
Go to the documentation of this file.
00035 #include "linden_common.h"
00036 #include "llfile.h"
00037 #include "llstring.h"
00038 #include "llerror.h"
00040 using namespace std;
00042 // static
00043 int     LLFile::mkdir(const     char* dirname, int perms)
00044 {
00045 #if LL_WINDOWS  
00046         // permissions are ignored on Windows
00047         std::string utf8dirname = dirname;
00048         llutf16string utf16dirname = utf8str_to_utf16str(utf8dirname);
00049         return _wmkdir(utf16dirname.c_str());
00050 #else
00051         return ::mkdir(dirname, (mode_t)perms);
00052 #endif
00053 }
00055 // static
00056 int     LLFile::rmdir(const     char* dirname)
00057 {
00058 #if LL_WINDOWS  
00059         // permissions are ignored on Windows
00060         std::string utf8dirname = dirname;
00061         llutf16string utf16dirname = utf8str_to_utf16str(utf8dirname);
00062         return _wrmdir(utf16dirname.c_str());
00063 #else
00064         return ::rmdir(dirname);
00065 #endif
00066 }
00068 // static
00069 LLFILE* LLFile::fopen(const     char* filename, const char* mode)       /* Flawfinder: ignore */
00070 {
00071 #if     LL_WINDOWS
00072         std::string utf8filename = filename;
00073         std::string utf8mode = mode;
00074         llutf16string utf16filename = utf8str_to_utf16str(utf8filename);
00075         llutf16string utf16mode = utf8str_to_utf16str(utf8mode);
00076         return _wfopen(utf16filename.c_str(),utf16mode.c_str());
00077 #else
00078         return ::fopen(filename,mode);  /* Flawfinder: ignore */
00079 #endif
00080 }
00082 LLFILE* LLFile::_fsopen(const char* filename, const char* mode, int sharingFlag)
00083 {
00084 #if     LL_WINDOWS
00085         std::string utf8filename = filename;
00086         std::string utf8mode = mode;
00087         llutf16string utf16filename = utf8str_to_utf16str(utf8filename);
00088         llutf16string utf16mode = utf8str_to_utf16str(utf8mode);
00089         return _wfsopen(utf16filename.c_str(),utf16mode.c_str(),sharingFlag);
00090 #else
00091         llassert(0);//No corresponding function on non-windows
00092         return NULL;
00093 #endif
00094 }
00096 int     LLFile::remove(const char* filename)
00097 {
00098 #if     LL_WINDOWS
00099         std::string utf8filename = filename;
00100         llutf16string utf16filename = utf8str_to_utf16str(utf8filename);
00101         return _wremove(utf16filename.c_str());
00102 #else
00103         return ::remove(filename);
00104 #endif
00105 }
00107 int     LLFile::rename(const char* filename, const char* newname)
00108 {
00109 #if     LL_WINDOWS
00110         std::string utf8filename = filename;
00111         std::string utf8newname = newname;
00112         llutf16string utf16filename = utf8str_to_utf16str(utf8filename);
00113         llutf16string utf16newname = utf8str_to_utf16str(utf8newname);
00114         return _wrename(utf16filename.c_str(),utf16newname.c_str());
00115 #else
00116         return ::rename(filename,newname);
00117 #endif
00118 }
00120 int     LLFile::stat(const char* filename, llstat* filestatus)
00121 {
00122 #if LL_WINDOWS
00123         std::string utf8filename = filename;
00124         llutf16string utf16filename = utf8str_to_utf16str(utf8filename);
00125         return _wstat(utf16filename.c_str(),filestatus);
00126 #else
00127         return ::stat(filename,filestatus);
00128 #endif
00129 }
00132 /***************** Modified file stream created to overcome the incorrect behaviour of posix fopen in windows *******************/
00136 LLFILE *        LLFile::_Fiopen(const char *filename, std::ios::openmode mode,int)      // protection currently unused
00137 {       // open a file
00138         static const char *mods[] =
00139         {       // fopen mode strings corresponding to valid[i]
00140         "r", "w", "w", "a", "rb", "wb", "wb", "ab",
00141         "r+", "w+", "a+", "r+b", "w+b", "a+b",
00142         0};
00143         static const int valid[] =
00144         {       // valid combinations of open flags
00145                 ios_base::in,
00146                 ios_base::out,
00147                 ios_base::out | ios_base::trunc,
00148                 ios_base::out | ios_base::app,
00149                 ios_base::in | ios_base::binary,
00150                 ios_base::out | ios_base::binary,
00151                 ios_base::out | ios_base::trunc | ios_base::binary,
00152                 ios_base::out | ios_base::app | ios_base::binary,
00153                 ios_base::in | ios_base::out,
00154                 ios_base::in | ios_base::out | ios_base::trunc,
00155                 ios_base::in | ios_base::out | ios_base::app,
00156                 ios_base::in | ios_base::out | ios_base::binary,
00157                 ios_base::in | ios_base::out | ios_base::trunc
00158                         | ios_base::binary,
00159                 ios_base::in | ios_base::out | ios_base::app
00160                         | ios_base::binary,
00161         0};
00163         FILE *fp = 0;
00164         int n;
00165         ios_base::openmode atendflag = mode & ios_base::ate;
00166         ios_base::openmode norepflag = mode & ios_base::_Noreplace;
00168         if (mode & ios_base::_Nocreate)
00169                 mode |= ios_base::in;   // file must exist
00170         mode &= ~(ios_base::ate | ios_base::_Nocreate | ios_base::_Noreplace);
00171         for (n = 0; valid[n] != 0 && valid[n] != mode; ++n)
00172                 ;       // look for a valid mode
00174         if (valid[n] == 0)
00175                 return (0);     // no valid mode
00176         else if (norepflag && mode & (ios_base::out || ios_base::app)
00177                 && (fp = LLFile::fopen(filename, "r")) != 0)    /* Flawfinder: ignore */
00178                 {       // file must not exist, close and fail
00179                 fclose(fp);
00180                 return (0);
00181                 }
00182         else if (fp != 0 && fclose(fp) != 0)
00183                 return (0);     // can't close after test open
00184 // should open with protection here, if other than default
00185         else if ((fp = LLFile::fopen(filename, mods[n])) == 0)  /* Flawfinder: ignore */
00186                 return (0);     // open failed
00188         if (!atendflag || fseek(fp, 0, SEEK_END) == 0)
00189                 return (fp);    // no need to seek to end, or seek succeeded
00191         fclose(fp);     // can't position at end
00192         return (0);
00193 }
00195 /************** input file stream ********************************/
00197 void llifstream::close()
00198 {       // close the C stream
00199         if (_Filebuffer && _Filebuffer->close() == 0)
00200         {
00201                 _Myios::setstate(ios_base::failbit);    /*Flawfinder: ignore*/
00202         }
00203 }
00205 void llifstream::open(const char* _Filename,    /* Flawfinder: ignore */
00206         ios_base::openmode _Mode,
00207         int _Prot)
00208 {       // open a C stream with specified mode
00210         FILE* filep = LLFile::_Fiopen(_Filename,_Mode | ios_base::in, _Prot);
00211         if(filep == NULL)
00212         {
00213                 _Myios::setstate(ios_base::failbit);    /*Flawfinder: ignore*/
00214                 return;
00215         }
00216         llassert(_Filebuffer == NULL);
00217         _Filebuffer = new _Myfb(filep);
00218         _ShouldClose = true;
00219         _Myios::init(_Filebuffer);
00220 }
00222 bool llifstream::is_open() const
00223 {       // test if C stream has been opened
00224         if(_Filebuffer)
00225                 return (_Filebuffer->is_open());
00226         return false;
00227 }
00228 llifstream::~llifstream()
00229 {       
00230         if (_ShouldClose)
00231         {
00232                 close();
00233         }
00234         delete _Filebuffer;
00235 }
00237 llifstream::llifstream(const char *_Filename,
00238         ios_base::openmode _Mode,
00239         int _Prot)
00240         : std::basic_istream< char , std::char_traits< char > >(NULL,true),_Filebuffer(NULL),_ShouldClose(false)
00242 {       // construct with named file and specified mode
00243         open(_Filename, _Mode | ios_base::in, _Prot);   /* Flawfinder: ignore */
00244 }
00247 /************** output file stream ********************************/
00249 bool llofstream::is_open() const
00250 {       // test if C stream has been opened
00251         if(_Filebuffer)
00252                 return (_Filebuffer->is_open());
00253         return false;
00254 }
00256 void llofstream::open(const char* _Filename,    /* Flawfinder: ignore */
00257         ios_base::openmode _Mode,
00258         int _Prot)      
00259 {       // open a C stream with specified mode
00261         FILE* filep = LLFile::_Fiopen(_Filename,_Mode | ios_base::out, _Prot);
00262         if(filep == NULL)
00263         {
00264                 _Myios::setstate(ios_base::failbit);    /*Flawfinder: ignore*/
00265                 return;
00266         }
00267         llassert(_Filebuffer==NULL);
00268         _Filebuffer = new _Myfb(filep);
00269         _Myios::init(_Filebuffer);
00270 }
00272 void llofstream::close()
00273 {       // close the C stream
00274         llassert(_Filebuffer);
00275         if (_Filebuffer->close() == 0)
00276                 _Myios::setstate(ios_base::failbit);    /*Flawfinder: ignore*/
00277 }
00279 llofstream::llofstream(const char *_Filename,
00280         std::ios_base::openmode _Mode,
00281         int _Prot) 
00282                 : std::basic_ostream<char,std::char_traits < char > >(NULL,true),_Filebuffer(NULL)
00283 {       // construct with named file and specified mode
00284         open(_Filename, _Mode , _Prot); /* Flawfinder: ignore */
00285 }
00287 llofstream::~llofstream()
00288 {       // destroy the object
00289         delete _Filebuffer;
00290 }
00292 #endif // #if USE_LLFILESTREAMS

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