
Go to the documentation of this file.
00032 #include "linden_common.h"
00034 #include "llboost.h"
00036 #include "llalertdialog.h"
00037 #include "llfontgl.h"
00038 #include "llresmgr.h"
00039 #include "lltextbox.h"
00040 #include "llbutton.h"
00041 #include "llcheckboxctrl.h"
00042 #include "llkeyboard.h"
00043 #include "llfocusmgr.h"
00044 #include "llui.h"
00045 #include "llxmlnode.h"
00046 #include "lllineeditor.h"
00047 #include "lluictrlfactory.h"
00050 const S32 MAX_ALLOWED_MSG_WIDTH = 400;
00051 const F32 DEFAULT_BUTTON_DELAY = 0.5f;
00052 const S32 MSG_PAD = 8;
00054 /*static*/ LLAlertDialog::template_map_t LLAlertDialog::sAlertTemplates;
00055 /*static*/ LLAlertDialog::template_map_t LLAlertDialog::sIgnorableTemplates;
00056 /*static*/ LLControlGroup* LLAlertDialog::sSettings = NULL;
00057 /*static*/ std::map<LLString,LLAlertDialog*> LLAlertDialog::sUniqueActiveMap;
00058 /*static*/ LLAlertDialog::display_callback_t LLAlertDialog::sDisplayCallback;
00059 /*static*/ LLString LLAlertDialog::sStringSkipNextTime("Skip this dialog next time");
00060 /*static*/ LLString LLAlertDialog::sStringAlwaysChoose("Always choose this option");
00062 //static
00063 LLAlertDialog* LLAlertDialog::createXml( const LLString& xml_desc,
00064                                                                                  alert_callback_t callback, void *user_data)
00065 {
00066         LLString::format_map_t args;
00067         return createXml(xml_desc, args, callback, user_data);
00068 }
00070 //static
00071 LLAlertDialog* LLAlertDialog::createXml( const LLString& xml_desc, const LLString::format_map_t& args,
00072                                                                                  alert_callback_t callback, void *user_data)
00073 {
00074         template_map_t::iterator iter = sAlertTemplates.find(xml_desc);
00075         if (iter != sAlertTemplates.end())
00076         {
00077                 LLAlertDialogTemplate* xml_template = iter->second;
00078                 // deletes itself
00079                 llwarns << "Alert: [" << xml_desc << "] " << llendl;
00080                 LLAlertDialog* dialog = new LLAlertDialog( xml_template, args, callback, user_data);
00081                 return dialog;
00082         }
00083         else
00084         {
00085                 LLString::format_map_t args;
00086                 args["[ALERT_NAME]"] = xml_desc;
00087                 llwarns << "Missing Alert: [" << xml_desc << "]" << llendl;
00088                 LLAlertDialog* dialogp = LLAlertDialog::showXml("MissingAlert", args);
00089                 if (dialogp == NULL)
00090                 {
00091                         llerrs << "Bad or missing alerts.xml!" << llendl;
00092                 }
00093                 return NULL;
00094         }
00095 }
00097 //static
00098 LLAlertDialog* LLAlertDialog::showXml( const LLString& xml_desc,
00099                                                          alert_callback_t callback, void *user_data)
00100 {
00101         LLString::format_map_t args;
00102         return showXml(xml_desc, args, callback, user_data);
00103 }
00105 //static
00106 LLAlertDialog* LLAlertDialog::showXml( const LLString& xml_desc, const LLString::format_map_t& args,
00107                                                          alert_callback_t callback, void *user_data)
00108 {
00109         LLAlertDialog* dialog = createXml(xml_desc, args, callback, user_data);
00110         return dialog && dialog->show() ? dialog : NULL;
00111 }
00113 //static
00114 LLAlertDialog* LLAlertDialog::showCritical( const LLString& desc, alert_callback_t callback, void *user_data)
00115 {
00116         LLAlertDialogTemplate xml_template;
00117         LLString::format_map_t args;
00118         xml_template.mTitle = "Critical Error";
00119         xml_template.mMessage = desc;
00120         xml_template.mModal = TRUE;
00121         xml_template.mOptions.push_back("Quit");
00122         LLAlertDialog* dialog = new LLAlertDialog( &xml_template, args, callback, user_data);
00123         return dialog && dialog->show() ? dialog : NULL;
00124 }
00126 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
00127 // Private methods
00129 static const S32 VPAD = 16;
00130 static const S32 HPAD = 25;
00131 static const S32 BTN_HPAD = 8;
00132 static const LLFONT_ID font_name = LLFONT_SANSSERIF;
00134 LLAlertDialog::LLAlertDialog( const LLAlertDialogTemplate* xml_template,
00135                                                           const LLString::format_map_t& args,
00136                                                           alert_callback_t callback, void *user_data)
00137         :       LLModalDialog( xml_template->mTitle, 100, 100, xml_template->mModal ),  // dummy size.  Will reshape below.
00138                 mCallback( callback ),
00139                 mUserData( user_data ),
00140                 mNumOptions( 0 ),
00141                 mDefaultOption( 0 ),
00142                 mOptionChosen( -1 ),
00143                 mCheck(NULL),
00144                 mUnique(xml_template->mUnique),
00145                 mIgnorable(xml_template->mIgnorable),
00146                 mLabel(xml_template->mLabel),
00147                 mIgnoreLabel(xml_template->mIgnoreLabel),
00148                 mButtonData(NULL),
00149                 mLineEditor(NULL),
00150                 mTextCallback(NULL)
00151 {
00152         createDialog(&(xml_template->mOptions), xml_template->mDefaultOption,
00153                                  xml_template->mMessage, args,
00154                                  xml_template->mEditLineText);
00155         setTitle(xml_template->mTitle);
00156         if (xml_template->mIgnorable)
00157         {
00158                 if (xml_template->mIgnorable == IGNORE_USE_DEFAULT)
00159                 {
00160                         setCheckBox(sStringSkipNextTime, xml_template->mIgnoreLabel);
00161                 }
00162                 else // xml_template->mIgnorable == IGNORE_USE_SAVED
00163                 {
00164                         setCheckBox(sStringAlwaysChoose, xml_template->mIgnoreLabel);
00165                 }
00166         }
00167 }
00169 // All logic for deciding not to show an alert is done here,
00170 // so that the alert is valid until show() is called.
00171 bool LLAlertDialog::show()
00172 {
00173         // If mModal, check to see if we are not displaying alerts,
00174         //   and do any application logic before showing modal alerts
00175         if (sDisplayCallback)
00176         {
00177                 bool show = sDisplayCallback(mModal);
00178                 if (show == false)
00179                 {
00180                         mOptionChosen = mDefaultOption;
00181                         llinfos << "Alert: " << mLabel << llendl;
00182                         delete this;
00183                         return false;
00184                 }
00185         }
00187         // Check to see if the user wants to ignore this alert
00188         if (mIgnorable > 0)
00189         {
00190                 BOOL warn = sSettings->getWarning(mIgnoreLabel);
00191                 if (!warn)
00192                 {
00193                         switch(mIgnorable)
00194                         {
00195                         case IGNORE_USE_DEFAULT:
00196                                 mOptionChosen = mDefaultOption;
00197                                 break;
00198                         case IGNORE_USE_SAVED:
00199                                 mOptionChosen = sSettings->getS32("Default" + mIgnoreLabel);
00200                                 break;
00201                         case IGNORE_SHOW_AGAIN:
00202                                 break;
00203                         }
00204                         delete this;
00205                         return false;
00206                 }
00207         }
00209         // Check to see if we are already displaying the alert
00210         if (mUnique)
00211         {
00212                 std::map<LLString,LLAlertDialog*>::iterator iter = sUniqueActiveMap.find(mLabel);
00213                 if (iter != sUniqueActiveMap.end())
00214                 {
00215                         gFloaterView->bringToFront(iter->second);
00216                         mUnique = FALSE; // don't remove entry from map on destruction
00217                         delete this;
00218                         return false;
00219                 }
00220                 sUniqueActiveMap[mLabel] = this;
00221         }
00222         startModal();
00223         gFloaterView->adjustToFitScreen(this, FALSE);
00224         open(); /* Flawfinder: ignore */
00225         setFocus(TRUE);
00226         if (mLineEditor)
00227         {
00228                 mLineEditor->setFocus(TRUE);
00229                 mLineEditor->selectAll();
00230         }
00231         if(mDefaultOption >= 0)
00232         {
00233                 // delay before enabling default button
00234                 mDefaultBtnTimer.start();
00235                 mDefaultBtnTimer.setTimerExpirySec(DEFAULT_BUTTON_DELAY);
00236         }
00237         return true;
00238 }
00240 //static
00241 void LLAlertDialog::format(LLString& msg, const LLString::format_map_t& args)
00242 {
00243         // XUI:translate!
00244         LLString::format_map_t targs = args;
00245         targs["[SECOND_LIFE]"] = "Second Life";
00246         LLString::format(msg, targs);
00247 }
00249 void LLAlertDialog::createDialog(const std::vector<LLString>* optionsp, S32 default_option,
00250                                                                  const LLString& msg_in, const LLString::format_map_t& args,
00251                                                                  const LLString& edit_text)
00252 {
00253         setBackgroundVisible(TRUE);
00254         setBackgroundOpaque(TRUE);
00256         const LLFontGL* font = gResMgr->getRes( font_name );
00257         const S32 LINE_HEIGHT = llfloor(font->getLineHeight() + 0.99f);
00258         const S32 EDITOR_HEIGHT = 20;
00260         // Buttons
00261         std::vector<LLString> default_option_list;
00262         mNumOptions = optionsp->size();
00263         if( 0 == mNumOptions )
00264         {
00265                 default_option_list.push_back("Close");
00266                 optionsp = &default_option_list;
00267                 default_option = 0;
00268                 mNumOptions = 1;
00269         }
00271         const std::vector<LLString>& options = *optionsp;
00272         mButtonData = new ButtonData[mNumOptions];
00274         // Calc total width of buttons
00275         S32 button_width = 0;
00276         S32 sp = font->getWidth("OO");
00277         for( S32 i = 0; i < mNumOptions; i++ )
00278         {
00279                 S32 w = S32(font->getWidth( options[i] ) + 0.99f) + sp + 2 * LLBUTTON_H_PAD;
00280                 button_width = llmax( w, button_width );
00281         }
00282         S32 btn_total_width = button_width;
00283         if( mNumOptions > 1 )
00284         {
00285                 btn_total_width = (mNumOptions * button_width) + ((mNumOptions - 1) * BTN_HPAD);
00286         }
00288         // Message: create text box using raw string, as text has been structure deliberately
00289         // Use size of created text box to generate dialog box size
00290         LLString msg = msg_in;
00291         LLAlertDialog::format( msg, args );              
00292         llwarns << "Alert: " << msg << llendl;
00293         LLTextBox* msg_box = new LLTextBox( "Alert message", msg, (F32)MAX_ALLOWED_MSG_WIDTH, font );
00295         const LLRect& text_rect = msg_box->getRect();
00296         S32 dialog_width = llmax( btn_total_width, text_rect.getWidth() ) + 2 * HPAD;
00297         S32 dialog_height = text_rect.getHeight() + 3 * VPAD + BTN_HEIGHT;
00299         if (hasTitleBar())
00300         {
00301                 dialog_height += LINE_HEIGHT; // room for title bar
00302         }
00304         if (edit_text.size() > 0)
00305         {
00306                 dialog_width = llmax(dialog_width, S32(font->getWidth( edit_text ) + 0.99f));
00307                 dialog_height += EDITOR_HEIGHT;
00308         }
00310         reshape( dialog_width, dialog_height, FALSE );
00312         S32 msg_y = mRect.getHeight() - VPAD;
00313         if (hasTitleBar())
00314         {
00315                 msg_y -= LINE_HEIGHT; // room for title
00316         }
00318         LLRect rect;
00319         rect.setLeftTopAndSize( HPAD, msg_y, text_rect.getWidth(), text_rect.getHeight() );
00320         msg_box->setRect( rect );
00321         msg_box->setColor( LLUI::sColorsGroup->getColor( "LabelTextColor" ) );
00322         addChild(msg_box);
00324         // Buttons      
00325         S32 button_left = (mRect.getWidth() - btn_total_width) / 2;
00327         for( S32 i = 0; i < mNumOptions; i++ )
00328         {
00329                 LLRect button_rect;
00330                 button_rect.setOriginAndSize( button_left, VPAD, button_width, BTN_HEIGHT );
00332                 LLButton* btn = new LLButton(
00333                         "btn", button_rect,
00334                         "","", "", 
00335                         &LLAlertDialog::onButtonPressed, (void*)(&mButtonData[i]),
00336                         font,
00337                         options[i], 
00338                         options[i]);
00340                 mButtonData[i].mSelf = this;
00341                 mButtonData[i].mButton = btn;
00342                 mButtonData[i].mOption = i;
00344                 addChild(btn);
00346                 if( i == default_option )
00347                 {
00348                         btn->setFocus(TRUE);
00349                 }
00351                 button_left += button_width + BTN_HPAD;
00352         }
00354         // (Optional) Edit Box  
00355         if (edit_text.size() > 0)
00356         {
00357                 S32 y = VPAD + BTN_HEIGHT + VPAD/2;
00358                 mLineEditor = new LLLineEditor("lineeditor",
00359                         LLRect( HPAD, y+EDITOR_HEIGHT, dialog_width-HPAD, y),
00360                         edit_text,
00361                         LLFontGL::sSansSerif,
00362                         STD_STRING_STR_LEN);
00363                 addChild(mLineEditor);
00364         }
00365 }
00367 bool LLAlertDialog::setCheckBox( const LLString& check_title, const LLString& check_control )
00368 {
00369         const LLFontGL* font = gResMgr->getRes( font_name );
00370         const S32 LINE_HEIGHT = llfloor(font->getLineHeight() + 0.99f);
00372         // Extend dialog for "check next time"
00373         S32 max_msg_width = mRect.getWidth() - 2 * HPAD;                
00374         S32 check_width = S32(font->getWidth(check_title) + 0.99f) + 16;
00375         max_msg_width = llmax(max_msg_width, check_width);
00376         S32 dialog_width = max_msg_width + 2 * HPAD;
00378         S32 dialog_height = mRect.getHeight();
00379         dialog_height += LINE_HEIGHT;
00380         dialog_height += LINE_HEIGHT / 2;
00382         reshape( dialog_width, dialog_height, FALSE );
00384         S32 msg_x = (mRect.getWidth() - max_msg_width) / 2;
00386         LLRect check_rect;
00387         check_rect.setOriginAndSize(msg_x, VPAD+BTN_HEIGHT+LINE_HEIGHT/2, 
00388                                                                 max_msg_width, LINE_HEIGHT);
00390         mCheck = new LLCheckboxCtrl("check", check_rect, check_title, font);
00391         addChild(mCheck);
00393         // mCheck is sometimes "show again" and sometimes "hide" :-(
00394         // If it's "Show Again", and we showed it, it must be checked. JC
00395         if (mIgnorable == IGNORE_SHOW_AGAIN)
00396         {
00397                 mCheck->setValue(TRUE);
00398         }
00400         return true;
00401 }
00403 void LLAlertDialog::setVisible( BOOL visible )
00404 {
00405         LLModalDialog::setVisible( visible );
00407         if( visible )
00408         {
00409                 centerOnScreen();
00410                 make_ui_sound("UISndAlert");
00411         }
00412 }
00414 LLAlertDialog::~LLAlertDialog()
00415 {
00416         if (mOptionChosen >= 0)
00417         {
00418                 if (mTextCallback && mLineEditor)
00419                 {
00420                         mTextCallback(mOptionChosen, mLineEditor->getText(), mUserData);
00421                 }
00422                 else if (mCallback)
00423                 {
00424                         mCallback(mOptionChosen, mUserData);
00425                 }
00427                 // Only change warn state if we actually warned.
00428                 if (mCheck
00429                         && sSettings->getWarning(mIgnoreLabel))
00430                 {
00431                         // mCheck sometimes means "hide and do the default" and
00432                         // other times means "warn me again".  Yuck. JC
00433                         BOOL check = mCheck->getValue();
00434                         switch(mIgnorable)
00435                         {
00436                         case IGNORE_USE_DEFAULT:
00437                                 sSettings->setWarning(mIgnoreLabel, !check);
00438                                 break;
00439                         case IGNORE_USE_SAVED:
00440                                 sSettings->setWarning(mIgnoreLabel, !check);
00441                                 sSettings->setS32("Default" + mIgnoreLabel, mOptionChosen);
00442                                 break;
00443                         case IGNORE_SHOW_AGAIN:
00444                                 sSettings->setWarning(mIgnoreLabel, check);
00445                                 break;
00446                         default:
00447                                 break;
00448                         }
00449                 }
00450         }
00451         delete[] mButtonData;
00452         if (mUnique)
00453         {
00454                 sUniqueActiveMap.erase(mLabel);
00455         }
00456 }
00458 BOOL LLAlertDialog::hasTitleBar() const
00459 {
00460         return (getTitle() != "" && getTitle() != " ")  // has title
00461                         || isMinimizeable()
00462                         || isCloseable();
00463 }
00465 BOOL LLAlertDialog::handleKeyHere(KEY key, MASK mask, BOOL called_from_parent )
00466 {
00467         if( KEY_RETURN == key && mask == MASK_NONE )
00468         {
00469                 // Warning: handleKeyHere may result in the default button
00470                 // being committed, which will destroy this object.
00471                 // Everything works, but the call stack will pass through 
00472                 // the very end of functions that belong to deleted objects.
00473                 // Should find a less fragile way to do this.
00474                 LLModalDialog::handleKeyHere( key, mask , called_from_parent );
00475                 return TRUE;
00476         }
00477         else if (KEY_RIGHT == key)
00478         {
00479                 focusNextItem(FALSE);
00480                 return TRUE;
00481         }
00482         else if (KEY_LEFT == key)
00483         {
00484                 focusPrevItem(FALSE);
00485                 return TRUE;
00486         }
00487         else if (KEY_TAB == key && mask == MASK_NONE)
00488         {
00489                 focusNextItem(FALSE);
00490                 return TRUE;
00491         }
00492         else if (KEY_TAB == key && mask == MASK_SHIFT)
00493         {
00494                 focusPrevItem(FALSE);
00495                 return TRUE;
00496         }
00497         else
00498         {
00499                 return LLModalDialog::handleKeyHere( key, mask , called_from_parent );
00500         }
00501 }
00503 // virtual
00504 void LLAlertDialog::draw()
00505 {
00506         // if the default button timer has just expired, activate the default button
00507         if(mDefaultBtnTimer.hasExpired() && mDefaultBtnTimer.getStarted())
00508         {
00509                 mDefaultBtnTimer.stop();  // prevent this block from being run more than once
00510                 setDefaultBtn(mButtonData[mDefaultOption].mButton);
00511         }
00512         if (getVisible())
00513         {
00514                 LLColor4 shadow_color = LLUI::sColorsGroup->getColor("ColorDropShadow");
00515                 S32 shadow_lines = LLUI::sConfigGroup->getS32("DropShadowFloater");
00517                 gl_drop_shadow( 0, mRect.getHeight(), mRect.getWidth(), 0,
00518                         shadow_color, shadow_lines);
00520                 LLModalDialog::draw();
00521         }
00522 }
00524 void LLAlertDialog::setOptionEnabled( S32 option, BOOL enable )
00525 {
00526         if( (option >= 0) && (option < mNumOptions) )
00527         {
00528                 mButtonData[option].mButton->setEnabled( enable );
00529         }
00530 }
00532 void LLAlertDialog::setEditTextCallback(alert_text_callback_t callback, void *user_data)
00533 {
00534         if (mLineEditor)
00535         {
00536                 mTextCallback = callback;
00537                 mUserData = user_data;
00538         }
00539         else
00540         {
00541                 llwarns << "LLAlertDialog::setEditTextCallback called on dialog with no line editor" << llendl;
00542         }
00543 }
00545 void LLAlertDialog::setEditTextArgs(const LLString::format_map_t& edit_args)
00546 {
00547         if (mLineEditor)
00548         {
00549                 LLString msg = mLineEditor->getText();
00550                 LLAlertDialog::format(msg, edit_args);
00551                 mLineEditor->setText(msg);
00552         }
00553         else
00554         {
00555                 llwarns << "LLAlertDialog::setEditTextArgs called on dialog with no line editor" << llendl;
00556         }
00557 }
00559 void LLAlertDialog::setDrawAsterixes(BOOL enable)
00560 {
00561         if (mLineEditor)
00562         {
00563                 if (enable)
00564                 {
00565                         mLineEditor->clear();
00566                 }
00567                 mLineEditor->setDrawAsterixes(enable);
00568         }
00569 }
00571 // static 
00572 void LLAlertDialog::onButtonPressed( void* userdata )
00573 {
00574         ButtonData* button_data = (ButtonData*)userdata;
00575         LLAlertDialog* self = button_data->mSelf;
00577         self->mOptionChosen = button_data->mOption;
00578         self->close(); // deletes self
00579 }
00581 //=============================================================================
00583 //static
00584 const LLString& LLAlertDialog::getTemplateMessage(const LLString& xml_desc)
00585 {
00586         template_map_t::iterator iter = sAlertTemplates.find(xml_desc);
00587         if (iter != sAlertTemplates.end())
00588         {
00589                 return iter->second->mMessage;
00590         }
00591         else
00592         {
00593                 return xml_desc;
00594         }
00595 }
00597 //static
00598 bool LLAlertDialog::parseAlerts(const LLString& xml_filename, LLControlGroup* settings, BOOL settings_only)
00599 {
00600         LLXMLNodePtr root;
00601         BOOL success  = LLUICtrlFactory::getLayeredXMLNode(xml_filename, root);
00603         if (!success || root.isNull() || !root->hasName( "alerts" ))
00604         {
00605                 llerrs << "Problem reading UI Alerts file: " << xml_filename << llendl;
00606                 return false;
00607         }
00609         BOOL add_settings = FALSE;
00610         if (settings)
00611         {
00612                 sSettings = settings;
00613                 add_settings = TRUE;
00614         }
00615         llassert(sSettings);
00617         for (LLXMLNode* alert = root->getFirstChild();
00618                  alert != NULL; alert = alert->getNextSibling())
00619         {
00620                 if (alert->hasName("global"))
00621                 {
00622                         LLString global_name;
00623                         if (alert->getAttributeString("name", global_name))
00624                         {
00625                                 if (global_name == "skipnexttime")
00626                                 {
00627                                         sStringSkipNextTime = alert->getTextContents();
00628                                 }
00629                                 else if (global_name == "alwayschoose")
00630                                 {
00631                                         sStringAlwaysChoose = alert->getTextContents();
00632                                 }
00633                         }
00634                         continue;
00635                 }
00637                 if (!alert->hasName("alert"))
00638                 {
00639                         continue;
00640                 }
00642                 LLAlertDialogTemplate* xml_template = settings_only ? NULL : new LLAlertDialogTemplate;
00644                 // name=
00645                 LLString alert_name;
00646                 if (alert->getAttributeString("name", alert_name))
00647                 {
00648                         if (xml_template)
00649                         {
00650                                 xml_template->mLabel = alert_name;
00651                         }
00652                 }
00653                 else
00654                 {
00655                         llwarns << "Unable to parse alert with no name" << llendl;
00656                         delete xml_template;
00657                         continue;
00658                 }
00659                 // title=
00660                 LLString title;
00661                 if (alert->getAttributeString("title", title))
00662                 {
00663                         if (xml_template)
00664                         {
00665                                 xml_template->mTitle = title;
00666                         }
00667                 }
00668                 // modal=
00669                 BOOL modal;
00670                 if (alert->getAttributeBOOL("modal", modal))
00671                 {
00672                         if (xml_template)
00673                         {
00674                                 xml_template->mModal = modal;
00675                         }
00676                 }
00677                 // unique=
00678                 BOOL unique;
00679                 if (alert->getAttributeBOOL("unique", unique))
00680                 {
00681                         if (xml_template)
00682                         {
00683                                 xml_template->mUnique = unique;
00684                         }
00685                 }
00687                 S32 default_option = 0;
00688                 BOOL nodefault;
00689                 if (alert->getAttributeBOOL("nodefault", nodefault))
00690                 {
00691                         if (nodefault)
00692                         {
00693                                 if (xml_template)
00694                                 {
00695                                         xml_template->mDefaultOption = -1;
00696                                 }
00697                                 default_option = -1;
00698                         }
00699                 }
00701                 S32 btn_idx = 0;
00702                 for (LLXMLNode* child = alert->getFirstChild();
00703                          child != NULL; child = child->getNextSibling())
00704                 {
00705                         // <message>
00706                         if (child->hasName("message"))
00707                         {
00708                                 if (xml_template)
00709                                 {
00710                                         xml_template->mMessage = child->getTextContents();
00711                                 }
00712                         }
00714                         // <option>
00715                         if (child->hasName("option"))
00716                         {
00717                                 LLString label = child->getTextContents();
00718                                 BOOL is_default = FALSE;
00719                                 child->getAttributeBOOL("default", is_default);
00720                                 LLString ignore_text;
00721                                 if (!child->getAttributeString("ignore", ignore_text))
00722                                 {
00723                                         ignore_text = label;
00724                                 }
00725                                 if (xml_template)
00726                                 {
00727                                         xml_template->addOption(label, ignore_text, is_default);
00728                                 }
00729                                 if (is_default)
00730                                 {
00731                                         default_option = btn_idx;
00732                                 }
00733                                 btn_idx++;
00734                         }
00736                         // <editline>
00737                         if (child->hasName("editline"))
00738                         {
00739                                 if (xml_template)
00740                                 {
00741                                         xml_template->mEditLineText = child->getTextContents();
00742                                         if (xml_template->mEditLineText.empty())
00743                                         {
00744                                                 xml_template->mEditLineText = " ";
00745                                         }
00746                                 }
00747                         }
00749                         // <ignore>
00750                         if (child->hasName("ignore"))
00751                         {
00752                                 LLString ignore_text = child->getTextContents();
00753                                 // label=
00754                                 LLString name;
00755                                 child->getAttributeString("name", name);
00757                                 //always set to alert_name for the sake of i18n
00758                                 //if (name.empty())
00759                                 name = alert_name;
00761                                 if (xml_template)
00762                                 {
00763                                         xml_template->mIgnorable = LLAlertDialog::IGNORE_USE_DEFAULT;
00764                                         xml_template->mIgnoreListText = ignore_text;
00765                                         xml_template->mIgnoreLabel = name;
00766                                 }
00767                                 if (!ignore_text.empty())
00768                                 {
00769                                         if (add_settings)
00770                                         {
00771                                                 settings->addWarning(name);
00772                                         }
00773                                         if (xml_template)
00774                                         {
00775                                                 sIgnorableTemplates[name] = xml_template; // will override any previous entry
00776                                         }
00777                                 }
00778                                 // save_option=
00779                                 BOOL save_option = FALSE;
00780                                 child->getAttributeBOOL("save_option", save_option);
00781                                 if (save_option)
00782                                 {
00783                                         if (xml_template)
00784                                         {
00785                                                 xml_template->mIgnorable = LLAlertDialog::IGNORE_USE_SAVED;
00786                                         }
00787                                         if (add_settings)
00788                                         {
00789                                                 settings->declareS32("Default" + name, default_option, "Default option number for this alert dialog");
00790                                         }
00791                                 }
00792                         }
00793                 }
00794                 if (xml_template)
00795                 {
00796                         xml_template->mDefaultOption = default_option;
00797                         sAlertTemplates[xml_template->mLabel] = xml_template;
00798                 }
00799         }
00800         return true;
00801 }

Generated on Thu Jul 1 06:08:18 2010 for Second Life Viewer by  doxygen 1.4.7