
Go to the documentation of this file.
00023 #include "llline.h"
00024 #include "llrand.h"
00026 const F32 SOME_SMALL_NUMBER = 1.0e-5f;
00027 const F32 SOME_VERY_SMALL_NUMBER = 1.0e-8f;
00029 LLLine::LLLine()
00030 :       mPoint(0.f, 0.f, 0.f),
00031         mDirection(1.f, 0.f, 0.f)
00032 { }
00034 LLLine::LLLine( const LLVector3& first_point, const LLVector3& second_point )
00035 {
00036         setPoints(first_point, second_point);
00037 }
00039 void LLLine::setPoints( const LLVector3& first_point, const LLVector3& second_point )
00040 {
00041         mPoint = first_point;
00042         mDirection = second_point - first_point;
00043         mDirection.normalize();
00044 }
00046 void LLLine::setPointDirection( const LLVector3& first_point, const LLVector3& second_point )
00047 {
00048         setPoints(first_point, first_point + second_point);
00049 }
00051 bool LLLine::intersects( const LLVector3& point, F32 radius ) const
00052 {
00053         LLVector3 other_direction = point - mPoint;
00054         LLVector3 nearest_point = mPoint + mDirection * (other_direction * mDirection);
00055         F32 nearest_approach = (nearest_point - point).length();
00056         return (nearest_approach <= radius);
00057 }
00059 // returns the point on this line that is closest to some_point
00060 LLVector3 LLLine::nearestApproach( const LLVector3& some_point ) const
00061 {
00062         return (mPoint + mDirection * ((some_point - mPoint) * mDirection));
00063 }
00065 // the accuracy of this method sucks when you give it two nearly
00066 // parallel lines, so you should probably check for parallelism
00067 // before you call this
00068 // 
00069 // returns the point on this line that is closest to other_line
00070 LLVector3 LLLine::nearestApproach( const LLLine& other_line ) const
00071 {
00072         LLVector3 between_points = other_line.mPoint - mPoint;
00073         F32 dir_dot_dir = mDirection * other_line.mDirection;
00074         F32 one_minus_dir_dot_dir = 1.0f - fabs(dir_dot_dir);
00075         if ( one_minus_dir_dot_dir < SOME_VERY_SMALL_NUMBER )
00076         {
00077 #ifdef LL_DEBUG
00078                 llwarns << "LLLine::nearestApproach() was given two very "
00079                         << "nearly parallel lines dir1 = " << mDirection 
00080                         << " dir2 = " << other_line.mDirection << " with 1-dot_product = " 
00081                         << one_minus_dir_dot_dir << llendl;
00082 #endif
00083                 // the lines are approximately parallel
00084                 // We shouldn't fall in here because this check should have been made
00085                 // BEFORE this function was called.  We dare not continue with the 
00086                 // computations for fear of division by zero, but we have to return 
00087                 // something so we return a bogus point -- caller beware.
00088                 return 0.5f * (mPoint + other_line.mPoint);
00089         }
00091         F32 odir_dot_bp = other_line.mDirection * between_points;
00093         F32 numerator = 0;
00094         F32 denominator = 0;
00095         for (S32 i=0; i<3; i++)
00096         {
00097                 F32 factor = dir_dot_dir * other_line.mDirection.mV[i] - mDirection.mV[i];
00098                 numerator += ( between_points.mV[i] - odir_dot_bp * other_line.mDirection.mV[i] ) * factor;
00099                 denominator -= factor * factor;
00100         }
00102         F32 length_to_nearest_approach = numerator / denominator;
00104         return mPoint + length_to_nearest_approach * mDirection;
00105 }
00107 std::ostream& operator<<( std::ostream& output_stream, const LLLine& line )
00108 {
00109         output_stream << "{point=" << line.mPoint << "," << "dir=" << line.mDirection << "}";
00110         return output_stream;
00111 }
00114 F32 ALMOST_PARALLEL = 0.99f;
00115 F32 TOO_SMALL_FOR_DIVISION = 0.0001f;
00117 // returns 'true' if this line intersects the plane
00118 // on success stores the intersection point in 'result'
00119 bool LLLine::intersectsPlane( LLVector3& result, const LLLine& plane ) const
00120 {
00121         // p = P + l * d     equation for a line
00122         // 
00123         // N * p = D         equation for a point
00124         //
00125         // N * (P + l * d) = D
00126         // N*P + l * (N*d) = D
00127         // l * (N*d) = D - N*P
00128         // l =  ( D - N*P ) / ( N*d )
00129         //
00131         F32 dot = plane.mDirection * mDirection;
00132         if (fabs(dot) < TOO_SMALL_FOR_DIVISION)
00133         {
00134                 return false;
00135         }
00137         F32 plane_dot = plane.mDirection * plane.mPoint;
00138         F32 length = ( plane_dot - (plane.mDirection * mPoint) ) / dot;
00139         result = mPoint + length * mDirection;
00140         return true;
00141 }
00143 //static 
00144 // returns 'true' if planes intersect, and stores the result 
00145 // the second and third arguments are treated as planes
00146 // where mPoint is on the plane and mDirection is the normal
00147 // result.mPoint will be the intersection line's closest approach 
00148 // to first_plane.mPoint
00149 bool LLLine::getIntersectionBetweenTwoPlanes( LLLine& result, const LLLine& first_plane, const LLLine& second_plane )
00150 {
00151         // TODO -- if we ever get some generic matrix solving code in our libs
00152         // then we should just use that, since this problem is really just
00153         // linear algebra.
00155         F32 dot = fabs(first_plane.mDirection * second_plane.mDirection);
00156         if (dot > ALMOST_PARALLEL)
00157         {
00158                 // the planes are nearly parallel
00159                 return false;
00160         }
00162         LLVector3 direction = first_plane.mDirection % second_plane.mDirection;
00163         direction.normalize();
00165         LLVector3 first_intersection;
00166         {
00167                 LLLine intersection_line(first_plane);
00168                 intersection_line.mDirection = direction % first_plane.mDirection;
00169                 intersection_line.mDirection.normalize();
00170                 intersection_line.intersectsPlane(first_intersection, second_plane);
00171         }
00173         /*
00174         LLVector3 second_intersection;
00175         {
00176                 LLLine intersection_line(second_plane);
00177                 intersection_line.mDirection = direction % second_plane.mDirection;
00178                 intersection_line.mDirection.normalize();
00179                 intersection_line.intersectsPlane(second_intersection, first_plane);
00180         }
00181         */
00183         result.mPoint = first_intersection;
00184         result.mDirection = direction;
00186         return true;
00187 }

Generated on Fri May 16 08:32:14 2008 for SecondLife by  doxygen 1.5.5