
Go to the documentation of this file.
00032 #ifndef LL_V4COLORU_H
00033 #define LL_V4COLORU_H
00035 #include "llerror.h"
00036 //#include "vmath.h"
00037 #include "llmath.h"
00038 //#include "v4color.h"
00040 #include "v3color.h"
00041 #include "v4color.h"
00043 //class LLColor3U;
00044 class LLColor4;
00046 //  LLColor4U = | red green blue alpha |
00048 static const U32 LENGTHOFCOLOR4U = 4;
00051 class LLColor4U
00052 {
00053 public:
00055         union
00056         {
00057                 U8         mV[LENGTHOFCOLOR4U];
00058                 U32        mAll;
00059                 LLColor4*  mSources;
00060                 LLColor4U* mSourcesU;
00061         };
00064         LLColor4U();                                            // Initializes LLColor4U to (0, 0, 0, 1)
00065         LLColor4U(U8 r, U8 g, U8 b);            // Initializes LLColor4U to (r, g, b, 1)
00066         LLColor4U(U8 r, U8 g, U8 b, U8 a);              // Initializes LLColor4U to (r. g, b, a)
00067         LLColor4U(const U8 *vec);                       // Initializes LLColor4U to (vec[0]. vec[1], vec[2], 1)
00068         LLColor4U(const LLSD& sd)
00069         {
00070                 setValue(sd);
00071         }
00073         void setValue(const LLSD& sd)
00074         {
00075                 mV[0] = sd[0].asInteger();
00076                 mV[1] = sd[1].asInteger();
00077                 mV[2] = sd[2].asInteger();
00078                 mV[3] = sd[3].asInteger();
00079         }
00081         const LLColor4U& operator=(const LLSD& sd)
00082         {
00083                 setValue(sd);
00084                 return *this;
00085         }
00087         LLSD getValue() const
00088         {
00089                 LLSD ret;
00090                 ret[0] = mV[0];
00091                 ret[1] = mV[1];
00092                 ret[2] = mV[2];
00093                 ret[3] = mV[3];
00094                 return ret;
00095         }
00097         const LLColor4U&        setToBlack();                                           // zero LLColor4U to (0, 0, 0, 1)
00098         const LLColor4U&        setToWhite();                                           // zero LLColor4U to (0, 0, 0, 1)
00100         const LLColor4U&        setVec(U8 r, U8 g, U8 b, U8 a); // Sets LLColor4U to (r, g, b, a)
00101         const LLColor4U&        setVec(U8 r, U8 g, U8 b);       // Sets LLColor4U to (r, g, b) (no change in a)
00102         const LLColor4U&        setVec(const LLColor4U &vec);   // Sets LLColor4U to vec
00103         const LLColor4U&        setVec(const U8 *vec);                  // Sets LLColor4U to vec
00105         const LLColor4U&    setAlpha(U8 a);
00107         F32                     magVec() const;                         // Returns magnitude of LLColor4U
00108         F32                     magVecSquared() const;          // Returns magnitude squared of LLColor4U
00110         friend std::ostream&     operator<<(std::ostream& s, const LLColor4U &a);               // Print a
00111         friend LLColor4U operator+(const LLColor4U &a, const LLColor4U &b);     // Return vector a + b
00112         friend LLColor4U operator-(const LLColor4U &a, const LLColor4U &b);     // Return vector a minus b
00113         friend LLColor4U operator*(const LLColor4U &a, const LLColor4U &b);     // Return a * b
00114         friend bool operator==(const LLColor4U &a, const LLColor4U &b);         // Return a == b
00115         friend bool operator!=(const LLColor4U &a, const LLColor4U &b);         // Return a != b
00117         friend const LLColor4U& operator+=(LLColor4U &a, const LLColor4U &b);   // Return vector a + b
00118         friend const LLColor4U& operator-=(LLColor4U &a, const LLColor4U &b);   // Return vector a minus b
00119         friend const LLColor4U& operator*=(LLColor4U &a, U8 k);                         // Return rgb times scaler k (no alpha change)
00120         friend const LLColor4U& operator%=(LLColor4U &a, U8 k);                         // Return alpha times scaler k (no rgb change)
00122         LLColor4U addClampMax(const LLColor4U &color);                                          // Add and clamp the max
00124         LLColor4U multAll(const F32 k);                                                                         // Multiply ALL channels by scalar k
00125         const LLColor4U& combine();
00127         inline void setVecScaleClamp(const LLColor3 &color);
00128         inline void setVecScaleClamp(const LLColor4 &color);
00130         static BOOL parseColor4U(const char* buf, LLColor4U* value);
00132         static LLColor4U white;
00133         static LLColor4U black;
00134         static LLColor4U red;
00135         static LLColor4U green;
00136         static LLColor4U blue;
00137 };
00140 // Non-member functions 
00141 F32             distVec(const LLColor4U &a, const LLColor4U &b);                        // Returns distance between a and b
00142 F32             distVec_squared(const LLColor4U &a, const LLColor4U &b);        // Returns distance squared between a and b
00145 inline LLColor4U::LLColor4U()
00146 {
00147         mV[VX] = 0;
00148         mV[VY] = 0;
00149         mV[VZ] = 0;
00150         mV[VW] = 255;
00151 }
00153 inline LLColor4U::LLColor4U(U8 r, U8 g, U8 b)
00154 {
00155         mV[VX] = r;
00156         mV[VY] = g;
00157         mV[VZ] = b;
00158         mV[VW] = 255;
00159 }
00161 inline LLColor4U::LLColor4U(U8 r, U8 g, U8 b, U8 a)
00162 {
00163         mV[VX] = r;
00164         mV[VY] = g;
00165         mV[VZ] = b;
00166         mV[VW] = a;
00167 }
00169 inline LLColor4U::LLColor4U(const U8 *vec)
00170 {
00171         mV[VX] = vec[VX];
00172         mV[VY] = vec[VY];
00173         mV[VZ] = vec[VZ];
00174         mV[VW] = vec[VW];
00175 }
00177 /*
00178 inline LLColor4U::operator LLColor4()
00179 {
00180         return(LLColor4((F32)mV[VRED]/255.f,(F32)mV[VGREEN]/255.f,(F32)mV[VBLUE]/255.f,(F32)mV[VALPHA]/255.f));
00181 }
00182 */
00184 inline const LLColor4U& LLColor4U::setToBlack(void)
00185 {
00186         mV[VX] = 0;
00187         mV[VY] = 0;
00188         mV[VZ] = 0;
00189         mV[VW] = 255;
00190         return (*this);
00191 }
00193 inline const LLColor4U& LLColor4U::setToWhite(void)
00194 {
00195         mV[VX] = 255;
00196         mV[VY] = 255;
00197         mV[VZ] = 255;
00198         mV[VW] = 255;
00199         return (*this);
00200 }
00202 inline const LLColor4U& LLColor4U::setVec(const U8 x, const U8 y, const U8 z)
00203 {
00204         mV[VX] = x;
00205         mV[VY] = y;
00206         mV[VZ] = z;
00208 //  no change to alpha!
00209 //      mV[VW] = 255;  
00211         return (*this);
00212 }
00214 inline const LLColor4U& LLColor4U::setVec(const U8 r, const U8 g, const U8 b, U8 a)
00215 {
00216         mV[0] = r;
00217         mV[1] = g;
00218         mV[2] = b;
00219         mV[3] = a;  
00220         return (*this);
00221 }
00223 inline const LLColor4U& LLColor4U::setVec(const LLColor4U &vec)
00224 {
00225         mV[VX] = vec.mV[VX];
00226         mV[VY] = vec.mV[VY];
00227         mV[VZ] = vec.mV[VZ];
00228         mV[VW] = vec.mV[VW];
00229         return (*this);
00230 }
00232 /*
00233 inline const LLColor4U& LLColor4U::setVec(const LLColor4 &vec)
00234 {
00235         mV[VX] = (U8) (llmin(1.f, vec.mV[VX]) * 255.f);
00236         mV[VY] = (U8) (llmin(1.f, vec.mV[VY]) * 255.f);
00237         mV[VZ] = (U8) (llmin(1.f, vec.mV[VZ]) * 255.f);
00238         mV[VW] = (U8) (llmin(1.f, vec.mV[VW]) * 255.f);
00239         return (*this);
00240 }
00241 */
00243 inline const LLColor4U& LLColor4U::setVec(const U8 *vec)
00244 {
00245         mV[VX] = vec[VX];
00246         mV[VY] = vec[VY];
00247         mV[VZ] = vec[VZ];
00248         mV[VW] = vec[VW];
00249         return (*this);
00250 }
00252 inline const LLColor4U& LLColor4U::setAlpha(U8 a)
00253 {
00254         mV[VW] = a;
00255         return (*this);
00256 }
00258 // LLColor4U Magnitude and Normalization Functions
00259 // bookmark
00261 inline F32              LLColor4U::magVec(void) const
00262 {
00263         return fsqrtf( ((F32)mV[VX]) * mV[VX] + ((F32)mV[VY]) * mV[VY] + ((F32)mV[VZ]) * mV[VZ] );
00264 }
00266 inline F32              LLColor4U::magVecSquared(void) const
00267 {
00268         return ((F32)mV[VX]) * mV[VX] + ((F32)mV[VY]) * mV[VY] + ((F32)mV[VZ]) * mV[VZ];
00269 }
00271 inline LLColor4U operator+(const LLColor4U &a, const LLColor4U &b)
00272 {
00273         return LLColor4U(
00274                 a.mV[VX] + b.mV[VX],
00275                 a.mV[VY] + b.mV[VY],
00276                 a.mV[VZ] + b.mV[VZ],
00277                 a.mV[VW] + b.mV[VW]);
00278 }
00280 inline LLColor4U operator-(const LLColor4U &a, const LLColor4U &b)
00281 {
00282         return LLColor4U(
00283                 a.mV[VX] - b.mV[VX],
00284                 a.mV[VY] - b.mV[VY],
00285                 a.mV[VZ] - b.mV[VZ],
00286                 a.mV[VW] - b.mV[VW]);
00287 }
00289 inline LLColor4U  operator*(const LLColor4U &a, const LLColor4U &b)
00290 {
00291         return LLColor4U(
00292                 a.mV[VX] * b.mV[VX],
00293                 a.mV[VY] * b.mV[VY],
00294                 a.mV[VZ] * b.mV[VZ],
00295                 a.mV[VW] * b.mV[VW]);
00296 }
00298 inline LLColor4U LLColor4U::addClampMax(const LLColor4U &color)
00299 {
00300         return LLColor4U(llmin((S32)mV[VX] + color.mV[VX], 255),
00301                                         llmin((S32)mV[VY] + color.mV[VY], 255),
00302                                         llmin((S32)mV[VZ] + color.mV[VZ], 255),
00303                                         llmin((S32)mV[VW] + color.mV[VW], 255));
00304 }
00306 inline LLColor4U LLColor4U::multAll(const F32 k)
00307 {
00308         // Round to nearest
00309         return LLColor4U(
00310                 (U8)llround(mV[VX] * k),
00311                 (U8)llround(mV[VY] * k),
00312                 (U8)llround(mV[VZ] * k),
00313                 (U8)llround(mV[VW] * k));
00314 }
00315 /*
00316 inline LLColor4U operator*(const LLColor4U &a, U8 k)
00317 {       
00318         // only affects rgb (not a!)
00319         return LLColor4U(
00320                 a.mV[VX] * k,
00321                 a.mV[VY] * k,
00322                 a.mV[VZ] * k,
00323                 a.mV[VW]);
00324 }
00326 inline LLColor4U operator*(U8 k, const LLColor4U &a)
00327 {
00328         // only affects rgb (not a!)
00329         return LLColor4U(
00330                 a.mV[VX] * k,
00331                 a.mV[VY] * k,
00332                 a.mV[VZ] * k,
00333                 a.mV[VW]);
00334 }
00336 inline LLColor4U operator%(U8 k, const LLColor4U &a)
00337 {
00338         // only affects alpha (not rgb!)
00339         return LLColor4U(
00340                 a.mV[VX],
00341                 a.mV[VY],
00342                 a.mV[VZ],
00343                 a.mV[VW] * k );
00344 }
00346 inline LLColor4U operator%(const LLColor4U &a, U8 k)
00347 {
00348         // only affects alpha (not rgb!)
00349         return LLColor4U(
00350                 a.mV[VX],
00351                 a.mV[VY],
00352                 a.mV[VZ],
00353                 a.mV[VW] * k );
00354 }
00355 */
00357 inline bool operator==(const LLColor4U &a, const LLColor4U &b)
00358 {
00359         return (  (a.mV[VX] == b.mV[VX])
00360                         &&(a.mV[VY] == b.mV[VY])
00361                         &&(a.mV[VZ] == b.mV[VZ])
00362                         &&(a.mV[VW] == b.mV[VW]));
00363 }
00365 inline bool operator!=(const LLColor4U &a, const LLColor4U &b)
00366 {
00367         return (  (a.mV[VX] != b.mV[VX])
00368                         ||(a.mV[VY] != b.mV[VY])
00369                         ||(a.mV[VZ] != b.mV[VZ])
00370                         ||(a.mV[VW] != b.mV[VW]));
00371 }
00373 inline const LLColor4U& operator+=(LLColor4U &a, const LLColor4U &b)
00374 {
00375         a.mV[VX] += b.mV[VX];
00376         a.mV[VY] += b.mV[VY];
00377         a.mV[VZ] += b.mV[VZ];
00378         a.mV[VW] += b.mV[VW];
00379         return a;
00380 }
00382 inline const LLColor4U& operator-=(LLColor4U &a, const LLColor4U &b)
00383 {
00384         a.mV[VX] -= b.mV[VX];
00385         a.mV[VY] -= b.mV[VY];
00386         a.mV[VZ] -= b.mV[VZ];
00387         a.mV[VW] -= b.mV[VW];
00388         return a;
00389 }
00391 inline const LLColor4U& operator*=(LLColor4U &a, U8 k)
00392 {
00393         // only affects rgb (not a!)
00394         a.mV[VX] *= k;
00395         a.mV[VY] *= k;
00396         a.mV[VZ] *= k;
00397         return a;
00398 }
00400 inline const LLColor4U& operator%=(LLColor4U &a, U8 k)
00401 {
00402         // only affects alpha (not rgb!)
00403         a.mV[VW] *= k;
00404         return a;
00405 }
00407 inline F32              distVec(const LLColor4U &a, const LLColor4U &b)
00408 {
00409         LLColor4U vec = a - b;
00410         return (vec.magVec());
00411 }
00413 inline F32              distVec_squared(const LLColor4U &a, const LLColor4U &b)
00414 {
00415         LLColor4U vec = a - b;
00416         return (vec.magVecSquared());
00417 }
00419 void LLColor4U::setVecScaleClamp(const LLColor4& color)
00420 {
00421         F32 color_scale_factor = 255.f;
00422         F32 max_color = llmax(color.mV[0], color.mV[1], color.mV[2]);
00423         if (max_color > 1.f)
00424         {
00425                 color_scale_factor /= max_color;
00426         }
00427         const S32 MAX_COLOR = 255;
00428         S32 r = llround(color.mV[0] * color_scale_factor);
00429         if (r > MAX_COLOR)
00430         {
00431                 r = MAX_COLOR;
00432         }
00433         else if (r < 0)
00434         {
00435                 r = 0;
00436         }
00437         mV[0] = r;
00439         S32 g = llround(color.mV[1] * color_scale_factor);
00440         if (g > MAX_COLOR)
00441         {
00442                 g = MAX_COLOR;
00443         }
00444         else if (g < 0)
00445         {
00446                 g = 0;
00447         }
00448         mV[1] = g;
00450         S32 b = llround(color.mV[2] * color_scale_factor);
00451         if (b > MAX_COLOR)
00452         {
00453                 b = MAX_COLOR;
00454         }
00455         else if (b < 0)
00456         {
00457                 b = 0;
00458         }
00459         mV[2] = b;
00461         // Alpha shouldn't be scaled, just clamped...
00462         S32 a = llround(color.mV[3] * MAX_COLOR);
00463         if (a > MAX_COLOR)
00464         {
00465                 a = MAX_COLOR;
00466         }
00467         else if (a < 0)
00468         {
00469                 a = 0;
00470         }
00471         mV[3] = a;
00472 }
00474 void LLColor4U::setVecScaleClamp(const LLColor3& color)
00475 {
00476         F32 color_scale_factor = 255.f;
00477         F32 max_color = llmax(color.mV[0], color.mV[1], color.mV[2]);
00478         if (max_color > 1.f)
00479         {
00480                 color_scale_factor /= max_color;
00481         }
00483         const S32 MAX_COLOR = 255;
00484         S32 r = llround(color.mV[0] * color_scale_factor);
00485         if (r > MAX_COLOR)
00486         {
00487                 r = MAX_COLOR;
00488         }
00489         else
00490         if (r < 0)
00491         {
00492                 r = 0;
00493         }
00494         mV[0] = r;
00496         S32 g = llround(color.mV[1] * color_scale_factor);
00497         if (g > MAX_COLOR)
00498         {
00499                 g = MAX_COLOR;
00500         }
00501         else
00502         if (g < 0)
00503         {
00504                 g = 0;
00505         }
00506         mV[1] = g;
00508         S32 b = llround(color.mV[2] * color_scale_factor);
00509         if (b > MAX_COLOR)
00510         {
00511                 b = MAX_COLOR;
00512         }
00513         if (b < 0)
00514         {
00515                 b = 0;
00516         }
00517         mV[2] = b;
00519         mV[3] = 255;
00520 }
00523 #endif

Generated on Thu Jul 1 06:10:01 2010 for Second Life Viewer by  doxygen 1.4.7