
Go to the documentation of this file.
00032 // All immediate-mode gl drawing should happen here.
00034 #ifndef LL_LLUI_H
00035 #define LL_LLUI_H
00037 #include "llrect.h"
00038 #include "llcontrol.h"
00039 #include "llrect.h"
00040 #include "llcoord.h"
00041 #include "llhtmlhelp.h"
00042 #include "llgl.h"
00043 #include <stack>
00044 #include "llimagegl.h"
00046 // LLUIFactory
00047 #include "llsd.h"
00049 class LLColor4; 
00050 class LLVector3;
00051 class LLVector2;
00052 class LLUUID;
00053 class LLWindow;
00054 class LLView;
00055 class LLUIImage;
00057 // UI colors
00058 extern const LLColor4 UI_VERTEX_COLOR;
00059 void make_ui_sound(const LLString& name);
00061 BOOL ui_point_in_rect(S32 x, S32 y, S32 left, S32 top, S32 right, S32 bottom);
00062 void gl_state_for_2d(S32 width, S32 height);
00064 void gl_line_2d(S32 x1, S32 y1, S32 x2, S32 y2);
00065 void gl_line_2d(S32 x1, S32 y1, S32 x2, S32 y2, const LLColor4 &color );
00066 void gl_triangle_2d(S32 x1, S32 y1, S32 x2, S32 y2, S32 x3, S32 y3, const LLColor4& color, BOOL filled);
00067 void gl_rect_2d_simple( S32 width, S32 height );
00069 void gl_draw_x(const LLRect& rect, const LLColor4& color);
00071 void gl_rect_2d(S32 left, S32 top, S32 right, S32 bottom, BOOL filled = TRUE );
00072 void gl_rect_2d(S32 left, S32 top, S32 right, S32 bottom, const LLColor4 &color, BOOL filled = TRUE );
00073 void gl_rect_2d_offset_local( S32 left, S32 top, S32 right, S32 bottom, const LLColor4 &color, S32 pixel_offset = 0, BOOL filled = TRUE );
00074 void gl_rect_2d_offset_local( S32 left, S32 top, S32 right, S32 bottom, S32 pixel_offset = 0, BOOL filled = TRUE );
00075 void gl_rect_2d(const LLRect& rect, BOOL filled = TRUE );
00076 void gl_rect_2d(const LLRect& rect, const LLColor4& color, BOOL filled = TRUE );
00077 void gl_rect_2d_checkerboard(const LLRect& rect);
00079 void gl_drop_shadow(S32 left, S32 top, S32 right, S32 bottom, const LLColor4 &start_color, S32 lines);
00081 void gl_circle_2d(F32 x, F32 y, F32 radius, S32 steps, BOOL filled);
00082 void gl_arc_2d(F32 center_x, F32 center_y, F32 radius, S32 steps, BOOL filled, F32 start_angle, F32 end_angle);
00083 void gl_deep_circle( F32 radius, F32 depth );
00084 void gl_ring( F32 radius, F32 width, const LLColor4& center_color, const LLColor4& side_color, S32 steps, BOOL render_center );
00085 void gl_corners_2d(S32 left, S32 top, S32 right, S32 bottom, S32 length, F32 max_frac);
00086 void gl_washer_2d(F32 outer_radius, F32 inner_radius, S32 steps, const LLColor4& inner_color, const LLColor4& outer_color);
00087 void gl_washer_segment_2d(F32 outer_radius, F32 inner_radius, F32 start_radians, F32 end_radians, S32 steps, const LLColor4& inner_color, const LLColor4& outer_color);
00088 void gl_washer_spokes_2d(F32 outer_radius, F32 inner_radius, S32 count, const LLColor4& inner_color, const LLColor4& outer_color);
00090 void gl_draw_image(S32 x, S32 y, LLImageGL* image, const LLColor4& color = UI_VERTEX_COLOR, const LLRectf& uv_rect = LLRectf(0.f, 1.f, 1.f, 0.f));
00091 void gl_draw_scaled_image(S32 x, S32 y, S32 width, S32 height, LLImageGL* image, const LLColor4& color = UI_VERTEX_COLOR, const LLRectf& uv_rect = LLRectf(0.f, 1.f, 1.f, 0.f));
00092 void gl_draw_rotated_image(S32 x, S32 y, F32 degrees, LLImageGL* image, const LLColor4& color = UI_VERTEX_COLOR, const LLRectf& uv_rect = LLRectf(0.f, 1.f, 1.f, 0.f));
00093 void gl_draw_scaled_rotated_image(S32 x, S32 y, S32 width, S32 height, F32 degrees,LLImageGL* image, const LLColor4& color = UI_VERTEX_COLOR, const LLRectf& uv_rect = LLRectf(0.f, 1.f, 1.f, 0.f));
00094 void gl_draw_scaled_image_with_border(S32 x, S32 y, S32 border_width, S32 border_height, S32 width, S32 height, LLImageGL* image, const LLColor4 &color, BOOL solid_color = FALSE, const LLRectf& uv_rect = LLRectf(0.f, 1.f, 1.f, 0.f));
00095 void gl_draw_scaled_image_with_border(S32 x, S32 y, S32 width, S32 height, LLImageGL* image, const LLColor4 &color, BOOL solid_color = FALSE, const LLRectf& uv_rect = LLRectf(0.f, 1.f, 1.f, 0.f), const LLRectf& scale_rect = LLRectf(0.f, 1.f, 1.f, 0.f));
00096 // Flip vertical, used for LLFloaterHTML
00097 void gl_draw_scaled_image_inverted(S32 x, S32 y, S32 width, S32 height, LLImageGL* image, const LLColor4& color = UI_VERTEX_COLOR, const LLRectf& uv_rect = LLRectf(0.f, 1.f, 1.f, 0.f));
00099 void gl_rect_2d_xor(S32 left, S32 top, S32 right, S32 bottom);
00100 void gl_stippled_line_3d( const LLVector3& start, const LLVector3& end, const LLColor4& color, F32 phase = 0.f ); 
00102 void gl_rect_2d_simple_tex( S32 width, S32 height );
00104 // segmented rectangles
00106 /*
00107    TL |______TOP_________| TR 
00108      /|                  |\  
00109    _/_|__________________|_\_
00110    L| |    MIDDLE        | |R
00111    _|_|__________________|_|_
00112     \ |    BOTTOM        | /  
00113    BL\|__________________|/ BR
00114       |                  |    
00115 */
00117 typedef enum e_rounded_edge
00118 {
00119         ROUNDED_RECT_LEFT       = 0x1, 
00120         ROUNDED_RECT_TOP        = 0x2, 
00121         ROUNDED_RECT_RIGHT      = 0x4, 
00122         ROUNDED_RECT_BOTTOM     = 0x8,
00123         ROUNDED_RECT_ALL        = 0xf
00124 }ERoundedEdge;
00127 void gl_segmented_rect_2d_tex(const S32 left, const S32 top, const S32 right, const S32 bottom, const S32 texture_width, const S32 texture_height, const S32 border_size, const U32 edges = ROUNDED_RECT_ALL);
00128 void gl_segmented_rect_2d_fragment_tex(const S32 left, const S32 top, const S32 right, const S32 bottom, const S32 texture_width, const S32 texture_height, const S32 border_size, const F32 start_fragment, const F32 end_fragment, const U32 edges = ROUNDED_RECT_ALL);
00129 void gl_segmented_rect_3d_tex(const LLVector2& border_scale, const LLVector3& border_width, const LLVector3& border_height, const LLVector3& width_vec, const LLVector3& height_vec, U32 edges = ROUNDED_RECT_ALL);
00130 void gl_segmented_rect_3d_tex_top(const LLVector2& border_scale, const LLVector3& border_width, const LLVector3& border_height, const LLVector3& width_vec, const LLVector3& height_vec);
00132 inline void gl_rect_2d( const LLRect& rect, BOOL filled )
00133 {
00134         gl_rect_2d( rect.mLeft, rect.mTop, rect.mRight, rect.mBottom, filled );
00135 }
00137 inline void gl_rect_2d_offset_local( const LLRect& rect, S32 pixel_offset, BOOL filled)
00138 {
00139         gl_rect_2d_offset_local( rect.mLeft, rect.mTop, rect.mRight, rect.mBottom, pixel_offset, filled );
00140 }
00142 // No longer used
00143 // Initializes translation table
00144 // void init_tr();
00146 // Returns a string from the string table in the correct language
00147 // LLString tr(const LLString& english_chars);
00149 // Used to hide the flashing text cursor when window doesn't have focus.
00150 extern BOOL gShowTextEditCursor;
00152 class LLImageProviderInterface;
00154 typedef void (*LLUIAudioCallback)(const LLUUID& uuid);
00156 class LLUI
00157 {
00158 public:
00159         //
00160         // Methods
00161         //
00162         static void initClass(LLControlGroup* config, 
00163                                                   LLControlGroup* colors, 
00164                                                   LLImageProviderInterface* image_provider,
00165                                                   LLUIAudioCallback audio_callback = NULL,
00166                                                   const LLVector2 *scale_factor = NULL,
00167                                                   const LLString& language = LLString::null);
00168         static void cleanupClass();
00170         static void pushMatrix();
00171         static void popMatrix();
00172         static void loadIdentity();
00173         static void translate(F32 x, F32 y, F32 z = 0.0f);
00175         //helper functions (should probably move free standing rendering helper functions here)
00176         static LLString locateSkin(const LLString& filename);
00177         static void setCursorPositionScreen(S32 x, S32 y);
00178         static void setCursorPositionLocal(const LLView* viewp, S32 x, S32 y);
00179         static void setScaleFactor(const LLVector2& scale_factor);
00180         static void setLineWidth(F32 width);
00181         static LLUIImage* getUIImage(const LLString& name);
00182         static LLVector2 getWindowSize();
00183         static void screenPointToGL(S32 screen_x, S32 screen_y, S32 *gl_x, S32 *gl_y);
00184         static void glPointToScreen(S32 gl_x, S32 gl_y, S32 *screen_x, S32 *screen_y);
00185         static void screenRectToGL(const LLRect& screen, LLRect *gl);
00186         static void glRectToScreen(const LLRect& gl, LLRect *screen);
00187         static void setHtmlHelp(LLHtmlHelp* html_help);
00189         //
00190         // Data
00191         //
00192         static LLControlGroup* sConfigGroup;
00193         static LLControlGroup* sColorsGroup;
00194         static LLImageProviderInterface* sImageProvider;
00195         static LLUIAudioCallback sAudioCallback;
00196         static LLVector2                sGLScaleFactor;
00197         static LLWindow*                sWindow;
00198         static BOOL             sShowXUINames;
00199         static LLHtmlHelp*              sHtmlHelp;
00201         // *TODO: remove the following when QAR-369 settings clean-up work is in.
00202         // Also remove the call to this method which will then be obsolete.
00203         // Search for QAR-369 below to enable the proper accessing of this feature. -MG
00204         static void setQAMode(BOOL b);
00205         static BOOL sQAMode;
00207 };
00209 //      FactoryPolicy is a static class that controls the creation and lookup of UI elements, 
00210 //      such as floaters.
00211 //      The key parameter is used to provide a unique identifier and/or associated construction 
00212 //      parameters for a given UI instance
00213 //
00214 //      Specialize this traits for different types, or provide a class with an identical interface 
00215 //      in the place of the traits parameter
00216 //
00217 //      For example:
00218 //
00219 //      template <>
00220 //      class FactoryPolicy<MyClass> /* FactoryPolicy specialized for MyClass */
00221 //      {
00222 //      public:
00223 //              static MyClass* findInstance(const LLSD& key = LLSD())
00224 //              {
00225 //                      /* return instance of MyClass associated with key */
00226 //              }
00227 //      
00228 //              static MyClass* createInstance(const LLSD& key = LLSD())
00229 //              {
00230 //                      /* create new instance of MyClass using key for construction parameters */
00231 //              }
00232 //      }
00233 //      
00234 //      class MyClass : public LLUIFactory<MyClass>
00235 //      {
00236 //              /* uses FactoryPolicy<MyClass> by default */
00237 //      }
00239 template <class T>
00240 class FactoryPolicy
00241 {
00242 public:
00243         // basic factory methods
00244         static T* findInstance(const LLSD& key); // unimplemented, provide specialiation
00245         static T* createInstance(const LLSD& key); // unimplemented, provide specialiation
00246 };
00248 //      VisibilityPolicy controls the visibility of UI elements, such as floaters.
00249 //      The key parameter is used to store the unique identifier of a given UI instance
00250 //
00251 //      Specialize this traits for different types, or duplicate this interface for specific instances
00252 //      (see above)
00254 template <class T>
00255 class VisibilityPolicy
00256 {
00257 public:
00258         // visibility methods
00259         static bool visible(T* instance, const LLSD& key); // unimplemented, provide specialiation
00260         static void show(T* instance, const LLSD& key); // unimplemented, provide specialiation
00261         static void hide(T* instance, const LLSD& key); // unimplemented, provide specialiation
00262 };
00264 //      Manages generation of UI elements by LLSD, such that (generally) there is
00265 //      a unique instance per distinct LLSD parameter
00266 //      Class T is the instance type being managed, and the FACTORY_POLICY and VISIBILITY_POLICY 
00267 //      classes provide static methods for creating, accessing, showing and hiding the associated 
00268 //      element T
00269 template <class T, class FACTORY_POLICY = FactoryPolicy<T>, class VISIBILITY_POLICY = VisibilityPolicy<T> >
00270 class LLUIFactory
00271 {
00272 public:
00273         // give names to the template parameters so derived classes can refer to them
00274         // except this doesn't work in gcc
00275         typedef FACTORY_POLICY factory_policy_t;
00276         typedef VISIBILITY_POLICY visibility_policy_t;
00278         LLUIFactory()
00279         {
00280         }
00282         virtual ~LLUIFactory() 
00283         { 
00284         }
00286         // default show and hide methods
00287         static T* showInstance(const LLSD& key = LLSD()) 
00288         { 
00289                 T* instance = getInstance(key); 
00290                 if (instance != NULL)
00291                 {
00292                         VISIBILITY_POLICY::show(instance, key);
00293                 }
00294                 return instance;
00295         }
00297         static void hideInstance(const LLSD& key = LLSD()) 
00298         { 
00299                 T* instance = getInstance(key); 
00300                 if (instance != NULL)
00301                 {
00302                         VISIBILITY_POLICY::hide(instance, key);
00303                 }
00304         }
00306         static void toggleInstance(const LLSD& key = LLSD())
00307         {
00308                 if (instanceVisible(key))
00309                 {
00310                         hideInstance(key);
00311                 }
00312                 else
00313                 {
00314                         showInstance(key);
00315                 }
00316         }
00318         static bool instanceVisible(const LLSD& key = LLSD())
00319         {
00320                 T* instance = FACTORY_POLICY::findInstance(key);
00321                 return instance != NULL && VISIBILITY_POLICY::visible(instance, key);
00322         }
00324         static T* getInstance(const LLSD& key = LLSD()) 
00325         {
00326                 T* instance = FACTORY_POLICY::findInstance(key);
00327                 if (instance == NULL)
00328                 {
00329                         instance = FACTORY_POLICY::createInstance(key);
00330                 }
00331                 return instance;
00332         }
00334 };
00337 //      Creates a UI singleton by ignoring the identifying parameter
00338 //      and always generating the same instance via the LLUIFactory interface.
00339 //      Note that since UI elements can be destroyed by their hierarchy, this singleton
00340 //      pattern uses a static pointer to an instance that will be re-created as needed.
00341 //      
00342 //      Usage Pattern:
00343 //      
00344 //      class LLFloaterFoo : public LLFloater, public LLUISingleton<LLFloaterFoo>
00345 //      {
00346 //              friend class LLUISingleton<LLFloaterFoo>;
00347 //              private:
00348 //                      LLFloaterFoo(const LLSD& key);
00349 //      };
00350 //      
00351 //      Note that LLUISingleton takes an option VisibilityPolicy parameter that defines
00352 //      how showInstance(), hideInstance(), etc. work.
00353 // 
00354 //  https://wiki.lindenlab.com/mediawiki/index.php?title=LLUISingleton&oldid=79352
00356 template <class T, class VISIBILITY_POLICY = VisibilityPolicy<T> >
00357 class LLUISingleton: public LLUIFactory<T, LLUISingleton<T, VISIBILITY_POLICY>, VISIBILITY_POLICY>
00358 {
00359 protected:
00361         // T must derive from LLUISingleton<T>
00362         LLUISingleton() { sInstance = static_cast<T*>(this); }
00364         ~LLUISingleton() { sInstance = NULL; }
00366 public:
00367         static T* findInstance(const LLSD& key = LLSD())
00368         {
00369                 return sInstance;
00370         }
00372         static T* createInstance(const LLSD& key = LLSD())
00373         {
00374                 if (sInstance == NULL)
00375                 {
00376                         sInstance = new T(key);
00377                 }
00378                 return sInstance;
00379         }
00381 private:
00382         static T*       sInstance;
00383 };
00385 template <class T, class U> T* LLUISingleton<T,U>::sInstance = NULL;
00387 class LLScreenClipRect
00388 {
00389 public:
00390         LLScreenClipRect(const LLRect& rect, BOOL enabled = TRUE);
00391         virtual ~LLScreenClipRect();
00393 private:
00394         static void pushClipRect(const LLRect& rect);
00395         static void popClipRect();
00396         static void updateScissorRegion();
00398 private:
00399         LLGLState               mScissorState;
00400         BOOL                    mEnabled;
00402         static std::stack<LLRect> sClipRectStack;
00403 };
00405 class LLLocalClipRect : public LLScreenClipRect
00406 {
00407 public:
00408         LLLocalClipRect(const LLRect& rect, BOOL enabled = TRUE);
00409 };
00411 class LLUIImage : public LLRefCount
00412 {
00413 public:
00414         LLUIImage(const LLString& name, LLPointer<LLImageGL> image);
00416         void setClipRegion(const LLRectf& region);
00417         void setScaleRegion(const LLRectf& region);
00419         LLPointer<LLImageGL> getImage() { return mImage; }
00420         const LLPointer<LLImageGL>& getImage() const { return mImage; }
00422         void draw(S32 x, S32 y, S32 width, S32 height, const LLColor4& color = UI_VERTEX_COLOR) const;
00423         void draw(S32 x, S32 y, const LLColor4& color = UI_VERTEX_COLOR) const;
00424         void draw(const LLRect& rect, const LLColor4& color = UI_VERTEX_COLOR) const { draw(rect.mLeft, rect.mBottom, rect.getWidth(), rect.getHeight(), color); }
00426         void drawSolid(S32 x, S32 y, S32 width, S32 height, const LLColor4& color) const;
00427         void drawSolid(const LLRect& rect, const LLColor4& color) const { drawSolid(rect.mLeft, rect.mBottom, rect.getWidth(), rect.getHeight(), color); }
00428         void drawSolid(S32 x, S32 y, const LLColor4& color) const { drawSolid(x, y, mImage->getWidth(0), mImage->getHeight(0), color); }
00430         void drawBorder(S32 x, S32 y, S32 width, S32 height, const LLColor4& color, S32 border_width) const;
00431         void drawBorder(const LLRect& rect, const LLColor4& color, S32 border_width) const { drawBorder(rect.mLeft, rect.mBottom, rect.getWidth(), rect.getHeight(), color, border_width); }
00432         void drawBorder(S32 x, S32 y, const LLColor4& color, S32 border_width) const { drawBorder(x, y, mImage->getWidth(0), mImage->getHeight(0), color, border_width); }
00434         const LLString& getName() const { return mName; }
00436         S32 getWidth() const;
00437         S32 getHeight() const;
00439         // returns dimensions of underlying textures, which might not be equal to ui image portion
00440         S32 getTextureWidth() const;
00441         S32 getTextureHeight() const;
00443 protected:
00444         LLString                        mName;
00445         LLRectf                         mScaleRegion;
00446         LLRectf                         mClipRegion;
00447         LLPointer<LLImageGL> mImage;
00448         BOOL                            mUniformScaling;
00449         BOOL                            mNoClip;
00450 };
00452 typedef LLPointer<LLUIImage> LLUIImagePtr;
00454 template <typename T>
00455 class LLTombStone : public LLRefCount
00456 {
00457 public:
00458         LLTombStone(T* target = NULL) : mTarget(target) {}
00460         void setTarget(T* target) { mTarget = target; }
00461         T* getTarget() const { return mTarget; }
00462 private:
00463         T* mTarget;
00464 };
00466 //      LLHandles are used to refer to objects whose lifetime you do not control or influence.  
00467 //      Calling get() on a handle will return a pointer to the referenced object or NULL, 
00468 //      if the object no longer exists.  Note that during the lifetime of the returned pointer, 
00469 //      you are assuming that the object will not be deleted by any action you perform, 
00470 //      or any other thread, as normal when using pointers, so avoid using that pointer outside of
00471 //      the local code block.
00472 // 
00473 //  https://wiki.lindenlab.com/mediawiki/index.php?title=LLHandle&oldid=79669
00475 template <typename T>
00476 class LLHandle
00477 {
00478 public:
00479         LLHandle() : mTombStone(sDefaultTombStone) {}
00480         const LLHandle<T>& operator =(const LLHandle<T>& other)  
00481         { 
00482                 mTombStone = other.mTombStone;
00483                 return *this; 
00484         }
00486         bool isDead() const 
00487         { 
00488                 return mTombStone->getTarget() == NULL; 
00489         }
00491         void markDead() 
00492         { 
00493                 mTombStone = sDefaultTombStone; 
00494         }
00496         T* get() const
00497         {
00498                 return mTombStone->getTarget();
00499         }
00501         friend bool operator== (const LLHandle<T>& lhs, const LLHandle<T>& rhs)
00502         {
00503                 return lhs.mTombStone == rhs.mTombStone;
00504         }
00505         friend bool operator!= (const LLHandle<T>& lhs, const LLHandle<T>& rhs)
00506         {
00507                 return !(lhs == rhs);
00508         }
00509         friend bool     operator< (const LLHandle<T>& lhs, const LLHandle<T>& rhs)
00510         {
00511                 return lhs.mTombStone < rhs.mTombStone;
00512         }
00513         friend bool     operator> (const LLHandle<T>& lhs, const LLHandle<T>& rhs)
00514         {
00515                 return lhs.mTombStone > rhs.mTombStone;
00516         }
00517 protected:
00519 protected:
00520         LLPointer<LLTombStone<T> > mTombStone;
00522 private:
00523         static LLPointer<LLTombStone<T> > sDefaultTombStone;
00524 };
00526 // initialize static "empty" tombstone pointer
00527 template <typename T> LLPointer<LLTombStone<T> > LLHandle<T>::sDefaultTombStone = new LLTombStone<T>();
00530 template <typename T>
00531 class LLRootHandle : public LLHandle<T>
00532 {
00533 public:
00534         LLRootHandle(T* object) { bind(object); }
00535         LLRootHandle() {};
00536         ~LLRootHandle() { unbind(); }
00538         // this is redundant, since a LLRootHandle *is* an LLHandle
00539         LLHandle<T> getHandle() { return LLHandle<T>(*this); }
00541         void bind(T* object) 
00542         { 
00543                 // unbind existing tombstone
00544                 if (LLHandle<T>::mTombStone.notNull())
00545                 {
00546                         if (LLHandle<T>::mTombStone->getTarget() == object) return;
00547                         LLHandle<T>::mTombStone->setTarget(NULL);
00548                 }
00549                 // tombstone reference counted, so no paired delete
00550                 LLHandle<T>::mTombStone = new LLTombStone<T>(object);
00551         }
00553         void unbind() 
00554         {
00555                 LLHandle<T>::mTombStone->setTarget(NULL);
00556         }
00558         //don't allow copying of root handles, since there should only be one
00559 private:
00560         LLRootHandle(const LLRootHandle& other) {};
00561 };
00563 // Use this as a mixin for simple classes that need handles and when you don't
00564 // want handles at multiple points of the inheritance hierarchy
00565 template <typename T>
00566 class LLHandleProvider
00567 {
00568 protected:
00569         typedef LLHandle<T> handle_type_t;
00570         LLHandleProvider() 
00571         {
00572                 // provided here to enforce T deriving from LLHandleProvider<T>
00573         } 
00575         LLHandle<T> getHandle() 
00576         { 
00577                 // perform lazy binding to avoid small tombstone allocations for handle
00578                 // providers whose handles are never referenced
00579                 mHandle.bind(static_cast<T*>(this)); 
00580                 return mHandle; 
00581         }
00583 private:
00584         LLRootHandle<T> mHandle;
00585 };
00588 //RN: maybe this needs to moved elsewhere?
00589 class LLImageProviderInterface
00590 {
00591 public:
00592         LLImageProviderInterface() {};
00593         virtual ~LLImageProviderInterface() {};
00595         virtual LLUIImagePtr getUIImage(const LLString& name) = 0;
00596         virtual LLUIImagePtr getUIImageByID(const LLUUID& id) = 0;
00597         virtual void cleanUp() = 0;
00598 };
00600 #endif

Generated on Fri May 16 08:33:00 2008 for SecondLife by  doxygen 1.5.5