
Go to the documentation of this file.
00032 #ifndef LL_LLVOLUME_H
00033 #define LL_LLVOLUME_H
00035 #include <iostream>
00037 class LLProfileParams;
00038 class LLPathParams;
00039 class LLVolumeParams;
00040 class LLProfile;
00041 class LLPath;
00042 class LLVolumeFace;
00043 class LLVolume;
00045 #include "lldarray.h"
00046 #include "lluuid.h"
00047 #include "v4color.h"
00048 //#include "vmath.h"
00049 #include "v2math.h"
00050 #include "v3math.h"
00051 #include "llquaternion.h"
00052 #include "llstrider.h"
00053 #include "v4coloru.h"
00054 #include "llmemory.h"
00056 //============================================================================
00058 const S32 MIN_DETAIL_FACES = 6;
00059 const S32 MIN_LOD = 0;
00060 const S32 MAX_LOD = 3;
00062 // These are defined here but are not enforced at this level,
00063 // rather they are here for the convenience of code that uses
00064 // the LLVolume class.
00065 const F32 MIN_VOLUME_PROFILE_WIDTH      = 0.05f;
00066 const F32 MIN_VOLUME_PATH_WIDTH         = 0.05f;
00068 const F32 CUT_QUANTA    = 0.00002f;
00069 const F32 SCALE_QUANTA  = 0.01f;
00070 const F32 SHEAR_QUANTA  = 0.01f;
00071 const F32 TAPER_QUANTA  = 0.01f;
00072 const F32 REV_QUANTA    = 0.015f;
00073 const F32 HOLLOW_QUANTA = 0.00002f;
00075 //============================================================================
00077 // useful masks
00078 const LLPCode LL_PCODE_HOLLOW_MASK      = 0x80;         // has a thickness
00079 const LLPCode LL_PCODE_SEGMENT_MASK = 0x40;             // segments (1 angle)
00080 const LLPCode LL_PCODE_PATCH_MASK       = 0x20;         // segmented segments (2 angles)
00081 const LLPCode LL_PCODE_HEMI_MASK        = 0x10;         // half-primitives get their own type per PR's dictum
00082 const LLPCode LL_PCODE_BASE_MASK        = 0x0F;
00084         // primitive shapes
00085 const LLPCode   LL_PCODE_CUBE                   = 1;
00086 const LLPCode   LL_PCODE_PRISM                  = 2;
00087 const LLPCode   LL_PCODE_TETRAHEDRON    = 3;
00088 const LLPCode   LL_PCODE_PYRAMID                = 4;
00089 const LLPCode   LL_PCODE_CYLINDER               = 5;
00090 const LLPCode   LL_PCODE_CONE                   = 6;
00091 const LLPCode   LL_PCODE_SPHERE                 = 7;
00092 const LLPCode   LL_PCODE_TORUS                  = 8;
00093 const LLPCode   LL_PCODE_VOLUME                 = 9;
00095         // surfaces
00096 //const LLPCode LL_PCODE_SURFACE_TRIANGLE       = 10;
00097 //const LLPCode LL_PCODE_SURFACE_SQUARE         = 11;
00098 //const LLPCode LL_PCODE_SURFACE_DISC           = 12;
00100 const LLPCode   LL_PCODE_APP                            = 14; // App specific pcode (for viewer/sim side only objects)
00101 const LLPCode   LL_PCODE_LEGACY                         = 15;
00103 // Pcodes for legacy objects
00104 //const LLPCode LL_PCODE_LEGACY_ATOR =                          0x10 | LL_PCODE_LEGACY; // ATOR
00105 const LLPCode   LL_PCODE_LEGACY_AVATAR =                        0x20 | LL_PCODE_LEGACY; // PLAYER
00106 //const LLPCode LL_PCODE_LEGACY_BIRD =                          0x30 | LL_PCODE_LEGACY; // BIRD
00107 //const LLPCode LL_PCODE_LEGACY_DEMON =                         0x40 | LL_PCODE_LEGACY; // DEMON
00108 const LLPCode   LL_PCODE_LEGACY_GRASS =                         0x50 | LL_PCODE_LEGACY; // GRASS
00109 const LLPCode   LL_PCODE_TREE_NEW =                                     0x60 | LL_PCODE_LEGACY; // new trees
00110 //const LLPCode LL_PCODE_LEGACY_ORACLE =                        0x70 | LL_PCODE_LEGACY; // ORACLE
00111 const LLPCode   LL_PCODE_LEGACY_PART_SYS =                      0x80 | LL_PCODE_LEGACY; // PART_SYS
00112 const LLPCode   LL_PCODE_LEGACY_ROCK =                          0x90 | LL_PCODE_LEGACY; // ROCK
00113 //const LLPCode LL_PCODE_LEGACY_SHOT =                          0xA0 | LL_PCODE_LEGACY; // BASIC_SHOT
00114 //const LLPCode LL_PCODE_LEGACY_SHOT_BIG =                      0xB0 | LL_PCODE_LEGACY;
00115 //const LLPCode LL_PCODE_LEGACY_SMOKE =                         0xC0 | LL_PCODE_LEGACY; // SMOKE
00116 //const LLPCode LL_PCODE_LEGACY_SPARK =                         0xD0 | LL_PCODE_LEGACY;// SPARK
00118 const LLPCode   LL_PCODE_LEGACY_TREE =                          0xF0 | LL_PCODE_LEGACY; // TREE
00120         // hemis
00121 const LLPCode   LL_PCODE_CYLINDER_HEMI =                LL_PCODE_CYLINDER       | LL_PCODE_HEMI_MASK;
00122 const LLPCode   LL_PCODE_CONE_HEMI =                    LL_PCODE_CONE           | LL_PCODE_HEMI_MASK;
00123 const LLPCode   LL_PCODE_SPHERE_HEMI =                  LL_PCODE_SPHERE         | LL_PCODE_HEMI_MASK;
00124 const LLPCode   LL_PCODE_TORUS_HEMI =                   LL_PCODE_TORUS          | LL_PCODE_HEMI_MASK;
00127 // Volumes consist of a profile at the base that is swept around
00128 // a path to make a volume.
00129 // The profile code
00130 const U8        LL_PCODE_PROFILE_MASK           = 0x0f;
00131 const U8        LL_PCODE_PROFILE_MIN            = 0x00;
00132 const U8    LL_PCODE_PROFILE_CIRCLE             = 0x00;
00133 const U8    LL_PCODE_PROFILE_SQUARE             = 0x01;
00134 const U8        LL_PCODE_PROFILE_ISOTRI         = 0x02;
00135 const U8    LL_PCODE_PROFILE_EQUALTRI   = 0x03;
00136 const U8    LL_PCODE_PROFILE_RIGHTTRI   = 0x04;
00137 const U8        LL_PCODE_PROFILE_CIRCLE_HALF = 0x05;
00138 const U8        LL_PCODE_PROFILE_MAX            = 0x05;
00140 // Stored in the profile byte
00141 const U8        LL_PCODE_HOLE_MASK              = 0xf0;
00142 const U8        LL_PCODE_HOLE_MIN               = 0x00;   
00143 const U8        LL_PCODE_HOLE_SAME              = 0x00;         // same as outside profile
00144 const U8        LL_PCODE_HOLE_CIRCLE    = 0x10;
00145 const U8        LL_PCODE_HOLE_SQUARE    = 0x20;
00146 const U8        LL_PCODE_HOLE_TRIANGLE  = 0x30;
00147 const U8        LL_PCODE_HOLE_MAX               = 0x03;         // min/max needs to be >> 4 of real min/max
00149 const U8    LL_PCODE_PATH_IGNORE    = 0x00;
00150 const U8        LL_PCODE_PATH_MIN               = 0x01;         // min/max needs to be >> 4 of real min/max
00151 const U8    LL_PCODE_PATH_LINE      = 0x10;
00152 const U8    LL_PCODE_PATH_CIRCLE    = 0x20;
00153 const U8    LL_PCODE_PATH_CIRCLE2   = 0x30;
00154 const U8    LL_PCODE_PATH_TEST      = 0x40;
00155 const U8    LL_PCODE_PATH_FLEXIBLE  = 0x80;
00156 const U8        LL_PCODE_PATH_MAX               = 0x08;
00158 //============================================================================
00160 // face identifiers
00161 typedef U16 LLFaceID;
00163 const LLFaceID  LL_FACE_PATH_BEGIN              = 0x1 << 0;
00164 const LLFaceID  LL_FACE_PATH_END                = 0x1 << 1;
00165 const LLFaceID  LL_FACE_INNER_SIDE              = 0x1 << 2;
00166 const LLFaceID  LL_FACE_PROFILE_BEGIN   = 0x1 << 3;
00167 const LLFaceID  LL_FACE_PROFILE_END             = 0x1 << 4;
00168 const LLFaceID  LL_FACE_OUTER_SIDE_0    = 0x1 << 5;
00169 const LLFaceID  LL_FACE_OUTER_SIDE_1    = 0x1 << 6;
00170 const LLFaceID  LL_FACE_OUTER_SIDE_2    = 0x1 << 7;
00171 const LLFaceID  LL_FACE_OUTER_SIDE_3    = 0x1 << 8;
00173 //============================================================================
00175 // sculpt types
00177 const U8 LL_SCULPT_TYPE_NONE      = 0;
00178 const U8 LL_SCULPT_TYPE_SPHERE    = 1;
00179 const U8 LL_SCULPT_TYPE_TORUS     = 2;
00180 const U8 LL_SCULPT_TYPE_PLANE     = 3;
00181 const U8 LL_SCULPT_TYPE_CYLINDER  = 4;
00185 class LLProfileParams
00186 {
00187 public:
00188         LLProfileParams()
00189         {
00190                 mBegin     = 0;
00191                 mEnd       = 1;
00192                 mHollow    = 0;
00193                 mCurveType = LL_PCODE_PROFILE_SQUARE;
00194         }
00196         LLProfileParams(U8 curve, F32 begin, F32 end, F32 hollow)
00197                 : mCurveType(curve), mBegin(begin), mEnd(end), mHollow(hollow)
00198         {
00199         }
00201         LLProfileParams(U8 curve, U16 begin, U16 end, U16 hollow)
00202         {
00203                 mCurveType = curve;
00204                 F32 temp_f32 = begin * CUT_QUANTA;
00205                 if (temp_f32 > 1.f)
00206                 {
00207                         temp_f32 = 1.f;
00208                 }
00209                 mBegin = temp_f32;
00210                 temp_f32 = end * CUT_QUANTA;
00211                 if (temp_f32 > 1.f)
00212                 {
00213                         temp_f32 = 1.f;
00214                 }
00215                 mEnd = 1.f - temp_f32;
00216                 temp_f32 = hollow * HOLLOW_QUANTA;
00217                 if (temp_f32 > 1.f)
00218                 {
00219                         temp_f32 = 1.f;
00220                 }
00221                 mHollow = temp_f32;
00222         }
00224         bool operator==(const LLProfileParams &params) const;
00225         bool operator!=(const LLProfileParams &params) const;
00226         bool operator<(const LLProfileParams &params) const;
00228         void copyParams(const LLProfileParams &params);
00230         BOOL importFile(FILE *fp);
00231         BOOL exportFile(FILE *fp) const;
00233         BOOL importLegacyStream(std::istream& input_stream);
00234         BOOL exportLegacyStream(std::ostream& output_stream) const;
00236         LLSD asLLSD() const;
00237         operator LLSD() const { return asLLSD(); }
00238         bool fromLLSD(LLSD& sd);
00240         const F32&  getBegin () const                           { return mBegin; }
00241         const F32&  getEnd   () const                           { return mEnd;   }
00242         const F32&  getHollow() const                           { return mHollow; }
00243         const U8&   getCurveType () const                       { return mCurveType; }
00245         void setCurveType(const U32 type)                       { mCurveType = type;}
00246         void setBegin(const F32 begin)                          { mBegin = (begin >= 1.0f) ? 0.0f : ((int) (begin * 100000))/100000.0f;}
00247         void setEnd(const F32 end)                                      { mEnd   = (end   <= 0.0f) ? 1.0f : ((int) (end * 100000))/100000.0f;}
00248         void setHollow(const F32 hollow)                        { mHollow = ((int) (hollow * 100000))/100000.0f;}
00250         friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream &s, const LLProfileParams &profile_params);
00252 protected:
00253         // Profile params
00254         U8                        mCurveType;
00255         F32           mBegin;
00256         F32           mEnd;
00257         F32                       mHollow;
00259         U32           mCRC;
00260 };
00262 inline bool LLProfileParams::operator==(const LLProfileParams &params) const
00263 {
00264         return 
00265                 (getCurveType() == params.getCurveType()) &&
00266                 (getBegin() == params.getBegin()) &&
00267                 (getEnd() == params.getEnd()) &&
00268                 (getHollow() == params.getHollow());
00269 }
00271 inline bool LLProfileParams::operator!=(const LLProfileParams &params) const
00272 {
00273         return 
00274                 (getCurveType() != params.getCurveType()) ||
00275                 (getBegin() != params.getBegin()) ||
00276                 (getEnd() != params.getEnd()) ||
00277                 (getHollow() != params.getHollow());
00278 }
00281 inline bool LLProfileParams::operator<(const LLProfileParams &params) const
00282 {
00283         if (getCurveType() != params.getCurveType())
00284         {
00285                 return getCurveType() < params.getCurveType();
00286         }
00287         else
00288         if (getBegin() != params.getBegin())
00289         {
00290                 return getBegin() < params.getBegin();
00291         }
00292         else
00293         if (getEnd() != params.getEnd())
00294         {
00295                 return getEnd() < params.getEnd();
00296         }
00297         else
00298         {
00299                 return getHollow() < params.getHollow();
00300         }
00301 }
00303 #define U8_TO_F32(x) (F32)(*((S8 *)&x))
00305 class LLPathParams
00306 {
00307 public:
00308         LLPathParams()
00309         {
00310                 mBegin     = 0;
00311                 mEnd       = 1;
00312                 mScale.setVec(1,1);
00313                 mShear.setVec(0,0);
00314                 mCurveType = LL_PCODE_PATH_LINE;
00315                 mTwistBegin             = 0;
00316                 mTwistEnd       = 0;
00317                 mRadiusOffset   = 0;
00318                 mTaper.setVec(0,0);
00319                 mRevolutions    = 1;
00320                 mSkew                   = 0;
00321         }
00323         LLPathParams(U8 curve, F32 begin, F32 end, F32 scx, F32 scy, F32 shx, F32 shy, F32 twistend, F32 twistbegin, F32 radiusoffset, F32 tx, F32 ty, F32 revolutions, F32 skew)
00324                 : mCurveType(curve), mBegin(begin), mEnd(end), mTwistBegin(twistbegin), mTwistEnd(twistend), 
00325                   mRadiusOffset(radiusoffset), mRevolutions(revolutions), mSkew(skew)
00326         {
00327                 mScale.setVec(scx,scy);
00328                 mShear.setVec(shx,shy);
00329                 mTaper.setVec(tx,ty);
00330         }
00332         LLPathParams(U8 curve, U16 begin, U16 end, U8 scx, U8 scy, U8 shx, U8 shy, U8 twistend, U8 twistbegin, U8 radiusoffset, U8 tx, U8 ty, U8 revolutions, U8 skew)
00333         {
00334                 mCurveType = curve;
00335                 mBegin = (F32)(begin * CUT_QUANTA);
00336                 mEnd = (F32)(100.f - end) * CUT_QUANTA;
00337                 if (mEnd > 1.f)
00338                         mEnd = 1.f;
00339                 mScale.setVec((F32) (200 - scx) * SCALE_QUANTA,(F32) (200 - scy) * SCALE_QUANTA);
00340                 mShear.setVec(U8_TO_F32(shx) * SHEAR_QUANTA,U8_TO_F32(shy) * SHEAR_QUANTA);
00341                 mTwistBegin = U8_TO_F32(twistbegin) * SCALE_QUANTA;
00342                 mTwistEnd = U8_TO_F32(twistend) * SCALE_QUANTA;
00343                 mRadiusOffset = U8_TO_F32(radiusoffset) * SCALE_QUANTA;
00344                 mTaper.setVec(U8_TO_F32(tx) * TAPER_QUANTA,U8_TO_F32(ty) * TAPER_QUANTA);
00345                 mRevolutions = ((F32)revolutions) * REV_QUANTA + 1.0f;
00346                 mSkew = U8_TO_F32(skew) * SCALE_QUANTA;
00347         }
00349         bool operator==(const LLPathParams &params) const;
00350         bool operator!=(const LLPathParams &params) const;
00351         bool operator<(const LLPathParams &params) const;
00353         void copyParams(const LLPathParams &params);
00355         BOOL importFile(FILE *fp);
00356         BOOL exportFile(FILE *fp) const;
00358         BOOL importLegacyStream(std::istream& input_stream);
00359         BOOL exportLegacyStream(std::ostream& output_stream) const;
00361         LLSD asLLSD() const;
00362         operator LLSD() const { return asLLSD(); }
00363         bool fromLLSD(LLSD& sd);
00365         const F32& getBegin() const                     { return mBegin; }
00366         const F32& getEnd() const                       { return mEnd; }
00367         const LLVector2 &getScale() const       { return mScale; }
00368         const F32& getScaleX() const            { return mScale.mV[0]; }
00369         const F32& getScaleY() const            { return mScale.mV[1]; }
00370         const LLVector2 getBeginScale() const;
00371         const LLVector2 getEndScale() const;
00372         const LLVector2 &getShear() const       { return mShear; }
00373         const F32& getShearX() const            { return mShear.mV[0]; }
00374         const F32& getShearY() const            { return mShear.mV[1]; }
00375         const U8& getCurveType () const         { return mCurveType; }
00377         const F32& getTwistBegin() const        { return mTwistBegin;   }
00378         const F32& getTwistEnd() const          { return mTwistEnd;     }
00379         const F32& getTwist() const                     { return mTwistEnd; }   // deprecated
00380         const F32& getRadiusOffset() const      { return mRadiusOffset; }
00381         const LLVector2 &getTaper() const       { return mTaper;                }
00382         const F32& getTaperX() const            { return mTaper.mV[0];  }
00383         const F32& getTaperY() const            { return mTaper.mV[1];  }
00384         const F32& getRevolutions() const       { return mRevolutions;  }
00385         const F32& getSkew() const                      { return mSkew;                 }
00387         void setCurveType(const U8 type)        { mCurveType = type;    }
00388         void setBegin(const F32 begin)          { mBegin     = begin;   }
00389         void setEnd(const F32 end)                      { mEnd       = end;     }
00391         void setScale(const F32 x, const F32 y)         { mScale.setVec(x,y); }
00392         void setScaleX(const F32 v)                                     { mScale.mV[VX] = v; }
00393         void setScaleY(const F32 v)                                     { mScale.mV[VY] = v; }
00394         void setShear(const F32 x, const F32 y)         { mShear.setVec(x,y); }
00395         void setShearX(const F32 v)                                     { mShear.mV[VX] = v; }
00396         void setShearY(const F32 v)                                     { mShear.mV[VY] = v; }
00398         void setTwistBegin(const F32 twist_begin)       { mTwistBegin   = twist_begin;  }
00399         void setTwistEnd(const F32 twist_end)           { mTwistEnd             = twist_end;    }
00400         void setTwist(const F32 twist)                          { setTwistEnd(twist); } // deprecated
00401         void setRadiusOffset(const F32 radius_offset){ mRadiusOffset    = radius_offset; }
00402         void setTaper(const F32 x, const F32 y)         { mTaper.setVec(x,y);                   }
00403         void setTaperX(const F32 v)                                     { mTaper.mV[VX] = v;                    }
00404         void setTaperY(const F32 v)                                     { mTaper.mV[VY] = v;                    }
00405         void setRevolutions(const F32 revolutions)      { mRevolutions  = revolutions;  }
00406         void setSkew(const F32 skew)                            { mSkew                 = skew;                 }
00408         friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream &s, const LLPathParams &path_params);
00410 protected:
00411         // Path params
00412         U8                        mCurveType;
00413         F32           mBegin;
00414         F32           mEnd;
00415         LLVector2         mScale;
00416         LLVector2     mShear;
00418         F32                       mTwistBegin;
00419         F32                       mTwistEnd;
00420         F32                       mRadiusOffset;
00421         LLVector2         mTaper;
00422         F32                       mRevolutions;
00423         F32                       mSkew;
00425         U32           mCRC;
00426 };
00428 inline bool LLPathParams::operator==(const LLPathParams &params) const
00429 {
00430         return
00431                 (getCurveType() == params.getCurveType()) && 
00432                 (getScale() == params.getScale()) &&
00433                 (getBegin() == params.getBegin()) && 
00434                 (getEnd() == params.getEnd()) && 
00435                 (getShear() == params.getShear()) &&
00436                 (getTwist() == params.getTwist()) &&
00437                 (getTwistBegin() == params.getTwistBegin()) &&
00438                 (getRadiusOffset() == params.getRadiusOffset()) &&
00439                 (getTaper() == params.getTaper()) &&
00440                 (getRevolutions() == params.getRevolutions()) &&
00441                 (getSkew() == params.getSkew());
00442 }
00444 inline bool LLPathParams::operator!=(const LLPathParams &params) const
00445 {
00446         return
00447                 (getCurveType() != params.getCurveType()) ||
00448                 (getScale() != params.getScale()) ||
00449                 (getBegin() != params.getBegin()) || 
00450                 (getEnd() != params.getEnd()) || 
00451                 (getShear() != params.getShear()) ||
00452                 (getTwist() != params.getTwist()) ||
00453                 (getTwistBegin() !=params.getTwistBegin()) ||
00454                 (getRadiusOffset() != params.getRadiusOffset()) ||
00455                 (getTaper() != params.getTaper()) ||
00456                 (getRevolutions() != params.getRevolutions()) ||
00457                 (getSkew() != params.getSkew());
00458 }
00461 inline bool LLPathParams::operator<(const LLPathParams &params) const
00462 {
00463         if( getCurveType() != params.getCurveType()) 
00464         {
00465                 return getCurveType() < params.getCurveType();
00466         }
00467         else
00468         if( getScale() != params.getScale()) 
00469         {
00470                 return getScale() < params.getScale();
00471         }
00472         else
00473         if( getBegin() != params.getBegin()) 
00474         {
00475                 return getBegin() < params.getBegin();
00476         }
00477         else
00478         if( getEnd() != params.getEnd()) 
00479         {
00480                 return getEnd() < params.getEnd();
00481         }
00482         else
00483         if( getShear() != params.getShear()) 
00484         {
00485                 return getShear() < params.getShear();
00486         }
00487         else
00488         if( getTwist() != params.getTwist())
00489         {
00490                 return getTwist() < params.getTwist();
00491         }
00492         else
00493         if( getTwistBegin() != params.getTwistBegin())
00494         {
00495                 return getTwistBegin() < params.getTwistBegin();
00496         }
00497         else
00498         if( getRadiusOffset() != params.getRadiusOffset())
00499         {
00500                 return getRadiusOffset() < params.getRadiusOffset();
00501         }
00502         else
00503         if( getTaper() != params.getTaper())
00504         {
00505                 return getTaper() < params.getTaper();
00506         }
00507         else
00508         if( getRevolutions() != params.getRevolutions())
00509         {
00510                 return getRevolutions() < params.getRevolutions();
00511         }
00512         else
00513         {
00514                 return getSkew() < params.getSkew();
00515         }
00516 }
00518 typedef LLVolumeParams* LLVolumeParamsPtr;
00519 typedef const LLVolumeParams* const_LLVolumeParamsPtr;
00521 class LLVolumeParams
00522 {
00523 public:
00524         LLVolumeParams()
00525         {
00526         }
00528         LLVolumeParams(LLProfileParams &profile, LLPathParams &path,
00529                                    LLUUID sculpt_id = LLUUID::null, U8 sculpt_type = LL_SCULPT_TYPE_NONE)
00530                 : mProfileParams(profile), mPathParams(path), mSculptID(sculpt_id), mSculptType(sculpt_type)
00531         {
00532         }
00534         bool operator==(const LLVolumeParams &params) const;
00535         bool operator!=(const LLVolumeParams &params) const;
00536         bool operator<(const LLVolumeParams &params) const;
00539         void copyParams(const LLVolumeParams &params);
00541         const LLProfileParams &getProfileParams() const {return mProfileParams;}
00542         LLProfileParams &getProfileParams() {return mProfileParams;}
00543         const LLPathParams &getPathParams() const {return mPathParams;}
00544         LLPathParams &getPathParams() {return mPathParams;}
00546         BOOL importFile(FILE *fp);
00547         BOOL exportFile(FILE *fp) const;
00549         BOOL importLegacyStream(std::istream& input_stream);
00550         BOOL exportLegacyStream(std::ostream& output_stream) const;
00552         LLSD asLLSD() const;
00553         operator LLSD() const { return asLLSD(); }
00554         bool fromLLSD(LLSD& sd);
00556         bool setType(U8 profile, U8 path);
00558         //void setBeginS(const F32 beginS)                      { mProfileParams.setBegin(beginS); }    // range 0 to 1
00559         //void setBeginT(const F32 beginT)                      { mPathParams.setBegin(beginT); }               // range 0 to 1
00560         //void setEndS(const F32 endS)                          { mProfileParams.setEnd(endS); }                // range 0 to 1, must be greater than begin
00561         //void setEndT(const F32 endT)                          { mPathParams.setEnd(endT); }                   // range 0 to 1, must be greater than begin
00563         bool setBeginAndEndS(const F32 begin, const F32 end);                   // both range from 0 to 1, begin must be less than end
00564         bool setBeginAndEndT(const F32 begin, const F32 end);                   // both range from 0 to 1, begin must be less than end
00566         bool setHollow(const F32 hollow);       // range 0 to 1
00567         bool setRatio(const F32 x)                                      { return setRatio(x,x); }                       // 0 = point, 1 = same as base
00568         bool setShear(const F32 x)                                      { return setShear(x,x); }                       // 0 = no movement, 
00569         bool setRatio(const F32 x, const F32 y);                        // 0 = point, 1 = same as base
00570         bool setShear(const F32 x, const F32 y);                        // 0 = no movement
00572         bool setTwistBegin(const F32 twist_begin);      // range -1 to 1
00573         bool setTwistEnd(const F32 twist_end);          // range -1 to 1
00574         bool setTwist(const F32 twist)                          { return setTwistEnd(twist); }          // deprecated
00575         bool setTaper(const F32 x, const F32 y)         { bool pass_x = setTaperX(x); bool pass_y = setTaperY(y); return pass_x && pass_y; }
00576         bool setTaperX(const F32 v);                            // -1 to 1
00577         bool setTaperY(const F32 v);                            // -1 to 1
00578         bool setRevolutions(const F32 revolutions);     // 1 to 4
00579         bool setRadiusOffset(const F32 radius_offset);
00580         bool setSkew(const F32 skew);
00581         bool setSculptID(const LLUUID sculpt_id, U8 sculpt_type);
00583         static bool validate(U8 prof_curve, F32 prof_begin, F32 prof_end, F32 hollow,
00584                 U8 path_curve, F32 path_begin, F32 path_end,
00585                 F32 scx, F32 scy, F32 shx, F32 shy,
00586                 F32 twistend, F32 twistbegin, F32 radiusoffset,
00587                 F32 tx, F32 ty, F32 revolutions, F32 skew);
00589         const F32&  getBeginS()         const   { return mProfileParams.getBegin(); }
00590         const F32&  getBeginT()         const   { return mPathParams.getBegin(); }
00591         const F32&  getEndS()           const   { return mProfileParams.getEnd(); }
00592         const F32&  getEndT()           const   { return mPathParams.getEnd(); }
00594         const F32&  getHollow()         const   { return mProfileParams.getHollow(); }
00595         const F32&  getTwist()  const           { return mPathParams.getTwist(); }
00596         const F32&  getRatio()  const           { return mPathParams.getScaleX(); }
00597         const F32&  getRatioX()         const   { return mPathParams.getScaleX(); }
00598         const F32&  getRatioY()         const   { return mPathParams.getScaleY(); }
00599         const F32&  getShearX()         const   { return mPathParams.getShearX(); }
00600         const F32&  getShearY()         const   { return mPathParams.getShearY(); }
00602         const F32&      getTwistBegin()const    { return mPathParams.getTwistBegin();   }
00603         const F32&  getRadiusOffset() const     { return mPathParams.getRadiusOffset(); }
00604         const F32&  getTaper() const            { return mPathParams.getTaperX();               }
00605         const F32&      getTaperX() const               { return mPathParams.getTaperX();               }
00606         const F32&  getTaperY() const           { return mPathParams.getTaperY();               }
00607         const F32&  getRevolutions() const      { return mPathParams.getRevolutions();  }
00608         const F32&  getSkew() const                     { return mPathParams.getSkew();                 }
00609         const LLUUID& getSculptID() const       { return mSculptID;                                             }
00610         const U8& getSculptType() const     { return mSculptType;                   }
00612         BOOL isConvex() const;
00614         // 'begin' and 'end' should be in range [0, 1] (they will be clamped)
00615         // (begin, end) = (0, 1) will not change the volume
00616         // (begin, end) = (0, 0.5) will reduce the volume to the first half of its profile/path (S/T)
00617         void reduceS(F32 begin, F32 end);
00618         void reduceT(F32 begin, F32 end);
00620         struct compare
00621         {
00622                 bool operator()( const const_LLVolumeParamsPtr& first, const const_LLVolumeParamsPtr& second) const
00623                 {
00624                         return (*first < *second);
00625                 }
00626         };
00628         friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream &s, const LLVolumeParams &volume_params);
00630 protected:
00631         LLProfileParams mProfileParams;
00632         LLPathParams    mPathParams;
00633         LLUUID mSculptID;
00634         U8 mSculptType;
00635 };
00638 class LLProfile
00639 {
00640 public:
00641         LLProfile(const LLProfileParams &params)
00642                 : mParams(params),
00643                   mOpen(FALSE),
00644                   mConcave(FALSE),
00645                   mDirty(TRUE),
00646                   mTotalOut(0),
00647                   mTotal(2)
00648         {
00649         }
00651         ~LLProfile();
00653         S32      getTotal() const                                                               { return mTotal; }
00654         S32      getTotalOut() const                                                    { return mTotalOut; }   // Total number of outside points
00655         BOOL isHollow() const                                                           { return (mParams.getHollow() > 0); }
00656         BOOL isFlat(S32 face) const                                                     { return (mFaces[face].mCount == 2); }
00657         BOOL isOpen() const                                                                     { return mOpen; }
00658         void setDirty()                                                                         { mDirty     = TRUE; }
00659         BOOL generate(BOOL path_open, F32 detail = 1.0f, S32 split = 0, BOOL is_sculpted = FALSE);
00660         BOOL isConcave() const                                                          { return mConcave; }
00661 public:
00662         const LLProfileParams &mParams;
00664         struct Face
00665         {
00666                 S32       mIndex;
00667                 S32       mCount;
00668                 F32       mScaleU;
00669                 BOOL      mCap;
00670                 BOOL      mFlat;
00671                 LLFaceID  mFaceID;
00672         };
00674         std::vector<LLVector3> mProfile;        
00675         std::vector<LLVector2> mNormals;
00676         std::vector<Face>      mFaces;
00677         std::vector<LLVector3> mEdgeNormals;
00678         std::vector<LLVector3> mEdgeCenters;
00679         F32                       mMaxX;
00680         F32                       mMinX;
00682         friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream &s, const LLProfile &profile);
00684 protected:
00685         void genNormals();
00686         void genNGon(S32 sides, F32 offset=0.0f, F32 bevel = 0.0f, F32 ang_scale = 1.f, S32 split = 0);
00688         Face* addHole(BOOL flat, F32 sides, F32 offset, F32 box_hollow, F32 ang_scale, S32 split = 0);
00689         Face* addCap (S16 faceID);
00690         Face* addFace(S32 index, S32 count, F32 scaleU, S16 faceID, BOOL flat);
00692 protected:
00693         BOOL              mOpen;
00694         BOOL              mConcave;
00695         BOOL          mDirty;
00697         S32                       mTotalOut;
00698         S32                       mTotal;
00699 };
00701 //-------------------------------------------------------------------
00703 //-------------------------------------------------------------------
00705 class LLPath
00706 {
00707 public:
00708         struct PathPt
00709         {
00710                 LLVector3        mPos;
00711                 LLVector2    mScale;
00712                 LLQuaternion mRot;
00713                 F32                      mTexT;
00714                 PathPt() { mPos.setVec(0,0,0); mTexT = 0; mScale.setVec(0,0); mRot.loadIdentity(); }
00715         };
00717 public:
00718         LLPath(const LLPathParams &params)
00719                 : mParams(params),
00720                   mOpen(FALSE),
00721                   mTotal(0),
00722                   mDirty(TRUE),
00723                   mStep(1)
00724         {
00725         }
00727         virtual ~LLPath();
00729         void genNGon(S32 sides, F32 offset=0.0f, F32 end_scale = 1.f, F32 twist_scale = 1.f);
00730         virtual BOOL generate(F32 detail=1.0f, S32 split = 0, BOOL is_sculpted = FALSE);
00732         BOOL isOpen() const                                             { return mOpen; }
00733         F32 getStep() const                                             { return mStep; }
00734         void setDirty()                                                 { mDirty     = TRUE; }
00736         S32 getPathLength() const                               { return (S32)mPath.size(); }
00738         void resizePath(S32 length) { mPath.resize(length); }
00740         friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream &s, const LLPath &path);
00742 public:
00743         const LLPathParams &mParams;
00744         std::vector<PathPt> mPath;
00746 protected:
00747         BOOL              mOpen;
00748         S32                       mTotal;
00749         BOOL          mDirty;
00750         F32           mStep;
00751 };
00753 class LLDynamicPath : public LLPath
00754 {
00755 public:
00756         LLDynamicPath(const LLPathParams &params) : LLPath(params) { }
00757         BOOL generate(F32 detail=1.0f, S32 split = 0, BOOL is_sculpted = FALSE);
00758 };
00760 // Yet another "face" class - caches volume-specific, but not instance-specific data for faces)
00761 class LLVolumeFace
00762 {
00763 public:
00764         LLVolumeFace();
00765         BOOL create();
00767         class VertexData
00768         {
00769         public:
00770                 LLVector3 mPosition;
00771                 LLVector3 mNormal;
00772                 LLVector3 mBinormal;
00773                 LLVector2 mTexCoord;
00774         };
00776         enum
00777         {
00778                 SINGLE_MASK =   0x0001,
00779                 CAP_MASK =              0x0002,
00780                 END_MASK =              0x0004,
00781                 SIDE_MASK =             0x0008,
00782                 INNER_MASK =    0x0010,
00783                 OUTER_MASK =    0x0020,
00784                 HOLLOW_MASK =   0x0040,
00785                 OPEN_MASK =             0x0080,
00786                 FLAT_MASK =             0x0100,
00787                 TOP_MASK =              0x0200,
00788                 BOTTOM_MASK =   0x0400
00789         };
00791 public:
00792         S32 mID;
00793         U32 mTypeMask;
00794         LLVector3 mCenter;
00796         // Only used for INNER/OUTER faces
00797         S32 mBeginS;
00798         S32 mBeginT;
00799         S32 mNumS;
00800         S32 mNumT;
00802         LLVector3 mExtents[2]; //minimum and maximum point of face
00804         std::vector<VertexData> mVertices;
00805         std::vector<S32>        mIndices;
00806         std::vector<S32>        mEdge;
00807         LLVolume *mVolumep; // Deliberately NOT reference counted - djs 11/20/03 - otherwise would make an annoying circular reference
00809         // Shouldn't need num_old and num_new, really - djs
00810         static BOOL updateColors(LLColor4U *old_colors, const S32 num_old, const LLVolumeFace &old_face,
00811                                                          LLStrider<LLColor4U> &new_colors, const S32 num_new, const LLVolumeFace &new_face);
00813 protected:
00814         BOOL createUnCutCubeCap();
00815         BOOL createCap();
00816         BOOL createSide();
00817 };
00819 class LLVolume : public LLRefCount
00820 {
00821         friend class LLVolumeLODGroup;
00823 private:
00824         LLVolume(const LLVolume&);  // Don't implement
00825         ~LLVolume(); // use unref
00827 public:
00828         struct Point
00829         {
00830                 LLVector3 mPos;
00831         };
00833         struct FaceParams
00834         {
00835                 LLFaceID mFaceID;
00836                 S32 mBeginS;
00837                 S32 mCountS;
00838                 S32 mBeginT;
00839                 S32 mCountT;
00840         };
00842         LLVolume(const LLVolumeParams &params, const F32 detail, const BOOL generate_single_face = FALSE, const BOOL is_unique = FALSE);
00844         U8 getProfileType()     const                                                           { return mProfilep->mParams.getCurveType(); }
00845         U8 getPathType() const                                                                  { return mPathp->mParams.getCurveType(); }
00846         S32     getNumFaces() const                                                                     { return (S32)mProfilep->mFaces.size(); }
00847         S32 getNumVolumeFaces() const                                                   { return mNumVolumeFaces; }
00848         F32 getDetail() const                                                           { return mDetail; }
00849         const LLVolumeParams & getParams() const                                { return mParams; }
00850         LLVolumeParams getCopyOfParams() const                                  { return mParams; }
00851         const LLProfile& getProfile() const                                             { return *mProfilep; }
00852         LLPath& getPath() const                                                                 { return *mPathp; }
00853         const std::vector<Point>& getMesh() const                               { return mMesh; }
00854         const LLVector3& getMeshPt(const U32 i) const                   { return mMesh[i].mPos; }
00856         void setDirty() { mPathp->setDirty(); mProfilep->setDirty(); }
00858         void regen();
00860         BOOL isConvex() const;
00861         BOOL isCap(S32 face);
00862         BOOL isFlat(S32 face);
00863         BOOL isUnique() const                                                                   { return mUnique; }
00865         S32 getSculptLevel() const                              { return mSculptLevel; }
00867         S32 *getTriangleIndices(U32 &num_indices) const;
00868         void generateSilhouetteVertices(std::vector<LLVector3> &vertices, std::vector<LLVector3> &normals, std::vector<S32> &segments, const LLVector3& view_vec,
00869                                                                                           const LLMatrix4& mat,
00870                                                                                   const LLMatrix3& norm_mat);
00872         //get the face index of the face that intersects with the given line segment at the point 
00873         //closest to start.  Moves end to the point of intersection.  Returns -1 if no intersection.
00874         //Line segment must be in volume space.
00875         S32 lineSegmentIntersect(const LLVector3& start, LLVector3& end) const;
00877         // The following cleans up vertices and triangles,
00878         // getting rid of degenerate triangles and duplicate vertices,
00879         // and allocates new arrays with the clean data.
00880         static BOOL cleanupTriangleData( const S32 num_input_vertices,
00881                                                                 const std::vector<Point> &input_vertices,
00882                                                                 const S32 num_input_triangles,
00883                                                                 S32 *input_triangles,
00884                                                                 S32 &num_output_vertices,
00885                                                                 LLVector3 **output_vertices,
00886                                                                 S32 &num_output_triangles,
00887                                                                 S32 **output_triangles);
00888         LLFaceID generateFaceMask();
00890         BOOL isFaceMaskValid(LLFaceID face_mask);
00891         static S32 sNumMeshPoints;
00893         friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream &s, const LLVolume &volume);
00894         friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream &s, const LLVolume *volumep);              // HACK to bypass Windoze confusion over 
00895                                                                                                                                                                 // conversion if *(LLVolume*) to LLVolume&
00896         const LLVolumeFace &getVolumeFace(const S32 f) const {return mVolumeFaces[f];} // DO NOT DELETE VOLUME WHILE USING THIS REFERENCE, OR HOLD A POINTER TO THIS VOLUMEFACE
00898         U32                                     mFaceMask;                      // bit array of which faces exist in this volume
00899         LLVector3                       mLODScaleBias;          // vector for biasing LOD based on scale
00901         void sculpt(U16 sculpt_width, U16 sculpt_height, S8 sculpt_components, const U8* sculpt_data, S32 sculpt_level);
00903 protected:
00904         BOOL generate();
00905         void createVolumeFaces();
00907  protected:
00908         BOOL mUnique;
00909         F32 mDetail;
00910         S32 mSculptLevel;
00912         LLVolumeParams mParams;
00913         LLPath *mPathp;
00914         LLProfile *mProfilep;
00915         std::vector<Point> mMesh;
00917         BOOL mGenerateSingleFace;
00918         S32 mNumVolumeFaces;
00919         LLVolumeFace *mVolumeFaces;
00920 };
00922 std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream &s, const LLVolumeParams &volume_params);
00924 LLVector3 calc_binormal_from_triangle(
00925                 const LLVector3& pos0,
00926                 const LLVector2& tex0,
00927                 const LLVector3& pos1,
00928                 const LLVector2& tex1,
00929                 const LLVector3& pos2,
00930                 const LLVector2& tex2);
00932 #endif

Generated on Thu Jul 1 06:09:41 2010 for Second Life Viewer by  doxygen 1.4.7