Files | |
file | bitpack.h [code] |
Convert data to packed bit stream. | |
file | ctype_workaround.h [code] |
The workaround is to create some legacy symbols that point to the correct symbols, which avoids link errors. | |
file | doublelinkedlist.h [code] |
Provides a standard doubly linked list for fun and profit. | |
file | imageids.h [code] |
Temporary holder for image IDs. | |
file | indra_constants.h [code] |
some useful short term constants for Indra | |
file | linden_common.h [code] |
Includes common headers that are always safe to include. | |
file | linked_lists.h [code] |
LLLinkedList class header amd implementation file. | |
file | llagentconstants.h [code] |
Shared constants through the system for agents. | |
file | llapp.cpp [code] |
Implementation of the LLApp class. | |
file | llapp.h [code] |
Declaration of the LLApp class. | |
file | llapr.cpp [code] |
Helper functions for using the apache portable runtime library. | |
file | llapr.h [code] |
Helper functions for using the apache portable runtime library. | |
file | llassettype.cpp [code] |
Implementatino of LLAssetType functionality. | |
file | llassettype.h [code] |
Declaration of LLAssetType. | |
file | llassoclist.h [code] |
LLAssocList class header file. | |
file | llavatarconstants.h [code] |
some useful short term constants for Indra | |
file | llbase32.cpp [code] |
base32 encoding that returns a std::string | |
file | llbase32.h [code] |
base32 encoding that returns a std::string | |
file | llbase64.cpp [code] |
Wrapper for apr base64 encoding that returns a std::string. | |
file | llbase64.h [code] |
Wrapper for apr base64 encoding that returns a std::string. | |
file | llboost.h [code] |
helper object & functions for use with boost | |
file | llchat.h [code] |
Chat constants and data structures. | |
file | llclickaction.h [code] |
Constants for single-click actions on objects. | |
file | llcommon.cpp [code] |
file | llcommon.h [code] |
file | llcriticaldamp.cpp [code] |
Implementation of the critical damping functionality. | |
file | llcriticaldamp.h [code] |
A lightweight class that calculates critical damping constants once per frame. | |
file | lldarray.h [code] |
Wrapped std::vector for backward compatibility. | |
file | lldarrayptr.h [code] |
Wrapped std::vector for backward compatibility. | |
file | lldate.cpp [code] |
Implementation of the date class. | |
file | lldate.h [code] |
Declaration of a simple date class. | |
file | lldefs.h [code] |
Various generic constant definitions. | |
file | lldepthstack.h [code] |
Declaration of the LLDepthStack class. | |
file | lldlinked.h [code] |
Declaration of the LLDLinked class. | |
file | lldqueueptr.h [code] |
LLDynamicQueuePtr declaration. | |
file | llendianswizzle.h [code] |
Functions for in-place bit swizzling. | |
file | llenum.h [code] |
Utility class for storing enum value <-> string lookup. | |
file | llerror.cpp [code] |
error message system | |
file | llerror.h [code] |
error message system | |
file | llerrorcontrol.h [code] |
error message system control | |
file | llerrorlegacy.h [code] |
old things from the older error system | |
file | llerrorthread.cpp [code] |
file | llerrorthread.h [code] |
Specialized thread to handle runtime errors. | |
file | llevent.cpp [code] |
LLEvent and LLEventListener base classes. | |
file | llevent.h [code] |
LLEvent and LLEventListener base classes. | |
file | lleventemitter.h [code] |
General event emitter class. | |
file | llextendedstatus.h [code] |
extended status codes for curl/vfs/resident asset storage and delivery | |
file | llfasttimer.cpp [code] |
Implementation of the fast timer. | |
file | llfasttimer.h [code] |
Declaration of a fast timer. | |
file | llfile.cpp [code] |
Implementation of cross-platform POSIX file buffer and c++ stream classes. | |
file | llfile.h [code] |
Declaration of cross-platform POSIX file buffer and c++ stream classes. | |
file | llfixedbuffer.cpp [code] |
file | llfixedbuffer.h [code] |
A fixed size buffer of lines. | |
file | llformat.cpp [code] |
string formatting utility | |
file | llformat.h [code] |
string formatting utility | |
file | llframetimer.cpp [code] |
file | llframetimer.h [code] |
A lightweight timer that measures seconds and is only updated once per frame. | |
file | llhash.h [code] |
Wrapper for a hash function. | |
file | llindexedqueue.h [code] |
An indexed FIFO queue, where only one element with each key can be in the queue. | |
file | llkeythrottle.h [code] |
LLKeyThrottle class definition. | |
file | lllinkedqueue.h [code] |
Declaration of linked queue classes. | |
file | llliveappconfig.cpp [code] |
Configuration information for an LLApp that overrides indra.xml. | |
file | llliveappconfig.h [code] |
Configuration information for an LLApp that overrides indra.xml. | |
file | lllivefile.cpp [code] |
file | lllivefile.h [code] |
Automatically reloads a file whenever it changes or is removed. | |
file | lllocalidhashmap.h [code] |
Map specialized for dealing with local ids. | |
file | lllslconstants.h [code] |
Constants used in lsl. | |
file | llmap.h [code] |
LLMap class header file. | |
file | llmemory.cpp [code] |
Very special memory allocation/deallocation stuff here. | |
file | llmemory.h [code] |
Memory allocation/deallocation header-stuff goes here. | |
file | llmemorystream.cpp [code] |
Buffer and stream for a fixed linear memory segment. | |
file | llmemorystream.h [code] |
Implementation of a simple fixed memory stream. | |
file | llmemtype.h [code] |
Runtime memory usage debugging utilities. | |
file | llmetrics.cpp [code] |
Metrics accumulation and associated functions. | |
file | llmetrics.h [code] |
Declaration of metrics accumulation and associated functions. | |
file | llmortician.cpp [code] |
file | llmortician.h [code] |
Base class for delayed deletions. | |
file | llnametable.h [code] |
LLNameTable class is a table to associate pointers with string names. | |
file | llpreprocessor.h [code] |
This file should be included in all Linden Lab files and should only contain special preprocessor directives. | |
file | llpriqueuemap.h [code] |
Priority queue implementation. | |
file | llprocessor.cpp [code] |
Code to figure out the processor. Originally by Benjamin Jurke. | |
file | llprocessor.h [code] |
Code to figure out the processor. Originally by Benjamin Jurke. | |
file | llptrskiplist.h [code] |
Skip list implementation. | |
file | llptrskipmap.h [code] |
Just like a LLSkipMap, but since it's pointers, you can call deleteAllData. | |
file | llqueuedthread.cpp [code] |
file | llqueuedthread.h [code] |
| |
file | llrun.cpp [code] |
Implementation of the LLRunner and related classes. | |
file | llrun.h [code] |
Declaration of LLRunner and LLRunnable classes. | |
file | llsd.cpp [code] |
LLSD flexible data system. | |
file | llsd.h [code] |
LLSD flexible data system. | |
file | llsdserialize.cpp [code] |
Implementation of LLSD parsers and formatters. | |
file | llsdserialize.h [code] |
Declaration of parsers and formatters for LLSD. | |
file | llsdserialize_xml.cpp [code] |
XML parsers and formatters for LLSD. | |
file | llsdserialize_xml.h [code] |
XML parsers and formatters for LLSD. | |
file | llsdutil.cpp [code] |
Implementation of classes, functions, etc, for using structured data. | |
file | llsdutil.h [code] |
Utility classes, functions, etc, for using structured data. | |
file | llsecondlifeurls.cpp [code] |
Urls used in the product. | |
file | llsecondlifeurls.h [code] |
Global URLs to pages on our web site. | |
file | llsimplehash.h [code] |
file | llskiplist.h [code] |
skip list implementation | |
file | llskipmap.h [code] |
Associative container based on the skiplist algorithm. | |
file | llstack.h [code] |
LLStack template class. | |
file | llstat.cpp [code] |
file | llstat.h [code] |
Runtime statistics accumulation. | |
file | llstatenums.h [code] |
file | llstl.h [code] |
helper object & functions for use with the stl. | |
file | llstreamtools.cpp [code] |
some helper functions for parsing legacy simstate and asset files. | |
file | llstreamtools.h [code] |
some helper functions for parsing legacy simstate and asset files. | |
file | llstrider.h [code] |
file | llstring.cpp [code] |
String utility functions and the LLString class. | |
file | llstring.h [code] |
String utility functions and LLString class. | |
file | llstringtable.cpp [code] |
The LLStringTable class provides a _fast_ method for finding unique copies of strings. | |
file | llstringtable.h [code] |
The LLStringTable class provides a _fast_ method for finding unique copies of strings. | |
file | llsys.cpp [code] |
Impelementation of the basic system query functions. | |
file | llsys.h [code] |
System information debugging classes. | |
file | llthread.cpp [code] |
file | llthread.h [code] |
Base classes for thread, mutex and condition handling. | |
file | lltimer.cpp [code] |
Cross-platform objects for doing timing. | |
file | lltimer.h [code] |
Cross-platform objects for doing timing. | |
file | lluri.cpp [code] |
Implementation of the LLURI class. | |
file | lluri.h [code] |
Declaration of the URI class. | |
file | lluuidhashmap.h [code] |
A uuid based hash map. | |
file | llversionserver.h [code] |
| |
file | llversionviewer.h [code] |
| |
file | llworkerthread.cpp [code] |
file | llworkerthread.h [code] |
file | metaclass.cpp [code] |
Implementation of LLMetaClass. | |
file | metaclass.h [code] |
Reflective meta information describing a class. | |
file | metaclasst.h [code] |
file | metaproperty.cpp [code] |
Implementation of LLMetaProperty. | |
file | metaproperty.h [code] |
Reflective meta information describing a property of a class. | |
file | metapropertyt.h [code] |
file | processor.h [code] |
Legacy wrapper header. | |
file | reflective.cpp [code] |
Implementation of LLReflective. | |
file | reflective.h [code] |
Interface that must be implemented by all reflective classes. | |
file | reflectivet.h [code] |
file | roles_constants.h [code] |
General Roles Constants. | |
file | stdenums.h [code] |
Enumerations for indra. | |
file | stdtypes.h [code] |
Basic type declarations for cross platform compatibility. | |
file | string_table.h [code] |
Legacy wrapper header. | |
file | timer.h [code] |
Legacy wrapper header. | |
file | timing.cpp [code] |
This file will be deprecated in the future. | |
file | timing.h [code] |
Cross-platform routines for doing timing. | |
file | u64.cpp [code] |
Utilities to deal with U64s. | |
file | u64.h [code] |
Utilities to deal with U64s. |