LLVOAvatar Class Reference

#include <llvoavatar.h>

Inheritance diagram for LLVOAvatar:

Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for LLVOAvatar:

Collaboration graph

List of all members.

Public Types

enum  ETextureIndex {
enum  ELocTexIndex {
typedef std::multimap
< LLString, LLPolyMesh * > 
typedef std::map< LLUUID, S32 >
typedef std::multimap< LLUUID,
typedef std::map< S32,
LLViewerJointAttachment * > 

Public Member Functions

 LLVOAvatar (const LLUUID &id, const LLPCode pcode, LLViewerRegion *regionp)
void markDead ()
virtual U32 processUpdateMessage (LLMessageSystem *mesgsys, void **user_data, U32 block_num, const EObjectUpdateType update_type, LLDataPacker *dp)
virtual BOOL idleUpdate (LLAgent &agent, LLWorld &world, const F64 &time)
virtual BOOL updateLOD ()
void setFootPlane (const LLVector4 &plane)
BOOL isActive () const
U32 renderFootShadows ()
U32 renderImpostor (LLColor4U color=LLColor4U(255, 255, 255, 255))
U32 renderRigid ()
U32 renderSkinned (EAvatarRenderPass pass)
U32 renderTransparent ()
void renderCollisionVolumes ()
void updateTextures (LLAgent &agent)
S32 setTETexture (const U8 te, const LLUUID &uuid)
void onShift (const LLVector3 &shift_vector)
virtual U32 getPartitionType () const
void updateVisibility ()
void updateAttachmentVisibility (U32 camera_mode)
void clampAttachmentPositions ()
S32 getAttachmentCount ()
BOOL hasHUDAttachment ()
LLBBox getHUDBBox ()
void rebuildHUD ()
LLDrawablecreateDrawable (LLPipeline *pipeline)
BOOL updateGeometry (LLDrawable *drawable)
void updateShadowFaces ()
void setPixelAreaAndAngle (LLAgent &agent)
BOOL updateJointLODs ()
virtual void updateRegion (LLViewerRegion *regionp)
virtual const LLVector3 getRenderPosition () const
virtual void updateDrawable (BOOL force_damped)
void updateSpatialExtents (LLVector3 &newMin, LLVector3 &newMax)
void getSpatialExtents (LLVector3 &newMin, LLVector3 &newMax)
BOOL isImpostor () const
BOOL needsImpostorUpdate () const
const LLVector3getImpostorOffset () const
const LLVector2getImpostorDim () const
void getImpostorValues (LLVector3 *extents, LLVector3 &angle, F32 &distance)
void cacheImpostorValues ()
void setImpostorDim (const LLVector2 &dim)
virtual const char * getAnimationPrefix ()
virtual LLJointgetRootJoint ()
virtual LLVector3 getCharacterPosition ()
virtual LLQuaternion getCharacterRotation ()
virtual LLVector3 getCharacterVelocity ()
virtual LLVector3 getCharacterAngularVelocity ()
virtual F32 getTimeDilation ()
virtual void getGround (const LLVector3 &inPos, LLVector3 &outPos, LLVector3 &outNorm)
virtual BOOL allocateCharacterJoints (U32 num)
virtual LLJointgetCharacterJoint (U32 num)
virtual void requestStopMotion (LLMotion *motion)
virtual F32 getPixelArea () const
virtual LLPolyMeshgetHeadMesh ()
virtual LLPolyMeshgetUpperBodyMesh ()
virtual LLVector3d getPosGlobalFromAgent (const LLVector3 &position)
virtual LLVector3 getPosAgentFromGlobal (const LLVector3d &position)
virtual void updateVisualParams ()
virtual BOOL startMotion (const LLUUID &id, F32 time_offset=0.f)
virtual BOOL stopMotion (const LLUUID &id, BOOL stop_immediate=FALSE)
virtual void stopMotionFromSource (const LLUUID &source_id)
virtual LLVector3 getVolumePos (S32 joint_index, LLVector3 &volume_offset)
virtual LLJointfindCollisionVolume (U32 volume_id)
virtual S32 getCollisionVolumeID (std::string &name)
virtual void addDebugText (const std::string &text)
virtual const LLUUIDgetID ()
virtual LLJointgetJoint (const std::string &name)
BOOL allocateCollisionVolumes (U32 num)
void resetHUDAttachments ()
void getLocalTextureByteCount (S32 *gl_byte_count)
LLMotionfindMotion (const LLUUID &id)
BOOL isVisible ()
BOOL isSelf ()
BOOL isCulled ()
S32 getUnbakedPixelAreaRank ()
void dumpLocalTextures ()
const LLUUIDgrabLocalTexture (ETextureIndex index)
BOOL canGrabLocalTexture (ETextureIndex index)
void startAppearanceAnimation (BOOL set_by_user, BOOL play_sound)
void setCompositeUpdatesEnabled (BOOL b)
void addChat (const LLChat &chat)
void clearChat ()
void startTyping ()
void stopTyping ()
LLString getFullname () const
F32 getPelvisToFoot ()
void buildCharacter ()
void releaseMeshData ()
void restoreMeshData ()
void updateMeshData ()
void computeBodySize ()
BOOL updateCharacter (LLAgent &agent)
void updateHeadOffset ()
LLUUIDgetStepSound ()
void processAnimationStateChanges ()
BOOL processSingleAnimationStateChange (const LLUUID &anim_id, BOOL start)
void resetAnimations ()
BOOL isAnyAnimationSignaled (const LLUUID *anim_array, const S32 num_anims)
BOOL needsRenderBeam ()
void resolveHeightGlobal (const LLVector3d &inPos, LLVector3d &outPos, LLVector3 &outNorm)
void resolveHeightAgent (const LLVector3 &inPos, LLVector3 &outPos, LLVector3 &outNorm)
void resolveRayCollisionAgent (const LLVector3d start_pt, const LLVector3d end_pt, LLVector3d &out_pos, LLVector3 &out_norm)
void slamPosition ()
BOOL loadAvatar ()
BOOL setupBone (LLVOAvatarBoneInfo *info, LLViewerJoint *parent)
BOOL buildSkeleton (LLVOAvatarSkeletonInfo *info)
void processAvatarAppearance (LLMessageSystem *mesgsys)
void onFirstTEMessageReceived ()
void updateSexDependentLayerSets (BOOL set_by_user)
void dirtyMesh ()
virtual void setParent (LLViewerObject *parent)
virtual void addChild (LLViewerObject *childp)
virtual void removeChild (LLViewerObject *childp)
LLViewerJointAttachmentgetTargetAttachmentPoint (LLViewerObject *viewer_object)
BOOL attachObject (LLViewerObject *viewer_object)
BOOL detachObject (LLViewerObject *viewer_object)
void lazyAttach ()
void sitOnObject (LLViewerObject *sit_object)
void getOffObject ()
BOOL isWearingAttachment (const LLUUID &inv_item_id)
LLViewerObjectgetWornAttachment (const LLUUID &inv_item_id)
const LLString getAttachedPointName (const LLUUID &inv_item_id)
void updateMeshTextures ()
LLColor4 getGlobalColor (const LLString &color_name)
BOOL isLocalTextureDataAvailable (LLTexLayerSet *layerset)
BOOL isLocalTextureDataFinal (LLTexLayerSet *layerset)
ETextureIndex getBakedTE (LLTexLayerSet *layerset)
void updateComposites ()
void onGlobalColorChanged (LLTexGlobalColor *global_color, BOOL set_by_user)
BOOL getLocalTextureRaw (S32 index, LLImageRaw *image_raw_pp)
BOOL getLocalTextureGL (S32 index, LLImageGL **image_gl_pp)
const LLUUIDgetLocalTextureID (S32 index)
LLGLuint getScratchTexName (LLGLenum format, U32 *texture_bytes)
BOOL bindScratchTexture (LLGLenum format)
void invalidateComposite (LLTexLayerSet *layerset, BOOL set_by_user)
void forceBakeAllTextures (bool slam_for_debug=false)
void setNewBakedTexture (ETextureIndex i, const LLUUID &uuid)
void setCachedBakedTexture (ETextureIndex i, const LLUUID &uuid)
void requestLayerSetUploads ()
bool hasPendingBakedUploads ()
void setClothesColor (ETextureIndex te, const LLColor4 &new_color, BOOL set_by_user)
LLColor4 getClothesColor (ETextureIndex te)
BOOL teToColorParams (ETextureIndex te, const char *param_name[3])
BOOL isWearingWearableType (EWearableType type)
void setLocTexTE (U8 te, LLViewerImage *image, BOOL set_by_user)
void setupComposites ()
BOOL isFullyLoaded ()
BOOL updateIsFullyLoaded ()

Static Public Member Functions

static void updateImpostors ()
static void initClass ()
static void cleanupClass ()
static BOOL parseSkeletonFile (const LLString &filename)
static BOOL isTextureIndexBaked (S32 i)
static void getAnimLabels (LLDynamicArray< std::string > *labels)
static void getAnimNames (LLDynamicArray< std::string > *names)
static void onCustomizeStart ()
static void onCustomizeEnd ()
static void dumpTotalLocalTextureByteCount ()
static void cullAvatarsByPixelArea ()
static LLVOAvatarfindAvatarFromAttachment (LLViewerObject *obj)
static void processRebakeAvatarTextures (LLMessageSystem *msg, void **)
static void onLocalTextureLoaded (BOOL succcess, LLViewerImage *src_vi, LLImageRaw *src, LLImageRaw *aux_src, S32 discard_level, BOOL final, void *userdata)
static void dumpArchetypeXML (void *)
static void dumpScratchTextureByteCount ()
static void dumpBakedStatus ()
static void deleteCachedImages ()
static void destroyGL ()
static void restoreGL ()
static void resetImpostors ()
static enum EWearableType getTEWearableType (S32 te)
static LLUUID getDefaultTEImageID (S32 te)
static void updateFreezeCounter (S32 counter=0)

Public Attributes

BOOL mDirtyMesh
LLFrameTimer mUpdateLODTimer
BOOL mIsBuilt
char mAvatarDefinition [64]
S32 mNumJoints
S32 mNumCollisionVolumes
F32 mHUDTargetZoom
F32 mHUDCurZoom
LLViewerJoint mHairLOD
LLViewerJointMesh mHairMesh0
LLViewerJointMesh mHairMesh1
LLViewerJointMesh mHairMesh2
LLViewerJointMesh mHairMesh3
LLViewerJointMesh mHairMesh4
LLViewerJointMesh mHairMesh5
LLViewerJoint mHeadLOD
LLViewerJointMesh mHeadMesh0
LLViewerJointMesh mHeadMesh1
LLViewerJointMesh mHeadMesh2
LLViewerJointMesh mHeadMesh3
LLViewerJointMesh mHeadMesh4
LLViewerJoint mEyeLashLOD
LLViewerJointMesh mEyeLashMesh0
LLViewerJoint mUpperBodyLOD
LLViewerJointMesh mUpperBodyMesh0
LLViewerJointMesh mUpperBodyMesh1
LLViewerJointMesh mUpperBodyMesh2
LLViewerJointMesh mUpperBodyMesh3
LLViewerJointMesh mUpperBodyMesh4
LLViewerJoint mLowerBodyLOD
LLViewerJointMesh mLowerBodyMesh0
LLViewerJointMesh mLowerBodyMesh1
LLViewerJointMesh mLowerBodyMesh2
LLViewerJointMesh mLowerBodyMesh3
LLViewerJointMesh mLowerBodyMesh4
LLViewerJoint mEyeBallLeftLOD
LLViewerJointMesh mEyeBallLeftMesh0
LLViewerJointMesh mEyeBallLeftMesh1
LLViewerJoint mEyeBallRightLOD
LLViewerJointMesh mEyeBallRightMesh0
LLViewerJointMesh mEyeBallRightMesh1
LLViewerJoint mSkirtLOD
LLViewerJointMesh mSkirtMesh0
LLViewerJointMesh mSkirtMesh1
LLViewerJointMesh mSkirtMesh2
LLViewerJointMesh mSkirtMesh3
LLViewerJointMesh mSkirtMesh4
mesh_map_t mMeshes
BOOL mIsSelf
LLPointer< LLViewerImagemShadowImagep
LLUUID mLastHeadBakedID
LLUUID mLastUpperBodyBakedID
LLUUID mLastLowerBodyBakedID
LLUUID mLastEyesBakedID
LLUUID mLastSkirtBakedID
LLRenderTarget mImpostor
LLVector3 mImpostorOffset
LLVector2 mImpostorDim
BOOL mNeedsImpostorUpdate
BOOL mNeedsAnimUpdate
LLVector3 mImpostorExtents [2]
LLVector3 mImpostorAngle
F32 mImpostorDistance
LLVector3 mLastAnimExtents [2]
BOOL mIsDummy
S32 mSpecialRenderMode
LLTimer mAnimTimer
F32 mTimeLast
F32 mSpeedAccum
std::map< LLUUID, S32mSignaledAnimations
std::map< LLUUID, S32mPlayingAnimations
AnimationSourceMap mAnimationSources
BOOL mTurning
F32 mSpeed
LLFrameTimer mTimeInAir
BOOL mWasOnGroundLeft
BOOL mWasOnGroundRight
LLVector4 mFootPlane
BOOL mStepOnLand
U8 mStepMaterial
LLVector3 mStepObjectVelocity
F32 mPelvisToFoot
LLVector3 mBodySize
S32 mLastSkeletonSerialNum
LLVector3 mHeadOffset
LLViewerJoint mRoot
BOOL mIsSitting
LLFrameTimer mTimeVisible
LLPointer< LLHUDTextmNameText
std::deque< LLChatmChats
LLFrameTimer mChatTimer
BOOL mTyping
LLFrameTimer mTypingTimer
BOOL mMeshValid
BOOL mVisible
LLFrameTimer mMeshInvisibleTime
LLVector4 mWindVec
F32 mWindFreq
F32 mRipplePhase
LLFrameTimer mRippleTimer
F32 mRippleTimeLast
LLVector3 mRippleAccel
LLVector3 mLastVel
BOOL mBelowWater
LLFrameTimer mAppearanceMorphTimer
BOOL mAppearanceAnimSetByUser
F32 mLastAppearanceBlendTime
BOOL mAppearanceAnimating
bool mLipSyncActive
attachment_map_t mAttachmentPoints
std::vector< LLPointer
< LLViewerObject > > 

Static Public Attributes

static S32 sMaxVisible = 50
static F32 sRenderDistance = 256.f
static S32 sCurJoint = 0
static S32 sCurVolume = 0
static BOOL sShowAnimationDebug = FALSE
static BOOL sUseImpostors = FALSE
static BOOL sShowFootPlane = FALSE
static BOOL sShowCollisionVolumes = FALSE
static BOOL sVisibleInFirstPerson = FALSE
static S32 sMaxOtherAvatarsToComposite = 1
static S32 sNumLODChangesThisFrame = 0
static LLUUID sStepSounds [LL_MCODE_END]
static LLUUID sStepSoundOnLand = LLUUID("e8af4a28-aa83-4310-a7c4-c047e15ea0df")
static S32 sRenderName = RENDER_NAME_ALWAYS
static BOOL sRenderGroupTitles = TRUE
static S32 sNumVisibleChatBubbles = 0
static BOOL sDebugInvisible = FALSE
static BOOL sShowAttachmentPoints = FALSE
static S32 sNumVisibleAvatars = 0
static LLMap< LLGLenum,
LLGLuint * > 
static LLMap< LLGLenum, F32 * > sScratchTexLastBindTime
static S32 sScratchTexBytes = 0
static LLXmlTree sXMLTree
static LLXmlTree sSkeletonXMLTree
static F32 sLODFactor = 1.f
static BOOL sJointDebug = FALSE
static ETextureIndex sBakedTextureIndices [BAKED_TEXTURE_COUNT]

Protected Member Functions

virtual ~LLVOAvatar ()
BOOL loadSkeletonNode ()
BOOL loadMeshNodes ()
BOOL isFullyBaked ()
void deleteLayerSetCaches ()
void setLocalTexture (ELocTexIndex i, LLViewerImage *tex, BOOL baked_version_exits)
void requestLayerSetUpdate (LLVOAvatar::ELocTexIndex i)
void addLocalTextureStats (LLVOAvatar::ELocTexIndex i, LLViewerImage *imagep, F32 texel_area_ratio, BOOL rendered, BOOL covered_by_baked)
void addBakedTextureStats (LLViewerImage *imagep, F32 pixel_area, F32 texel_area_ratio, S32 boost_level)
void useBakedTexture (const LLUUID &id)
void dumpAvatarTEs (const char *context)
void removeMissingBakedTextures ()
LLTexLayerSetgetLayerSet (ETextureIndex index) const
LLHost getObjectHost () const
S32 getLocalDiscardLevel (S32 index)
void shame ()

Static Protected Member Functions

static BOOL areAllNearbyInstancesBaked ()
static void onBakedTextureMasksLoaded (BOOL success, LLViewerImage *src_vi, LLImageRaw *src, LLImageRaw *aux_src, S32 discard_level, BOOL final, void *userdata)
static void onInitialBakedTextureLoaded (BOOL success, LLViewerImage *src_vi, LLImageRaw *src, LLImageRaw *aux_src, S32 discard_level, BOOL final, void *userdata)
static void onBakedTextureLoaded (BOOL success, LLViewerImage *src_vi, LLImageRaw *src, LLImageRaw *aux_src, S32 discard_level, BOOL final, void *userdata)

Protected Attributes

LLPointer< LLHUDEffectSpiralmBeam
LLFrameTimer mBeamTimer
LLFrameTimer mEditEffectTimer
F32 mRenderPriority
F32 mAdjustedPixelArea
LLWString mNameString
LLString mTitle
BOOL mNameAway
BOOL mNameBusy
BOOL mNameMute
BOOL mNameAppearance
BOOL mVisibleChat
BOOL mRenderGroupTitles
LLString mDebugText
U64 mLastRegionHandle
LLFrameTimer mRegionCrossingTimer
S32 mRegionCrossingCount
LLPointer< LLViewerImagemLocalTexture [LOCTEX_NUM_ENTRIES]
S32 mLocalTextureDiscard [LOCTEX_NUM_ENTRIES]
BOOL mFirstTEMessageReceived
BOOL mFirstAppearanceMessageReceived
BOOL mHeadBakedLoaded
S32 mHeadMaskDiscard
BOOL mUpperBakedLoaded
S32 mUpperMaskDiscard
BOOL mLowerBakedLoaded
S32 mLowerMaskDiscard
BOOL mEyesBakedLoaded
BOOL mSkirtBakedLoaded
U32 mHeadMaskTexName
U32 mUpperMaskTexName
U32 mLowerMaskTexName
BOOL mCulled
F32 mMinPixelArea
F32 mMaxPixelArea
BOOL mNeedsSkin
S32 mUpdatePeriod

Static Protected Attributes

static LLVOAvatarSkeletonInfosSkeletonInfo = NULL
static LLVOAvatarInfosAvatarInfo = NULL

Private Attributes

BOOL mFullyLoaded
BOOL mPreviousFullyLoaded
BOOL mFullyLoadedInitialized
S32 mFullyLoadedFrameCounter
LLFrameTimer mFullyLoadedTimer
int mCurrentGesticulationLevel

Static Private Attributes

static S32 sFreezeCounter = 0


struct  CompareScreenAreaGreater

Detailed Description

Definition at line 244 of file llvoavatar.h.

Member Typedef Documentation

typedef std::multimap<LLString, LLPolyMesh*> LLVOAvatar::mesh_map_t

Definition at line 686 of file llvoavatar.h.

typedef std::map<LLUUID, S32>::iterator LLVOAvatar::AnimIterator

Definition at line 738 of file llvoavatar.h.

typedef std::multimap<LLUUID, LLUUID> LLVOAvatar::AnimationSourceMap

Definition at line 743 of file llvoavatar.h.

typedef AnimationSourceMap::iterator LLVOAvatar::AnimSourceIterator

Definition at line 744 of file llvoavatar.h.

Definition at line 880 of file llvoavatar.h.

Member Enumeration Documentation

anonymous enum


Definition at line 261 of file llvoavatar.h.


Definition at line 340 of file llvoavatar.h.


Definition at line 511 of file llvoavatar.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

LLVOAvatar::~LLVOAvatar (  )  [protected, virtual]

LLVOAvatar::LLVOAvatar ( const LLUUID id,
const LLPCode  pcode,
LLViewerRegion regionp 

Definition at line 619 of file llvoavatar.cpp.

References LLCharacter::addMotion(), ANIM_AGENT_BODY_NOISE, ANIM_AGENT_BREATHE_ROT, ANIM_AGENT_BUSY, ANIM_AGENT_CROUCH, ANIM_AGENT_CROUCHWALK, ANIM_AGENT_CUSTOMIZE, ANIM_AGENT_CUSTOMIZE_DONE, ANIM_AGENT_EDITING, ANIM_AGENT_EXPRESS_AFRAID, ANIM_AGENT_EXPRESS_ANGER, ANIM_AGENT_EXPRESS_BORED, ANIM_AGENT_EXPRESS_CRY, ANIM_AGENT_EXPRESS_DISDAIN, ANIM_AGENT_EXPRESS_EMBARRASSED, ANIM_AGENT_EXPRESS_FROWN, ANIM_AGENT_EXPRESS_KISS, ANIM_AGENT_EXPRESS_LAUGH, ANIM_AGENT_EXPRESS_OPEN_MOUTH, ANIM_AGENT_EXPRESS_REPULSED, ANIM_AGENT_EXPRESS_SAD, ANIM_AGENT_EXPRESS_SHRUG, ANIM_AGENT_EXPRESS_SMILE, ANIM_AGENT_EXPRESS_SURPRISE, ANIM_AGENT_EXPRESS_TONGUE_OUT, ANIM_AGENT_EXPRESS_TOOTHSMILE, ANIM_AGENT_EXPRESS_WINK, ANIM_AGENT_EXPRESS_WORRY, ANIM_AGENT_EYE, ANIM_AGENT_FEMALE_WALK, ANIM_AGENT_FLY_ADJUST, ANIM_AGENT_HAND_MOTION, ANIM_AGENT_HEAD_ROT, ANIM_AGENT_PELVIS_FIX, ANIM_AGENT_RUN, ANIM_AGENT_SIT_FEMALE, ANIM_AGENT_STAND, ANIM_AGENT_STAND_1, ANIM_AGENT_STAND_2, ANIM_AGENT_STAND_3, ANIM_AGENT_STAND_4, ANIM_AGENT_STANDUP, ANIM_AGENT_TARGET, ANIM_AGENT_TURNLEFT, ANIM_AGENT_TURNRIGHT, ANIM_AGENT_WALK, ANIM_AGENT_WALK_ADJUST, AVATAR_DEFAULT_CHAR, buildCharacter(), LLWalkAdjustMotion::create(), LLTargetingMotion::create(), LLKeyframeMotion::create(), LLPelvisFixMotion::create(), LLHeadRotMotion::create(), LLHandMotion::create(), LLFlyAdjustMotion::create(), LLEyeMotion::create(), LLEditingMotion::create(), LLBreatheMotionRot::create(), LLBodyNoiseMotion::create(), LLKeyframeFallMotion::create(), LLEmote::create(), LLKeyframeWalkMotion::create(), LLKeyframeStandMotion::create(), LLNullMotion::create(), LLCharacter::createMotion(), LLHUDManager::createViewerEffect(), FALSE, gAgent, gAgentID, LLViewerImageList::getImageFromFile(), LLSingleton< LLHUDManager >::getInstance(), LLVoiceClient::getVoiceEnabled(), gImageList, gNoRender, gStaticVFS, gVoiceClient, i, LLHUDObject::LL_HUD_EFFECT_VOICE_VISUALIZER, lldebugs, llendl, LOCTEX_NUM_ENTRIES, mAahMorph, mAvatarDefinition, MAX_DISCARD_LEVEL, LLViewerObject::mbCanSelect, mCollisionVolumes, mCurrentGesticulationLevel, mDirtyMesh, MESH_ID_HAIR, MESH_ID_HEAD, MESH_ID_LOWER_BODY, MESH_ID_SKIRT, MESH_ID_UPPER_BODY, mEyeBallLeftLOD, mEyeBallLeftMesh0, mEyeBallLeftMesh1, mEyeBallRightLOD, mEyeBallRightMesh0, mEyeBallRightMesh1, mEyeLashLOD, mEyeLashMesh0, mHairLOD, mHairMesh0, mHairMesh1, mHairMesh2, mHairMesh3, mHairMesh4, mHairMesh5, mHeadLOD, mHeadMesh0, mHeadMesh1, mHeadMesh2, mHeadMesh3, mHeadMesh4, mHeadp, LLViewerObject::mID, mImpostorDistance, mInAir, mIsBuilt, mIsSelf, mLipSyncActive, mLocalTextureBaked, mLocalTextureDiscard, mLowerBodyLOD, mLowerBodyMesh0, mLowerBodyMesh1, mLowerBodyMesh2, mLowerBodyMesh3, mLowerBodyMesh4, mNeedsAnimUpdate, mNeedsImpostorUpdate, mNumCollisionVolumes, mNumJoints, mOohMorph, mPelvisp, mPlayingAnimations, mRippleTimeLast, mRoot, mScreenp, mShadow0Facep, mShadow1Facep, mShadowImagep, mSignaledAnimations, mSkeleton, mSkirtLOD, mSkirtMesh0, mSkirtMesh1, mSkirtMesh2, mSkirtMesh3, mSkirtMesh4, mSpeed, mSpeedAccum, mStepMaterial, mStepOnLand, mTimeLast, LLMemType::MTYPE_AVATAR, mUpperBodyLOD, mUpperBodyMesh0, mUpperBodyMesh1, mUpperBodyMesh2, mUpperBodyMesh3, mUpperBodyMesh4, mVoiceVisualizer, mWasOnGroundLeft, mWasOnGroundRight, NULL, LLViewerJoint::PN_0, LLViewerJoint::PN_1, LLViewerJoint::PN_2, LLViewerJoint::PN_3, LLViewerJoint::PN_4, LLViewerJoint::PN_5, S32, LLCharacter::setAnimationData(), LLAgent::setAvatarObject(), LLViewerJointMesh::setIsTransparent(), LLViewerJointMesh::setMeshID(), LLJoint::setName(), LLViewerObject::setNumTEs(), LLViewerJoint::setPickName(), LLViewerJointMesh::setSpecular(), LLKeyframeMotion::setVFS(), LLVoiceVisualizer::setVoiceEnabled(), LLCharacter::sInstances, TEX_NUM_ENTRIES, and TRUE.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Member Function Documentation

void LLVOAvatar::markDead (  )  [virtual]

Reimplemented from LLViewerObject.

Definition at line 1019 of file llvoavatar.cpp.

References LLViewerObject::markDead(), LLVoiceVisualizer::markDead(), mBeam, mNameText, mVoiceVisualizer, NULL, and sNumVisibleChatBubbles.

Here is the call graph for this function:

void LLVOAvatar::updateImpostors (  )  [static]

Definition at line 9704 of file llvoavatar.cpp.

References LLPipeline::generateImpostor(), gPipeline, LLViewerObject::isDead(), isImpostor(), isVisible(), needsImpostorUpdate(), and LLCharacter::sInstances.

Referenced by display().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void LLVOAvatar::initClass ( void   )  [static]

void LLVOAvatar::cleanupClass (  )  [static]

Definition at line 1456 of file llvoavatar.cpp.

References LLXmlTree::cleanup(), NULL, sAvatarInfo, sSkeletonInfo, sSkeletonXMLTree, and sXMLTree.

Referenced by LLViewerObject::cleanupVOClasses().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

BOOL LLVOAvatar::parseSkeletonFile ( const LLString filename  )  [static]

Definition at line 1572 of file llvoavatar.cpp.

References LLXmlTree::addAttributeString(), FALSE, LLXmlTreeNode::getFastAttributeString(), LLXmlTree::getRoot(), LLXmlTreeNode::hasName(), llendl, llerrs, LLMemType::MTYPE_AVATAR, LLXmlTree::parseFile(), sSkeletonXMLTree, and TRUE.

Referenced by initClass().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

U32 LLVOAvatar::processUpdateMessage ( LLMessageSystem mesgsys,
void **  user_data,
U32  block_num,
const EObjectUpdateType  update_type,
LLDataPacker dp 
) [virtual]

BOOL LLVOAvatar::idleUpdate ( LLAgent agent,
LLWorld world,
const F64 time 
) [virtual]

Reimplemented from LLViewerObject.

Definition at line 2393 of file llvoavatar.cpp.

References LLHUDObject::addHUDObject(), AGENT_STAND_ANIMS, LLHUDText::ALIGN_TEXT_CENTER, LLHUDText::ALIGN_TEXT_LEFT, LLHUDText::ALIGN_VERT_TOP, ANIM_AGENT_AWAY, ANIM_AGENT_BUSY, ANIM_AGENT_CUSTOMIZE, LLVisualParam::animate(), APPEARANCE_MORPH_TIME, LLVisualParam::apply(), LLFontGL::BOLD, BUBBLE_CHAT_TIME, calc_bouncy_animation(), LLAgent::cameraMouselook(), CHAT_FADE_TIME, CHAT_NORMAL_RADIUS, CHAT_TYPE_SHOUT, CHAT_TYPE_WHISPER, clamp_rescale(), LLAgent::clearAFK(), LLVector3::clearVec(), LLHUDManager::createViewerEffect(), LLViewerObject::deleteParticleSource(), dirtyMesh(), F_TWO_PI, FADE_DURATION, FALSE, LLAgent::fidget(), LLFastTimer::FTM_ATTACHMENT_UPDATE, LLFastTimer::FTM_AVATAR_UPDATE, LLFastTimer::FTM_JOINT_UPDATE, gAgent, gColors, LLControlGroup::getBOOL(), LLControlGroup::getColor(), LLVoiceVisualizer::getCurrentGesticulationLevel(), LLVoiceVisualizer::getCurrentlySpeaking(), LLVoiceClient::getCurrentPower(), LLToolMgr::getCurrentTool(), LLTool::getEditingObject(), LLTool::getEditingPointGlobal(), LLAgent::getEffectColor(), LLFrameTimer::getElapsedSeconds(), LLFrameTimer::getElapsedTimeF32(), LLControlGroup::getF32(), LLCharacter::getFirstVisualParam(), getFullname(), LLVisualParam::getGroup(), getID(), LLViewerImage::getID(), LLViewerImageList::getImageFromFile(), getImpostorValues(), LLSingleton< LLToolMgr >::getInstance(), LLSingleton< LLHUDManager >::getInstance(), LLMuteList::getInstance(), LLSingleton< LLViewerCamera >::getInstance(), LLSingleton< LLSelectMgr >::getInstance(), LLCriticalDamp::getInterpolant(), LLVoiceClient::getIsSpeaking(), LLCoordFrame::getLeftAxis(), LLVisualParam::getMaxWeight(), LLVisualParam::getMinWeight(), LLCharacter::getNextVisualParam(), LLViewerObject::getNVPair(), LLViewerJointAttachment::getObject(), LLCoordFrame::getOrigin(), LLXform::getParent(), LLViewerCamera::getPixelVectors(), LLViewerObject::getPositionAgent(), LLViewerObject::getPositionGlobal(), LLViewerObject::getRegion(), LLXform::getRoot(), LLXform::getRotation(), LLSelectMgr::getSelection(), LLCharacter::getSex(), getSpatialExtents(), LLNameValue::getString(), LLViewerJoint::getValid(), LLPrimitive::getVelocity(), LLShaderMgr::getVertexShaderLevel(), LLVoiceClient::getVoiceEnabled(), LLViewerRegion::getWaterHeight(), LLJoint::getWorldPosition(), LLJoint::getWorldRotation(), gGestureManager, gImageList, gLastHitNonFloraObjectOffset, gLastHitNonFloraPosGlobal, gNoRender, gPipeline, gSavedSettings, gVoiceClient, LLPipeline::hasRenderType(), HOVER_EFFECT_MAX_SPEED, HOVER_EFFECT_STRENGTH, i, LLViewerObject::idleUpdate(), LLVoiceClient::inProximalChannel(), isAnyAnimationSignaled(), LLViewerObject::isDead(), LLTool::isEditing(), isFullyLoaded(), isImpostor(), LLMuteList::isMuted(), LLPointer< Type >::isNull(), LLViewerObject::isSelected(), isVisible(), LLFontGL::ITALIC, lazyAttach(), lerp(), LLVoiceClient::lipSyncEnabled(), LLVoiceVisualizer::lipSyncOohAah(), LLHUDObject::LL_HUD_EFFECT_BEAM, LLHUDObject::LL_HUD_TEXT, LLPartData::LL_PART_EMISSIVE_MASK, LLPartData::LL_PART_INTERP_COLOR_MASK, LLPartData::LL_PART_INTERP_SCALE_MASK, LLPartSysData::LL_PART_SRC_PATTERN_ANGLE_CONE, LLPartData::LL_PART_TARGET_POS_MASK, llclamp(), llendl, llfloor(), llinfos, llmax(), llmin(), mAahMorph, LLVector3::magVec(), LLViewerObject::mAppAngle, mAppearanceAnimating, mAppearanceAnimSetByUser, mAppearanceMorphTimer, LLPipeline::markMoved(), LLPipeline::markRebuild(), mAttachmentPoints, MAX_BUBBLE_CHAT_UTTERANCES, MAX_STRING, mBeam, mBeamTimer, mBelowWater, mBodySize, LLPartSysData::mBurstPartCount, LLPartSysData::mBurstRadius, LLPartSysData::mBurstRate, LLPartSysData::mBurstSpeedMax, LLPartSysData::mBurstSpeedMin, mChats, mChatTimer, mCurrentGesticulationLevel, LLViewerObject::mDrawable, LLVector3d::mdV, LLPartData::mEndColor, LLPartData::mEndScale, LLPartData::mFlags, mHeadOffset, LLViewerObject::mID, mImpostorAngle, mImpostorDistance, mImpostorExtents, mInAir, LLPartSysData::mInnerAngle, mIsBuilt, mIsSelf, mIsSitting, mLastAppearanceBlendTime, mLastVel, mLipSyncActive, LLPartSysData::mMaxAge, LLPartData::mMaxAge, mNameAppearance, mNameAway, mNameBusy, mNameMute, mNameString, mNameText, mNeedsAnimUpdate, mNeedsImpostorUpdate, mOohMorph, LLPartSysData::mOuterAngle, LLPartSysData::mPartData, LLPartSysData::mPartImageID, LLPartSysData::mPattern, LLAgent::mPointAt, mRenderGroupTitles, mRippleAccel, mRipplePhase, mRippleTimeLast, mRippleTimer, mRoot, mSignaledAnimations, LLPartData::mStartColor, LLPartData::mStartScale, mTimeVisible, mTitle, LLMemType::MTYPE_AVATAR, mTyping, mTypingTimer, LLVector4::mV, LLVector2::mV, LLVector3::mV, mVisibleChat, mVoiceVisualizer, mWindFreq, mWindVec, needsRenderBeam(), noise1(), LLFontGL::NORMAL, LLVector3::normVec(), LLVector4::normVec(), LLPointer< Type >::notNull(), NULL, NUM_AGENT_STAND_ANIMS, projected_vec(), LLDrawable::REBUILD_SHADOW, RENDER_NAME_ALWAYS, RENDER_NAME_FADE, LLPipeline::RENDER_TYPE_AVATAR, LLFrameTimer::reset(), S32, LLVector3::scaleVec(), SELECT_TYPE_HUD, LLAgent::sendAgentSetAppearance(), LLColor4::setAlpha(), LLViewerObject::setParticleSource(), setPixelAreaAndAngle(), LLViewerObject::setRotation(), LLVoiceVisualizer::setSpeakingAmplitude(), LLVoiceVisualizer::setStartSpeaking(), LLVoiceVisualizer::setStopSpeaking(), LLVector4::setVec(), LLVoiceVisualizer::setVoiceEnabled(), LLVoiceVisualizer::setVoiceSourceWorldPosition(), LLVisualParam::setWeight(), LLShaderMgr::SHADER_AVATAR, LLDrawPoolAvatar::SHADER_LEVEL_CLOTH, shame(), sJointDebug, LLJoint::sNumTouches, LLJoint::sNumUpdates, sNumVisibleChatBubbles, sRenderGroupTitles, sRenderName, LLFontGL::sSansSerif, LLFontGL::sSansSerifBig, sUseImpostors, LLGestureManager::triggerAndReviseString(), TRUE, UNDERWATER_EFFECT_STRENGTH, UNDERWATER_FREQUENCY_DAMP, updateCharacter(), updateIsFullyLoaded(), LLPipeline::updateMoveDampedAsync(), LLPipeline::updateMoveNormalAsync(), LLViewerObject::updateText(), updateVisualParams(), LLCharacter::updateVisualParams(), utf8str_to_wstring(), VISUAL_PARAM_GROUP_TWEAKABLE, VOICE_GESTICULATION_LEVEL_OFF, VW, VX, VY, and VZ.

BOOL LLVOAvatar::updateLOD (  )  [virtual]

void LLVOAvatar::setFootPlane ( const LLVector4 plane  )  [inline]

Definition at line 288 of file llvoavatar.h.

References mFootPlane.

BOOL LLVOAvatar::isActive ( void   )  const [virtual]

Reimplemented from LLViewerObject.

Definition at line 5717 of file llvoavatar.cpp.

References TRUE.

U32 LLVOAvatar::renderFootShadows (  ) 

U32 LLVOAvatar::renderImpostor ( LLColor4U  color = LLColor4U(255,255,255,255)  ) 

U32 LLVOAvatar::renderRigid (  ) 

Definition at line 4152 of file llvoavatar.cpp.

References gAgent, mAdjustedPixelArea, mEyeBallLeftLOD, mEyeBallRightLOD, mIsBuilt, mIsSelf, LLAgent::needsRenderAvatar(), LLAgent::needsRenderHead(), and LLViewerJoint::render().

Referenced by LLDrawPoolAvatar::renderAvatars().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

U32 LLVOAvatar::renderSkinned ( EAvatarRenderPass  pass  ) 

U32 LLVOAvatar::renderTransparent (  ) 

Definition at line 4120 of file llvoavatar.cpp.

References FALSE, gAgent, isWearingWearableType(), mAdjustedPixelArea, mEyeLashLOD, mHairLOD, mIsSelf, mSkirtLOD, LLAgent::needsRenderHead(), LLViewerJoint::render(), LLPipeline::sImpostorRender, and WT_SKIRT.

Referenced by renderSkinned().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void LLVOAvatar::renderCollisionVolumes (  ) 

Definition at line 4258 of file llvoavatar.cpp.

References i, mCollisionVolumes, mNumCollisionVolumes, LLViewerJointCollisionVolume::renderCollision(), and S32.

Referenced by LLDrawPoolAvatar::renderAvatars().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void LLVOAvatar::updateTextures ( LLAgent agent  )  [virtual]

Reimplemented from LLViewerObject.

Definition at line 4269 of file llvoavatar.cpp.

References addBakedTextureStats(), addLocalTextureStats(), LLUUID::asString(), LLViewerImage::bind(), LLViewerImage::BOOST_AVATAR, LLViewerImage::BOOST_AVATAR_BAKED, LLViewerImage::BOOST_AVATAR_BAKED_SELF, LLViewerImage::BOOST_AVATAR_SELF, fsqrtf, LLViewerRegion::getHost(), getID(), LLViewerImage::getID(), LLPrimitive::getNumTEs(), LLViewerObject::getRegion(), LLViewerImage::getTargetHost(), LLPrimitive::getTE(), LLViewerObject::getTEImage(), gGLManager, gNoRender, gPipeline, LLPipeline::hasRenderDebugMask(), i, IMG_DEFAULT_AVATAR, LLHost::isOk(), isTextureIndexBaked(), isVisible(), llassert, llendl, llformat(), llwarns, LOCTEX_EYES_IRIS, LOCTEX_HEAD_BODYPAINT, LOCTEX_LOWER_BODYPAINT, LOCTEX_LOWER_JACKET, LOCTEX_LOWER_PANTS, LOCTEX_LOWER_SHOES, LOCTEX_LOWER_SOCKS, LOCTEX_LOWER_UNDERPANTS, LOCTEX_SKIRT, LOCTEX_UPPER_BODYPAINT, LOCTEX_UPPER_GLOVES, LOCTEX_UPPER_JACKET, LOCTEX_UPPER_SHIRT, LOCTEX_UPPER_UNDERSHIRT, mCulled, mEyesBakedLoaded, mHeadBakedLoaded, LLGLManager::mIsDisabled, mIsDummy, mIsSelf, mLowerBakedLoaded, mMaxPixelArea, mMinPixelArea, LLViewerObject::mPixelArea, LLTextureEntry::mScaleS, LLTextureEntry::mScaleT, mShadowImagep, mSkirtBakedLoaded, mUpperBakedLoaded, LLPipeline::RENDER_DEBUG_TEXTURE_AREA, S32, LLViewerObject::setDebugText(), TEX_EYES_BAKED, TEX_EYES_IRIS, TEX_HAIR, TEX_HEAD_BAKED, TEX_HEAD_BODYPAINT, TEX_LOWER_BAKED, TEX_LOWER_BODYPAINT, TEX_LOWER_JACKET, TEX_LOWER_PANTS, TEX_LOWER_SHOES, TEX_LOWER_SOCKS, TEX_LOWER_UNDERPANTS, TEX_SKIRT, TEX_SKIRT_BAKED, TEX_UPPER_BAKED, TEX_UPPER_BODYPAINT, TEX_UPPER_GLOVES, TEX_UPPER_JACKET, TEX_UPPER_SHIRT, TEX_UPPER_UNDERSHIRT, and TRUE.

Here is the call graph for this function:

S32 LLVOAvatar::setTETexture ( const U8  te,
const LLUUID uuid 
) [virtual]

Reimplemented from LLViewerObject.

Definition at line 2372 of file llvoavatar.cpp.

References getObjectHost(), LLHost::invalid, isTextureIndexBaked(), and LLViewerObject::setTETextureCore().

Referenced by setCachedBakedTexture().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void LLVOAvatar::onShift ( const LLVector3 shift_vector  )  [virtual]

Reimplemented from LLViewerObject.

Definition at line 1487 of file llvoavatar.cpp.

References mLastAnimExtents, mNeedsAnimUpdate, mNeedsImpostorUpdate, and TRUE.

U32 LLVOAvatar::getPartitionType (  )  const [virtual]

Reimplemented from LLViewerObject.

Definition at line 9698 of file llvoavatar.cpp.

References LLViewerRegion::PARTITION_BRIDGE.

void LLVOAvatar::updateVisibility (  ) 

void LLVOAvatar::updateAttachmentVisibility ( U32  camera_mode  ) 

void LLVOAvatar::clampAttachmentPositions (  ) 

S32 LLVOAvatar::getAttachmentCount (  ) 

Definition at line 9557 of file llvoavatar.cpp.

References mAttachmentPoints, and S32.

Referenced by display().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

BOOL LLVOAvatar::hasHUDAttachment (  ) 

Definition at line 8225 of file llvoavatar.cpp.

References FALSE, LLViewerJointAttachment::getIsHUDAttachment(), LLViewerJointAttachment::getObject(), mAttachmentPoints, and TRUE.

Referenced by setup_hud_matrices().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

LLBBox LLVOAvatar::getHUDBBox (  ) 

void LLVOAvatar::rebuildHUD (  ) 

Definition at line 8266 of file llvoavatar.cpp.

Referenced by LLPipeline::rebuildPools().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

LLDrawable * LLVOAvatar::createDrawable ( LLPipeline pipeline  )  [virtual]

BOOL LLVOAvatar::updateGeometry ( LLDrawable drawable  )  [virtual]

Reimplemented from LLViewerObject.

Definition at line 5831 of file llvoavatar.cpp.

References LLFastTimer::FTM_UPDATE_AVATAR, gPipeline, LLPipeline::hasRenderType(), llendl, llerrs, mMeshValid, LLPipeline::RENDER_TYPE_AVATAR, and TRUE.

Referenced by LLVisualParamHint::preRender(), and LLVisualParamReset::render().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void LLVOAvatar::updateShadowFaces (  ) 

void LLVOAvatar::setPixelAreaAndAngle ( LLAgent agent  )  [virtual]

Reimplemented from LLViewerObject.

Definition at line 5725 of file llvoavatar.cpp.

References LLPipeline::calcPixelArea(), LLSingleton< LLViewerCamera >::getInstance(), llmax(), LOCTEX_IMAGE_SIZE_SELF, LLVector3::magVec(), LLViewerObject::mAppAngle, LLViewerObject::mDrawable, mIsSelf, LLViewerObject::mPixelArea, LLMemType::MTYPE_AVATAR, and RAD_TO_DEG.

Referenced by idleUpdate().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

BOOL LLVOAvatar::updateJointLODs (  ) 

void LLVOAvatar::updateRegion ( LLViewerRegion regionp  )  [virtual]

const LLVector3 LLVOAvatar::getRenderPosition (  )  const [virtual]

void LLVOAvatar::updateDrawable ( BOOL  force_damped  )  [virtual]

Reimplemented from LLViewerObject.

Definition at line 1482 of file llvoavatar.cpp.

References LLXform::clearChanged(), and LLXform::SHIFTED.

Here is the call graph for this function:

void LLVOAvatar::updateSpatialExtents ( LLVector3 newMin,
LLVector3 newMax 
) [virtual]

Reimplemented from LLViewerObject.

Definition at line 1495 of file llvoavatar.cpp.

References getRenderPosition(), getSpatialExtents(), isImpostor(), LLViewerObject::mDrawable, mImpostorOffset, mLastAnimExtents, and needsImpostorUpdate().

Here is the call graph for this function:

void LLVOAvatar::getSpatialExtents ( LLVector3 newMin,
LLVector3 newMax 

BOOL LLVOAvatar::isImpostor (  )  const

BOOL LLVOAvatar::needsImpostorUpdate (  )  const

Definition at line 9724 of file llvoavatar.cpp.

References mNeedsImpostorUpdate.

Referenced by LLVolumeImplFlexible::doUpdateGeometry(), updateImpostors(), and updateSpatialExtents().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

const LLVector3 & LLVOAvatar::getImpostorOffset (  )  const

Definition at line 9729 of file llvoavatar.cpp.

References mImpostorOffset.

Referenced by LLPipeline::generateImpostor().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

const LLVector2 & LLVOAvatar::getImpostorDim (  )  const

Definition at line 9734 of file llvoavatar.cpp.

References mImpostorDim.

void LLVOAvatar::getImpostorValues ( LLVector3 extents,
LLVector3 angle,
F32 distance 

void LLVOAvatar::cacheImpostorValues (  ) 

Definition at line 9744 of file llvoavatar.cpp.

References getImpostorValues(), mImpostorAngle, mImpostorDistance, and mImpostorExtents.

Referenced by LLPipeline::generateImpostor().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void LLVOAvatar::setImpostorDim ( const LLVector2 dim  ) 

Definition at line 9739 of file llvoavatar.cpp.

References mImpostorDim.

Referenced by LLPipeline::generateImpostor().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

static BOOL LLVOAvatar::isTextureIndexBaked ( S32  i  )  [inline, static]

Definition at line 366 of file llvoavatar.h.


Referenced by setLocTexTE(), setTETexture(), LLGenePool::spawn(), and updateTextures().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

virtual const char* LLVOAvatar::getAnimationPrefix (  )  [inline, virtual]

Implements LLCharacter.

Definition at line 384 of file llvoavatar.h.

virtual LLJoint* LLVOAvatar::getRootJoint (  )  [inline, virtual]

Implements LLCharacter.

Definition at line 385 of file llvoavatar.h.

References mRoot.

Referenced by LLVisualParamHint::render(), and LLMorphView::updateCamera().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

LLVector3 LLVOAvatar::getCharacterPosition (  )  [virtual]

Implements LLCharacter.

Definition at line 4939 of file llvoavatar.cpp.

References LLViewerObject::getPositionAgent(), LLViewerObject::mDrawable, and LLPointer< Type >::notNull().

Referenced by processSingleAnimationStateChange().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

LLQuaternion LLVOAvatar::getCharacterRotation (  )  [virtual]

Implements LLCharacter.

Definition at line 4955 of file llvoavatar.cpp.

References LLXform::getRotation().

Here is the call graph for this function:

LLVector3 LLVOAvatar::getCharacterVelocity (  )  [virtual]

Implements LLCharacter.

Definition at line 4964 of file llvoavatar.cpp.

References LLPrimitive::getVelocity(), and mStepObjectVelocity.

Here is the call graph for this function:

LLVector3 LLVOAvatar::getCharacterAngularVelocity (  )  [virtual]

Implements LLCharacter.

Definition at line 4973 of file llvoavatar.cpp.

References LLPrimitive::getAngularVelocity().

Here is the call graph for this function:

F32 LLVOAvatar::getTimeDilation (  )  [virtual]

Implements LLCharacter.

Definition at line 5004 of file llvoavatar.cpp.

References LLViewerObject::mTimeDilation.

void LLVOAvatar::getGround ( const LLVector3 inPos,
LLVector3 outPos,
LLVector3 outNorm 
) [virtual]

BOOL LLVOAvatar::allocateCharacterJoints ( U32  num  )  [virtual]

Implements LLCharacter.

Definition at line 5060 of file llvoavatar.cpp.

References FALSE, mNumJoints, mSkeleton, NULL, S32, LLJoint::setJointNum(), and TRUE.

Referenced by buildSkeleton().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

LLJoint * LLVOAvatar::getCharacterJoint ( U32  num  )  [virtual]

Implements LLCharacter.

Definition at line 5105 of file llvoavatar.cpp.

References mNumJoints, mSkeleton, NULL, and S32.

Referenced by setupBone().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void LLVOAvatar::requestStopMotion ( LLMotion motion  )  [virtual]

Reimplemented from LLCharacter.

Definition at line 5118 of file llvoavatar.cpp.

References gAgent, mIsSelf, and LLAgent::requestStopMotion().

Here is the call graph for this function:

F32 LLVOAvatar::getPixelArea (  )  const [virtual]

Implements LLCharacter.

Definition at line 5013 of file llvoavatar.cpp.

References mIsDummy, and LLViewerObject::mPixelArea.

Referenced by areAllNearbyInstancesBaked(), and updateCharacter().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

LLPolyMesh * LLVOAvatar::getHeadMesh (  )  [virtual]

Implements LLCharacter.

Definition at line 5026 of file llvoavatar.cpp.

References LLViewerJointMesh::getMesh(), and mHeadMesh0.

Here is the call graph for this function:

LLPolyMesh * LLVOAvatar::getUpperBodyMesh (  )  [virtual]

Implements LLCharacter.

Definition at line 5035 of file llvoavatar.cpp.

References LLViewerJointMesh::getMesh(), and mUpperBodyMesh0.

Here is the call graph for this function:

LLVector3d LLVOAvatar::getPosGlobalFromAgent ( const LLVector3 position  )  [virtual]

Implements LLCharacter.

Definition at line 5044 of file llvoavatar.cpp.

References gAgent, and LLAgent::getPosGlobalFromAgent().

Here is the call graph for this function:

LLVector3 LLVOAvatar::getPosAgentFromGlobal ( const LLVector3d position  )  [virtual]

Implements LLCharacter.

Definition at line 5052 of file llvoavatar.cpp.

References gAgent, and LLAgent::getPosAgentFromGlobal().

Here is the call graph for this function:

void LLVOAvatar::updateVisualParams (  )  [virtual]

BOOL LLVOAvatar::startMotion ( const LLUUID id,
F32  time_offset = 0.f 
) [virtual]

BOOL LLVOAvatar::stopMotion ( const LLUUID id,
BOOL  stop_immediate = FALSE 
) [virtual]

void LLVOAvatar::stopMotionFromSource ( const LLUUID source_id  )  [virtual]

Definition at line 4838 of file llvoavatar.cpp.

References ANIM_REQUEST_STOP, LLViewerObjectList::findObject(), FLAGS_ANIM_SOURCE, gAgent, gObjectList, mAnimationSources, LLViewerObject::mFlags, mIsSelf, and LLAgent::sendAnimationRequest().

Referenced by detachObject(), getOffObject(), and LLViewerObject::markDead().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

LLVector3 LLVOAvatar::getVolumePos ( S32  joint_index,
LLVector3 volume_offset 
) [virtual]

Reimplemented from LLCharacter.

Definition at line 4862 of file llvoavatar.cpp.

References LLViewerJointCollisionVolume::getVolumePos(), mCollisionVolumes, mNumCollisionVolumes, and LLVector3::zero.

Here is the call graph for this function:

LLJoint * LLVOAvatar::findCollisionVolume ( U32  volume_id  )  [virtual]

Reimplemented from LLCharacter.

Definition at line 4875 of file llvoavatar.cpp.

References mCollisionVolumes, mNumCollisionVolumes, NULL, and S32.

S32 LLVOAvatar::getCollisionVolumeID ( std::string &  name  )  [virtual]

Reimplemented from LLCharacter.

Definition at line 4888 of file llvoavatar.cpp.

References i, mCollisionVolumes, mNumCollisionVolumes, and S32.

void LLVOAvatar::addDebugText ( const std::string &  text  )  [virtual]

Implements LLCharacter.

Definition at line 4904 of file llvoavatar.cpp.

References mDebugText.

Referenced by updateCharacter().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

const LLUUID & LLVOAvatar::getID (  )  [virtual]

LLJoint * LLVOAvatar::getJoint ( const std::string &  name  )  [virtual]

Reimplemented from LLCharacter.

Definition at line 4922 of file llvoavatar.cpp.

References LLJoint::findJoint(), mRoot, mScreenp, and NULL.

Referenced by loadSkeletonNode(), LLVisualParamHint::render(), LLPolySkeletalDistortion::setInfo(), LLPanelEditWearable::setSubpart(), and LLMorphView::updateCamera().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

BOOL LLVOAvatar::allocateCollisionVolumes ( U32  num  ) 

Definition at line 5085 of file llvoavatar.cpp.

References FALSE, mCollisionVolumes, mNumCollisionVolumes, NULL, and TRUE.

Referenced by buildSkeleton().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void LLVOAvatar::resetHUDAttachments (  ) 

Definition at line 6140 of file llvoavatar.cpp.

References LLViewerJointAttachment::getIsHUDAttachment(), LLViewerJointAttachment::getObject(), gPipeline, LLPipeline::markMoved(), mAttachmentPoints, LLViewerObject::mDrawable, and LLPointer< Type >::notNull().

Referenced by updateCharacter().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void LLVOAvatar::getAnimLabels ( LLDynamicArray< std::string > *  labels  )  [static]

Definition at line 8471 of file llvoavatar.cpp.

References LLAnimStateLabels::getStateLabel(), gUserAnimStates, gUserAnimStatesCount, i, LLDynamicArray< Type, BlockSize >::put(), and S32.

Here is the call graph for this function:

void LLVOAvatar::getAnimNames ( LLDynamicArray< std::string > *  names  )  [static]

Definition at line 8484 of file llvoavatar.cpp.

References gUserAnimStates, gUserAnimStatesCount, i, LLDynamicArray< Type, BlockSize >::put(), and S32.

Here is the call graph for this function:

void LLVOAvatar::onCustomizeStart (  )  [static]

void LLVOAvatar::onCustomizeEnd (  )  [static]

void LLVOAvatar::getLocalTextureByteCount ( S32 gl_byte_count  ) 

Definition at line 6828 of file llvoavatar.cpp.

References LLImageGL::getComponents(), LLImageGL::getHasGLTexture(), LLImageGL::getHeight(), LLImageGL::getWidth(), i, LOCTEX_NUM_ENTRIES, mLocalTexture, and S32.

Referenced by dumpTotalLocalTextureByteCount().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void LLVOAvatar::dumpTotalLocalTextureByteCount (  )  [static]

Definition at line 6716 of file llvoavatar.cpp.

References getLocalTextureByteCount(), llendl, llinfos, S32, and LLCharacter::sInstances.

Referenced by output_statistics().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

LLMotion * LLVOAvatar::findMotion ( const LLUUID id  ) 

BOOL LLVOAvatar::isVisible (  ) 

Definition at line 6730 of file llvoavatar.cpp.

References LLViewerObject::mDrawable, and LLPointer< Type >::notNull().

Referenced by dumpBakedStatus(), idleUpdate(), LLTexLayerSetBuffer::needsRender(), updateCharacter(), updateImpostors(), and updateTextures().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

BOOL LLVOAvatar::isSelf (  )  [inline]

BOOL LLVOAvatar::isCulled (  )  [inline]

Definition at line 428 of file llvoavatar.h.

References mCulled.

Referenced by dumpBakedStatus(), and LLTexLayerSetBuffer::needsRender().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

S32 LLVOAvatar::getUnbakedPixelAreaRank (  ) 

Definition at line 8829 of file llvoavatar.cpp.

References LLViewerObject::isDead(), isFullyBaked(), llassert, S32, and LLCharacter::sInstances.

Referenced by dumpBakedStatus().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void LLVOAvatar::cullAvatarsByPixelArea (  )  [static]

void LLVOAvatar::dumpLocalTextures (  ) 

const LLUUID & LLVOAvatar::grabLocalTexture ( ETextureIndex  index  ) 

Definition at line 8894 of file llvoavatar.cpp.

References canGrabLocalTexture(), LLViewerImage::getID(), LLViewerObject::getTEImage(), and LLUUID::null.

Referenced by handle_grab_texture().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

BOOL LLVOAvatar::canGrabLocalTexture ( ETextureIndex  index  ) 

void LLVOAvatar::startAppearanceAnimation ( BOOL  set_by_user,
BOOL  play_sound 

Definition at line 9072 of file llvoavatar.cpp.

References mAppearanceAnimating, mAppearanceAnimSetByUser, mAppearanceMorphTimer, mLastAppearanceBlendTime, LLFrameTimer::reset(), and TRUE.

Referenced by processAvatarAppearance(), LLGenePool::spawn(), and LLWearable::writeToAvatar().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void LLVOAvatar::setCompositeUpdatesEnabled ( BOOL  b  ) 

void LLVOAvatar::addChat ( const LLChat chat  ) 

Definition at line 7535 of file llvoavatar.cpp.

References MAX_BUBBLE_CHAT_LENGTH, MAX_BUBBLE_CHAT_UTTERANCES, mChats, mChatTimer, LLFrameTimer::reset(), and S32.

Here is the call graph for this function:

void LLVOAvatar::clearChat (  ) 

Definition at line 7559 of file llvoavatar.cpp.

References mChats.

Referenced by process_agent_movement_complete().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void LLVOAvatar::startTyping (  )  [inline]

Definition at line 442 of file llvoavatar.h.

References mTyping, mTypingTimer, LLFrameTimer::reset(), and TRUE.

Here is the call graph for this function:

void LLVOAvatar::stopTyping (  )  [inline]

Definition at line 443 of file llvoavatar.h.

References FALSE, and mTyping.

LLString LLVOAvatar::getFullname (  )  const

Definition at line 9588 of file llvoavatar.cpp.

References LLViewerObject::getNVPair(), and LLNameValue::getString().

Referenced by LLVoiceClient::displayNameFromAvatar(), LLAvatarEject::handleEvent(), LLAvatarFreeze::handleEvent(), idleUpdate(), and LLToolPie::pickAndShowMenu().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

F32 LLVOAvatar::getPelvisToFoot (  )  [inline]

Definition at line 451 of file llvoavatar.h.

References mPelvisToFoot.

Referenced by LLAgent::startAutoPilotGlobal().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void LLVOAvatar::buildCharacter (  ) 

Definition at line 1739 of file llvoavatar.cpp.

References LLObservable::addListener(), ANIM_AGENT_BODY_NOISE, ANIM_AGENT_BREATHE_ROT, ANIM_AGENT_EYE, ANIM_AGENT_HAND_MOTION, ANIM_AGENT_HEAD_ROT, ANIM_AGENT_PELVIS_FIX, LLMenuGL::append(), LLPieMenu::append(), LLPieMenu::appendPieMenu(), LLMenuGL::appendSeparator(), LLPieMenu::appendSeparator(), attach_label(), detach_label(), FALSE, LLJoint::findJoint(), LLCharacter::flushAllMotions(), gAttachBodyPartPieMenus, gAttachPieMenu, gAttachScreenPieMenu, gAttachSubMenu, gDetachBodyPartPieMenus, gDetachPieMenu, gDetachScreenPieMenu, gDetachSubMenu, get_if_there(), LLTimer::getElapsedTimeF32(), LLViewerJointAttachment::getGroup(), LLViewerJointAttachment::getIsHUDAttachment(), LLView::getListenerByName(), LLJoint::getName(), LLViewerJointAttachment::getPieSlice(), LLCharacter::getVisualParam(), gMenuHolder, gNoRender, handle_detach_from_avatar(), i, lldebugs, llendl, llerrs, llwarns, loadAvatar(), mAahMorph, mAnkleLeftp, mAnkleRightp, mAttachmentPoints, mChestp, mEyeBallLeftMesh0, mEyeBallLeftMesh1, mEyeBallRightMesh0, mEyeBallRightMesh1, mEyeLashMesh0, mEyeLeftp, mEyeRightp, mFootLeftp, mFootRightp, mHairMesh0, mHairMesh1, mHairMesh2, mHairMesh3, mHairMesh4, mHairMesh5, mHeadMesh0, mHeadMesh1, mHeadMesh2, mHeadMesh3, mHeadMesh4, mHeadp, mHipLeftp, mHipRightp, mIsBuilt, mIsSelf, mKneeLeftp, mKneeRightp, mLowerBodyMesh0, mLowerBodyMesh1, mLowerBodyMesh2, mLowerBodyMesh3, mLowerBodyMesh4, mMeshValid, mNeckp, mOohMorph, mPelvisp, mRoot, mSkirtMesh0, mSkirtMesh1, mSkirtMesh2, mSkirtMesh3, mSkirtMesh4, mSkullp, mTorsop, LLMemType::MTYPE_AVATAR, mUpperBodyMesh0, mUpperBodyMesh1, mUpperBodyMesh2, mUpperBodyMesh3, mUpperBodyMesh4, mWristLeftp, mWristRightp, NULL, object_attached(), object_selected_and_point_valid(), processAnimationStateChanges(), LLJoint::removeAllChildren(), S32, LLViewerJointMesh::setMesh(), LLJoint::setPosition(), startMotion(), indra::ipc::saranwrap::status(), stop_glerror, TRUE, and updateHeadOffset().

Referenced by LLVOAvatar().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void LLVOAvatar::releaseMeshData (  ) 

void LLVOAvatar::restoreMeshData (  ) 

void LLVOAvatar::updateMeshData (  ) 

void LLVOAvatar::computeBodySize (  ) 

Definition at line 2254 of file llvoavatar.cpp.

References DEFAULT_AGENT_DEPTH, DEFAULT_AGENT_WIDTH, F_SQRT2, LLJoint::getPosition(), LLJoint::getScale(), indra::ipc::llsdhttp::head, mAnkleLeftp, mBodySize, mChestp, mFootLeftp, mHeadp, mHipLeftp, mKneeLeftp, mNeckp, mPelvisp, mPelvisToFoot, mSkullp, mTorsop, LLVector3::mV, VX, VY, and VZ.

Referenced by updateVisualParams().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

BOOL LLVOAvatar::updateCharacter ( LLAgent agent  ) 

Definition at line 3258 of file llvoavatar.cpp.

References addDebugText(), AGENT_CONTROL_TURN_LEFT, AGENT_CONTROL_TURN_RIGHT, AGENT_NO_ROTATE_ANIMS, angle_between(), ANIM_AGENT_LAND, ANIM_AGENT_RUN, ANIM_AGENT_SIT_GROUND_CONSTRAINED, ANIM_AGENT_WALK, ANIM_AGENT_WALK_ADJUST, LLUUID::asString(), LLAgent::cameraMouselook(), clamp_rescale(), DEG_TO_RAD, DELTA_TIME_MAX, DELTA_TIME_MIN, dot(), FALSE, LLMute::flagObjectSounds, FOOT_GROUND_COLLISION_TOLERANCE, LLFastTimer::FTM_UPDATE_ANIMATION, gAgent, gain(), gAudiop, gDebugAvatarRotation, LLMotionController::getActiveMotions(), LLCamera::getAspect(), LLCoordFrame::getAtAxis(), LLAgent::getAtAxis(), LLControlGroup::getBOOL(), LLDrawable::getCurrentFrame(), LLTimer::getElapsedTimeF32(), LLQuaternion::getEulerAngles(), LLControlGroup::getF32(), LLAgent::getFlying(), LLMatrix3::getFwdRow(), LLMatrix4::getFwdRow4(), getID(), LLMotion::getID(), LLSingleton< LLViewerParcelMgr >::getInstance(), LLSingleton< LLWorld >::getInstance(), LLMuteList::getInstance(), LLSingleton< LLViewerCamera >::getInstance(), LLQuaternion::getMatrix3(), LLMotion::getMinPixelArea(), LLMotion::getName(), getOffObject(), LLXform::getParent(), getPixelArea(), LLAgent::getPosAgentFromGlobal(), LLAgent::getPosGlobalFromAgent(), LLViewerObject::getPositionAgent(), LLViewerObject::getPositionGlobal(), LLMotion::getPriority(), LLAgent::getReferenceUpVector(), LLWorld::getRegionFromPosGlobal(), getRenderPosition(), LLXform::getRotation(), getStepSound(), LLPrimitive::getVelocity(), LLJoint::getWorldMatrix(), LLJoint::getWorldPosition(), LLXform::getWorldPosition(), LLJoint::getWorldRotation(), LLJoint::getXform(), gNoRender, gSavedSettings, gVoiceClient, isAnyAnimationSignaled(), LLCharacter::isMotionActive(), LLMuteList::isMuted(), LLMotionController::isPaused(), isVisible(), lerp(), llclamp(), llendl, llformat(), llinfos, llmax(), LLVector3::magVec(), mAnimTimer, mBodySize, LLUUID::mData, mDebugText, LLViewerObject::mDrawable, LLVector3d::mdV, mFootLeftp, mFootRightp, mHeadOffset, LLViewerObject::mID, mInAir, mIsBuilt, mIsSelf, mIsSitting, LLCharacter::mMotionController, mNeedsAnimUpdate, mNeedsSkin, MOUSELOOK_PELVIS_FOLLOW_FACTOR, mPelvisToFoot, LLViewerObject::mPixelArea, mRoot, mScreenp, mSignaledAnimations, mSkullp, mSpeed, mSpeedAccum, LLViewerObject::mText, mTimeInAir, mTimeLast, mTimeVisible, mTurning, LLMemType::MTYPE_AVATAR, mUpdatePeriod, LLVector4::mV, LLVector3::mV, mWasOnGroundLeft, mWasOnGroundRight, LLVector3::normVec(), LLPointer< Type >::notNull(), NULL, NUM_AGENT_NO_ROTATE_ANIMS, LLMotionController::pause(), PELVIS_LAG_FLYING, PELVIS_LAG_MOUSELOOK, PELVIS_LAG_WALKING, PELVIS_ROT_THRESHOLD_FAST, PELVIS_ROT_THRESHOLD_SLOW, projected_vec(), LLMatrix4::quaternion(), RAD_TO_DEG, LLCharacter::removeAnimationData(), LLFrameTimer::reset(), resetHUDAttachments(), resolveHeightAgent(), resolveHeightGlobal(), S32, LLVoiceClient::setAvatarPosition(), LLAgent::setControlFlags(), LLViewerObject::setDebugText(), LLJoint::setPosition(), LLAgent::setPositionAgent(), LLJoint::setRotation(), LLMatrix3::setRows(), LLJoint::setScale(), LLMotionController::setTimeStep(), LLJoint::setWorldPosition(), LLJoint::setWorldRotation(), sFreezeCounter, LLCharacter::sInstances, sitOnObject(), slerp(), sLODFactor, sqrtf, sShowAnimationDebug, stopMotion(), sUseImpostors, LLJoint::touch(), LLAudioEngine::triggerSound(), TRUE, LLMotionController::unpause(), updateHeadOffset(), LLCharacter::updateMotion(), LLMotionController::updateMotion(), LLJoint::updateWorldMatrixChildren(), VZ, LLVector3::x_axis, LLVector3::y_axis, LLVector3::z_axis, and LLVector3::zero.

Referenced by idleUpdate().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void LLVOAvatar::updateHeadOffset (  ) 

LLUUID & LLVOAvatar::getStepSound (  ) 

Definition at line 4588 of file llvoavatar.cpp.

References mStepMaterial, mStepOnLand, sStepSoundOnLand, and sStepSounds.

Referenced by updateCharacter().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void LLVOAvatar::processAnimationStateChanges (  ) 

BOOL LLVOAvatar::processSingleAnimationStateChange ( const LLUUID anim_id,
BOOL  start 

void LLVOAvatar::resetAnimations (  ) 

Definition at line 4777 of file llvoavatar.cpp.

References LLCharacter::flushAllMotions(), and LLKeyframeMotion::flushKeyframeCache().

Here is the call graph for this function:

BOOL LLVOAvatar::isAnyAnimationSignaled ( const LLUUID anim_array,
const S32  num_anims 

Definition at line 4762 of file llvoavatar.cpp.

References FALSE, i, mSignaledAnimations, S32, and TRUE.

Referenced by idleUpdate(), processAnimationStateChanges(), and updateCharacter().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

BOOL LLVOAvatar::needsRenderBeam (  ) 

void LLVOAvatar::resolveHeightGlobal ( const LLVector3d inPos,
LLVector3d outPos,
LLVector3 outNorm 

void LLVOAvatar::resolveHeightAgent ( const LLVector3 inPos,
LLVector3 outPos,
LLVector3 outNorm 

Definition at line 4538 of file llvoavatar.cpp.

References gAgent, LLAgent::getPosAgentFromGlobal(), LLAgent::getPosGlobalFromAgent(), and resolveHeightGlobal().

Referenced by updateCharacter().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void LLVOAvatar::resolveRayCollisionAgent ( const LLVector3d  start_pt,
const LLVector3d  end_pt,
LLVector3d out_pos,
LLVector3 out_norm 

Definition at line 4548 of file llvoavatar.cpp.

References LLSingleton< LLWorld >::getInstance(), and LLWorld::resolveStepHeightGlobal().

Referenced by updateShadowFaces().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void LLVOAvatar::slamPosition (  ) 

BOOL LLVOAvatar::loadAvatar (  ) 

BOOL LLVOAvatar::setupBone ( LLVOAvatarBoneInfo info,
LLViewerJoint parent 

BOOL LLVOAvatar::buildSkeleton ( LLVOAvatarSkeletonInfo info  ) 

void LLVOAvatar::processAvatarAppearance ( LLMessageSystem mesgsys  ) 

void LLVOAvatar::onFirstTEMessageReceived (  ) 

void LLVOAvatar::updateSexDependentLayerSets ( BOOL  set_by_user  ) 

Definition at line 5956 of file llvoavatar.cpp.

References invalidateComposite(), mHeadLayerSet, mLowerBodyLayerSet, mUpperBodyLayerSet, and updateMeshTextures().

Referenced by LLUndoWearable::applyUndoRedo(), LLPanelEditWearable::onCommitSexChange(), processAvatarAppearance(), and LLWearable::writeToAvatar().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void LLVOAvatar::dirtyMesh (  )  [virtual]

void LLVOAvatar::setParent ( LLViewerObject parent  )  [virtual]

Reimplemented from LLViewerObject.

Definition at line 6043 of file llvoavatar.cpp.

References gAgent, getOffObject(), isSelf(), NULL, LLAgent::resetCamera(), LLViewerObject::setParent(), and sitOnObject().

Here is the call graph for this function:

void LLVOAvatar::addChild ( LLViewerObject childp  )  [virtual]

Reimplemented from LLViewerObject.

Definition at line 6061 of file llvoavatar.cpp.

References LLViewerObject::addChild(), attachObject(), LLViewerObject::mDrawable, and mPendingAttachment.

Here is the call graph for this function:

void LLVOAvatar::removeChild ( LLViewerObject childp  )  [virtual]

Reimplemented from LLViewerObject.

Definition at line 6074 of file llvoavatar.cpp.

References detachObject(), and LLViewerObject::removeChild().

Here is the call graph for this function:

LLViewerJointAttachment * LLVOAvatar::getTargetAttachmentPoint ( LLViewerObject viewer_object  ) 

Definition at line 6080 of file llvoavatar.cpp.

References ATTACHMENT_ID_FROM_STATE, get_if_there(), LLViewerObject::getState(), llendl, llwarns, mAttachmentPoints, NULL, and S32.

Referenced by attachObject().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

BOOL LLVOAvatar::attachObject ( LLViewerObject viewer_object  ) 

BOOL LLVOAvatar::detachObject ( LLViewerObject viewer_object  ) 

void LLVOAvatar::lazyAttach (  ) 

Definition at line 6127 of file llvoavatar.cpp.

References attachObject(), i, LLViewerObject::mDrawable, and mPendingAttachment.

Referenced by idleUpdate().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void LLVOAvatar::sitOnObject ( LLViewerObject sit_object  ) 

void LLVOAvatar::getOffObject (  ) 

BOOL LLVOAvatar::isWearingAttachment ( const LLUUID inv_item_id  ) 

LLViewerObject * LLVOAvatar::getWornAttachment ( const LLUUID inv_item_id  ) 

Definition at line 6355 of file llvoavatar.cpp.

References LLViewerJointAttachment::getItemID(), LLViewerJointAttachment::getObject(), mAttachmentPoints, and NULL.

Referenced by LLPreview::onCommit(), and LLObjectBridge::renameItem().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

const LLString LLVOAvatar::getAttachedPointName ( const LLUUID inv_item_id  ) 

Definition at line 6370 of file llvoavatar.cpp.

References LLViewerJointAttachment::getItemID(), LLJoint::getName(), mAttachmentPoints, and LLStringBase< char >::null.

Referenced by LLObjectBridge::getLabelSuffix().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

LLVOAvatar * LLVOAvatar::findAvatarFromAttachment ( LLViewerObject obj  )  [static]

Definition at line 6316 of file llvoavatar.cpp.

References LLXform::getParent(), LLViewerObject::isAttachment(), LLPrimitive::isAvatar(), LLViewerObject::isDead(), and NULL.

Referenced by LLToolSelect::handleObjectSelection(), LLToolCamera::pickCallback(), and LLToolDragAndDrop::pickCallback().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void LLVOAvatar::updateMeshTextures (  ) 

Definition at line 7017 of file llvoavatar.cpp.

References LLAgent::cameraCustomizeAvatar(), LLTexLayerSet::createComposite(), LLTexLayerSet::destroyComposite(), FALSE, gAgent, LLTexGlobalColor::getColor(), LLTexLayerSet::getComposite(), getID(), LLViewerImage::getID(), LLViewerImageList::getImage(), LLViewerImageList::getImageFromHost(), LLPrimitive::getNumTEs(), getObjectHost(), LLViewerObject::getTEImage(), gImageList, gNoRender, i, IMG_DEFAULT, IMG_DEFAULT_AVATAR, LLTexLayerSetBuffer::isInitialized(), LLUUID::isNull(), LLHost::isOk(), llassert, llendl, llwarns, LOCTEX_EYES_IRIS, LOCTEX_HEAD_BODYPAINT, LOCTEX_LOWER_BODYPAINT, LOCTEX_LOWER_JACKET, LOCTEX_LOWER_PANTS, LOCTEX_LOWER_SHOES, LOCTEX_LOWER_SOCKS, LOCTEX_LOWER_UNDERPANTS, LOCTEX_SKIRT, LOCTEX_UPPER_BODYPAINT, LOCTEX_UPPER_GLOVES, LOCTEX_UPPER_JACKET, LOCTEX_UPPER_SHIRT, LOCTEX_UPPER_UNDERSHIRT, mCulled, mEyeBallLeftMesh0, mEyeBallLeftMesh1, mEyeBallRightMesh0, mEyeBallRightMesh1, mEyeLashMesh0, mEyesBakedLoaded, mEyesLayerSet, mHairMesh0, mHairMesh1, mHairMesh2, mHairMesh3, mHairMesh4, mHairMesh5, mHeadBakedLoaded, mHeadLayerSet, mHeadMaskDiscard, mHeadMesh0, mHeadMesh1, mHeadMesh2, mHeadMesh3, mHeadMesh4, LLViewerObject::mID, mIsSelf, mLastEyesBakedID, mLastHeadBakedID, mLastLowerBodyBakedID, mLastSkirtBakedID, mLastUpperBodyBakedID, mLowerBakedLoaded, mLowerBodyLayerSet, mLowerBodyMesh0, mLowerBodyMesh1, mLowerBodyMesh2, mLowerBodyMesh3, mLowerBodyMesh4, mLowerMaskDiscard, MORPH_MASK_REQUESTED_DISCARD, mSkirtBakedLoaded, mSkirtLayerSet, mSkirtMesh0, mSkirtMesh1, mSkirtMesh2, mSkirtMesh3, mSkirtMesh4, mTexHairColor, mUpperBakedLoaded, mUpperBodyLayerSet, mUpperBodyMesh0, mUpperBodyMesh1, mUpperBodyMesh2, mUpperBodyMesh3, mUpperBodyMesh4, mUpperMaskDiscard, LLColor4::mV, NULL, onBakedTextureLoaded(), onBakedTextureMasksLoaded(), removeMissingBakedTextures(), LLViewerJointMesh::setColor(), LLViewerJointMesh::setLayerSet(), LLViewerImage::setLoadedCallback(), setLocalTexture(), LLViewerImage::setNeedsAux(), LLViewerObject::setTEImage(), LLViewerJointMesh::setTexture(), LLTexLayerSet::setUpdatesEnabled(), SWITCH_TO_BAKED_DISCARD, TEX_EYES_BAKED, TEX_EYES_IRIS, TEX_HAIR, TEX_HEAD_BAKED, TEX_HEAD_BODYPAINT, TEX_LOWER_BAKED, TEX_LOWER_BODYPAINT, TEX_LOWER_JACKET, TEX_LOWER_PANTS, TEX_LOWER_SHOES, TEX_LOWER_SOCKS, TEX_LOWER_UNDERPANTS, TEX_SKIRT, TEX_SKIRT_BAKED, TEX_UPPER_BAKED, TEX_UPPER_BODYPAINT, TEX_UPPER_GLOVES, TEX_UPPER_JACKET, TEX_UPPER_SHIRT, TEX_UPPER_UNDERSHIRT, TRUE, useBakedTexture(), VW, VX, VY, and VZ.

Referenced by cullAvatarsByPixelArea(), forceBakeAllTextures(), onCustomizeEnd(), onCustomizeStart(), onFirstTEMessageReceived(), onGlobalColorChanged(), LLAgent::processAgentCachedTextureResponse(), processAvatarAppearance(), processUpdateMessage(), LLWearable::removeFromAvatar(), removeMissingBakedTextures(), restoreGL(), setLocTexTE(), setNewBakedTexture(), LLGenePool::spawn(), updateSexDependentLayerSets(), and LLWearable::writeToAvatar().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

LLColor4 LLVOAvatar::getGlobalColor ( const LLString color_name  ) 

Definition at line 6467 of file llvoavatar.cpp.

References LLTexGlobalColor::getColor(), mTexEyeColor, mTexHairColor, and mTexSkinColor.

Referenced by LLTexLayer::findNetColor().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

BOOL LLVOAvatar::isLocalTextureDataAvailable ( LLTexLayerSet layerset  ) 

BOOL LLVOAvatar::isLocalTextureDataFinal ( LLTexLayerSet layerset  ) 

LLVOAvatar::ETextureIndex LLVOAvatar::getBakedTE ( LLTexLayerSet layerset  ) 

void LLVOAvatar::updateComposites (  ) 

Definition at line 6439 of file llvoavatar.cpp.

References isWearingWearableType(), mEyesLayerSet, mHeadLayerSet, mLowerBodyLayerSet, mSkirtLayerSet, mUpperBodyLayerSet, LLTexLayerSet::updateComposite(), and WT_SKIRT.

Referenced by LLVisualParamHint::preRender(), and LLVisualParamReset::render().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void LLVOAvatar::onGlobalColorChanged ( LLTexGlobalColor global_color,
BOOL  set_by_user 

BOOL LLVOAvatar::getLocalTextureRaw ( S32  index,
LLImageRaw image_raw_pp 

Definition at line 6652 of file llvoavatar.cpp.

References FALSE, getID(), LLViewerObject::getTEImage(), IMG_DEFAULT_AVATAR, LOCTEX_NUM_ENTRIES, mLocalTexture, setLocalTexture(), and TRUE.

Here is the call graph for this function:

BOOL LLVOAvatar::getLocalTextureGL ( S32  index,
LLImageGL **  image_gl_pp 

Definition at line 6678 of file llvoavatar.cpp.


Referenced by LLTexLayer::render(), and LLTexLayer::renderAlphaMasks().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

const LLUUID & LLVOAvatar::getLocalTextureID ( S32  index  ) 

Definition at line 6703 of file llvoavatar.cpp.

References IMG_DEFAULT_AVATAR, and mLocalTexture.

Referenced by LLTexLayer::getAlphaData(), and LLTexLayer::renderAlphaMasks().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

LLGLuint LLVOAvatar::getScratchTexName ( LLGLenum  format,
U32 texture_bytes 

BOOL LLVOAvatar::bindScratchTexture ( LLGLenum  format  ) 

void LLVOAvatar::invalidateComposite ( LLTexLayerSet layerset,
BOOL  set_by_user 

void LLVOAvatar::forceBakeAllTextures ( bool  slam_for_debug = false  ) 

void LLVOAvatar::processRebakeAvatarTextures ( LLMessageSystem msg,
void **   
) [static]

Definition at line 6610 of file llvoavatar.cpp.

References BAKED_TEXTURE_COUNT, FALSE, gAgent, LLAgent::getAvatarObject(), LLSingleton< LLViewerStats >::getInstance(), LLMessageSystem::getUUID(), i, LLViewerStats::incStat(), llendl, llinfos, S32, sBakedTextureIndices, LLViewerStats::ST_TEX_REBAKES, and TRUE.

Referenced by register_viewer_callbacks().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void LLVOAvatar::setNewBakedTexture ( ETextureIndex  i,
const LLUUID uuid 

void LLVOAvatar::setCachedBakedTexture ( ETextureIndex  i,
const LLUUID uuid 

void LLVOAvatar::requestLayerSetUploads (  ) 

bool LLVOAvatar::hasPendingBakedUploads (  ) 

Definition at line 7742 of file llvoavatar.cpp.

References LLTexLayerSet::getComposite(), mEyesLayerSet, mHeadLayerSet, mLowerBodyLayerSet, mSkirtLayerSet, mUpperBodyLayerSet, and LLTexLayerSetBuffer::uploadPending().

Referenced by setNewBakedTexture().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void LLVOAvatar::onLocalTextureLoaded ( BOOL  succcess,
LLViewerImage src_vi,
LLImageRaw src,
LLImageRaw aux_src,
S32  discard_level,
BOOL  final,
void *  userdata 
) [static]

Definition at line 6391 of file llvoavatar.cpp.

References LLAgent::cameraCustomizeAvatar(), LLViewerObjectList::findObject(), gAgent, LLViewerImage::getID(), gObjectList, LLAvatarTexData::mAvatarID, LLAvatarTexData::mIndex, mLocalTextureDiscard, and LLVisualParamHint::requestHintUpdates().

Referenced by setLocalTexture().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void LLVOAvatar::dumpArchetypeXML ( void *   )  [static]

void LLVOAvatar::dumpScratchTextureByteCount (  )  [static]

Definition at line 1091 of file llvoavatar.cpp.

References llendl, llinfos, and sScratchTexBytes.

Referenced by output_statistics().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void LLVOAvatar::dumpBakedStatus (  )  [static]

void LLVOAvatar::deleteCachedImages (  )  [static]

void LLVOAvatar::destroyGL (  )  [static]

Definition at line 1298 of file llvoavatar.cpp.

References deleteCachedImages(), and resetImpostors().

Referenced by LLViewerWindow::stopGL().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void LLVOAvatar::restoreGL (  )  [static]

Definition at line 1281 of file llvoavatar.cpp.

References FALSE, invalidateComposite(), mEyesLayerSet, mHeadLayerSet, mLowerBodyLayerSet, mSkirtLayerSet, mUpperBodyLayerSet, setCompositeUpdatesEnabled(), LLCharacter::sInstances, TRUE, and updateMeshTextures().

Referenced by LLViewerWindow::restoreGL().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void LLVOAvatar::resetImpostors (  )  [static]

Definition at line 1306 of file llvoavatar.cpp.

References mImpostor, LLRenderTarget::release(), and LLCharacter::sInstances.

Referenced by destroyGL(), and LLPipeline::releaseGLBuffers().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

EWearableType LLVOAvatar::getTEWearableType ( S32  te  )  [static]

LLUUID LLVOAvatar::getDefaultTEImageID ( S32  te  )  [static]

void LLVOAvatar::setClothesColor ( ETextureIndex  te,
const LLColor4 new_color,
BOOL  set_by_user 

Definition at line 7949 of file llvoavatar.cpp.

References LLColor4::mV, LLCharacter::setVisualParamWeight(), teToColorParams(), VX, VY, and VZ.

Referenced by LLPanelEditWearable::onColorCommit().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

LLColor4 LLVOAvatar::getClothesColor ( ETextureIndex  te  ) 

Definition at line 7960 of file llvoavatar.cpp.

References LLCharacter::getVisualParamWeight(), LLColor4::mV, teToColorParams(), VX, VY, and VZ.

Referenced by LLPanelEditWearable::draw(), and LLPanelEditWearable::onColorCommit().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

BOOL LLVOAvatar::teToColorParams ( ETextureIndex  te,
const char *  param_name[3] 

BOOL LLVOAvatar::isWearingWearableType ( EWearableType  type  ) 

void LLVOAvatar::setLocTexTE ( U8  te,
LLViewerImage image,
BOOL  set_by_user 

void LLVOAvatar::setupComposites (  ) 

BOOL LLVOAvatar::isFullyLoaded (  ) 

Definition at line 6810 of file llvoavatar.cpp.

References LLControlGroup::getBOOL(), gSavedSettings, mFullyLoaded, and TRUE.

Referenced by idleUpdate(), and LLDrawPoolAvatar::renderAvatars().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

BOOL LLVOAvatar::updateIsFullyLoaded (  ) 

BOOL LLVOAvatar::loadSkeletonNode (  )  [protected]

Definition at line 5276 of file llvoavatar.cpp.

References LLJoint::addChild(), LLCharacter::addVisualParam(), DEG_TO_RAD, FALSE, LLJoint::findJoint(), getJoint(), isSelf(), llendl, llwarns, LLVOAvatarInfo::LLVOAvatarAttachmentInfo::mAttachmentID, LLVOAvatarInfo::mAttachmentInfoList, mAttachmentPoints, mEyeBallLeftLOD, mEyeBallLeftMesh0, mEyeBallLeftMesh1, mEyeBallRightLOD, mEyeBallRightMesh0, mEyeBallRightMesh1, mEyeLashLOD, mEyeLashMesh0, LLVOAvatarInfo::LLVOAvatarAttachmentInfo::mGroup, mHairLOD, mHairMesh0, mHairMesh1, mHairMesh2, mHairMesh3, mHairMesh4, mHairMesh5, LLVOAvatarInfo::LLVOAvatarAttachmentInfo::mHasPosition, LLVOAvatarInfo::LLVOAvatarAttachmentInfo::mHasRotation, mHeadLOD, mHeadMesh0, mHeadMesh1, mHeadMesh2, mHeadMesh3, mHeadMesh4, LLVOAvatarInfo::LLVOAvatarAttachmentInfo::mIsHUDAttachment, LLVOAvatarInfo::LLVOAvatarAttachmentInfo::mJointName, mLowerBodyLOD, mLowerBodyMesh0, mLowerBodyMesh1, mLowerBodyMesh2, mLowerBodyMesh3, mLowerBodyMesh4, LLVOAvatarInfo::LLVOAvatarAttachmentInfo::mName, LLVOAvatarInfo::LLVOAvatarAttachmentInfo::mPieMenuSlice, LLVOAvatarInfo::LLVOAvatarAttachmentInfo::mPosition, mRoot, LLVOAvatarInfo::LLVOAvatarAttachmentInfo::mRotationEuler, LLVOAvatarInfo::mSkeletalDistortionInfoList, mSkeleton, mSkirtLOD, mSkirtMesh0, mSkirtMesh1, mSkirtMesh2, mSkirtMesh3, mSkirtMesh4, LLJoint::mUpdateXform, mUpperBodyLOD, mUpperBodyMesh0, mUpperBodyMesh1, mUpperBodyMesh2, mUpperBodyMesh3, mUpperBodyMesh4, LLVector3::mV, LLVOAvatarInfo::LLVOAvatarAttachmentInfo::mVisibleFirstPerson, S32, sAvatarInfo, LLViewerJointAttachment::setGroup(), LLPolySkeletalDistortion::setInfo(), LLViewerJointAttachment::setIsHUDAttachment(), LLJoint::setName(), LLViewerJointAttachment::setOriginalPosition(), LLViewerJointAttachment::setPieSlice(), LLQuaternion::setQuat(), LLJoint::setRotation(), LLViewerJointAttachment::setVisibleInFirstPerson(), TRUE, VX, VY, and VZ.

Referenced by loadAvatar().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

BOOL LLVOAvatar::loadMeshNodes (  )  [protected]

BOOL LLVOAvatar::isFullyBaked (  )  [protected]

void LLVOAvatar::deleteLayerSetCaches (  )  [protected]

Definition at line 1056 of file llvoavatar.cpp.

References LLTexLayerSet::deleteCaches(), mEyesLayerSet, mHeadLayerSet, mLowerBodyLayerSet, mSkirtLayerSet, and mUpperBodyLayerSet.

Referenced by deleteCachedImages().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

BOOL LLVOAvatar::areAllNearbyInstancesBaked (  )  [static, protected]

Definition at line 1066 of file llvoavatar.cpp.

References FALSE, getPixelArea(), LLViewerObject::isDead(), isFullyBaked(), MIN_PIXEL_AREA_FOR_COMPOSITE, LLCharacter::sInstances, and TRUE.

Referenced by cullAvatarsByPixelArea().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void LLVOAvatar::onBakedTextureMasksLoaded ( BOOL  success,
LLViewerImage src_vi,
LLImageRaw src,
LLImageRaw aux_src,
S32  discard_level,
BOOL  final,
void *  userdata 
) [static, protected]

void LLVOAvatar::setLocalTexture ( ELocTexIndex  i,
LLViewerImage tex,
BOOL  baked_version_exits 
) [protected]

void LLVOAvatar::requestLayerSetUpdate ( LLVOAvatar::ELocTexIndex  i  )  [protected]

void LLVOAvatar::addLocalTextureStats ( LLVOAvatar::ELocTexIndex  i,
LLViewerImage imagep,
F32  texel_area_ratio,
BOOL  rendered,
BOOL  covered_by_baked 
) [protected]

void LLVOAvatar::addBakedTextureStats ( LLViewerImage imagep,
F32  pixel_area,
F32  texel_area_ratio,
S32  boost_level 
) [protected]

Definition at line 4526 of file llvoavatar.cpp.

References LLViewerImage::addTextureStats(), llmax(), llmin(), mMaxPixelArea, mMinPixelArea, and LLViewerImage::setBoostLevel().

Referenced by updateTextures().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void LLVOAvatar::onInitialBakedTextureLoaded ( BOOL  success,
LLViewerImage src_vi,
LLImageRaw src,
LLImageRaw aux_src,
S32  discard_level,
BOOL  final,
void *  userdata 
) [static, protected]

Definition at line 8626 of file llvoavatar.cpp.

References LLViewerObjectList::findObject(), gObjectList, and removeMissingBakedTextures().

Referenced by onFirstTEMessageReceived().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void LLVOAvatar::onBakedTextureLoaded ( BOOL  success,
LLViewerImage src_vi,
LLImageRaw src,
LLImageRaw aux_src,
S32  discard_level,
BOOL  final,
void *  userdata 
) [static, protected]

Definition at line 8641 of file llvoavatar.cpp.

References LLViewerObjectList::findObject(), LLViewerImage::getID(), gObjectList, removeMissingBakedTextures(), and useBakedTexture().

Referenced by updateMeshTextures().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void LLVOAvatar::useBakedTexture ( const LLUUID id  )  [protected]

Definition at line 8667 of file llvoavatar.cpp.

References LLTexLayerSet::destroyComposite(), dirtyMesh(), LLViewerImage::getID(), LLViewerObject::getTEImage(), LOCTEX_EYES_IRIS, LOCTEX_HEAD_BODYPAINT, LOCTEX_LOWER_BODYPAINT, LOCTEX_LOWER_JACKET, LOCTEX_LOWER_PANTS, LOCTEX_LOWER_SHOES, LOCTEX_LOWER_SOCKS, LOCTEX_LOWER_UNDERPANTS, LOCTEX_SKIRT, LOCTEX_UPPER_BODYPAINT, LOCTEX_UPPER_GLOVES, LOCTEX_UPPER_JACKET, LOCTEX_UPPER_SHIRT, LOCTEX_UPPER_UNDERSHIRT, mEyeBallLeftMesh0, mEyeBallLeftMesh1, mEyeBallRightMesh0, mEyeBallRightMesh1, mEyeLashMesh0, mEyesBakedLoaded, mEyesLayerSet, mHeadBakedLoaded, mHeadLayerSet, mHeadMesh0, mHeadMesh1, mHeadMesh2, mHeadMesh3, mHeadMesh4, mLastEyesBakedID, mLastHeadBakedID, mLastLowerBodyBakedID, mLastSkirtBakedID, mLastUpperBodyBakedID, mLowerBakedLoaded, mLowerBodyLayerSet, mLowerBodyMesh0, mLowerBodyMesh1, mLowerBodyMesh2, mLowerBodyMesh3, mLowerBodyMesh4, mSkirtBakedLoaded, mSkirtLayerSet, mSkirtMesh0, mSkirtMesh1, mSkirtMesh2, mSkirtMesh3, mSkirtMesh4, mUpperBakedLoaded, mUpperBodyLayerSet, mUpperBodyMesh0, mUpperBodyMesh1, mUpperBodyMesh2, mUpperBodyMesh3, mUpperBodyMesh4, setLocalTexture(), LLViewerJointMesh::setTexture(), TEX_EYES_BAKED, TEX_EYES_IRIS, TEX_HEAD_BAKED, TEX_HEAD_BODYPAINT, TEX_LOWER_BAKED, TEX_LOWER_BODYPAINT, TEX_LOWER_JACKET, TEX_LOWER_PANTS, TEX_LOWER_SHOES, TEX_LOWER_SOCKS, TEX_LOWER_UNDERPANTS, TEX_SKIRT, TEX_SKIRT_BAKED, TEX_UPPER_BAKED, TEX_UPPER_BODYPAINT, TEX_UPPER_GLOVES, TEX_UPPER_JACKET, TEX_UPPER_SHIRT, TEX_UPPER_UNDERSHIRT, and TRUE.

Referenced by onBakedTextureLoaded(), and updateMeshTextures().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void LLVOAvatar::dumpAvatarTEs ( const char *  context  )  [protected]

Definition at line 7976 of file llvoavatar.cpp.

References LLViewerImage::getID(), LLViewerObject::getTEImage(), i, IMG_DEFAULT, IMG_DEFAULT_AVATAR, LLUUID::isNull(), llendl, llinfos, mIsSelf, S32, and TEX_NUM_ENTRIES.

Here is the call graph for this function:

void LLVOAvatar::removeMissingBakedTextures (  )  [protected]

LLTexLayerSet * LLVOAvatar::getLayerSet ( ETextureIndex  index  )  const [protected]

LLHost LLVOAvatar::getObjectHost (  )  const [protected]

Definition at line 9643 of file llvoavatar.cpp.

References LLViewerRegion::getHost(), LLViewerObject::getRegion(), LLHost::invalid, and LLViewerObject::isDead().

Referenced by onCustomizeEnd(), setNewBakedTexture(), setTETexture(), and updateMeshTextures().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

S32 LLVOAvatar::getLocalDiscardLevel ( S32  index  )  [protected]

Definition at line 7564 of file llvoavatar.cpp.

References getID(), IMG_DEFAULT_AVATAR, and mLocalTexture.

Referenced by isLocalTextureDataAvailable(), and isLocalTextureDataFinal().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void LLVOAvatar::shame (  )  [protected]

void LLVOAvatar::updateFreezeCounter ( S32  counter = 0  )  [static]

Definition at line 9657 of file llvoavatar.cpp.

References sFreezeCounter.

Referenced by display(), and LLViewerWindow::thumbnailSnapshot().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

Member Data Documentation

Definition at line 581 of file llvoavatar.h.

Referenced by dirtyMesh(), LLVOAvatar(), renderSkinned(), and updateLOD().

Definition at line 583 of file llvoavatar.h.

Referenced by createDrawable(), LLVOAvatar(), renderFootShadows(), and updateShadowFaces().

Definition at line 584 of file llvoavatar.h.

Referenced by createDrawable(), LLVOAvatar(), renderFootShadows(), and updateShadowFaces().

Definition at line 586 of file llvoavatar.h.

Definition at line 596 of file llvoavatar.h.

Referenced by LLVOAvatar().

Definition at line 601 of file llvoavatar.h.

Referenced by allocateCharacterJoints(), getCharacterJoint(), LLVOAvatar(), and ~LLVOAvatar().

Definition at line 611 of file llvoavatar.h.

Referenced by buildCharacter(), and computeBodySize().

Definition at line 612 of file llvoavatar.h.

Referenced by buildCharacter(), and computeBodySize().

Definition at line 613 of file llvoavatar.h.

Referenced by buildCharacter(), and computeBodySize().

Definition at line 615 of file llvoavatar.h.

Referenced by buildCharacter(), computeBodySize(), and updateCharacter().

Definition at line 616 of file llvoavatar.h.

Referenced by buildCharacter(), and updateHeadOffset().

Definition at line 617 of file llvoavatar.h.

Referenced by buildCharacter().

Definition at line 618 of file llvoavatar.h.

Referenced by buildCharacter(), and computeBodySize().

Definition at line 619 of file llvoavatar.h.

Referenced by buildCharacter().

Definition at line 620 of file llvoavatar.h.

Referenced by buildCharacter(), computeBodySize(), and updateShadowFaces().

Definition at line 621 of file llvoavatar.h.

Referenced by buildCharacter(), and updateShadowFaces().

Definition at line 622 of file llvoavatar.h.

Referenced by buildCharacter(), and computeBodySize().

Definition at line 623 of file llvoavatar.h.

Referenced by buildCharacter().

Definition at line 624 of file llvoavatar.h.

Referenced by buildCharacter(), computeBodySize(), updateCharacter(), and updateShadowFaces().

Definition at line 625 of file llvoavatar.h.

Referenced by buildCharacter(), updateCharacter(), and updateShadowFaces().

Definition at line 627 of file llvoavatar.h.

Referenced by buildCharacter().

Definition at line 632 of file llvoavatar.h.

Referenced by buildSkeleton(), getJoint(), LLVOAvatar(), updateCharacter(), and ~LLVOAvatar().

Definition at line 687 of file llvoavatar.h.

Referenced by getSpatialExtents(), loadMeshNodes(), and ~LLVOAvatar().

Definition at line 699 of file llvoavatar.h.

Referenced by onFirstTEMessageReceived(), updateMeshTextures(), and useBakedTexture().

Definition at line 700 of file llvoavatar.h.

Referenced by onFirstTEMessageReceived(), updateMeshTextures(), and useBakedTexture().

Definition at line 701 of file llvoavatar.h.

Referenced by onFirstTEMessageReceived(), updateMeshTextures(), and useBakedTexture().

Definition at line 702 of file llvoavatar.h.

Referenced by onFirstTEMessageReceived(), updateMeshTextures(), and useBakedTexture().

Definition at line 703 of file llvoavatar.h.

Referenced by onFirstTEMessageReceived(), updateMeshTextures(), and useBakedTexture().

Definition at line 708 of file llvoavatar.h.

Referenced by LLPipeline::generateImpostor(), renderImpostor(), and resetImpostors().

Definition at line 710 of file llvoavatar.h.

Referenced by getImpostorDim(), renderImpostor(), and setImpostorDim().

Definition at line 712 of file llvoavatar.h.

Referenced by idleUpdate(), LLVOAvatar(), onShift(), and updateCharacter().

Definition at line 713 of file llvoavatar.h.

Referenced by cacheImpostorValues(), and idleUpdate().

Definition at line 714 of file llvoavatar.h.

Referenced by cacheImpostorValues(), and idleUpdate().

Definition at line 715 of file llvoavatar.h.

Referenced by cacheImpostorValues(), idleUpdate(), and LLVOAvatar().

Definition at line 716 of file llvoavatar.h.

Referenced by onShift(), and updateSpatialExtents().

Definition at line 727 of file llvoavatar.h.

Referenced by updateCharacter().

Definition at line 728 of file llvoavatar.h.

Referenced by LLVOAvatar(), and updateCharacter().

Definition at line 733 of file llvoavatar.h.

Referenced by LLVOAvatar(), and updateCharacter().

Definition at line 741 of file llvoavatar.h.

Referenced by LLVOAvatar(), processAnimationStateChanges(), and LLAgent::teleportCore().

Definition at line 747 of file llvoavatar.h.

Referenced by updateCharacter().

Definition at line 752 of file llvoavatar.h.

Referenced by LLVOAvatar(), and updateCharacter().

Definition at line 757 of file llvoavatar.h.

Definition at line 759 of file llvoavatar.h.

Referenced by updateCharacter().

Definition at line 764 of file llvoavatar.h.

Referenced by LLVOAvatar(), and updateCharacter().

Definition at line 765 of file llvoavatar.h.

Referenced by LLVOAvatar(), and updateCharacter().

Definition at line 771 of file llvoavatar.h.

Referenced by getStepSound(), LLVOAvatar(), and resolveHeightGlobal().

Definition at line 772 of file llvoavatar.h.

Referenced by getStepSound(), LLVOAvatar(), and resolveHeightGlobal().

Definition at line 773 of file llvoavatar.h.

Referenced by getCharacterVelocity(), and resolveHeightGlobal().

Definition at line 778 of file llvoavatar.h.

Referenced by computeBodySize(), getPelvisToFoot(), updateCharacter(), and updateHeadOffset().

Definition at line 779 of file llvoavatar.h.

Referenced by computeBodySize(), idleUpdate(), and updateCharacter().

Definition at line 780 of file llvoavatar.h.

Referenced by updateVisualParams().

Definition at line 785 of file llvoavatar.h.

Referenced by idleUpdate(), updateCharacter(), and updateHeadOffset().

Definition at line 800 of file llvoavatar.h.

Referenced by idleUpdate(), and updateCharacter().

Definition at line 801 of file llvoavatar.h.

Referenced by idleUpdate(), and markDead().

Definition at line 802 of file llvoavatar.h.

Referenced by addChat(), clearChat(), and idleUpdate().

Definition at line 803 of file llvoavatar.h.

Referenced by addChat(), and idleUpdate().

Definition at line 804 of file llvoavatar.h.

Referenced by idleUpdate(), startTyping(), and stopTyping().

Definition at line 805 of file llvoavatar.h.

Referenced by idleUpdate(), and startTyping().

Definition at line 811 of file llvoavatar.h.

Referenced by updateVisibility().

Definition at line 812 of file llvoavatar.h.

Referenced by updateVisibility().

Definition at line 817 of file llvoavatar.h.

Referenced by idleUpdate(), and LLDrawPoolAvatar::renderAvatars().

Definition at line 818 of file llvoavatar.h.

Referenced by idleUpdate().

Definition at line 819 of file llvoavatar.h.

Referenced by idleUpdate(), and LLDrawPoolAvatar::renderAvatars().

Definition at line 820 of file llvoavatar.h.

Referenced by idleUpdate().

Definition at line 821 of file llvoavatar.h.

Referenced by idleUpdate(), and LLVOAvatar().

Definition at line 822 of file llvoavatar.h.

Referenced by idleUpdate().

Definition at line 823 of file llvoavatar.h.

Referenced by idleUpdate().

Definition at line 824 of file llvoavatar.h.

Referenced by idleUpdate().

Definition at line 829 of file llvoavatar.h.

Referenced by idleUpdate(), and startAppearanceAnimation().

Definition at line 830 of file llvoavatar.h.

Referenced by idleUpdate(), and startAppearanceAnimation().

Definition at line 831 of file llvoavatar.h.

Referenced by idleUpdate(), and startAppearanceAnimation().

Definition at line 837 of file llvoavatar.h.

Referenced by idleUpdate(), and LLVOAvatar().

Definition at line 842 of file llvoavatar.h.

Referenced by buildCharacter(), idleUpdate(), and LLVOAvatar().

Definition at line 843 of file llvoavatar.h.

Referenced by buildCharacter(), idleUpdate(), and LLVOAvatar().

Definition at line 848 of file llvoavatar.h.

Referenced by display(), and settings_to_globals().

F32 LLVOAvatar::sRenderDistance = 256.f [static]

S32 LLVOAvatar::sCurJoint = 0 [static]

Definition at line 850 of file llvoavatar.h.

Referenced by buildSkeleton(), and setupBone().

Definition at line 851 of file llvoavatar.h.

Referenced by buildSkeleton(), and setupBone().

Definition at line 852 of file llvoavatar.h.

Referenced by init_debug_avatar_menu(), and updateCharacter().

BOOL LLVOAvatar::sUseImpostors = FALSE [static]

BOOL LLVOAvatar::sShowFootPlane = FALSE [static]

Definition at line 854 of file llvoavatar.h.

Referenced by renderSkinned().

Definition at line 855 of file llvoavatar.h.

Referenced by init_debug_avatar_menu(), and LLDrawPoolAvatar::renderAvatars().

Definition at line 859 of file llvoavatar.h.

Referenced by LLViewerObjectList::update(), and updateJointLODs().

LLUUID LLVOAvatar::sStepSoundOnLand = LLUUID("e8af4a28-aa83-4310-a7c4-c047e15ea0df") [static]

Definition at line 863 of file llvoavatar.h.

Referenced by getStepSound().

S32 LLVOAvatar::sRenderName = RENDER_NAME_ALWAYS [static]

Definition at line 865 of file llvoavatar.h.

Referenced by display(), and idleUpdate().

Definition at line 866 of file llvoavatar.h.

Referenced by display(), and idleUpdate().

Definition at line 867 of file llvoavatar.h.

Referenced by idleUpdate(), and markDead().

Definition at line 868 of file llvoavatar.h.

Referenced by init_debug_avatar_menu(), renderSkinned(), and updateVisibility().

Definition at line 869 of file llvoavatar.h.

Referenced by LLViewerJointAttachment::drawShape().

Definition at line 875 of file llvoavatar.h.

Referenced by deleteCachedImages().

Definition at line 876 of file llvoavatar.h.

Definition at line 883 of file llvoavatar.h.

Referenced by addChild(), and lazyAttach().

Definition at line 886 of file llvoavatar.h.

Referenced by cleanupClass(), and initClass().

Definition at line 888 of file llvoavatar.h.

Referenced by cleanupClass(), initClass(), and parseSkeletonFile().

F32 LLVOAvatar::sLODFactor = 1.f [static]

BOOL LLVOAvatar::sJointDebug = FALSE [static]

Definition at line 894 of file llvoavatar.h.

Referenced by idleUpdate(), and init_debug_avatar_menu().

Definition at line 908 of file llvoavatar.h.

Referenced by idleUpdate(), and markDead().

Definition at line 909 of file llvoavatar.h.

Referenced by idleUpdate().

Definition at line 910 of file llvoavatar.h.

Definition at line 912 of file llvoavatar.h.

Definition at line 915 of file llvoavatar.h.

Referenced by idleUpdate().

Definition at line 916 of file llvoavatar.h.

Referenced by idleUpdate().

Definition at line 917 of file llvoavatar.h.

Referenced by idleUpdate().

Definition at line 918 of file llvoavatar.h.

Referenced by idleUpdate().

Definition at line 919 of file llvoavatar.h.

Referenced by idleUpdate().

Definition at line 920 of file llvoavatar.h.

Referenced by idleUpdate().

Definition at line 921 of file llvoavatar.h.

Referenced by idleUpdate().

Definition at line 922 of file llvoavatar.h.

Referenced by idleUpdate().

Definition at line 925 of file llvoavatar.h.

Referenced by addDebugText(), and updateCharacter().

Definition at line 926 of file llvoavatar.h.

Referenced by updateRegion().

Definition at line 927 of file llvoavatar.h.

Referenced by updateRegion().

Definition at line 928 of file llvoavatar.h.

Referenced by updateRegion().

LLPointer<LLViewerImage> LLVOAvatar::mLocalTexture[LOCTEX_NUM_ENTRIES] [protected]

BOOL LLVOAvatar::mLocalTextureBaked[LOCTEX_NUM_ENTRIES] [protected]

Definition at line 935 of file llvoavatar.h.

Referenced by LLVOAvatar(), and setLocalTexture().

S32 LLVOAvatar::mLocalTextureDiscard[LOCTEX_NUM_ENTRIES] [protected]

Definition at line 936 of file llvoavatar.h.

Referenced by LLVOAvatar(), onLocalTextureLoaded(), and setLocalTexture().

LLUUID LLVOAvatar::mSavedTE[TEX_NUM_ENTRIES] [protected]

Definition at line 937 of file llvoavatar.h.

Referenced by invalidateComposite(), onCustomizeEnd(), and onCustomizeStart().

Definition at line 939 of file llvoavatar.h.

Referenced by processAvatarAppearance(), and updateVisibility().

Definition at line 941 of file llvoavatar.h.

Referenced by updateMeshTextures(), updateTextures(), and useBakedTexture().

Definition at line 942 of file llvoavatar.h.

Referenced by updateMeshTextures().

Definition at line 943 of file llvoavatar.h.

Referenced by updateMeshTextures(), updateTextures(), and useBakedTexture().

Definition at line 944 of file llvoavatar.h.

Referenced by updateMeshTextures().

Definition at line 945 of file llvoavatar.h.

Referenced by updateMeshTextures(), updateTextures(), and useBakedTexture().

Definition at line 946 of file llvoavatar.h.

Referenced by updateMeshTextures().

Definition at line 947 of file llvoavatar.h.

Referenced by updateMeshTextures(), updateTextures(), and useBakedTexture().

Definition at line 948 of file llvoavatar.h.

Referenced by updateMeshTextures(), updateTextures(), and useBakedTexture().

Definition at line 951 of file llvoavatar.h.

Definition at line 952 of file llvoavatar.h.

Definition at line 953 of file llvoavatar.h.

Definition at line 955 of file llvoavatar.h.

Referenced by cullAvatarsByPixelArea(), isCulled(), updateMeshTextures(), and updateTextures().

Definition at line 956 of file llvoavatar.h.

Referenced by addBakedTextureStats(), and updateTextures().

Definition at line 957 of file llvoavatar.h.

Referenced by addBakedTextureStats(), and updateTextures().

Definition at line 962 of file llvoavatar.h.

Referenced by getGlobalColor(), loadAvatar(), onGlobalColorChanged(), and ~LLVOAvatar().

Definition at line 964 of file llvoavatar.h.

Referenced by getGlobalColor(), loadAvatar(), onGlobalColorChanged(), and ~LLVOAvatar().

Definition at line 966 of file llvoavatar.h.

Referenced by renderSkinned(), updateCharacter(), and updateLOD().

Definition at line 967 of file llvoavatar.h.

Referenced by isImpostor(), updateCharacter(), and updateShadowFaces().

LLVOAvatarSkeletonInfo * LLVOAvatar::sSkeletonInfo = NULL [static, protected]

Definition at line 969 of file llvoavatar.h.

Referenced by cleanupClass(), initClass(), and loadAvatar().

LLVOAvatarInfo * LLVOAvatar::sAvatarInfo = NULL [static, protected]

Definition at line 970 of file llvoavatar.h.

Referenced by cleanupClass(), initClass(), loadAvatar(), loadMeshNodes(), and loadSkeletonNode().

Definition at line 980 of file llvoavatar.h.

Referenced by isFullyLoaded(), and updateIsFullyLoaded().

Definition at line 981 of file llvoavatar.h.

Referenced by updateIsFullyLoaded().

Definition at line 982 of file llvoavatar.h.

Referenced by updateIsFullyLoaded().

Definition at line 983 of file llvoavatar.h.

Referenced by updateIsFullyLoaded().

Definition at line 984 of file llvoavatar.h.

Referenced by updateIsFullyLoaded().

Definition at line 1018 of file llvoavatar.h.

Referenced by idleUpdate(), LLVOAvatar(), and markDead().

Definition at line 1019 of file llvoavatar.h.

Referenced by idleUpdate(), and LLVOAvatar().

S32 LLVOAvatar::sFreezeCounter = 0 [static, private]

Definition at line 1023 of file llvoavatar.h.

Referenced by updateCharacter(), and updateFreezeCounter().

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:

Generated on Fri May 16 09:36:26 2008 for SecondLife by  doxygen 1.5.5