LLViewerObject Class Reference

#include <llviewerobject.h>

Inheritance diagram for LLViewerObject:

Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for LLViewerObject:

Collaboration graph

List of all members.

Public Types

enum  e_vo_types {
typedef std::vector< LLPointer
< LLViewerObject > > 
typedef enum

Public Member Functions

 LLViewerObject (const LLUUID &id, const LLPCode type, LLViewerRegion *regionp)
virtual void markDead ()
BOOL isDead () const
BOOL isOrphaned () const
BOOL isParticleSource () const
void addNVPair (const std::string &data)
BOOL removeNVPair (const char *name)
LLNameValuegetNVPair (const char *name) const
virtual BOOL idleUpdate (LLAgent &agent, LLWorld &world, const F64 &time)
virtual U32 processUpdateMessage (LLMessageSystem *mesgsys, void **user_data, U32 block_num, const EObjectUpdateType update_type, LLDataPacker *dp)
virtual BOOL isActive () const
BOOL onActiveList () const
void setOnActiveList (BOOL on_active)
virtual BOOL isAttachment () const
virtual BOOL isHUDAttachment () const
virtual void updateRadius ()
virtual F32 getVObjRadius () const
BOOL isJointChild () const
EHavokJointType getJointType () const
LLViewerObjectgetSubParent ()
const LLViewerObjectgetSubParent () const
virtual void setPixelAreaAndAngle (LLAgent &agent)
virtual U32 getNumVertices () const
virtual U32 getNumIndices () const
S32 getNumFaces () const
virtual void updateTextures (LLAgent &agent)
virtual void boostTexturePriority (BOOL boost_children=TRUE)
virtual LLDrawablecreateDrawable (LLPipeline *pipeline)
virtual BOOL updateGeometry (LLDrawable *drawable)
virtual void updateFaceSize (S32 idx)
virtual BOOL updateLOD ()
virtual BOOL setDrawableParent (LLDrawable *parentp)
F32 getRotTime ()
void resetRot ()
void applyAngularVelocity (F32 dt)
void setLineWidthForWindowSize (S32 window_width)
LLViewerRegiongetRegion () const
BOOL isSelected () const
virtual void setSelected (BOOL sel)
const LLUUIDgetID () const
U32 getLocalID () const
U32 getCRC () const
virtual BOOL isFlexible () const
BOOL isOverAgentOwnedLand () const
BOOL isOverGroupOwnedLand () const
virtual void setParent (LLViewerObject *parent)
virtual void addChild (LLViewerObject *childp)
virtual void removeChild (LLViewerObject *childp)
child_list_tgetChildren ()
void addThisAndAllChildren (LLDynamicArray< LLViewerObject * > &objects)
void addThisAndNonJointChildren (LLDynamicArray< LLViewerObject * > &objects)
BOOL isChild (LLViewerObject *childp) const
BOOL isSeat () const
virtual BOOL lineSegmentIntersect (const LLVector3 &start, LLVector3 &end) const
virtual const LLVector3d getPositionGlobal () const
virtual const LLVector3getPositionRegion () const
virtual const LLVector3 getPositionEdit () const
virtual const LLVector3getPositionAgent () const
virtual const LLVector3 getRenderPosition () const
virtual const LLVector3 getPivotPositionAgent () const
LLViewerObjectgetRootEdit () const
const LLQuaternion getRotationRegion () const
const LLQuaternion getRotationEdit () const
const LLQuaternion getRenderRotation () const
virtual const LLMatrix4 getRenderMatrix () const
void setPosition (const LLVector3 &pos, BOOL damped=FALSE)
void setPositionGlobal (const LLVector3d &position, BOOL damped=FALSE)
void setPositionRegion (const LLVector3 &position, BOOL damped=FALSE)
void setPositionEdit (const LLVector3 &position, BOOL damped=FALSE)
void setPositionAgent (const LLVector3 &pos_agent, BOOL damped=FALSE)
void setPositionParent (const LLVector3 &pos_parent, BOOL damped=FALSE)
void setPositionAbsoluteGlobal (const LLVector3d &pos_global, BOOL damped=FALSE)
virtual const LLMatrix4getWorldMatrix (LLXformMatrix *xform) const
void setRotation (const F32 x, const F32 y, const F32 z, BOOL damped=FALSE)
void setRotation (const LLQuaternion &quat, BOOL damped=FALSE)
void sendRotationUpdate () const
void setNumTEs (const U8 num_tes)
void setTE (const U8 te, const LLTextureEntry &texture_entry)
S32 setTETexture (const U8 te, const LLUUID &uuid)
S32 setTETextureCore (const U8 te, const LLUUID &uuid, LLHost host)
S32 setTEColor (const U8 te, const LLColor3 &color)
S32 setTEColor (const U8 te, const LLColor4 &color)
S32 setTEScale (const U8 te, const F32 s, const F32 t)
S32 setTEScaleS (const U8 te, const F32 s)
S32 setTEScaleT (const U8 te, const F32 t)
S32 setTEOffset (const U8 te, const F32 s, const F32 t)
S32 setTEOffsetS (const U8 te, const F32 s)
S32 setTEOffsetT (const U8 te, const F32 t)
S32 setTERotation (const U8 te, const F32 r)
S32 setTEBumpmap (const U8 te, const U8 bump)
S32 setTETexGen (const U8 te, const U8 texgen)
S32 setTEShiny (const U8 te, const U8 shiny)
S32 setTEFullbright (const U8 te, const U8 fullbright)
S32 setTEMediaFlags (const U8 te, const U8 media_flags)
S32 setTEGlow (const U8 te, const F32 glow)
BOOL setMaterial (const U8 material)
virtual void setTEImage (const U8 te, LLViewerImage *imagep)
LLViewerImagegetTEImage (const U8 te) const
void fitFaceTexture (const U8 face)
void sendTEUpdate () const
virtual void setScale (const LLVector3 &scale, BOOL damped=FALSE)
void sendShapeUpdate ()
U8 getState ()
F32 getAppAngle () const
F32 getPixelArea () const
void setPixelArea (F32 area)
F32 getMaxScale () const
F32 getMidScale () const
F32 getMinScale () const
void setAttachedSound (const LLUUID &audio_uuid, const LLUUID &owner_id, const F32 gain, const U8 flags)
void adjustAudioGain (const F32 gain)
void clearAttachedSound ()
LLAudioSourcegetAudioSource (const LLUUID &owner_id)
bool isAudioSource ()
U8 getMediaType () const
void setMediaType (U8 media_type)
const LLStringgetMediaURL () const
void setMediaURL (const LLString &media_url)
BOOL getMediaPassedWhitelist () const
void setMediaPassedWhitelist (BOOL passed)
void sendMaterialUpdate () const
void setCanSelect (BOOL canSelect)
void setDebugText (const std::string &utf8text)
void setIcon (LLViewerImage *icon_image)
void clearIcon ()
void markForUpdate (BOOL priority)
void updateVolume (const LLVolumeParams &volume_params)
virtual void updateSpatialExtents (LLVector3 &min, LLVector3 &max)
virtual F32 getBinRadius ()
LLBBox getBoundingBoxAgent () const
void updatePositionCaches () const
void updateText ()
virtual void updateDrawable (BOOL force_damped)
void setDrawableState (U32 state, BOOL recursive=TRUE)
void clearDrawableState (U32 state, BOOL recursive=TRUE)
virtual void onShift (const LLVector3 &shift_vector)
void registerInventoryListener (LLVOInventoryListener *listener, void *user_data)
void removeInventoryListener (LLVOInventoryListener *listener)
BOOL isInventoryPending ()
void clearInventoryListeners ()
void requestInventory ()
void fetchInventoryFromServer ()
void removeInventory (const LLUUID &item_id)
void updateInventory (LLViewerInventoryItem *item, U8 key, bool is_new)
LLInventoryObjectgetInventoryObject (const LLUUID &item_id)
void getInventoryContents (InventoryObjectList &objects)
LLInventoryObjectgetInventoryRoot ()
LLViewerInventoryItemgetInventoryItemByAsset (const LLUUID &asset_id)
S16 getInventorySerial () const
void updateViewerInventoryAsset (const LLViewerInventoryItem *item, const LLUUID &new_asset)
void dirtyInventory ()
BOOL isInventoryDirty ()
void saveScript (const LLViewerInventoryItem *item, BOOL active, bool is_new)
void moveInventory (const LLUUID &agent_folder, const LLUUID &item_id)
S32 countInventoryContents (LLAssetType::EType type)
BOOL permAnyOwner () const
BOOL permYouOwner () const
BOOL permGroupOwner () const
BOOL permOwnerModify () const
BOOL permModify () const
BOOL permCopy () const
BOOL permMove () const
BOOL permTransfer () const
BOOL usePhysics () const
BOOL flagScripted () const
BOOL flagHandleTouch () const
BOOL flagTakesMoney () const
BOOL flagPhantom () const
BOOL flagInventoryEmpty () const
BOOL flagCastShadows () const
BOOL flagAllowInventoryAdd () const
BOOL flagTemporary () const
BOOL flagTemporaryOnRez () const
BOOL flagAnimSource () const
BOOL flagCameraSource () const
BOOL flagCameraDecoupled () const
bool getIncludeInSearch () const
void setIncludeInSearch (bool include_in_search)
BOOL allowOpen () const
void setClickAction (U8 action)
U8 getClickAction () const
bool specialHoverCursor () const
void setRegion (LLViewerRegion *regionp)
virtual void updateRegion (LLViewerRegion *regionp)
void updateFlags ()
BOOL setFlags (U32 flag, BOOL state)
virtual void dump () const
void printNameValuePairs () const
virtual S32 getLOD () const
virtual U32 getPartitionType () const
virtual void dirtySpatialGroup () const
virtual void dirtyMesh ()
virtual LLNetworkDatagetParameterEntry (U16 param_type) const
virtual bool setParameterEntry (U16 param_type, const LLNetworkData &new_value, bool local_origin)
virtual BOOL getParameterEntryInUse (U16 param_type) const
virtual bool setParameterEntryInUse (U16 param_type, BOOL in_use, bool local_origin)
virtual void parameterChanged (U16 param_type, bool local_origin)
virtual void parameterChanged (U16 param_type, LLNetworkData *data, BOOL in_use, bool local_origin)

Static Public Member Functions

static void initVOClasses ()
static void cleanupVOClasses ()
static void increaseArrowLength ()
static void decreaseArrowLength ()
static void processTaskInv (LLMessageSystem *msg, void **user_data)
static U32 getNumZombieObjects ()

Public Attributes

child_list_t mChildList
U32 mLocalID
U32 mTotalCRC
LLPointer< LLViewerImage > * mTEImages
U32 mGLName
BOOL mbCanSelect
U32 mFlags
LLPointer< LLDrawablemDrawable
BOOL mCreateSelected
BOOL mRenderMedia
S32 mBestUpdatePrecision
LLPointer< LLHUDTextmText
LLPointer< LLHUDIconmIcon

Static Public Attributes

static BOOL sUseSharedDrawables

Protected Types

typedef std::map< char
*, LLNameValue * > 
typedef std::list
< LLInventoryCallbackInfo * > 

Protected Member Functions

 ~LLViewerObject ()
void deleteInventoryItem (const LLUUID &item_id)
void doUpdateInventory (LLViewerInventoryItem *item, U8 key, bool is_new)
BOOL setData (const U8 *datap, const U32 data_size)
void hideExtraDisplayItems (BOOL hidden)
void loadTaskInvFile (const char *filename)
void doInventoryCallback ()
BOOL isOnMap ()
void unpackParticleSource (const S32 block_num, const LLUUID &owner_id)
void unpackParticleSource (LLDataPacker &dp, const LLUUID &owner_id)
void deleteParticleSource ()
void setParticleSource (const LLPartSysData &particle_parameters, const LLUUID &owner_id)

Static Protected Member Functions

static LLViewerObjectcreateObject (const LLUUID &id, LLPCode pcode, LLViewerRegion *regionp)
static void processTaskInvFile (void **user_data, S32 error_code, LLExtStat ext_status)

Protected Attributes

std::map< U16, ExtraParameter * > mExtraParameterList
name_value_map_t mNameValuePairs
F64 mLastInterpUpdateSecs
F64 mLastMessageUpdateSecs
TPACKETID mLatestRecvPacketID
< LLViewerPartSourceScript
F32 mAudioGain
F32 mAppAngle
F32 mPixelArea
callback_list_t mInventoryCallbacks
S16 mInventorySerialNum
BOOL mInventoryPending
BOOL mInventoryDirty
BOOL mDead
BOOL mOrphaned
BOOL mUserSelected
BOOL mOnActiveList
BOOL mStatic
S32 mNumFaces
F32 mTimeDilation
F32 mRotTime
LLQuaternion mLastRot
U8 mState
U8 mClickAction
LLVector3 mPositionRegion
LLVector3 mPositionAgent

Static Protected Attributes

static U32 sNumZombieObjects = 0
static BOOL sMapDebug = TRUE
static LLColor4 sEditSelectColor
static LLColor4 sNoEditSelectColor
static F32 sCurrentPulse
static BOOL sPulseEnabled
static S32 sAxisArrowLength

Private Member Functions

ExtraParametercreateNewParameterEntry (U16 param_type)
ExtraParametergetExtraParameterEntry (U16 param_type) const
ExtraParametergetExtraParameterEntryCreate (U16 param_type)
bool unpackParameterEntry (U16 param_type, LLDataPacker *dp)
void setNameValueList (const std::string &list)
void deleteTEImages ()

Static Private Attributes

static S32 sNumObjects = 0


class LLViewerObjectList
class LLViewerMediaList


struct  ExtraParameter
class  LLInventoryCallbackInfo

Detailed Description

Definition at line 118 of file llviewerobject.h.

Member Typedef Documentation

Definition at line 132 of file llviewerobject.h.

typedef std::map<char *, LLNameValue *> LLViewerObject::name_value_map_t [protected]

Definition at line 568 of file llviewerobject.h.

Definition at line 593 of file llviewerobject.h.

Member Enumeration Documentation

anonymous enum


Definition at line 153 of file llviewerobject.h.

anonymous enum


Definition at line 156 of file llviewerobject.h.


Definition at line 478 of file llviewerobject.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

LLViewerObject::~LLViewerObject (  )  [protected]

LLViewerObject::LLViewerObject ( const LLUUID id,
const LLPCode  type,
LLViewerRegion regionp 

Member Function Documentation

LLViewerObject::MEM_TYPE_NEW ( LLMemType::MTYPE_OBJECT   ) 

void LLViewerObject::markDead (  )  [virtual]

BOOL LLViewerObject::isDead (  )  const [inline]

BOOL LLViewerObject::isOrphaned (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 139 of file llviewerobject.h.

References mOrphaned.

Referenced by LLPipeline::allocDrawable(), LLSelectMgr::canSelectObject(), and LLViewerObjectList::renderObjectsForMap().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

BOOL LLViewerObject::isParticleSource (  )  const

Definition at line 4071 of file llviewerobject.cpp.

References LLPointer< Type >::isNull(), and mPartSourcep.

Referenced by calc_shame(), and renderParticleBeacons().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void LLViewerObject::initVOClasses (  )  [static]

Definition at line 427 of file llviewerobject.cpp.

References gNoRender, LLVOVolume::initClass(), LLVOSky::initClass(), LLVOWater::initClass(), LLVOGrass::initClass(), LLVOTree::initClass(), LLVOAvatar::initClass(), llendl, and llinfos.

Referenced by idle_startup().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void LLViewerObject::cleanupVOClasses (  )  [static]

Definition at line 444 of file llviewerobject.cpp.

References LLVOAvatar::cleanupClass(), LLVOTree::cleanupClass(), LLVOWater::cleanupClass(), and LLVOGrass::cleanupClass().

Referenced by LLAppViewer::cleanup().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void LLViewerObject::addNVPair ( const std::string &  data  ) 

Definition at line 2945 of file llviewerobject.cpp.

References LLNameValue::mClass, LLNameValue::mName, mNameValuePairs, and NVC_READ_ONLY.

Referenced by setNameValueList().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

BOOL LLViewerObject::removeNVPair ( const char *  name  ) 

Definition at line 2973 of file llviewerobject.cpp.

References LLStringTable::addString(), FALSE, gNVNameTable, lldebugs, llendl, mNameValuePairs, mRegionp, and TRUE.

Here is the call graph for this function:

LLNameValue * LLViewerObject::getNVPair ( const char *  name  )  const

BOOL LLViewerObject::idleUpdate ( LLAgent agent,
LLWorld world,
const F64 time 
) [virtual]

U32 LLViewerObject::processUpdateMessage ( LLMessageSystem mesgsys,
void **  user_data,
U32  block_num,
const EObjectUpdateType  update_type,
LLDataPacker dp 
) [virtual]

Reimplemented in LLVOAvatar, LLVOGrass, LLVOTree, LLVOTreeNew, and LLVOVolume.

Definition at line 677 of file llviewerobject.cpp.

References _PREHASH_ClickAction, _PREHASH_CRC, _PREHASH_Data, _PREHASH_ExtraParams, _PREHASH_Flags, _PREHASH_Gain, _PREHASH_JointAxisOrAnchor, _PREHASH_JointPivot, _PREHASH_JointType, _PREHASH_Material, _PREHASH_MediaURL, _PREHASH_NameValue, _PREHASH_ObjectData, _PREHASH_OwnerID, _PREHASH_ParentID, _PREHASH_RegionData, _PREHASH_RegionHandle, _PREHASH_Scale, _PREHASH_Sound, _PREHASH_State, _PREHASH_Text, _PREHASH_TextColor, _PREHASH_TimeDilation, _PREHASH_UpdateFlags, LLViewerRegion::addCacheMissFull(), addChild(), LLHUDObject::addHUDObject(), LLPipeline::addObject(), LLHUDText::ALIGN_VERT_TOP, LLVOAvatar::clampAttachmentPositions(), LLDrawable::CLEAR_INVISIBLE, LLViewerObjectList::createObjectViewer(), deleteParticleSource(), dialog_refresh_all(), FALSE, LLCircuit::findCircuit(), LLViewerObjectList::findObject(), FLAGS_CREATE_SELECTED, FLAGS_LOCAL, LLDrawable::FORCE_INVISIBLE, from_region_handle(), gain(), LLPrimitive::getAcceleration(), LLPrimitive::getAngularVelocity(), LLMessageSystem::getBinaryDataFast(), LLMessageSystem::getCurrentRecvPacketID(), LLFrameTimer::getElapsedSeconds(), LLMessageSystem::getF32Fast(), getID(), LLSingleton< LLSelectMgr >::getInstance(), LLSingleton< LLWorld >::getInstance(), getLocalID(), LLPrimitive::getMaterial(), LLXform::getParent(), LLCircuitData::getPingDelay(), LLXform::getPosition(), getPositionGlobal(), getRegion(), LLWorld::getRegionFromHandle(), LLWorld::getRegionMaxHeight(), LLWorld::getRegionMinHeight(), LLWorld::getRegionWidthInMeters(), LLXform::getScale(), LLMessageSystem::getSender(), LLMessageSystem::getSenderIP(), LLMessageSystem::getSenderPort(), LLMessageSystem::getSizeFast(), LLMessageSystem::getStringFast(), LLMessageSystem::getU16Fast(), LLMessageSystem::getU32Fast(), LLMessageSystem::getU64Fast(), LLMessageSystem::getU8Fast(), LLMessageSystem::getUUIDFast(), LLViewerObjectList::getUUIDFromLocal(), LLMessageSystem::getVector3Fast(), LLPrimitive::getVelocity(), gFrameDTClamped, gMessageSystem, gObjectList, gPingInterpolate, gPipeline, gShowObjectUpdates, hideExtraDisplayItems(), htonmemcpy(), i, LLPrimitive::isAvatar(), LLVector3::isExactlyZero(), isHUDAttachment(), isSelected(), LLViewerObjectList::killObject(), LLHUDObject::LL_HUD_TEXT, LL_PCODE_LEGACY_AVATAR, LL_PCODE_LEGACY_TEXT_BUBBLE, llendl, llerrs, llinfos, llwarns, LLVector3::magVecSquared(), LLPipeline::markMoved(), MAX_OBJECT_PARAMS_SIZE, MAX_STRING, LLVOJointInfo::mAxisOrAnchor, mBestUpdatePrecision, mChildList, LLMessageSystem::mCircuitInfo, LLVOTextBubble::mColor, mCreateSelected, mData, mDrawable, MEDIA_TYPE_WEB_PAGE, MEDIA_URL_ADDED, MEDIA_URL_REMOVED, MEDIA_URL_UPDATED, mExtraParameterList, mFlags, MIN_HEIGHT, mJointInfo, LLVOJointInfo::mJointType, mLastInterpUpdateSecs, mLastMessageUpdateSecs, mLastRot, mLatestRecvPacketID, mLocalID, mMedia, LLViewerObjectMedia::mMediaType, LLViewerObjectMedia::mMediaURL, mOrphaned, LLXform::MOVED, LLXform::mParent, LLViewerObjectMedia::mPassedWhitelist, LLVOJointInfo::mPivot, LLPrimitive::mPrimitiveCode, LLQuaternion::mQ, mRegionp, mState, mStatic, mText, mTimeDilation, mTotalCRC, LLMemType::MTYPE_OBJECT, mUserSelected, LLColor4U::mV, LLVector3::mV, LLVector4::mV, MVT_LLVector3, MVT_LLVector4, MVT_U16Quat, MVT_U16Vec3, LLQuaternion::normQuat(), LLPointer< Type >::notNull(), NULL, LLViewerObjectList::orphanize(), OUT_FULL, OUT_FULL_CACHED, OUT_FULL_COMPRESSED, OUT_TERSE_IMPROVED, parameterChanged(), LLVector3::quantize16(), LLVector3::quantize8(), removeChild(), resetRot(), LLXform::ROTATED, S32, LLXform::SCALED, LLPrimitive::setAcceleration(), LLPrimitive::setAngularVelocity(), setAttachedSound(), LLXform::setChanged(), setClickAction(), setDrawableParent(), setMaterial(), setNameValueList(), setParent(), LLDataPacker::setPassFlags(), setPositionParent(), setRotation(), setScale(), LLViewerRegion::setTimeDilation(), LLColor4::setVec(), LLVector3::setVec(), LLPrimitive::setVelocity(), LLXform::SILHOUETTE, specialHoverCursor(), LLFontGL::sSansSerif, LLXform::TEXTURE, TRUE, U16_to_F32(), U8_to_F32(), LLDataPacker::unpackBinaryData(), LLDataPackerBinaryBuffer::unpackBinaryData(), LLDataPacker::unpackBinaryDataFixed(), LLDataPacker::unpackF32(), LLQuaternion::unpackFromVector3(), unpackParameterEntry(), unpackParticleSource(), LLDataPacker::unpackString(), LLDataPacker::unpackU16(), LLDataPackerBinaryBuffer::unpackU16(), LLDataPacker::unpackU32(), LLDataPacker::unpackU8(), LLDataPackerBinaryBuffer::unpackU8(), LLDataPacker::unpackUUID(), LLDataPacker::unpackVector3(), LLDataPacker::unpackVector4(), LLSelectMgr::updateSelectionCenter(), VS, VW, VX, VY, VZ, and LLVector3::zero.

Referenced by LLViewerObjectList::processUpdateCore(), LLVOVolume::processUpdateMessage(), LLVOTree::processUpdateMessage(), LLVOGrass::processUpdateMessage(), and LLVOAvatar::processUpdateMessage().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

BOOL LLViewerObject::isActive ( void   )  const [virtual]

Reimplemented in LLVOAvatar, LLVOClouds, LLVOGrass, LLVOPartGroup, LLVOSurfacePatch, LLVOTextBubble, LLVOVolume, LLVOWater, and LLVOWLSky.

Definition at line 1963 of file llviewerobject.cpp.

References TRUE.

Referenced by LLViewerObjectList::updateActive().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

BOOL LLViewerObject::onActiveList (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 166 of file llviewerobject.h.

References mOnActiveList.

Referenced by LLViewerObjectList::cleanupReferences(), renderBoundingBox(), and LLViewerObjectList::updateActive().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void LLViewerObject::setOnActiveList ( BOOL  on_active  )  [inline]

Definition at line 167 of file llviewerobject.h.

References mOnActiveList.

Referenced by LLViewerObjectList::cleanupReferences(), and LLViewerObjectList::updateActive().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

virtual BOOL LLViewerObject::isAttachment (  )  const [inline, virtual]

Reimplemented in LLVOVolume.

Definition at line 169 of file llviewerobject.h.

References FALSE.

Referenced by LLToolPlacer::addDuplicate(), LLToolPlacer::addObject(), LLTaskInvFVBridge::buyItem(), complete_give_money(), LLToolDragAndDrop::dad3dUpdateInventoryCategory(), LLVolumeImplFlexible::doUpdateGeometry(), LLManipRotate::drag(), LLManipScale::dragCorner(), enable_detach(), enable_save_into_inventory(), enable_save_into_task_inventory(), final_click_action(), find_avatar(), find_avatar_from_object(), LLVOAvatar::findAvatarFromAttachment(), LLObjectSelection::getFirstCopyableObject(), LLObjectSelection::getFirstDeleteableObject(), LLFloaterReporter::getObjectInfo(), getPositionGlobal(), LLSelectMgr::getSelectTypeForObject(), LLPanelObject::getState(), LLToolsEnableTakeCopy::handleEvent(), LLManipTranslate::handleHover(), LLToolSelectRect::handleRectangleSelection(), idleUpdate(), LLVOAvatar::needsRenderBeam(), LLToolPie::pickAndShowMenu(), LLToolCamera::pickCallback(), LLToolDragAndDrop::pickCallback(), LLViewerObjectList::renderObjectsForMap(), LLSelectMgr::saveSelectedObjectTransform(), LLSelectMgr::selectDelete(), LLSelectMgr::selectionMove(), LLAgent::setLookAt(), LLAgent::setPointAt(), setPositionAbsoluteGlobal(), setPositionGlobal(), LLSpatialBridge::setVisible(), LLTaskInvFVBridge::startDrag(), LLManipScale::stretchFace(), LLSelectMgr::updateSilhouettes(), LLHoverView::updateText(), and LLToolDragAndDrop::willObjectAcceptInventory().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

virtual BOOL LLViewerObject::isHUDAttachment (  )  const [inline, virtual]

virtual void LLViewerObject::updateRadius (  )  [inline, virtual]

Reimplemented in LLVOTree, and LLVOVolume.

Definition at line 171 of file llviewerobject.h.

F32 LLViewerObject::getVObjRadius (  )  const [virtual]

Definition at line 4234 of file llviewerobject.cpp.

References mDrawable, and LLPointer< Type >::notNull().

Here is the call graph for this function:

BOOL LLViewerObject::isJointChild (  )  const [inline]

EHavokJointType LLViewerObject::getJointType (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 175 of file llviewerobject.h.

References HJT_INVALID, mJointInfo, and LLVOJointInfo::mJointType.

LLViewerObject * LLViewerObject::getSubParent (  ) 

Definition at line 4026 of file llviewerobject.cpp.

References LLXform::getParent(), and isJointChild().

Referenced by LLPanelVolume::getState(), and LLPanelObject::getState().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

const LLViewerObject * LLViewerObject::getSubParent (  )  const

Definition at line 4035 of file llviewerobject.cpp.

References LLXform::getParent(), and isJointChild().

Here is the call graph for this function:

void LLViewerObject::setPixelAreaAndAngle ( LLAgent agent  )  [virtual]

U32 LLViewerObject::getNumVertices (  )  const [virtual]

Definition at line 3920 of file llviewerobject.cpp.

References i, mDrawable, LLPointer< Type >::notNull(), and S32.

Here is the call graph for this function:

U32 LLViewerObject::getNumIndices (  )  const [virtual]

Definition at line 3935 of file llviewerobject.cpp.

References i, mDrawable, LLPointer< Type >::notNull(), and S32.

Here is the call graph for this function:

S32 LLViewerObject::getNumFaces (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 185 of file llviewerobject.h.

References mNumFaces.

Referenced by LLObjectSelection::applyToTEs(), and LLVOTextBubble::updateGeometry().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void LLViewerObject::updateTextures ( LLAgent agent  )  [virtual]

Reimplemented in LLVOAvatar, LLVOClouds, LLVOGrass, LLVOGround, LLVOPartGroup, LLVOSky, LLVOSurfacePatch, LLVOTextBubble, LLVOTree, LLVOTreeNew, LLVOVolume, and LLVOWater.

Definition at line 2864 of file llviewerobject.cpp.

Referenced by LLViewerObjectList::updateApparentAngles().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void LLViewerObject::boostTexturePriority ( BOOL  boost_children = TRUE  )  [virtual]

Definition at line 2868 of file llviewerobject.cpp.

References LLViewerImage::BOOST_SELECTED, boostTexturePriority(), LLPrimitive::getNumTEs(), getTEImage(), i, isDead(), mChildList, S32, and LLViewerImage::setBoostLevel().

Referenced by boostTexturePriority(), and LLViewerObjectList::updateApparentAngles().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

LLDrawable * LLViewerObject::createDrawable ( LLPipeline pipeline  )  [virtual]

Reimplemented in LLVOAvatar, LLVOClouds, LLVOGrass, LLVOGround, LLVOPartGroup, LLVOSky, LLVOSurfacePatch, LLVOTextBubble, LLVOTree, LLVOTreeNew, LLVOVolume, LLVOWater, and LLVOWLSky.

Definition at line 2765 of file llviewerobject.cpp.

References NULL.

Referenced by LLPipeline::addObject().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

BOOL LLViewerObject::updateGeometry ( LLDrawable drawable  )  [virtual]

Reimplemented in LLVOAvatar, LLVOClouds, LLVOGrass, LLVOGround, LLVOPartGroup, LLVOSky, LLVOSurfacePatch, LLVOTextBubble, LLVOTree, LLVOTreeNew, LLVOVolume, LLVOWater, and LLVOWLSky.

Definition at line 2755 of file llviewerobject.cpp.

References TRUE.

Referenced by LLVOVolume::updateGeometry().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void LLViewerObject::updateFaceSize ( S32  idx  )  [virtual]

Reimplemented in LLVOClouds, LLVOGrass, LLVOPartGroup, LLVOSurfacePatch, LLVOTextBubble, and LLVOVolume.

Definition at line 2760 of file llviewerobject.cpp.

BOOL LLViewerObject::updateLOD (  )  [virtual]

Reimplemented in LLVOAvatar, LLVOGrass, LLVOSurfacePatch, LLVOTextBubble, and LLVOVolume.

Definition at line 2744 of file llviewerobject.cpp.

References FALSE, LLControlGroup::getBOOL(), LLControlGroup::getF32(), gSavedSettings, LLAudioSource::isLoop(), mAudioGain, mAudioSourcep, and LLAudioSourceVO::setGain().

Referenced by LLVOVolume::updateLOD().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

BOOL LLViewerObject::setDrawableParent ( LLDrawable parentp  )  [virtual]

F32 LLViewerObject::getRotTime (  )  [inline]

Definition at line 196 of file llviewerobject.h.

References mRotTime.

void LLViewerObject::resetRot (  ) 

Definition at line 4867 of file llviewerobject.cpp.

References mRotTime.

Referenced by processUpdateMessage(), and LLSelectMgr::selectObjectAndFamily().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void LLViewerObject::applyAngularVelocity ( F32  dt  ) 

Definition at line 4845 of file llviewerobject.cpp.

References LLPrimitive::getAngularVelocity(), LLXform::getRotation(), LLVector3::magVecSquared(), LLXform::MOVED, mRotTime, LLXform::setChanged(), LLQuaternion::setQuat(), setRotation(), and LLXform::SILHOUETTE.

Referenced by idleUpdate().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void LLViewerObject::setLineWidthForWindowSize ( S32  window_width  ) 

Definition at line 2894 of file llviewerobject.cpp.

References LLUI::setLineWidth().

Here is the call graph for this function:

void LLViewerObject::increaseArrowLength (  )  [static]

Definition at line 2915 of file llviewerobject.cpp.

void LLViewerObject::decreaseArrowLength (  )  [static]

Definition at line 2930 of file llviewerobject.cpp.

LLViewerRegion* LLViewerObject::getRegion (  )  const [inline]

BOOL LLViewerObject::isSelected (  )  const [inline]

virtual void LLViewerObject::setSelected ( BOOL  sel  )  [inline, virtual]

const LLUUID& LLViewerObject::getID (  )  const [inline]

U32 LLViewerObject::getLocalID (  )  const [inline]

U32 LLViewerObject::getCRC (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 213 of file llviewerobject.h.

References mTotalCRC.

Referenced by LLViewerRegion::cacheFullUpdate().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

virtual BOOL LLViewerObject::isFlexible (  )  const [inline, virtual]

Reimplemented in LLVOVolume.

Definition at line 215 of file llviewerobject.h.

BOOL LLViewerObject::isOverAgentOwnedLand (  )  const

Definition at line 479 of file llviewerobject.cpp.

References LLViewerRegion::getParcelOverlay(), getPositionRegion(), LLViewerParcelOverlay::isOwnedSelf(), and mRegionp.

Referenced by LLObjectEnableReturn::handleEvent().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

BOOL LLViewerObject::isOverGroupOwnedLand (  )  const

Definition at line 488 of file llviewerobject.cpp.

References LLViewerRegion::getParcelOverlay(), getPositionRegion(), LLViewerParcelOverlay::isOwnedGroup(), and mRegionp.

Referenced by LLObjectEnableReturn::handleEvent().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void LLViewerObject::setParent ( LLViewerObject parent  )  [virtual]

Reimplemented in LLVOAvatar, and LLVOVolume.

Definition at line 495 of file llviewerobject.cpp.

References LLXform::setParent().

Referenced by addChild(), markDead(), processUpdateMessage(), removeChild(), LLVOVolume::setParent(), and LLVOAvatar::setParent().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void LLViewerObject::addChild ( LLViewerObject childp  )  [virtual]

Reimplemented in LLVOAvatar.

Definition at line 500 of file llviewerobject.cpp.

References getID(), i, LLPrimitive::isAvatar(), llendl, llwarns, mbCanSelect, mChildList, mJointInfo, NULL, removeChild(), setParent(), and TRUE.

Referenced by LLVOAvatar::addChild(), LLViewerObjectList::findOrphans(), and processUpdateMessage().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void LLViewerObject::removeChild ( LLViewerObject childp  )  [virtual]

LLViewerObject::child_list_t & LLViewerObject::getChildren (  ) 

Definition at line 558 of file llviewerobject.cpp.

References mChildList.

Referenced by LLSelectMgr::selectionMove(), and setRegion().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void LLViewerObject::addThisAndAllChildren ( LLDynamicArray< LLViewerObject * > &  objects  ) 

Definition at line 563 of file llviewerobject.cpp.

References i, LLPrimitive::isAvatar(), mChildList, LLDynamicArray< Type, BlockSize >::put(), and S32.

Here is the call graph for this function:

void LLViewerObject::addThisAndNonJointChildren ( LLDynamicArray< LLViewerObject * > &  objects  ) 

Definition at line 576 of file llviewerobject.cpp.

References i, LLPrimitive::isAvatar(), isJointChild(), mChildList, LLDynamicArray< Type, BlockSize >::put(), and S32.

Referenced by LLSelectMgr::selectObjectAndFamily(), and LLSelectMgr::setHoverObject().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

BOOL LLViewerObject::isChild ( LLViewerObject childp  )  const

Definition at line 595 of file llviewerobject.cpp.

References FALSE, i, mChildList, S32, and TRUE.

Referenced by LLSelectMgr::updateSelectionCenter().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

BOOL LLViewerObject::isSeat (  )  const

Definition at line 608 of file llviewerobject.cpp.

References FALSE, i, LLPrimitive::isAvatar(), mChildList, S32, and TRUE.

Referenced by LLManipScale::canAffectSelection().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

BOOL LLViewerObject::lineSegmentIntersect ( const LLVector3 start,
LLVector3 end 
) const [virtual]

Reimplemented in LLVOVolume.

Definition at line 4840 of file llviewerobject.cpp.

References FALSE.

Referenced by LLOctreePick::check().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

const LLVector3d LLViewerObject::getPositionGlobal (  )  const [virtual]

const LLVector3 & LLViewerObject::getPositionRegion (  )  const [virtual]

const LLVector3 LLViewerObject::getPositionEdit (  )  const [virtual]

const LLVector3 & LLViewerObject::getPositionAgent (  )  const [virtual]

Definition at line 3055 of file llviewerobject.cpp.

References LLXform::getParent(), LLViewerRegion::getPosAgentFromRegion(), LLXform::getPosition(), getPositionRegion(), LLXform::getRotation(), mDrawable, mPositionAgent, mRegionp, and LLPointer< Type >::notNull().

Referenced by LLHUDEffectPointAt::calcTargetPosition(), LLHUDEffectLookAt::calcTargetPosition(), confirm_replace_attachment(), LLManipRotate::drag(), dump(), LLSelectMgr::dump(), LLViewerObjectList::findOrphans(), getBoundingBoxAgent(), LLVOAvatar::getCharacterPosition(), LLVOTextBubble::getGeometry(), LLVOAvatar::getRenderPosition(), getRenderPosition(), LLManipTranslate::handleHover(), LLToolGrab::handleObjectHit(), LLVOAvatar::idleUpdate(), LLAgent::lookAtLastChat(), process_avatar_sit_response(), process_chat_from_simulator(), LLDrawPoolAvatar::renderAvatars(), renderParticleBeacons(), renderPhysicalBeacons(), renderScriptedBeacons(), renderScriptedTouchBeacons(), LLManipTranslate::renderTranslationHandles(), LLDrawPoolTree::renderTree(), LLVOAvatar::resolveHeightGlobal(), LLVOTree::setPixelAreaAndAngle(), LLVOGrass::setPixelAreaAndAngle(), setPositionAbsoluteGlobal(), LLAgent::setPositionAgent(), LLVOAvatar::slamPosition(), LLVOAvatar::updateCharacter(), LLVOWater::updateGeometry(), LLVOTree::updateGeometry(), LLVOClouds::updateGeometry(), LLVOWater::updateSpatialExtents(), LLVOSurfacePatch::updateSpatialExtents(), LLVOPartGroup::updateSpatialExtents(), LLLocalSpeakerMgr::updateSpeakerList(), updateText(), LLVOTextBubble::updateTextures(), and LLVOAvatar::updateVisibility().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

const LLVector3 LLViewerObject::getRenderPosition (  )  const [virtual]

const LLVector3 LLViewerObject::getPivotPositionAgent (  )  const [virtual]

Reimplemented in LLVOVolume.

Definition at line 3115 of file llviewerobject.cpp.

References getRenderPosition().

Referenced by LLVOVolume::getPivotPositionAgent().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

LLViewerObject * LLViewerObject::getRootEdit (  )  const

const LLQuaternion LLViewerObject::getRotationRegion (  )  const

Definition at line 3147 of file llviewerobject.cpp.

References LLXform::getParent(), LLXform::getRotation(), and LLXform::isRoot().

Referenced by LLFloaterTelehub::addBeacons(), LLManipRotate::drag(), getBoundingBoxAgent(), setPositionAbsoluteGlobal(), and setPositionRegion().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

const LLQuaternion LLViewerObject::getRotationEdit (  )  const

const LLQuaternion LLViewerObject::getRenderRotation (  )  const

const LLMatrix4 LLViewerObject::getRenderMatrix (  )  const [virtual]

Reimplemented in LLVOVolume.

Definition at line 3142 of file llviewerobject.cpp.

References mDrawable.

Referenced by LLSelectMgr::getGrid(), and LLSelectNode::renderOneSilhouette().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void LLViewerObject::setPosition ( const LLVector3 pos,
BOOL  damped = FALSE 

void LLViewerObject::setPositionGlobal ( const LLVector3d position,
BOOL  damped = FALSE 

void LLViewerObject::setPositionRegion ( const LLVector3 position,
BOOL  damped = FALSE 

void LLViewerObject::setPositionEdit ( const LLVector3 position,
BOOL  damped = FALSE 

void LLViewerObject::setPositionAgent ( const LLVector3 pos_agent,
BOOL  damped = FALSE 

Definition at line 3321 of file llviewerobject.cpp.

References LLViewerRegion::getPosRegionFromAgent(), getRegion(), and setPositionRegion().

Referenced by process_agent_movement_complete().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void LLViewerObject::setPositionParent ( const LLVector3 pos_parent,
BOOL  damped = FALSE 

Definition at line 3292 of file llviewerobject.cpp.

References LLXform::isRoot(), setPosition(), setPositionRegion(), and updateDrawable().

Referenced by processUpdateMessage().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void LLViewerObject::setPositionAbsoluteGlobal ( const LLVector3d pos_global,
BOOL  damped = FALSE 

virtual const LLMatrix4& LLViewerObject::getWorldMatrix ( LLXformMatrix xform  )  const [inline, virtual]

Reimplemented in LLVOVolume.

Definition at line 272 of file llviewerobject.h.

References LLXformMatrix::getWorldMatrix().

Here is the call graph for this function:

void LLViewerObject::setRotation ( const F32  x,
const F32  y,
const F32  z,
BOOL  damped = FALSE 
) [inline]

void LLViewerObject::setRotation ( const LLQuaternion quat,
BOOL  damped = FALSE 
) [inline]

Definition at line 641 of file llviewerobject.h.

References LLXform::ROTATED, LLXform::setChanged(), LLXform::setRotation(), LLXform::SILHOUETTE, and updateDrawable().

Here is the call graph for this function:

void LLViewerObject::sendRotationUpdate (  )  const

void LLViewerObject::setNumTEs ( const U8  num_tes  )  [virtual]

void LLViewerObject::setTE ( const U8  te,
const LLTextureEntry texture_entry 
) [virtual]

Reimplemented from LLPrimitive.

Definition at line 3597 of file llviewerobject.cpp.

References LLTextureEntry::getID(), LLViewerImageList::getImage(), LLPrimitive::getTE(), gImageList, mTEImages, and LLPrimitive::setTE().

Here is the call graph for this function:

S32 LLViewerObject::setTETexture ( const U8  te,
const LLUUID uuid 
) [virtual]

Reimplemented from LLPrimitive.

Reimplemented in LLVOAvatar, and LLVOVolume.

Definition at line 3641 of file llviewerobject.cpp.

References LLHost::invalid, and setTETextureCore().

Referenced by LLVOPartGroup::LLVOPartGroup(), LLVOTextBubble::LLVOTextBubble(), and LLVOVolume::setTETexture().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

S32 LLViewerObject::setTETextureCore ( const U8  te,
const LLUUID uuid,
LLHost  host 

S32 LLViewerObject::setTEColor ( const U8  te,
const LLColor3 color 
) [virtual]

Reimplemented from LLPrimitive.

Reimplemented in LLVOVolume.

Definition at line 3648 of file llviewerobject.cpp.

Referenced by LLVOTextBubble::idleUpdate(), LLVOGrass::LLVOGrass(), LLVOTextBubble::LLVOTextBubble(), and LLVOVolume::setTEColor().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

S32 LLViewerObject::setTEColor ( const U8  te,
const LLColor4 color 
) [virtual]

S32 LLViewerObject::setTEScale ( const U8  te,
const F32  s,
const F32  t 
) [virtual]

Reimplemented from LLPrimitive.

Reimplemented in LLVOVolume.

Definition at line 3793 of file llviewerobject.cpp.

References gPipeline, LLPipeline::markRebuild(), mDrawable, LLPointer< Type >::notNull(), LLDrawable::REBUILD_TCOORD, S32, LLXform::setChanged(), LLPrimitive::setTEScale(), and LLXform::TEXTURE.

Referenced by LLVOVolume::setTEScale().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

S32 LLViewerObject::setTEScaleS ( const U8  te,
const F32  s 
) [virtual]

Reimplemented from LLPrimitive.

Reimplemented in LLVOVolume.

Definition at line 3805 of file llviewerobject.cpp.

References gPipeline, LLPipeline::markRebuild(), mDrawable, LLPointer< Type >::notNull(), LLDrawable::REBUILD_TCOORD, S32, and LLPrimitive::setTEScaleS().

Referenced by LLVOVolume::setTEScaleS().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

S32 LLViewerObject::setTEScaleT ( const U8  te,
const F32  t 
) [virtual]

Reimplemented from LLPrimitive.

Reimplemented in LLVOVolume.

Definition at line 3816 of file llviewerobject.cpp.

References gPipeline, LLPipeline::markRebuild(), mDrawable, LLPointer< Type >::notNull(), LLDrawable::REBUILD_TCOORD, S32, and LLPrimitive::setTEScaleT().

Referenced by LLVOVolume::setTEScaleT().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

S32 LLViewerObject::setTEOffset ( const U8  te,
const F32  s,
const F32  t 
) [virtual]

Reimplemented from LLPrimitive.

Definition at line 3827 of file llviewerobject.cpp.

References gPipeline, LLPipeline::markRebuild(), mDrawable, LLPointer< Type >::notNull(), LLDrawable::REBUILD_TCOORD, S32, and LLPrimitive::setTEOffset().

Referenced by LLVOVolume::animateTextures().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

S32 LLViewerObject::setTEOffsetS ( const U8  te,
const F32  s 
) [virtual]

Reimplemented from LLPrimitive.

Definition at line 3837 of file llviewerobject.cpp.

References gPipeline, LLPipeline::markRebuild(), mDrawable, LLPointer< Type >::notNull(), LLDrawable::REBUILD_TCOORD, S32, and LLPrimitive::setTEOffsetS().

Here is the call graph for this function:

S32 LLViewerObject::setTEOffsetT ( const U8  te,
const F32  t 
) [virtual]

Reimplemented from LLPrimitive.

Definition at line 3848 of file llviewerobject.cpp.

References gPipeline, LLPipeline::markRebuild(), mDrawable, LLPointer< Type >::notNull(), LLDrawable::REBUILD_TCOORD, S32, and LLPrimitive::setTEOffsetT().

Here is the call graph for this function:

S32 LLViewerObject::setTERotation ( const U8  te,
const F32  r 
) [virtual]

Reimplemented from LLPrimitive.

Definition at line 3859 of file llviewerobject.cpp.

References gPipeline, LLPipeline::markRebuild(), mDrawable, LLPointer< Type >::notNull(), LLDrawable::REBUILD_TCOORD, S32, and LLPrimitive::setTERotation().

Referenced by LLVOVolume::animateTextures().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

S32 LLViewerObject::setTEBumpmap ( const U8  te,
const U8  bump 
) [virtual]

Reimplemented from LLPrimitive.

Reimplemented in LLVOVolume.

Definition at line 3674 of file llviewerobject.cpp.

References LLTextureEntry::getBumpmap(), LLPrimitive::getTE(), gPipeline, llendl, llwarns, LLPipeline::markRebuild(), LLPipeline::markTextured(), mDrawable, mID, LLPointer< Type >::notNull(), LLDrawable::REBUILD_GEOMETRY, S32, LLXform::setChanged(), LLPrimitive::setTEBumpmap(), LLXform::TEXTURE, and TRUE.

Referenced by LLVOVolume::setTEBumpmap().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

S32 LLViewerObject::setTETexGen ( const U8  te,
const U8  texgen 
) [virtual]

Reimplemented from LLPrimitive.

Reimplemented in LLVOVolume.

Definition at line 3695 of file llviewerobject.cpp.

References LLPrimitive::getTE(), LLTextureEntry::getTexGen(), llendl, llwarns, mID, S32, LLXform::setChanged(), LLPrimitive::setTETexGen(), and LLXform::TEXTURE.

Referenced by LLVOVolume::setTETexGen().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

S32 LLViewerObject::setTEShiny ( const U8  te,
const U8  shiny 
) [virtual]

Reimplemented from LLPrimitive.

Reimplemented in LLVOVolume.

Definition at line 3711 of file llviewerobject.cpp.

References LLTextureEntry::getShiny(), LLPrimitive::getTE(), llendl, llwarns, mID, S32, LLXform::setChanged(), LLPrimitive::setTEShiny(), and LLXform::TEXTURE.

Referenced by LLVOVolume::setTEShiny().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

S32 LLViewerObject::setTEFullbright ( const U8  te,
const U8  fullbright 
) [virtual]

Reimplemented from LLPrimitive.

Reimplemented in LLVOVolume.

Definition at line 3727 of file llviewerobject.cpp.

References LLTextureEntry::getFullbright(), LLPrimitive::getTE(), gPipeline, llendl, llwarns, LLPipeline::markTextured(), mDrawable, mID, LLPointer< Type >::notNull(), S32, LLXform::setChanged(), LLPrimitive::setTEFullbright(), and LLXform::TEXTURE.

Referenced by LLVOTextBubble::idleUpdate(), and LLVOVolume::setTEFullbright().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

S32 LLViewerObject::setTEMediaFlags ( const U8  te,
const U8  media_flags 
) [virtual]

S32 LLViewerObject::setTEGlow ( const U8  te,
const F32  glow 
) [virtual]

Reimplemented from LLPrimitive.

Reimplemented in LLVOVolume.

Definition at line 3772 of file llviewerobject.cpp.

References LLTextureEntry::getGlow(), LLPrimitive::getTE(), gPipeline, llendl, llwarns, LLPipeline::markTextured(), mDrawable, mID, LLPointer< Type >::notNull(), S32, LLXform::setChanged(), LLPrimitive::setTEGlow(), and LLXform::TEXTURE.

Referenced by LLVOVolume::setTEGlow().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

BOOL LLViewerObject::setMaterial ( const U8  material  )  [virtual]

Reimplemented from LLPrimitive.

Reimplemented in LLVOVolume.

Definition at line 3450 of file llviewerobject.cpp.

References LLXform::setChanged(), LLPrimitive::setMaterial(), and LLXform::TEXTURE.

Referenced by processUpdateMessage(), and LLVOVolume::setMaterial().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void LLViewerObject::setTEImage ( const U8  te,
LLViewerImage imagep 
) [virtual]

LLViewerImage * LLViewerObject::getTEImage ( const U8  te  )  const

Definition at line 3870 of file llviewerobject.cpp.

References LLPrimitive::getNumTEs(), llendl, llerrs, llformat(), mTEImages, NULL, and LLViewerImage::sDefaultImagep.

Referenced by LLVOVolume::addFace(), LLUndoWearable::applyUndoRedo(), boostTexturePriority(), LLVOAvatar::canGrabLocalTexture(), LLTextureView::draw(), LLVOAvatar::dumpArchetypeXML(), LLVOAvatar::dumpAvatarTEs(), LLVOAvatar::dumpBakedStatus(), LLVOAvatar::dumpLocalTextures(), LLDrawPoolAvatar::getDebugTexture(), LLVOAvatar::getLocalTextureRaw(), LLVOAvatar::grabLocalTexture(), handle_selected_texture_info(), LLToolTexEyedropper::handleMouseDown(), LLWearable::isDirty(), LLVOAvatar::isFullyBaked(), LLVOAvatar::isWearingWearableType(), LLVOAvatar::onBakedTextureMasksLoaded(), LLVOAvatar::onCustomizeStart(), LLVOAvatar::onFirstTEMessageReceived(), LLPanelEditWearable::onTextureCommit(), LLVOGrass::plantBlades(), LLWearable::readFromAvatar(), LLVOVolume::regenFaces(), LLVOAvatar::removeMissingBakedTextures(), LLVOAvatar::requestLayerSetUploads(), LLVOAvatar::setLocTexTE(), LLVOVolume::setTexture(), LLVOAvatar::setupComposites(), LLUndoWearable::setWearable(), LLVOTextBubble::updateGeometry(), LLVOPartGroup::updateGeometry(), LLVOClouds::updateGeometry(), LLVOAvatar::updateIsFullyLoaded(), LLVOAvatar::updateMeshTextures(), LLVOTextBubble::updateTextures(), LLVOGrass::updateTextures(), LLVOClouds::updateTextures(), LLVOAvatar::updateTextures(), and LLVOAvatar::useBakedTexture().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void LLViewerObject::fitFaceTexture ( const U8  face  ) 

Definition at line 3893 of file llviewerobject.cpp.

References llendl, and llinfos.

void LLViewerObject::sendTEUpdate (  )  const

void LLViewerObject::setScale ( const LLVector3 scale,
BOOL  damped = FALSE 
) [virtual]

void LLViewerObject::sendShapeUpdate (  ) 

U8 LLViewerObject::getState (  )  [inline]

Definition at line 308 of file llviewerobject.h.

References mState.

Referenced by LLVOAvatar::getTargetAttachmentPoint(), and LLAttachmentEnableDrop::handleEvent().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

F32 LLViewerObject::getAppAngle (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 310 of file llviewerobject.h.

References mAppAngle.

Referenced by LLDrawPoolTree::renderTree().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

F32 LLViewerObject::getPixelArea (  )  const [inline]

Reimplemented in LLVOAvatar.

Definition at line 311 of file llviewerobject.h.

References mPixelArea.

Referenced by LLVolumeImplFlexible::doIdleUpdate().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void LLViewerObject::setPixelArea ( F32  area  )  [inline]

Definition at line 312 of file llviewerobject.h.

References mPixelArea.

F32 LLViewerObject::getMaxScale (  )  const

Definition at line 2822 of file llviewerobject.cpp.

References LLXform::getScale(), llmax(), VX, VY, and VZ.

Referenced by LLViewerJointAttachment::calcLOD(), confirm_replace_attachment(), LLVOTree::setPixelAreaAndAngle(), LLVOGrass::setPixelAreaAndAngle(), and setPixelAreaAndAngle().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

F32 LLViewerObject::getMidScale (  )  const

Definition at line 2832 of file llviewerobject.cpp.

References LLXform::getScale(), LLVector3::mV, VX, VY, and VZ.

Referenced by LLViewerJointAttachment::calcLOD(), LLVOPartGroup::setPixelAreaAndAngle(), and setPixelAreaAndAngle().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

F32 LLViewerObject::getMinScale (  )  const

Definition at line 2827 of file llviewerobject.cpp.

References LLXform::getScale(), and llmin().

Referenced by setPixelAreaAndAngle().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void LLViewerObject::setAttachedSound ( const LLUUID audio_uuid,
const LLUUID owner_id,
const F32  gain,
const U8  flags 

void LLViewerObject::adjustAudioGain ( const F32  gain  ) 

Definition at line 4320 of file llviewerobject.cpp.

References gAudiop, LLControlGroup::getBOOL(), LLControlGroup::getF32(), gSavedSettings, mAudioGain, mAudioSourcep, and LLAudioSourceVO::setGain().

Referenced by process_attached_sound_gain_change().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void LLViewerObject::clearAttachedSound (  )  [inline]

Definition at line 320 of file llviewerobject.h.

References mAudioSourcep, and NULL.

LLAudioSource * LLViewerObject::getAudioSource ( const LLUUID owner_id  ) 

Definition at line 4305 of file llviewerobject.cpp.

References LLAudioEngine::addAudioSource(), gAudiop, mAudioSourcep, and mID.

Referenced by process_preload_sound(), and setAttachedSound().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

bool LLViewerObject::isAudioSource (  )  [inline]

Definition at line 324 of file llviewerobject.h.

References mAudioSourcep, and NULL.

Referenced by renderSoundHighlights().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

U8 LLViewerObject::getMediaType (  )  const

Definition at line 3371 of file llviewerobject.cpp.

References MEDIA_TYPE_NONE, mMedia, and LLViewerObjectMedia::mMediaType.

void LLViewerObject::setMediaType ( U8  media_type  ) 

Definition at line 3383 of file llviewerobject.cpp.

References mMedia, and LLViewerObjectMedia::mMediaType.

const LLString & LLViewerObject::getMediaURL (  )  const

void LLViewerObject::setMediaURL ( const LLString media_url  ) 

BOOL LLViewerObject::getMediaPassedWhitelist (  )  const

Definition at line 3430 of file llviewerobject.cpp.

References FALSE, mMedia, and LLViewerObjectMedia::mPassedWhitelist.

void LLViewerObject::setMediaPassedWhitelist ( BOOL  passed  ) 

Definition at line 3442 of file llviewerobject.cpp.

References mMedia, and LLViewerObjectMedia::mPassedWhitelist.

void LLViewerObject::sendMaterialUpdate (  )  const

void LLViewerObject::setCanSelect ( BOOL  canSelect  ) 

Definition at line 3970 of file llviewerobject.cpp.

References i, mbCanSelect, and mChildList.

void LLViewerObject::setDebugText ( const std::string &  utf8text  ) 

void LLViewerObject::setIcon ( LLViewerImage icon_image  ) 

Definition at line 4002 of file llviewerobject.cpp.

References LLHUDObject::addHUDObject(), LLHUDObject::LL_HUD_ICON, and mIcon.

Referenced by LLFloaterScriptDebug::addScriptLine().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void LLViewerObject::clearIcon (  ) 

Definition at line 4018 of file llviewerobject.cpp.

References mIcon, and NULL.

void LLViewerObject::markForUpdate ( BOOL  priority  ) 

Reimplemented in LLVOVolume.

Definition at line 4746 of file llviewerobject.cpp.

References gPipeline, LLPipeline::markRebuild(), LLPipeline::markTextured(), mDrawable, LLPointer< Type >::notNull(), and LLDrawable::REBUILD_GEOMETRY.

Referenced by LLVolumeImplFlexible::doFlexibleUpdate(), LLVOVolume::markForUpdate(), and updateVolume().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void LLViewerObject::updateVolume ( const LLVolumeParams volume_params  ) 

Definition at line 4736 of file llviewerobject.cpp.

References markForUpdate(), sendShapeUpdate(), LLPrimitive::setVolume(), and TRUE.

Here is the call graph for this function:

void LLViewerObject::updateSpatialExtents ( LLVector3 min,
LLVector3 max 
) [virtual]

Reimplemented in LLVOAvatar, LLVOPartGroup, LLVOSurfacePatch, LLVOTree, LLVOVolume, and LLVOWater.

Definition at line 2802 of file llviewerobject.cpp.

References getRenderPosition(), LLXform::getScale(), mDrawable, and LLVector3::setVec().

Here is the call graph for this function:

F32 LLViewerObject::getBinRadius (  )  [virtual]

Reimplemented in LLVOPartGroup, and LLVOVolume.

Definition at line 2811 of file llviewerobject.cpp.

References LLXform::getScale(), LLVector3::magVec(), mDrawable, and LLPointer< Type >::notNull().

Here is the call graph for this function:

LLBBox LLViewerObject::getBoundingBoxAgent (  )  const

void LLViewerObject::updatePositionCaches (  )  const

Definition at line 3029 of file llviewerobject.cpp.

References LLXform::getParent(), LLViewerRegion::getPosAgentFromRegion(), LLXform::getPosition(), getPositionRegion(), LLXform::getRotation(), LLXform::isRoot(), mPositionAgent, mPositionRegion, and mRegionp.

Referenced by setPosition(), and LLViewerObjectList::shiftObjects().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void LLViewerObject::updateText (  ) 

Definition at line 4050 of file llviewerobject.cpp.

References getPositionAgent(), getRenderPosition(), LLXform::getScale(), isDead(), mDrawable, mText, LLVector3::mV, LLPointer< Type >::notNull(), and VZ.

Referenced by LLVOAvatar::idleUpdate(), setDebugText(), and LLAgent::updateCamera().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void LLViewerObject::updateDrawable ( BOOL  force_damped  )  [virtual]

void LLViewerObject::setDrawableState ( U32  state,
BOOL  recursive = TRUE 

Definition at line 4518 of file llviewerobject.cpp.

References i, mChildList, and mDrawable.

void LLViewerObject::clearDrawableState ( U32  state,
BOOL  recursive = TRUE 

Definition at line 4533 of file llviewerobject.cpp.

References i, mChildList, and mDrawable.

virtual void LLViewerObject::onShift ( const LLVector3 shift_vector  )  [inline, virtual]

Reimplemented in LLVOAvatar, and LLVOVolume.

Definition at line 358 of file llviewerobject.h.

void LLViewerObject::registerInventoryListener ( LLVOInventoryListener listener,
void *  user_data 

void LLViewerObject::removeInventoryListener ( LLVOInventoryListener listener  ) 

Definition at line 2324 of file llviewerobject.cpp.

References mInventoryCallbacks, LLViewerObject::LLInventoryCallbackInfo::mListener, and NULL.

Referenced by LLVOInventoryListener::removeVOInventoryListener().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

BOOL LLViewerObject::isInventoryPending (  )  [inline]

Definition at line 370 of file llviewerobject.h.

References mInventoryPending.

Referenced by LLTaskAnimationBridge::openItem(), LLTaskGestureBridge::openItem(), LLTaskNotecardBridge::openItem(), and LLTaskLSLBridge::openItem().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void LLViewerObject::clearInventoryListeners (  ) 

Definition at line 2342 of file llviewerobject.cpp.

References mInventoryCallbacks.

Referenced by ~LLViewerObject().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void LLViewerObject::requestInventory (  ) 

Definition at line 2348 of file llviewerobject.cpp.

References doInventoryCallback(), FALSE, fetchInventoryFromServer(), mInventory, and mInventoryDirty.

Referenced by LLVOInventoryListener::requestVOInventory().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void LLViewerObject::fetchInventoryFromServer (  ) 

void LLViewerObject::processTaskInv ( LLMessageSystem msg,
void **  user_data 
) [static]

void LLViewerObject::removeInventory ( const LLUUID item_id  ) 

void LLViewerObject::updateInventory ( LLViewerInventoryItem item,
U8  key,
bool  is_new 

LLInventoryObject * LLViewerObject::getInventoryObject ( const LLUUID item_id  ) 

void LLViewerObject::getInventoryContents ( InventoryObjectList objects  ) 

Definition at line 2633 of file llviewerobject.cpp.

References LLAssetType::AT_CATEGORY, and mInventory.

Referenced by LLPanelInventory::updateInventory().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

LLInventoryObject * LLViewerObject::getInventoryRoot (  ) 

Definition at line 2649 of file llviewerobject.cpp.

References mInventory, and NULL.

Referenced by LLPanelInventory::updateInventory().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

LLViewerInventoryItem * LLViewerObject::getInventoryItemByAsset ( const LLUUID asset_id  ) 

Definition at line 2658 of file llviewerobject.cpp.

References LLAssetType::AT_CATEGORY, LLInventoryItem::getAssetUUID(), LLInventoryObject::getType(), llendl, llwarns, mID, mInventory, mInventoryDirty, and NULL.

Referenced by doUpdateInventory(), and LLToolDragAndDrop::handleDropTextureProtections().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

S16 LLViewerObject::getInventorySerial (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 385 of file llviewerobject.h.

References mInventorySerialNum.

Referenced by LLPanelInventory::refresh().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void LLViewerObject::updateViewerInventoryAsset ( const LLViewerInventoryItem item,
const LLUUID new_asset 

Definition at line 2688 of file llviewerobject.cpp.

References doUpdateInventory(), and TASK_INVENTORY_ITEM_KEY.

Here is the call graph for this function:

void LLViewerObject::dirtyInventory (  ) 

Definition at line 2300 of file llviewerobject.cpp.

References mInventory, mInventoryCallbacks, mInventoryDirty, NULL, and TRUE.

Referenced by LLSelectMgr::processObjectProperties().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

BOOL LLViewerObject::isInventoryDirty (  )  [inline]

Definition at line 394 of file llviewerobject.h.

References mInventoryDirty.

Referenced by LLToolDragAndDrop::handleDropTextureProtections().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void LLViewerObject::saveScript ( const LLViewerInventoryItem item,
BOOL  active,
bool  is_new 

void LLViewerObject::moveInventory ( const LLUUID agent_folder,
const LLUUID item_id 

S32 LLViewerObject::countInventoryContents ( LLAssetType::EType  type  ) 

Definition at line 3951 of file llviewerobject.cpp.

References mInventory, and S32.

BOOL LLViewerObject::permAnyOwner (  )  const



Definition at line 4553 of file llviewerobject.cpp.

References FLAGS_OBJECT_ANY_OWNER, LLXform::getParent(), LLXform::isRootEdit(), and mFlags.

Referenced by LLLiveLSLEditor::draw(), enable_buy(), and LLObjectSelection::getFirstDeleteableObject().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

BOOL LLViewerObject::permYouOwner (  )  const

BOOL LLViewerObject::permGroupOwner (  )  const

Definition at line 4589 of file llviewerobject.cpp.

References FLAGS_OBJECT_GROUP_OWNED, LLXform::getParent(), LLXform::isRootEdit(), and mFlags.

Referenced by LLViewerObjectList::renderObjectsForMap().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

BOOL LLViewerObject::permOwnerModify (  )  const

BOOL LLViewerObject::permModify (  )  const

Definition at line 4626 of file llviewerobject.cpp.

References FLAGS_OBJECT_MODIFY, gAgent, LLAgent::getGodLevel(), LLXform::getParent(), GOD_MAINTENANCE, LLAppViewer::instance(), LLXform::isRootEdit(), mFlags, and TRUE.

Referenced by LLSelectMgr::adjustTexturesByScale(), allowOpen(), LLSelectMgrApplyFlags::apply(), LLSelectMgrSendFunctor::apply(), LLManipTranslate::canAffectSelection(), LLManipScale::canAffectSelection(), LLManipRotate::canAffectSelection(), LLToolDragAndDrop::dad3dTextureObject(), derez_objects(), LLManipScale::drag(), LLManipRotate::drag(), LLManipScale::dragCorner(), enable_take(), LLObjectSelection::getFirstDeleteableObject(), LLObjectSelection::getFirstEditableObject(), LLPanelVolume::getState(), LLPanelObject::getState(), LLPanelFace::getState(), LLPanelContents::getState(), LLToolsSnapObjectXY::handleEvent(), LLObjectEnableReturn::handleEvent(), LLTaskInvFVBridge::isItemRemovable(), LLTaskAnimationBridge::openItem(), LLTaskNotecardBridge::openItem(), LLTaskLSLBridge::openItem(), LLPanelPermissions::refresh(), LLTaskInvFVBridge::removeBatch(), LLTaskInvFVBridge::removeItem(), LLSelectMgr::selectGetModify(), LLSelectMgr::selectGetRootsModify(), LLSelectMgr::selectionMove(), LLSelectMgr::selectionRevertColors(), LLSelectMgr::selectionRevertTextures(), LLSelectMgr::selectionSetAlphaOnly(), LLSelectMgr::selectionSetBumpmap(), LLSelectMgr::selectionSetColor(), LLSelectMgr::selectionSetColorOnly(), LLSelectMgr::selectionSetFullbright(), LLSelectMgr::selectionSetGlow(), LLSelectMgr::selectionSetMaterial(), LLSelectMgr::selectionSetMediaTypeAndURL(), LLSelectMgr::selectionSetShiny(), LLSelectMgr::selectionSetTexGen(), LLSelectMgr::selectionTexScaleAutofit(), LLManipScale::stretchFace(), and LLToolDragAndDrop::willObjectAcceptInventory().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

BOOL LLViewerObject::permCopy (  )  const

BOOL LLViewerObject::permMove (  )  const

BOOL LLViewerObject::permTransfer (  )  const

Definition at line 4698 of file llviewerobject.cpp.

References FLAGS_OBJECT_TRANSFER, gAgent, LLAgent::getGodLevel(), LLXform::getParent(), GOD_MAINTENANCE, LLAppViewer::instance(), LLXform::isRootEdit(), mFlags, and TRUE.

Referenced by LLPanelPermissions::refresh(), and LLSelectMgr::selectGetRootsTransfer().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

BOOL LLViewerObject::usePhysics (  )  const [inline]

BOOL LLViewerObject::flagScripted (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 418 of file llviewerobject.h.

References FLAGS_SCRIPTED, and mFlags.

Referenced by LLSelectMgr::dump(), renderScriptedBeacons(), renderScriptedTouchBeacons(), LLHoverView::updateText(), and warn_move_inventory().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

BOOL LLViewerObject::flagHandleTouch (  )  const [inline]

BOOL LLViewerObject::flagTakesMoney (  )  const [inline]

BOOL LLViewerObject::flagPhantom (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 421 of file llviewerobject.h.

References FLAGS_PHANTOM, and mFlags.

Referenced by LLPanelObject::getState(), LLPanelVolume::sendIsFlexible(), updateFlags(), and LLHoverView::updateText().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

BOOL LLViewerObject::flagInventoryEmpty (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 422 of file llviewerobject.h.

References FLAGS_INVENTORY_EMPTY, and mFlags.

Referenced by allowOpen().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

BOOL LLViewerObject::flagCastShadows (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 423 of file llviewerobject.h.

References FLAGS_CAST_SHADOWS, and mFlags.

Referenced by LLPanelObject::getState(), and updateFlags().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

BOOL LLViewerObject::flagAllowInventoryAdd (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 424 of file llviewerobject.h.

References FLAGS_ALLOW_INVENTORY_DROP, and mFlags.

Referenced by LLHoverView::updateText(), and LLToolDragAndDrop::willObjectAcceptInventory().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

BOOL LLViewerObject::flagTemporary (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 425 of file llviewerobject.h.

References FLAGS_TEMPORARY, and mFlags.

Referenced by LLHoverView::updateText().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

BOOL LLViewerObject::flagTemporaryOnRez (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 426 of file llviewerobject.h.

References FLAGS_TEMPORARY_ON_REZ, and mFlags.

Referenced by LLPanelObject::getState(), and updateFlags().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

BOOL LLViewerObject::flagAnimSource (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 427 of file llviewerobject.h.

References FLAGS_ANIM_SOURCE, and mFlags.

Referenced by markDead().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

BOOL LLViewerObject::flagCameraSource (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 428 of file llviewerobject.h.

References FLAGS_CAMERA_SOURCE, and mFlags.

Referenced by markDead().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

BOOL LLViewerObject::flagCameraDecoupled (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 429 of file llviewerobject.h.

References FLAGS_CAMERA_DECOUPLED, and mFlags.

Referenced by LLAgent::calcFocusPositionTargetGlobal(), and LLAgent::endAnimationUpdateUI().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

bool LLViewerObject::getIncludeInSearch (  )  const

Definition at line 4755 of file llviewerobject.cpp.

References FLAGS_INCLUDE_IN_SEARCH, and mFlags.

Referenced by LLSelectMgr::packObjectIncludeInSearch(), and LLSelectMgr::selectionGetIncludeInSearch().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void LLViewerObject::setIncludeInSearch ( bool  include_in_search  ) 

Definition at line 4760 of file llviewerobject.cpp.

References FLAGS_INCLUDE_IN_SEARCH, and mFlags.

BOOL LLViewerObject::allowOpen (  )  const

Definition at line 4723 of file llviewerobject.cpp.

References flagInventoryEmpty(), permModify(), and permYouOwner().

Referenced by cursor_from_object(), LLObjectEnableOpen::handleEvent(), and LLToolPie::pickAndShowMenu().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void LLViewerObject::setClickAction ( U8  action  )  [inline]

Definition at line 437 of file llviewerobject.h.

References mClickAction.

Referenced by processUpdateMessage().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

U8 LLViewerObject::getClickAction (  )  const [inline]

bool LLViewerObject::specialHoverCursor (  )  const

Definition at line 4788 of file llviewerobject.cpp.

References FLAGS_HANDLE_TOUCH, FLAGS_USE_PHYSICS, mClickAction, and mFlags.

Referenced by processUpdateMessage().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void LLViewerObject::setRegion ( LLViewerRegion regionp  ) 

Definition at line 4772 of file llviewerobject.cpp.

References FALSE, getChildren(), i, llassert, mLatestRecvPacketID, LLXform::MOVED, mRegionp, LLXform::setChanged(), setRegion(), LLXform::SILHOUETTE, and updateDrawable().

Referenced by LLViewerObjectList::processObjectUpdate(), setRegion(), and LLWorld::updateWaterObjects().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

virtual void LLViewerObject::updateRegion ( LLViewerRegion regionp  )  [inline, virtual]

Reimplemented in LLVOAvatar.

Definition at line 442 of file llviewerobject.h.

Referenced by LLViewerObjectList::processObjectUpdate().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void LLViewerObject::updateFlags (  ) 

BOOL LLViewerObject::setFlags ( U32  flag,
BOOL  state 

Definition at line 4811 of file llviewerobject.cpp.

References FALSE, mFlags, TRUE, and updateFlags().

Referenced by LLVOVolume::setIsFlexible().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void LLViewerObject::dump (  )  const [virtual]

static U32 LLViewerObject::getNumZombieObjects (  )  [inline, static]

Definition at line 448 of file llviewerobject.h.

References sNumZombieObjects.

Referenced by output_statistics().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void LLViewerObject::printNameValuePairs (  )  const

Definition at line 417 of file llviewerobject.cpp.

References llendl, llinfos, mNameValuePairs, and LLNameValue::printNameValue().

Referenced by print_agent_nvpairs().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

virtual S32 LLViewerObject::getLOD (  )  const [inline, virtual]

Reimplemented in LLVOVolume.

Definition at line 452 of file llviewerobject.h.

U32 LLViewerObject::getPartitionType (  )  const [virtual]

Reimplemented in LLVOAvatar, LLVOClouds, LLVOGrass, LLVOPartGroup, LLVOSurfacePatch, LLVOTextBubble, LLVOTree, LLVOVolume, and LLVOWater.

Definition at line 4872 of file llviewerobject.cpp.

References LLViewerRegion::PARTITION_NONE.

Referenced by LLPipeline::getSpatialPartition().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void LLViewerObject::dirtySpatialGroup (  )  const [virtual]

Definition at line 4877 of file llviewerobject.cpp.

References LLSpatialGroup::dirtyGeom(), and mDrawable.

Referenced by LLVolumeImplFlexible::doUpdateGeometry(), LLVOVolume::updateGeometry(), LLVOSurfacePatch::updateGeometry(), LLVOPartGroup::updateGeometry(), LLVOGrass::updateGeometry(), and LLVOClouds::updateGeometry().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void LLViewerObject::dirtyMesh (  )  [virtual]

Reimplemented in LLVOAvatar.

Definition at line 4889 of file llviewerobject.cpp.

References LLSpatialGroup::dirtyMesh(), and mDrawable.

Referenced by LLVolumeImplFlexible::doUpdateGeometry().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

LLNetworkData * LLViewerObject::getParameterEntry ( U16  param_type  )  const [virtual]

bool LLViewerObject::setParameterEntry ( U16  param_type,
const LLNetworkData new_value,
bool  local_origin 
) [virtual]

Definition at line 4437 of file llviewerobject.cpp.

References LLNetworkData::copy(), LLViewerObject::ExtraParameter::data, getExtraParameterEntryCreate(), LLViewerObject::ExtraParameter::in_use, parameterChanged(), and TRUE.

Referenced by LLPanelVolume::onCommitFlexible().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

BOOL LLViewerObject::getParameterEntryInUse ( U16  param_type  )  const [virtual]

Definition at line 4424 of file llviewerobject.cpp.

References FALSE, getExtraParameterEntry(), and LLViewerObject::ExtraParameter::in_use.

Referenced by LLVOVolume::getIsLight(), LLPanelObject::getState(), LLVOVolume::isFlexible(), and LLVOVolume::isSculpted().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

bool LLViewerObject::setParameterEntryInUse ( U16  param_type,
BOOL  in_use,
bool  local_origin 
) [virtual]

Definition at line 4460 of file llviewerobject.cpp.

References LLViewerObject::ExtraParameter::data, getExtraParameterEntryCreate(), LLViewerObject::ExtraParameter::in_use, and parameterChanged().

Referenced by LLVOVolume::setIsFlexible(), LLVOVolume::setIsLight(), and LLVOVolume::setVolume().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void LLViewerObject::parameterChanged ( U16  param_type,
bool  local_origin 
) [virtual]

Reimplemented in LLVOVolume.

Definition at line 4472 of file llviewerobject.cpp.

References LLViewerObject::ExtraParameter::data, getExtraParameterEntry(), and LLViewerObject::ExtraParameter::in_use.

Referenced by LLVOVolume::parameterChanged(), processUpdateMessage(), setParameterEntry(), setParameterEntryInUse(), and unpackParameterEntry().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void LLViewerObject::parameterChanged ( U16  param_type,
LLNetworkData data,
BOOL  in_use,
bool  local_origin 
) [virtual]

LLViewerObject::ExtraParameter * LLViewerObject::createNewParameterEntry ( U16  param_type  )  [private]

LLViewerObject::ExtraParameter * LLViewerObject::getExtraParameterEntry ( U16  param_type  )  const [private]

Definition at line 4391 of file llviewerobject.cpp.

References mExtraParameterList, and NULL.

Referenced by getExtraParameterEntryCreate(), getParameterEntry(), getParameterEntryInUse(), and parameterChanged().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

LLViewerObject::ExtraParameter * LLViewerObject::getExtraParameterEntryCreate ( U16  param_type  )  [private]

Definition at line 4401 of file llviewerobject.cpp.

References createNewParameterEntry(), and getExtraParameterEntry().

Referenced by setParameterEntry(), setParameterEntryInUse(), and unpackParameterEntry().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

bool LLViewerObject::unpackParameterEntry ( U16  param_type,
LLDataPacker dp 
) [private]

Definition at line 4336 of file llviewerobject.cpp.

References LLViewerObject::ExtraParameter::data, getExtraParameterEntryCreate(), LLViewerObject::ExtraParameter::in_use, parameterChanged(), TRUE, and LLNetworkData::unpack().

Referenced by processUpdateMessage().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void LLViewerObject::deleteInventoryItem ( const LLUUID item_id  )  [protected]

Definition at line 2131 of file llviewerobject.cpp.

References doInventoryCallback(), and mInventory.

Referenced by doUpdateInventory(), moveInventory(), and removeInventory().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void LLViewerObject::doUpdateInventory ( LLViewerInventoryItem item,
U8  key,
bool  is_new 
) [protected]

LLViewerObject * LLViewerObject::createObject ( const LLUUID id,
LLPCode  pcode,
LLViewerRegion regionp 
) [static, protected]

BOOL LLViewerObject::setData ( const U8 datap,
const U32  data_size 
) [protected]

Definition at line 2110 of file llviewerobject.cpp.

References FALSE, mData, LLMemType::MTYPE_OBJECT, and TRUE.

void LLViewerObject::hideExtraDisplayItems ( BOOL  hidden  )  [protected]

Definition at line 655 of file llviewerobject.cpp.

References LLPointer< Type >::get(), mIcon, mPartSourcep, mText, LLPointer< Type >::notNull(), LLHUDIcon::setHidden(), LLHUDText::setHidden(), and LLViewerPartSource::setSuspended().

Referenced by LLViewerObjectList::findOrphans(), and processUpdateMessage().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void LLViewerObject::processTaskInvFile ( void **  user_data,
S32  error_code,
LLExtStat  ext_status 
) [static, protected]

Definition at line 2461 of file llviewerobject.cpp.

References LLViewerObjectList::findObject(), gObjectList, lldebugs, llendl, LLFilenameAndTask::mFilename, LLFilenameAndTask::mTaskID, and NULL.

Referenced by processTaskInv().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void LLViewerObject::loadTaskInvFile ( const char *  filename  )  [protected]

void LLViewerObject::doInventoryCallback (  )  [protected]

BOOL LLViewerObject::isOnMap (  )  [protected]

Definition at line 4044 of file llviewerobject.cpp.

References mOnMap.

Referenced by LLViewerObjectList::cleanupReferences().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void LLViewerObject::unpackParticleSource ( const S32  block_num,
const LLUUID owner_id 
) [protected]

void LLViewerObject::unpackParticleSource ( LLDataPacker dp,
const LLUUID owner_id 
) [protected]

void LLViewerObject::deleteParticleSource (  )  [protected]

Definition at line 4202 of file llviewerobject.cpp.

References mPartSourcep, LLPointer< Type >::notNull(), and NULL.

Referenced by LLVOAvatar::idleUpdate(), processUpdateMessage(), and setParticleSource().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void LLViewerObject::setParticleSource ( const LLPartSysData particle_parameters,
const LLUUID owner_id 
) [protected]

void LLViewerObject::setNameValueList ( const std::string &  list  )  [private]

Definition at line 454 of file llviewerobject.cpp.

References addNVPair(), and mNameValuePairs.

Referenced by processUpdateMessage().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void LLViewerObject::deleteTEImages (  )  [private]

Definition at line 267 of file llviewerobject.cpp.

References mTEImages, and NULL.

Referenced by setNumTEs(), and ~LLViewerObject().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

Friends And Related Function Documentation

friend class LLViewerObjectList [friend]

Definition at line 465 of file llviewerobject.h.

friend class LLViewerMediaList [friend]

Definition at line 466 of file llviewerobject.h.

Member Data Documentation

Definition at line 500 of file llviewerobject.h.

Referenced by getCRC(), and processUpdateMessage().

Definition at line 512 of file llviewerobject.h.

Referenced by LLVOAvatar::addChild(), LLVOVolume::addFace(), LLPipeline::addObject(), LLPipeline::allocDrawable(), LLViewerWindow::analyzeHit(), LLVOVolume::animateTextures(), LLViewerCamera::areVertsVisible(), calc_light_dist(), calc_shame(), LLVOVolume::calcLOD(), LLHUDEffectPointAt::calcTargetPosition(), LLHUDEffectLookAt::calcTargetPosition(), LLOctreePick::check(), LLViewerObjectList::cleanupReferences(), clearDrawableState(), LLVOWLSky::createDrawable(), LLVOWater::createDrawable(), LLVOVolume::createDrawable(), LLVOTree::createDrawable(), LLVOTextBubble::createDrawable(), LLVOSurfacePatch::createDrawable(), LLVOSky::createDrawable(), LLVOPartGroup::createDrawable(), LLVOGround::createDrawable(), LLVOGrass::createDrawable(), LLVOClouds::createDrawable(), LLVOAvatar::createDrawable(), LLVOSky::createDummyVertexBuffer(), LLVOVolume::deleteFaces(), LLVOSurfacePatch::dirtyGeom(), dirtyMesh(), dirtySpatialGroup(), LLVolumeImplFlexible::doFlexibleUpdate(), LLVolumeImplFlexible::doIdleUpdate(), LLVolumeImplFlexible::doUpdateGeometry(), LLManipRotate::drag(), LLVOWLSky::drawDome(), dump(), LLSelectMgr::dump(), LLViewerObjectList::findOrphans(), LLViewerObjectList::findReferences(), LLVOVolume::genBBoxes(), LLPipeline::generateImpostor(), LLVOVolume::generateSilhouette(), LLVolumeImplFlexible::getAnchorPosition(), LLVOVolume::getBinRadius(), getBinRadius(), getBoundingBoxAgent(), LLVOAvatar::getCharacterPosition(), LLVOTextBubble::getGeometry(), LLVOSurfacePatch::getGeometry(), LLVOPartGroup::getGeometry(), LLVOGrass::getGeometry(), LLVOClouds::getGeometry(), LLSelectMgr::getGrid(), LLVOAvatar::getImpostorValues(), getNumIndices(), getNumVertices(), LLVOAvatar::getOffObject(), getPositionAgent(), LLVOVolume::getRenderMatrix(), getRenderMatrix(), LLVOAvatar::getRenderPosition(), getRenderPosition(), getRenderRotation(), LLVOAvatar::getSpatialExtents(), getVObjRadius(), handle_dump_attachments(), LLToolSelectRect::handleRectangleSelection(), LLVOVolume::idleUpdate(), LLVOTextBubble::idleUpdate(), LLVOGrass::idleUpdate(), LLVOClouds::idleUpdate(), LLVOAvatar::idleUpdate(), LLVOAvatar::isVisible(), LLVOAvatar::lazyAttach(), LLVolumeImplFlexible::LLVolumeImplFlexible(), markDead(), markForUpdate(), LLViewerObjectList::orphanize(), LLVOVolume::parameterChanged(), LLVOGrass::plantBlades(), LLPipeline::postSort(), LLVisualParamHint::preRender(), LLVOVolume::processUpdateMessage(), LLVOGrass::processUpdateMessage(), processUpdateMessage(), LLManip::rebuild(), LLVOVolume::regenFaces(), LLVOAvatar::releaseMeshData(), LLVolumeImplFlexible::remapSections(), removeChild(), LLViewerJointAttachment::removeObject(), LLVisualParamReset::render(), LLVisualParamHint::render(), LLImagePreviewAvatar::render(), LLPreviewAnimation::render(), LLDrawPoolAvatar::renderAvatars(), LLVOAvatar::renderFootShadows(), LLPipeline::renderForSelect(), LLDrawPoolAvatar::renderForSelect(), LLViewerObjectList::renderObjectsForSelect(), LLSelectNode::renderOneSilhouette(), LLVOAvatar::renderSkinned(), LLVOAvatar::resetHUDAttachments(), LLVOWLSky::resetVertexBuffers(), LLVOWLSky::restoreGL(), LLVOSky::restoreGL(), LLVOAvatar::restoreMeshData(), LLSelectMgr::saveSelectedObjectTransform(), LLSelectMgr::selectionMove(), LLSelectMgr::selectionResetRotation(), LLSelectMgr::selectionRotateAroundZ(), LLViewerJointAttachment::setAttachmentVisibility(), LLVolumeImplFlexible::setAttributesOfAllSections(), LLVOVolume::setDrawableParent(), setDrawableParent(), setDrawableState(), LLVOVolume::setIsFlexible(), LLVOVolume::setIsLight(), LLVOVolume::setLightColor(), setNumTEs(), LLVOVolume::setParent(), LLVOAvatar::setPixelAreaAndAngle(), setPositionAbsoluteGlobal(), setPositionGlobal(), LLVOVolume::setScale(), setScale(), LLVOVolume::setSelected(), LLVOVolume::setTEBumpmap(), setTEBumpmap(), LLVOVolume::setTEColor(), setTEColor(), LLVOVolume::setTEFullbright(), setTEFullbright(), LLVOVolume::setTEGlow(), setTEGlow(), LLVOVolume::setTEImage(), setTEImage(), LLVOVolume::setTEMediaFlags(), setTEMediaFlags(), setTEOffset(), setTEOffsetS(), setTEOffsetT(), setTERotation(), LLVOVolume::setTEScale(), setTEScale(), LLVOVolume::setTEScaleS(), setTEScaleS(), LLVOVolume::setTEScaleT(), setTEScaleT(), LLVOVolume::setTEShiny(), LLVOVolume::setTETexGen(), LLVOVolume::setTETexture(), setTETextureCore(), LLViewerJointAttachment::setupDrawable(), LLSpatialBridge::setVisible(), LLVOVolume::setVolume(), LLVOTextBubble::setVolume(), LLVOAvatar::shame(), LLViewerObjectList::shiftObjects(), LLVOAvatar::sitOnObject(), LLVOAvatar::slamPosition(), LLManipScale::stretchFace(), LLAgent::updateCamera(), LLVOAvatar::updateCharacter(), LLVOGrass::updateDrawable(), LLVOClouds::updateDrawable(), LLStaticViewerObject::updateDrawable(), updateDrawable(), LLVOVolume::updateFaceFlags(), LLVOVolume::updateFaceSize(), LLVOTextBubble::updateFaceSize(), LLVOSurfacePatch::updateFaceSize(), LLVOWater::updateGeometry(), LLVOVolume::updateGeometry(), LLVOTextBubble::updateGeometry(), LLVOPartGroup::updateGeometry(), LLVOAvatar::updateHeadOffset(), LLVOVolume::updateLOD(), LLVOGrass::updateLOD(), LLVOAvatar::updateLOD(), LLVOAvatar::updateMeshData(), LLVOVolume::updateRadius(), LLVOTree::updateRadius(), LLVOVolume::updateRelativeXform(), LLVolumeImplFlexible::updateRelativeXform(), LLSelectMgr::updateSilhouettes(), LLViewerPartSim::updateSimulation(), LLVOSky::updateSky(), LLVOWater::updateSpatialExtents(), LLVOTree::updateSpatialExtents(), LLVOSurfacePatch::updateSpatialExtents(), LLVOPartGroup::updateSpatialExtents(), LLVOAvatar::updateSpatialExtents(), updateSpatialExtents(), LLVOVolume::updateTEData(), updateText(), LLVOVolume::updateTextures(), and LLVOAvatar::updateVisibility().

Definition at line 518 of file llviewerobject.h.

Definition at line 521 of file llviewerobject.h.

Referenced by processUpdateMessage().

Definition at line 525 of file llviewerobject.h.

Referenced by clearIcon(), hideExtraDisplayItems(), markDead(), and setIcon().

Definition at line 527 of file llviewerobject.h.

Definition at line 571 of file llviewerobject.h.

Referenced by idleUpdate(), LLViewerObject(), and processUpdateMessage().

Definition at line 572 of file llviewerobject.h.

Referenced by dump(), and processUpdateMessage().

Definition at line 573 of file llviewerobject.h.

Referenced by processUpdateMessage(), and setRegion().

U8* LLViewerObject::mData [protected]

Definition at line 579 of file llviewerobject.h.

Referenced by adjustAudioGain(), setAttachedSound(), and updateLOD().

Definition at line 602 of file llviewerobject.h.

Referenced by isSelected(), processUpdateMessage(), and setSelected().

Definition at line 603 of file llviewerobject.h.

Referenced by onActiveList(), and setOnActiveList().

Definition at line 604 of file llviewerobject.h.

Referenced by isOnMap(), and setScale().

Definition at line 605 of file llviewerobject.h.

Referenced by idleUpdate(), LLVOVolume::isActive(), and processUpdateMessage().

Definition at line 608 of file llviewerobject.h.

Referenced by LLVOAvatar::getTimeDilation(), idleUpdate(), and processUpdateMessage().

Definition at line 609 of file llviewerobject.h.

Referenced by applyAngularVelocity(), getRotTime(), resetRot(), and setSelected().

Definition at line 610 of file llviewerobject.h.

Referenced by processUpdateMessage().

Definition at line 615 of file llviewerobject.h.

Referenced by getClickAction(), setClickAction(), and specialHoverCursor().

U32 LLViewerObject::sNumZombieObjects = 0 [static, protected]

Definition at line 617 of file llviewerobject.h.

Referenced by getNumZombieObjects(), markDead(), and ~LLViewerObject().

BOOL LLViewerObject::sMapDebug = TRUE [static, protected]

Definition at line 619 of file llviewerobject.h.

Definition at line 620 of file llviewerobject.h.

Definition at line 621 of file llviewerobject.h.

F32 LLViewerObject::sCurrentPulse [static, protected]

Definition at line 622 of file llviewerobject.h.

BOOL LLViewerObject::sPulseEnabled [static, protected]

Definition at line 623 of file llviewerobject.h.

Definition at line 625 of file llviewerobject.h.

S32 LLViewerObject::sNumObjects = 0 [static, private]

Definition at line 632 of file llviewerobject.h.

Referenced by LLViewerObject(), and ~LLViewerObject().

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:

Generated on Fri May 16 09:29:45 2008 for SecondLife by  doxygen 1.5.5