS != rhs.mScaleS) return(true);
00109         if (mScaleT != rhs.mScaleT) return(true);
00110         if (mOffsetS != rhs.mOffsetS) return(true);
00111         if (mOffsetT != rhs.mOffsetT) return(true);
00112         if (mRotation != rhs.mRotation) return(true);
00113         if (mColor != rhs.mColor) return (true);
00114         if (mBump != rhs.mBump) return (true);
00115         if (mMediaFlags != rhs.mMediaFlags) return (true);
00116         if (mGlow != rhs.mGlow) return (true);
00117         return(false);
00118 }
00120 bool LLTextureEntry::operator==(const LLTextureEntry &rhs) const
00121 {
00122         if (mID != rhs.mID) return(false);
00123         if (mScaleS != rhs.mScaleS) return(false);
00124         if (mScaleT != rhs.mScaleT) return(false);
00125         if (mOffsetS != rhs.mOffsetS) return(false);
00126         if (mOffsetT != rhs.mOffsetT) return(false);
00127         if (mRotation != rhs.mRotation) return(false);
00128         if (mColor != rhs.mColor) return (false);
00129         if (mBump != rhs.mBump) return (false);
00130         if (mMediaFlags != rhs.mMediaFlags) return false;
00131         if (mGlow != rhs.mGlow) return false;
00132         return(true);
00133 }
00135 LLSD LLTextureEntry::asLLSD() const
00136 {
00137         LLSD sd;
00139         sd["imageid"] = getID();
00140         sd["colors"] = ll_sd_from_color4(getColor());
00141         sd["scales"] = mScaleS;
00142         sd["scalet"] = mScaleT;
00143         sd["offsets"] = mOffsetS;
00144         sd["offsett"] = mOffsetT;
00145         sd["imagerot"] = getRotation();
00146         sd["bump"] = getBumpShiny();
00147         sd["fullbright"] = getFullbright();
00148         sd["media_flags"] = getMediaTexGen();
00149         sd["glow"] = getGlow();
00151         return sd;
00152 }
00154 bool LLTextureEntry::fromLLSD(LLSD& sd)
00155 {
00156         const char *w, *x;
00157         w = "imageid";
00158         if (sd.has(w))
00159         {
00160                 setID( sd[w] );
00161         } else goto fail;
00162         w = "colors";
00163         if (sd.has(w))
00164         {
00165                 setColor( ll_color4_from_sd(sd["colors"]) );
00166         } else goto fail;
00167         w = "scales";
00168         x = "scalet";
00169         if (sd.has(w) && sd.has(x))
00170         {
00171                 setScale( (F32)sd[w].asReal(), (F32)sd[x].asReal() );
00172         } else goto fail;
00173         w = "offsets";
00174         x = "offsett";
00175         if (sd.has(w) && sd.has(x))
00176         {
00177                 setOffset( (F32)sd[w].asReal(), (F32)sd[x].asReal() );
00178         } else goto fail;
00179         w = "imagerot";
00180         if (sd.has(w))
00181         {
00182                 setRotation( (F32)sd[w].asReal() );
00183         } else goto fail;
00184         w = "bump";
00185         if (sd.has(w))
00186         {
00187                 setBumpShiny( sd[w].asInteger() );
00188         } else goto fail;
00189         w = "fullbright";
00190         if (sd.has(w))
00191         {
00192                 setFullbright( sd[w].asInteger() );
00193         } else goto fail;
00194         w = "media_flags";
00195         if (sd.has(w))
00196         {
00197                 setMediaTexGen( sd[w].asInteger() );
00198         } else goto fail;
00199         w = "glow";
00200         if (sd.has(w))
00201         {
00202                 setGlow((F32)sd[w].asReal() );
00203         }
00205         return true;
00206 fail:
00207         return false;
00208 }
00210 S32 LLTextureEntry::setID(const LLUUID &tex_id)
00211 {
00212         if (mID != tex_id)
00213         {
00214                 mID = tex_id;
00215                 return TEM_CHANGE_TEXTURE;
00216         }
00217         return 0;
00218 }
00220 S32 LLTextureEntry::setScale(F32 s, F32 t)
00221 {
00222         S32 retval = 0;
00224         if (  (mScaleS != s)
00225                 ||(mScaleT != t))
00226         {
00227                 mScaleS = s;
00228                 mScaleT = t;
00230                 retval = TEM_CHANGE_TEXTURE;
00231         }
00232         return retval;
00233 }
00235 S32 LLTextureEntry::setColor(const LLColor4 &color)
00236 {
00237         if (mColor != color)
00238         {
00239                 mColor = color;
00240                 return TEM_CHANGE_COLOR;
00241         }
00242         return 0;
00243 }
00245 S32 LLTextureEntry::setColor(const LLColor3 &color)
00246 {
00247         if (mColor != color)
00248         {
00249                 // This preserves alpha.
00250                 mColor.setVec(color);
00251                 return TEM_CHANGE_COLOR;
00252         }
00253         return 0;
00254 }
00256 S32 LLTextureEntry::setAlpha(const F32 alpha)
00257 {
00258         if (mColor.mV[VW] != alpha)
00259         {
00260                 mColor.mV[VW] = alpha;
00261                 return TEM_CHANGE_COLOR;
00262         }
00263         return 0;
00264 }
00266 S32 LLTextureEntry::setOffset(F32 s, F32 t)
00267 {
00268         S32 retval = 0;
00270         if (  (mOffsetS != s)
00271                 ||(mOffsetT != t))
00272         {
00273                 mOffsetS = s;
00274                 mOffsetT = t;
00276                 retval = TEM_CHANGE_TEXTURE;
00277         }
00278         return retval;
00279 }
00281 S32 LLTextureEntry::setRotation(F32 theta)
00282 {
00283         if (mRotation != theta)
00284         {
00285                 mRotation = theta;
00286                 return TEM_CHANGE_TEXTURE;
00287         }
00288         return 0;
00289 }
00291 S32 LLTextureEntry::setBumpShinyFullbright(U8 bump)
00292 {
00293         if (mBump != bump)
00294         {
00295                 mBump = bump;
00296                 return TEM_CHANGE_TEXTURE;
00297         }
00298         return 0;
00299 }
00301 S32 LLTextureEntry::setMediaTexGen(U8 media)
00302 {
00303         if (mMediaFlags != media)
00304         {
00305                 mMediaFlags = media;
00306                 return TEM_CHANGE_TEXTURE;
00307         }
00308         return 0;
00309 }
00311 S32 LLTextureEntry::setBumpmap(U8 bump)
00312 {
00313         bump &= TEM_BUMP_MASK;
00314         if (getBumpmap() != bump)
00315         {
00316                 mBump &= ~TEM_BUMP_MASK;
00317                 mBump |= bump;
00318                 return TEM_CHANGE_TEXTURE;
00319         }
00320         return 0;
00321 }
00323 S32 LLTextureEntry::setFullbright(U8 fullbright)
00324 {
00325         fullbright &= TEM_FULLBRIGHT_MASK;
00326         if (getFullbright() != fullbright)
00327         {
00328                 mBump &= ~(TEM_FULLBRIGHT_MASK<<TEM_FULLBRIGHT_SHIFT);
00329                 mBump |= fullbright << TEM_FULLBRIGHT_SHIFT;
00330                 return TEM_CHANGE_TEXTURE;
00331         }
00332         return 0;
00333 }
00335 S32 LLTextureEntry::setShiny(U8 shiny)
00336 {
00337         shiny &= TEM_SHINY_MASK;
00338         if (getShiny() != shiny)
00339         {
00340                 mBump &= ~(TEM_SHINY_MASK<<TEM_SHINY_SHIFT);
00341                 mBump |= shiny << TEM_SHINY_SHIFT;
00342                 return TEM_CHANGE_TEXTURE;
00343         }
00344         return 0;
00345 }
00347 S32 LLTextureEntry::setBumpShiny(U8 bump_shiny)
00348 {
00349         bump_shiny &= TEM_BUMP_SHINY_MASK;
00350         if (getBumpShiny() != bump_shiny)
00351         {
00352                 mBump &= ~TEM_BUMP_SHINY_MASK;
00353                 mBump |= bump_shiny;
00354                 return TEM_CHANGE_TEXTURE;
00355         }
00356         return 0;
00357 }
00359 S32 LLTextureEntry::setMediaFlags(U8 media_flags)
00360 {
00361         media_flags &= TEM_MEDIA_MASK;
00362         if (getMediaFlags() != media_flags)
00363         {
00364                 mMediaFlags &= ~TEM_MEDIA_MASK;
00365                 mMediaFlags |= media_flags;
00366                 return TEM_CHANGE_TEXTURE;
00367         }
00368         return 0;
00369 }
00371 S32 LLTextureEntry::setTexGen(U8 tex_gen)
00372 {
00373         tex_gen &= TEM_TEX_GEN_MASK;
00374         if (getTexGen() != tex_gen)
00375         {
00376                 mMediaFlags &= ~TEM_TEX_GEN_MASK;
00377                 mMediaFlags |= tex_gen;
00378                 return TEM_CHANGE_TEXTURE;
00379         }
00380         return 0;
00381 }
00383 S32 LLTextureEntry::setGlow(F32 glow)
00384 {
00385         if (mGlow != glow)
00386         {
00387                 mGlow = glow;
00388                 return TEM_CHANGE_TEXTURE;
00389         }
00390         return 0;
00391 }

Generated on Thu Jul 1 06:09:18 2010 for Second Life Viewer by  doxygen 1.4.7