
Go to the documentation of this file.
00033 #include "llviewerprecompiledheaders.h"
00035 #include "llurlsimstring.h"
00037 #include "llpanellogin.h"
00038 #include "llviewercontrol.h"
00040 #include "curl/curl.h"
00042 //static
00043 LLURLSimString LLURLSimString::sInstance;
00044 LLString LLURLSimString::sLocationStringHome("My Home");
00045 LLString LLURLSimString::sLocationStringLast("My Last Location");
00047 // "secondlife://simname/x/y/z" -> "simname/x/y/z"
00048 // (actually .*//foo -> foo)
00049 // static
00050 void LLURLSimString::setString(const LLString& sim_string)
00051 {
00052         sInstance.mSimString.clear();
00053         sInstance.mSimName.clear();
00054         sInstance.mParseState = NOT_PARSED;
00055         if (sim_string == sLocationStringHome)
00056         {
00057                 gSavedSettings.setBOOL("LoginLastLocation", FALSE);
00058         }
00059         else if (sim_string == sLocationStringLast)
00060         {
00061                 gSavedSettings.setBOOL("LoginLastLocation", TRUE);
00062         }
00063         else
00064         {
00065                 char* curlstr = curl_unescape(sim_string.c_str(), sim_string.size());
00066                 LLString tstring = LLString(curlstr);
00067                 curl_free(curlstr);
00068                 std::string::size_type idx = tstring.find("//");
00069                 idx = (idx == LLString::npos) ? 0 : idx+2;
00070                 sInstance.mSimString = tstring.substr(idx);
00071         }
00072         LLPanelLogin::refreshLocation( false ); // in case LLPanelLogin is visible
00073 }
00075 // "/100" -> 100
00076 // static
00077 S32 LLURLSimString::parseGridIdx(const LLString& in_string, S32 idx0, S32* res, S32 max)
00078 {
00079         if (idx0 == INT_MAX || in_string[idx0] != '/')
00080         {
00081                 return INT_MAX; // parse error
00082         }
00083         idx0++;
00084         LLString::size_type idx1 = in_string.find_first_of('/', idx0);
00085         LLString::size_type len = (idx1 == LLString::npos) ? LLString::npos : idx1-idx0;
00086         LLString tstring = in_string.substr(idx0,len);
00087         if (!tstring.empty())
00088         {
00089                 S32 val = atoi(tstring.c_str());
00090                 *res = llclamp(val,0,max);
00091         }
00092         return idx1;
00093 }
00095 // "simname/x/y/z" -> mSimName = simname, mX = x, mY = y, mZ = z
00096 // static
00097 bool LLURLSimString::parse()
00098 {
00099         if (sInstance.mParseState == NOT_SET)
00100         {
00101                 return false;
00102         }
00103         if (sInstance.mParseState == NOT_PARSED)
00104         {
00105                 if (parse(sInstance.mSimString,
00106                                   &sInstance.mSimName,
00107                                   &sInstance.mX, 
00108                                   &sInstance.mY, 
00109                                   &sInstance.mZ))
00110                 {
00111                         sInstance.mParseState = PARSE_OK;
00112                 }
00113                 else
00114                 {
00115                         sInstance.mParseState = PARSE_FAIL;
00116                 }
00117         }
00118         return (sInstance.mParseState == PARSE_OK);
00119 }
00121 // static
00122 bool LLURLSimString::parse(const LLString& sim_string, std::string *region_name, S32 *x, S32 *y, S32 *z)
00123 {
00124          // strip any bogus initial '/'
00125         LLString::size_type idx0 = sim_string.find_first_not_of('/');
00126         if (idx0 == std::string::npos) idx0 = 0;
00128         LLString::size_type idx1 = sim_string.find_first_of('/', idx0);
00129         LLString::size_type len = (idx1 == std::string::npos) ? std::string::npos : idx1-idx0;
00130         LLString tstring = sim_string.substr(idx0,len);
00131         *region_name = unescapeRegionName(tstring);
00132         if (!region_name->empty())
00133         {
00134                 if (idx1 != std::string::npos)
00135                 {
00136                         idx1 = parseGridIdx(sim_string, idx1, x, 255);
00137                         idx1 = parseGridIdx(sim_string, idx1, y, 255);
00138                         idx1 = parseGridIdx(sim_string, idx1, z, 1000);
00139                 }
00140                 return true;
00141         }
00142         else
00143         {
00144                 return false;
00145         }
00146 }
00148 // static
00149 std::string LLURLSimString::getURL()
00150 {
00151         std::string url;
00152         if (sInstance.mParseState == PARSE_OK)
00153         {
00154                 url = llformat("secondlife://%s/%d/%d/%d/",
00155                                         sInstance.mSimName.c_str(),
00156                                         sInstance.mX,
00157                                         sInstance.mY,
00158                                         sInstance.mZ);
00159         }
00160         return url;
00161 }
00163 // static
00164 std::string LLURLSimString::unescapeRegionName(std::string region_name)
00165 {
00166         std::string result;
00167         char* curlstr = curl_unescape(region_name.c_str(), region_name.size());
00168         result = std::string(curlstr);
00169         curl_free(curlstr);
00170         return result;
00171 }

Generated on Thu Jul 1 06:09:24 2010 for Second Life Viewer by  doxygen 1.4.7