LLPipeline Class Reference

#include <pipeline.h>

Collaboration diagram for LLPipeline:

Collaboration graph

List of all members.

Public Types

enum  { GPU_CLASS_MAX = 3 }
enum  LLRenderTypeMask {
enum  LLRenderDebugFeatureMask {
enum  LLRenderDebugMask {

Public Member Functions

 LLPipeline ()
 ~LLPipeline ()
void destroyGL ()
void restoreGL ()
void resetVertexBuffers ()
void resizeScreenTexture ()
void releaseGLBuffers ()
void createGLBuffers ()
void resetVertexBuffers (LLDrawable *drawable)
void setUseVBO (BOOL use_vbo)
void generateImpostor (LLVOAvatar *avatar)
void generateReflectionMap (LLCubeMap *cube_map, LLCamera &camera)
void blurReflectionMap (LLCubeMap *cube_in, LLCubeMap *cube_out)
void bindScreenToTexture ()
void renderBloom (BOOL for_snapshot)
LLCubeMapfindReflectionMap (const LLVector3 &location)
void init ()
void cleanup ()
BOOL isInit ()
LLDrawPoolfindPool (const U32 pool_type, LLViewerImage *tex0=NULL)
 Get a draw pool from pool type (POOL_SIMPLE, POOL_MEDIA) and texture.
LLDrawPoolgetPool (const U32 pool_type, LLViewerImage *tex0=NULL)
 Get a draw pool for faces of the appropriate type and texture. Create if necessary.
void addPool (LLDrawPool *poolp)
void removePool (LLDrawPool *poolp)
void allocDrawable (LLViewerObject *obj)
void unlinkDrawable (LLDrawable *)
void markVisible (LLDrawable *drawablep, LLCamera &camera)
void markOccluder (LLSpatialGroup *group)
void doOcclusion (LLCamera &camera)
void markNotCulled (LLSpatialGroup *group, LLCamera &camera)
void markMoved (LLDrawable *drawablep, BOOL damped_motion=FALSE)
void markShift (LLDrawable *drawablep)
void markTextured (LLDrawable *drawablep)
void markRebuild (LLDrawable *drawablep, LLDrawable::EDrawableFlags flag=LLDrawable::REBUILD_ALL, BOOL priority=FALSE)
LLViewerObjectpickObject (const LLVector3 &start, const LLVector3 &end, LLVector3 &collision)
void dirtyPoolObjectTextures (const std::set< LLViewerImage * > &textures)
void resetDrawOrders ()
U32 addObject (LLViewerObject *obj)
void enableShadows (const BOOL enable_shadows)
S32 setLightingDetail (S32 level)
S32 getLightingDetail () const
S32 getMaxLightingDetail () const
void setUseVertexShaders (BOOL use_shaders)
BOOL getUseVertexShaders () const
BOOL canUseVertexShaders ()
BOOL canUseWindLightShaders () const
BOOL canUseWindLightShadersOnObjects () const
void resetFrameStats ()
void updateMoveDampedAsync (LLDrawable *drawablep)
void updateMoveNormalAsync (LLDrawable *drawablep)
void updateMovedList (LLDrawable::drawable_vector_t &move_list)
void updateMove ()
void updateCull (LLCamera &camera, LLCullResult &result, S32 water_clip=0)
void updateGeom (F32 max_dtime)
void stateSort (LLCamera &camera, LLCullResult &result)
void stateSort (LLSpatialGroup *group, LLCamera &camera)
void stateSort (LLSpatialBridge *bridge, LLCamera &camera)
void stateSort (LLDrawable *drawablep, LLCamera &camera)
void postSort (LLCamera &camera)
void forAllVisibleDrawables (void(*func)(LLDrawable *))
void renderObjects (U32 type, U32 mask, BOOL texture=TRUE)
void renderGroups (LLRenderPass *pass, U32 type, U32 mask, BOOL texture)
void grabReferences (LLCullResult &result)
void renderGeom (LLCamera &camera, BOOL forceVBOUpdate=FALSE)
void renderGeomDeferred ()
void processImagery (LLCamera &camera)
void generateWaterReflection (LLCamera &camera)
void renderHighlights ()
void renderDebug ()
void renderForSelect (std::set< LLViewerObject * > &objects)
void renderFaceForUVSelect (LLFace *facep)
void rebuildPools ()
void findReferences (LLDrawable *drawablep)
BOOL verify ()
S32 getLightCount () const
void calcNearbyLights (LLCamera &camera)
void setupHWLights (LLDrawPool *pool)
void setupAvatarLights (BOOL for_edit=FALSE)
void enableLights (U32 mask)
void enableLightsStatic ()
void enableLightsDynamic ()
void enableLightsAvatar ()
void enableLightsAvatarEdit (const LLColor4 &color)
void enableLightsFullbright (const LLColor4 &color)
void disableLights ()
void shiftObjects (const LLVector3 &offset)
void setLight (LLDrawable *drawablep, BOOL is_light)
void setActive (LLDrawable *drawablep, BOOL active)
BOOL hasRenderBatches (const U32 type) const
LLCullResult::drawinfo_list_t::iterator beginRenderMap (U32 type)
LLCullResult::drawinfo_list_t::iterator endRenderMap (U32 type)
LLCullResult::sg_list_t::iterator beginAlphaGroups ()
LLCullResult::sg_list_t::iterator endAlphaGroups ()
void addTrianglesDrawn (S32 count)
BOOL hasRenderType (const U32 type) const
BOOL hasRenderDebugFeatureMask (const U32 mask) const
BOOL hasRenderDebugMask (const U32 mask) const
void setRenderTypeMask (const U32 mask)
U32 getRenderTypeMask () const
LLSpatialPartitiongetSpatialPartition (LLViewerObject *vobj)
void updateCamera (BOOL reset=FALSE)

Static Public Member Functions

static LLDrawPoolgetPoolFromTE (const LLTextureEntry *te, LLViewerImage *te_image)
 Figures out draw pool type from texture entry. Creates pool if necessary.
static U32 getPoolTypeFromTE (const LLTextureEntry *te, LLViewerImage *imagep)
static F32 calcPixelArea (LLVector3 center, LLVector3 size, LLCamera &camera)
static void toggleRenderType (U32 type)
static BOOL hasRenderTypeControl (void *data)
static void toggleRenderDebug (void *data)
static void toggleRenderDebugFeature (void *data)
static void toggleRenderTypeControl (void *data)
static BOOL toggleRenderTypeControlNegated (void *data)
static BOOL toggleRenderDebugControl (void *data)
static BOOL toggleRenderDebugFeatureControl (void *data)
static void setRenderParticleBeacons (BOOL val)
static void toggleRenderParticleBeacons (void *data)
static BOOL getRenderParticleBeacons (void *data)
static void setRenderSoundBeacons (BOOL val)
static void toggleRenderSoundBeacons (void *data)
static BOOL getRenderSoundBeacons (void *data)
static void setRenderPhysicalBeacons (BOOL val)
static void toggleRenderPhysicalBeacons (void *data)
static BOOL getRenderPhysicalBeacons (void *data)
static void setRenderScriptedBeacons (BOOL val)
static void toggleRenderScriptedBeacons (void *data)
static BOOL getRenderScriptedBeacons (void *data)
static void setRenderScriptedTouchBeacons (BOOL val)
static void toggleRenderScriptedTouchBeacons (void *data)
static BOOL getRenderScriptedTouchBeacons (void *data)
static void setRenderBeacons (BOOL val)
static void toggleRenderBeacons (void *data)
static BOOL getRenderBeacons (void *data)
static void setRenderHighlights (BOOL val)
static void toggleRenderHighlights (void *data)
static BOOL getRenderHighlights (void *data)
static BOOL getProcessBeacons (void *data)

Public Attributes

LLVector3 mFlyCamPosition
LLQuaternion mFlyCamRotation
BOOL mBackfaceCull
S32 mBatchCount
S32 mMatrixOpCount
S32 mTextureMatrixOps
S32 mMaxBatchSize
S32 mMinBatchSize
S32 mMeanBatchSize
S32 mTrianglesDrawn
S32 mNumVisibleNodes
LLStat mTrianglesDrawnStat
S32 mVerticesRelit
S32 mLightingChanges
S32 mGeometryChanges
S32 mNumVisibleFaces
LLRenderTarget mScreen
LLVector2 mScreenScale
LLRenderTarget mWaterRef
LLRenderTarget mWaterDis
LLRenderTarget mGlow [3]
LLPointer< LLCubeMapmCubeBuffer
GLuint mBlurCubeBuffer [3]
GLuint mBlurCubeTexture [3]
GLuint mCubeFrameBuffer
GLuint mCubeDepth
LLColor4 mSunDiffuse
LLVector3 mSunDir
BOOL mInitialized
BOOL mVertexShadersEnabled
S32 mVertexShadersLoaded
std::vector< LLFace * > mHighlightFaces

Static Public Attributes

static S32 sCompiles = 0
static BOOL sShowHUDAttachments = TRUE
static S32 sUseOcclusion = 0
static BOOL sFastAlpha = TRUE
static BOOL sDisableShaders = FALSE
static BOOL sRenderBump = TRUE
static BOOL sUseFBO
static BOOL sUseFarClip = TRUE
static BOOL sSkipUpdate = FALSE
static BOOL sDynamicReflections = FALSE
static BOOL sWaterReflections = FALSE
static BOOL sDynamicLOD = TRUE
static BOOL sReflectionRender = FALSE
static BOOL sImpostorRender = FALSE
static BOOL sUnderWaterRender = FALSE
static BOOL sRenderGlow = FALSE
static BOOL sTextureBindTest = FALSE
static BOOL sRenderFrameTest = FALSE
static BOOL sRenderBeacons = FALSE
static BOOL sRenderHighlight = TRUE
static BOOL sRenderProcessBeacons = FALSE

Protected Types

typedef std::set< Light,
typedef std::set< LLDrawPool
*, compare_pools

Protected Attributes

U32 mRenderTypeMask
U32 mRenderDebugFeatureMask
U32 mRenderDebugMask
U32 mOldRenderDebugMask
LLDrawable::drawable_vector_t mMovedList
LLDrawable::drawable_vector_t mMovedBridge
LLDrawable::drawable_vector_t mShiftList
LLDrawable::drawable_set_t mLights
light_set_t mNearbyLights
LLColor4 mHWLightColors [8]
LLDrawable::drawable_list_t mBuildQ1
LLDrawable::drawable_list_t mBuildQ2
LLDrawable::drawable_set_t mActiveQ
LLDrawable::drawable_set_t mRetexturedList
pool_set_t mPools
std::map< uintptr_t, LLDrawPool * > mTerrainPools
std::map< uintptr_t, LLDrawPool * > mTreePools
std::vector< LLFace * > mSelectedFaces
LLPointer< LLViewerImagemFaceSelectImagep
LLPointer< LLViewerImagemBloomImagep
LLPointer< LLViewerImagemBloomImage2p
U32 mLightMask
U32 mLightMovingMask
S32 mLightingDetail

Static Protected Attributes

static BOOL sRenderPhysicalBeacons = TRUE
static BOOL sRenderScriptedTouchBeacons = TRUE
static BOOL sRenderScriptedBeacons = FALSE
static BOOL sRenderParticleBeacons = FALSE
static BOOL sRenderSoundBeacons = FALSE

Private Member Functions

void unloadShaders ()
void addToQuickLookup (LLDrawPool *new_poolp)
void removeFromQuickLookup (LLDrawPool *poolp)
BOOL updateDrawableGeom (LLDrawable *drawable, BOOL priority)
void assertInitializedDoError ()
bool assertInitialized ()


struct  compare_pools
struct  Light

Detailed Description

Definition at line 78 of file pipeline.h.

Member Typedef Documentation

typedef std::set< Light, Light::compare > LLPipeline::light_set_t [protected]

Definition at line 463 of file pipeline.h.

typedef std::set<LLDrawPool*, compare_pools > LLPipeline::pool_set_t [protected]

Definition at line 506 of file pipeline.h.

Member Enumeration Documentation

anonymous enum


Definition at line 278 of file pipeline.h.


Definition at line 280 of file pipeline.h.


Definition at line 304 of file pipeline.h.


Definition at line 318 of file pipeline.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

LLPipeline::LLPipeline (  ) 

Definition at line 245 of file pipeline.cpp.

References mBlurCubeBuffer, mBlurCubeTexture, mCubeDepth, and mCubeFrameBuffer.

LLPipeline::~LLPipeline (  ) 

Definition at line 311 of file pipeline.cpp.

Member Function Documentation

void LLPipeline::destroyGL (  ) 

Definition at line 387 of file pipeline.cpp.

References FALSE, mHighlightFaces, releaseGLBuffers(), resetDrawOrders(), resetVertexBuffers(), sDelayedVBOEnable, LLVertexBuffer::sEnableVBOs, stop_glerror, and unloadShaders().

Referenced by LLViewerWindow::stopGL().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void LLPipeline::restoreGL (  ) 

void LLPipeline::resetVertexBuffers ( void   ) 

void LLPipeline::resizeScreenTexture (  ) 

void LLPipeline::releaseGLBuffers (  ) 

void LLPipeline::createGLBuffers (  ) 

void LLPipeline::resetVertexBuffers ( LLDrawable drawable  ) 

Definition at line 3985 of file pipeline.cpp.

References LLDrawable::getFace(), LLDrawable::getNumFaces(), i, LLDrawable::isDead(), LLFace::mLastVertexBuffer, LLFace::mVertexBuffer, NULL, and S32.

Here is the call graph for this function:

void LLPipeline::setUseVBO ( BOOL  use_vbo  ) 

Definition at line 4063 of file pipeline.cpp.

References LLVertexBuffer::initClass(), llendl, llinfos, resetVertexBuffers(), and LLVertexBuffer::sEnableVBOs.

Referenced by handleRenderUseVBOChanged().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void LLPipeline::generateImpostor ( LLVOAvatar avatar  ) 

Definition at line 5079 of file pipeline.cpp.

References LLRenderTarget::allocate(), assertInitialized(), LLGLImmediate::begin(), LLRenderTarget::bindTarget(), LLRenderTarget::bindTexture(), LLGLImmediate::blendFunc(), LLVOAvatar::cacheImpostorValues(), LLCullResult::clear(), LLGLImmediate::color4f(), LLGLImmediate::color4ub(), LLGLImmediate::end(), FALSE, LLRenderTarget::flush(), LLGLImmediate::flush(), LLRenderTarget::getHeight(), LLVOAvatar::getID(), LLVOAvatar::getImpostorOffset(), LLSingleton< LLViewerCamera >::getInstance(), LLMuteList::getInstance(), LLVOAvatar::getRenderPosition(), getRenderTypeMask(), LLCamera::getView(), LLRenderTarget::getViewport(), LLRenderTarget::getWidth(), LLViewerWindow::getWindowDisplayHeight(), gGL, gGLViewport, gl_perspective(), glh_set_current_modelview(), glh_set_current_projection(), grabReferences(), gViewerWindow, LLRenderTarget::isComplete(), LLMuteList::isMuted(), llmin(), markVisible(), LLVOAvatar::mAttachmentPoints, LLViewerObject::mDrawable, LLVOAvatar::mImpostor, LLVOAvatar::mNeedsImpostorUpdate, mRenderTypeMask, LLVector2::mV, nhpo2(), LLVector3::normVec(), OGL_TO_CFR_ROTATION, LLVertexBuffer::QUADS, RAD_TO_DEG, RENDER_TYPE_ALPHA, RENDER_TYPE_AVATAR, RENDER_TYPE_BUMP, RENDER_TYPE_GRASS, RENDER_TYPE_INVISIBLE, RENDER_TYPE_SIMPLE, RENDER_TYPE_VOLUME, renderGeom(), S32, LLVOAvatar::setImpostorDim(), sImpostorRender, sReflectionRender, stateSort(), LLVOAvatar::sUseImpostors, sUseOcclusion, TRUE, LLImageGL::unbindTexture(), and LLGLImmediate::vertex3fv().

Referenced by LLVOAvatar::updateImpostors().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void LLPipeline::generateReflectionMap ( LLCubeMap cube_map,
LLCamera camera 

void LLPipeline::blurReflectionMap ( LLCubeMap cube_in,
LLCubeMap cube_out 

void LLPipeline::bindScreenToTexture (  ) 

Definition at line 4441 of file pipeline.cpp.

void LLPipeline::renderBloom ( BOOL  for_snapshot  ) 

LLCubeMap * LLPipeline::findReflectionMap ( const LLVector3 location  ) 

void LLPipeline::init ( void   ) 

void LLPipeline::cleanup (  ) 

BOOL LLPipeline::isInit (  )  [inline]

LLDrawPool * LLPipeline::findPool ( const U32  pool_type,
LLViewerImage tex0 = NULL 

LLDrawPool * LLPipeline::getPool ( const U32  pool_type,
LLViewerImage tex0 = NULL 

Get a draw pool for faces of the appropriate type and texture. Create if necessary.

Always returns a draw pool.

Definition at line 806 of file pipeline.cpp.

References addPool(), LLDrawPool::createPool(), findPool(), and LLMemType::MTYPE_PIPELINE.

Referenced by LLVOWLSky::createDrawable(), LLVOWater::createDrawable(), LLVOTree::createDrawable(), LLVOSky::createDrawable(), LLVOGround::createDrawable(), LLVOAvatar::createDrawable(), LLVOSky::createDummyVertexBuffer(), LLVOSurfacePatch::getPool(), getPoolFromTE(), init(), LLVOWater::updateGeometry(), LLVOSky::updateGeometry(), and LLVOGround::updateGeometry().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

LLDrawPool * LLPipeline::getPoolFromTE ( const LLTextureEntry te,
LLViewerImage te_image 
) [static]

Figures out draw pool type from texture entry. Creates pool if necessary.

Definition at line 823 of file pipeline.cpp.

References getPool(), getPoolTypeFromTE(), and LLMemType::MTYPE_PIPELINE.

Here is the call graph for this function:

U32 LLPipeline::getPoolTypeFromTE ( const LLTextureEntry te,
LLViewerImage imagep 
) [static]

void LLPipeline::addPool ( LLDrawPool poolp  ) 

Definition at line 861 of file pipeline.cpp.

References addToQuickLookup(), assertInitialized(), mPools, and LLMemType::MTYPE_PIPELINE.

Referenced by getPool().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void LLPipeline::removePool ( LLDrawPool poolp  ) 

Definition at line 2937 of file pipeline.cpp.

References assertInitialized(), mPools, and removeFromQuickLookup().

Referenced by LLSurface::~LLSurface().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void LLPipeline::allocDrawable ( LLViewerObject obj  ) 

void LLPipeline::unlinkDrawable ( LLDrawable drawable  ) 

Definition at line 888 of file pipeline.cpp.

References assertInitialized(), LLFastTimer::FTM_PIPELINE, llendl, llerrs, llwarns, mLights, mMovedList, and LLDrawable::ON_MOVE_LIST.

Referenced by LLDrawable::cleanupReferences().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void LLPipeline::markVisible ( LLDrawable drawablep,
LLCamera camera 

Definition at line 1458 of file pipeline.cpp.

References LLDrawable::isDead(), LLDrawable::isSpatialBridge(), LLMemType::MTYPE_PIPELINE, LLCullResult::pushBridge(), LLCullResult::pushDrawable(), and LLDrawable::setVisible().

Referenced by generateImpostor(), LLPreviewAnimation::LLPreviewAnimation(), and stateSort().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void LLPipeline::markOccluder ( LLSpatialGroup group  ) 

void LLPipeline::doOcclusion ( LLCamera camera  ) 

void LLPipeline::markNotCulled ( LLSpatialGroup group,
LLCamera camera 

void LLPipeline::markMoved ( LLDrawable drawablep,
BOOL  damped_motion = FALSE 

void LLPipeline::markShift ( LLDrawable drawablep  ) 

void LLPipeline::markTextured ( LLDrawable drawablep  ) 

void LLPipeline::markRebuild ( LLDrawable drawablep,
LLDrawable::EDrawableFlags  flag = LLDrawable::REBUILD_ALL,
BOOL  priority = FALSE 

Definition at line 1596 of file pipeline.cpp.

References assertInitialized(), LLDrawable::BUILT, LLDrawable::getVObj(), LLDrawable::IN_REBUILD_Q1, LLDrawable::IN_REBUILD_Q2, LLDrawable::isDead(), LLDrawable::isState(), mBuildQ1, mBuildQ2, LLMemType::MTYPE_PIPELINE, LLDrawable::REBUILD_POSITION, LLDrawable::REBUILD_VOLUME, LLDrawable::setState(), LLXform::SILHOUETTE, and TRUE.

Referenced by addObject(), LLViewerPartGroup::addPart(), LLVOSurfacePatch::dirtyGeom(), LLVolumeImplFlexible::doIdleUpdate(), LLVOTextBubble::idleUpdate(), LLVOGrass::idleUpdate(), LLVOClouds::idleUpdate(), LLVOAvatar::idleUpdate(), LLDrawable::makeActive(), LLDrawable::makeStatic(), LLViewerObject::markForUpdate(), LLVOGrass::processUpdateMessage(), LLManip::rebuild(), LLViewerObject::removeChild(), LLVOWLSky::resetVertexBuffers(), LLSky::resetVertexBuffers(), LLVOWLSky::restoreGL(), LLVOSky::restoreGL(), LLVOAvatar::restoreMeshData(), LLVOVolume::setDrawableParent(), LLViewerObject::setDrawableParent(), LLVOVolume::setParent(), LLFace::setPool(), LLVOVolume::setScale(), LLViewerObject::setTEBumpmap(), LLViewerObject::setTEMediaFlags(), LLViewerObject::setTEOffset(), LLViewerObject::setTEOffsetS(), LLViewerObject::setTEOffsetT(), LLViewerObject::setTERotation(), LLViewerObject::setTEScale(), LLViewerObject::setTEScaleS(), LLViewerObject::setTEScaleT(), LLVOTextBubble::setVolume(), LLDrawable::shiftPos(), LLVOGrass::updateDrawable(), LLVOClouds::updateDrawable(), LLStaticViewerObject::updateDrawable(), LLVOVolume::updateLOD(), LLVOGrass::updateLOD(), LLViewerPartGroup::updateParticles(), LLDrawable::updatePartition(), LLViewerPartSim::updateSimulation(), LLVOSky::updateSky(), LLVOVolume::updateTEData(), LLDrawable::updateTexture(), LLVOVolume::updateTextures(), LLDrawable::updateXform(), and LLOctreeDirty::visit().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

LLViewerObject * LLPipeline::pickObject ( const LLVector3 start,
const LLVector3 end,
LLVector3 collision 

void LLPipeline::dirtyPoolObjectTextures ( const std::set< LLViewerImage * > &  textures  ) 

void LLPipeline::resetDrawOrders (  ) 

Definition at line 3028 of file pipeline.cpp.

References assertInitialized(), mPools, and LLDrawPool::resetDrawOrders().

Referenced by destroyGL(), LLViewerWindow::rawSnapshot(), renderForSelect(), resetVertexBuffers(), stateSort(), and LLViewerWindow::thumbnailSnapshot().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

U32 LLPipeline::addObject ( LLViewerObject obj  ) 

void LLPipeline::enableShadows ( const BOOL  enable_shadows  ) 

Definition at line 635 of file pipeline.cpp.

S32 LLPipeline::setLightingDetail ( S32  level  ) 

Definition at line 652 of file pipeline.cpp.

References assertInitialized(), getMaxLightingDetail(), LLControlGroup::getS32(), gSavedSettings, llclamp(), mLightingDetail, mVertexShadersLoaded, LLControlGroup::setS32(), and LLShaderMgr::setShaders().

Referenced by handleRenderLightingDetailChanged(), and LLShaderMgr::setShaders().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

S32 LLPipeline::getLightingDetail (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 149 of file pipeline.h.

References mLightingDetail.

Referenced by enableLightsDynamic(), and LLShaderMgr::loadBasicShaders().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

S32 LLPipeline::getMaxLightingDetail (  )  const

Definition at line 640 of file pipeline.cpp.

Referenced by setLightingDetail().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void LLPipeline::setUseVertexShaders ( BOOL  use_shaders  ) 

BOOL LLPipeline::getUseVertexShaders (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 153 of file pipeline.h.

References mVertexShadersEnabled.

Referenced by LLDebugText::update().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

BOOL LLPipeline::canUseVertexShaders (  ) 

BOOL LLPipeline::canUseWindLightShaders (  )  const

BOOL LLPipeline::canUseWindLightShadersOnObjects (  )  const

void LLPipeline::resetFrameStats (  ) 

void LLPipeline::updateMoveDampedAsync ( LLDrawable drawablep  ) 

void LLPipeline::updateMoveNormalAsync ( LLDrawable drawablep  ) 

void LLPipeline::updateMovedList ( LLDrawable::drawable_vector_t move_list  ) 

Definition at line 1038 of file pipeline.cpp.

References LLDrawable::clearState(), LLDrawable::EARLY_MOVE, LLDrawable::isDead(), LLDrawable::isState(), LLDrawable::MOVE_UNDAMPED, LLDrawable::ON_MOVE_LIST, TRUE, and LLDrawable::updateMove().

Referenced by updateGeom(), and updateMove().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void LLPipeline::updateMove (  ) 

void LLPipeline::updateCull ( LLCamera camera,
LLCullResult result,
S32  water_clip = 0 

void LLPipeline::updateGeom ( F32  max_dtime  ) 

F32 LLPipeline::calcPixelArea ( LLVector3  center,
LLVector3  size,
LLCamera camera 
) [static]

Definition at line 1130 of file pipeline.cpp.

References LLCoordFrame::getOrigin(), LLVector3::magVec(), and LLDrawable::sCurPixelAngle.

Referenced by LLSpatialPartition::calcPixelArea(), LLVOVolume::getTextureVirtualSize(), LLVOAvatar::setPixelAreaAndAngle(), and LLSpatialBridge::setVisible().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void LLPipeline::stateSort ( LLCamera camera,
LLCullResult result 

void LLPipeline::stateSort ( LLSpatialGroup group,
LLCamera camera 

Definition at line 1719 of file pipeline.cpp.

References LLSpatialGroup::changeLOD(), LLSpatialGroup::getData(), i, LLMemType::MTYPE_PIPELINE, sSkipUpdate, and stateSort().

Here is the call graph for this function:

void LLPipeline::stateSort ( LLSpatialBridge bridge,
LLCamera camera 

Definition at line 1732 of file pipeline.cpp.

References LLSpatialGroup::changeLOD(), LLDrawable::getSpatialGroup(), LLMemType::MTYPE_PIPELINE, sSkipUpdate, and LLSpatialBridge::updateDistance().

Here is the call graph for this function:

void LLPipeline::stateSort ( LLDrawable drawablep,
LLCamera camera 

void LLPipeline::postSort ( LLCamera camera  ) 

Definition at line 1963 of file pipeline.cpp.

References LLFloaterTelehub::addBeacons(), LLViewerObjectList::addDebugBeacon(), LLSpatialPartition::asBridge(), assertInitialized(), LLCullResult::beginAlphaGroups(), LLCullResult::beginDrawableGroups(), LLCullResult::beginRenderMap(), LLCullResult::beginVisibleGroups(), LLCullResult::endAlphaGroups(), LLCullResult::endDrawableGroups(), LLCullResult::endRenderMap(), LLCullResult::endVisibleGroups(), forAllVisibleDrawables(), LLFastTimer::FTM_STATESORT_POSTSORT, gAgent, gAudiop, LLSingleton< LLSelectMgr >::getInstance(), LLAgent::getPosAgentFromGlobal(), LLAudioSource::getPositionGlobal(), LLControlGroup::getS32(), LLSelectMgr::getSelection(), gObjectList, gSavedSettings, hasRenderType(), i, LLSpatialGroup::isState(), j, LLAudioEngine::mAllSources, LLViewerObject::mDrawable, LLSpatialGroup::mDrawMap, mSelectedFaces, LLSpatialGroup::mSpatialPartition, LLMemType::MTYPE_PIPELINE, LLRenderPass::NUM_RENDER_TYPES, LLSpatialGroup::OCCLUDED, LLRenderPass::PASS_ALPHA, LLRenderPass::PASS_BUMP, LLDrawPool::POOL_ALPHA, LLCullResult::pushAlphaGroup(), LLCullResult::pushDrawInfo(), LLSpatialGroup::rebuildGeom(), LLFloaterTelehub::renderBeacons(), renderParticleBeacons(), renderPhysicalBeacons(), renderScriptedBeacons(), renderScriptedTouchBeacons(), renderSoundHighlights(), S32, sRenderBeacons, sRenderParticleBeacons, sRenderPhysicalBeacons, sRenderProcessBeacons, sRenderScriptedBeacons, sRenderScriptedTouchBeacons, sRenderSoundBeacons, sSkipUpdate, sUseOcclusion, LLSpatialBridge::transformCamera(), and LLSpatialGroup::updateDistance().

Referenced by stateSort().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void LLPipeline::forAllVisibleDrawables ( void(*)(LLDrawable *)  func  ) 

Definition at line 1837 of file pipeline.cpp.

References LLCullResult::beginDrawableGroups(), LLCullResult::beginVisibleGroups(), LLCullResult::endDrawableGroups(), LLCullResult::endVisibleGroups(), and forAllDrawables().

Referenced by postSort().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void LLPipeline::renderObjects ( U32  type,
U32  mask,
BOOL  texture = TRUE 

Definition at line 4053 of file pipeline.cpp.

References assertInitialized(), gGLLastModelView, mSimplePool, NULL, and LLRenderPass::renderGroups().

Referenced by LLManipTranslate::highlightIntersection(), and renderGeomDeferred().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void LLPipeline::renderGroups ( LLRenderPass pass,
U32  type,
U32  mask,
BOOL  texture 

void LLPipeline::grabReferences ( LLCullResult result  ) 

Definition at line 1149 of file pipeline.cpp.

Referenced by generateImpostor(), stateSort(), and updateCull().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void LLPipeline::renderGeom ( LLCamera camera,
BOOL  forceVBOUpdate = FALSE 

Definition at line 2233 of file pipeline.cpp.

References assertInitialized(), LLDrawPool::beginRenderPass(), calcNearbyLights(), canUseWindLightShadersOnObjects(), LLGLState::checkClientArrays(), LLGLState::checkStates(), LLGLState::checkTextureChannels(), doOcclusion(), LLDrawPool::endRenderPass(), FALSE, LLFastTimer::FTM_POOLRENDER, LLFastTimer::FTM_POOLS, LLFastTimer::FTM_RENDER_GEOMETRY, gDebugGL, gDebugPipeline, LLControlGroup::getBOOL(), LLCamera::getFar(), LLDrawPool::getNumPasses(), LLDrawPool::getType(), gFrameStats, gGLModelView, gGLProjection, gObjectList, gSavedSettings, gSky, hasRenderDebugFeatureMask(), hasRenderDebugMask(), hasRenderType(), i, llendl, llerrs, mBackfaceCull, mHighlightFaces, mLightingDetail, mPools, mRenderDebugMask, LLMemType::MTYPE_PIPELINE, LLSky::mVOSkyp, NULL, p, LLDrawPool::POOL_AVATAR, LLDrawPool::prerender(), LLDrawPool::render(), RENDER_DEBUG_FEATURE_FOG, RENDER_DEBUG_FEATURE_UI, RENDER_DEBUG_PICKING, RENDER_DEBUG_VERIFY, LLFrameStats::RENDER_GEOM, LLFrameStats::RENDER_SYNC, RENDER_TYPE_HUD, LLHUDObject::renderAll(), renderDebug(), renderGeomDeferred(), renderHighlights(), LLViewerObjectList::renderObjectBeacons(), LLViewerObjectList::renderObjectsForSelect(), LLViewerObjectList::resetObjectBeacons(), S32, LLViewerImage::sDefaultImagep, setupHWLights(), sReflectionRender, LLFrameStats::start(), stop_glerror, sUnderWaterRender, sUseOcclusion, LLVertexBuffer::unbind(), LLSky::updateFog(), and verify().

Referenced by display(), generateImpostor(), generateReflectionMap(), generateWaterReflection(), and render_hud_attachments().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void LLPipeline::renderGeomDeferred (  ) 

Definition at line 2478 of file pipeline.cpp.

References LLGLSLShader::bind(), gDeferredDiffuseProgram, LLVertexBuffer::MAP_COLOR, LLVertexBuffer::MAP_NORMAL, LLVertexBuffer::MAP_TEXCOORD, LLVertexBuffer::MAP_VERTEX, LLRenderPass::PASS_SIMPLE, renderObjects(), TRUE, and LLGLSLShader::unbind().

Referenced by renderGeom().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void LLPipeline::processImagery ( LLCamera camera  ) 

Definition at line 4819 of file pipeline.cpp.

References LLSingleton< LLWorld >::getInstance(), LLWorld::getRegionList(), LLViewerRegion::getSpatialPartition(), LLViewerRegion::PARTITION_VOLUME, and LLSpatialPartition::processImagery().

Referenced by display().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void LLPipeline::generateWaterReflection ( LLCamera camera  ) 

Definition at line 4841 of file pipeline.cpp.

References assertInitialized(), LLRenderTarget::bindTarget(), LLViewerCamera::cameraUnderWater(), LLGLState::checkClientArrays(), LLGLState::checkStates(), LLGLState::checkTextureChannels(), LLRenderTarget::clear(), FALSE, LLRenderTarget::flush(), gAgent, LLControlGroup::getBOOL(), LLCamera::getFar(), LLSingleton< LLViewerCamera >::getInstance(), LLCoordFrame::getOrigin(), LLAgent::getRegion(), LLControlGroup::getS32(), LLRenderTarget::getViewport(), LLViewerRegion::getWaterHeight(), gGLViewport, glh_get_current_modelview(), glh_get_current_projection(), glh_set_current_modelview(), gSavedSettings, gViewerWindow, llmin(), mRenderTypeMask, LLColor4::mV, LLVector3::mV, mWaterDis, mWaterRef, RENDER_TYPE_AVATAR, RENDER_TYPE_CLOUDS, RENDER_TYPE_GROUND, RENDER_TYPE_PARTICLES, RENDER_TYPE_SKY, RENDER_TYPE_VOLUME, RENDER_TYPE_WATER, RENDER_TYPE_WL_SKY, renderGeom(), S32, LLCamera::setFar(), LLViewerWindow::setupViewport(), LLCamera::setUserClipPlane(), LLPlane::setVec(), LLVector3::setVec(), LLSpatialPartition::sFreezeState, LLDrawPoolWater::sNeedsDistortionUpdate, LLDrawPoolWater::sNeedsReflectionUpdate, sReflectionRender, sSkipUpdate, stateSort(), stop_glerror, sUnderWaterRender, LLRenderTarget::sUseFBO, sUseOcclusion, LLDrawPoolWater::sWaterFogColor, sWaterReflections, TRUE, LLVertexBuffer::unbind(), LLRenderTarget::unbindTarget(), LLImageGL::unbindTexture(), updateCull(), and LLViewerCamera::updateFrustumPlanes().

Referenced by display().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void LLPipeline::renderHighlights (  ) 

void LLPipeline::renderDebug (  ) 

void LLPipeline::renderForSelect ( std::set< LLViewerObject * > &  objects  ) 

void LLPipeline::renderFaceForUVSelect ( LLFace facep  ) 

Definition at line 2758 of file pipeline.cpp.

References LLFace::renderSelectedUV().

Referenced by LLViewerWindow::analyzeHit().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void LLPipeline::rebuildPools (  ) 

Definition at line 2763 of file pipeline.cpp.

References assertInitialized(), gAgent, LLAgent::getAvatarObject(), LLDrawPool::isDead(), mLastRebuildPool, mPools, LLMemType::MTYPE_PIPELINE, NULL, LLVOAvatar::rebuildHUD(), removeFromQuickLookup(), and S32.

Referenced by display().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void LLPipeline::findReferences ( LLDrawable drawablep  ) 

Definition at line 3549 of file pipeline.cpp.

References assertInitialized(), LLViewerObjectList::findReferences(), gObjectList, llendl, llinfos, mActiveQ, mBuildQ1, mBuildQ2, mLights, mMovedList, mRetexturedList, mShiftList, and S32.

Here is the call graph for this function:

BOOL LLPipeline::verify (  ) 

Definition at line 3591 of file pipeline.cpp.

References assertInitialized(), FALSE, llendl, llwarns, mPools, and LLDrawPool::verify().

Referenced by renderGeom().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

S32 LLPipeline::getLightCount (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 198 of file pipeline.h.

References mLights.

Referenced by output_statistics().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void LLPipeline::calcNearbyLights ( LLCamera camera  ) 

void LLPipeline::setupHWLights ( LLDrawPool pool  ) 

void LLPipeline::setupAvatarLights ( BOOL  for_edit = FALSE  ) 

void LLPipeline::enableLights ( U32  mask  ) 

Definition at line 3426 of file pipeline.cpp.

References assertInitialized(), LLColor4::black, LLSky::getTotalAmbientColor(), gSky, i, mHWLightColors, mLightingDetail, mLightMask, LLColor4::mV, and S32.

Referenced by disableLights(), enableLightsAvatar(), enableLightsAvatarEdit(), enableLightsDynamic(), enableLightsFullbright(), and enableLightsStatic().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void LLPipeline::enableLightsStatic (  ) 

Definition at line 3465 of file pipeline.cpp.

References assertInitialized(), enableLights(), mLightingDetail, and mLightMovingMask.

Referenced by LLDrawPoolTerrain::render().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void LLPipeline::enableLightsDynamic (  ) 

void LLPipeline::enableLightsAvatar (  ) 

Definition at line 3506 of file pipeline.cpp.

References enableLights(), FALSE, and setupAvatarLights().

Referenced by enableLightsDynamic(), and LLImagePreviewSculpted::render().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void LLPipeline::enableLightsAvatarEdit ( const LLColor4 color  ) 

Definition at line 3513 of file pipeline.cpp.

References enableLights(), LLColor4::mV, setupAvatarLights(), and TRUE.

Referenced by enableLightsDynamic(), and LLDrawPoolAvatar::renderAvatars().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void LLPipeline::enableLightsFullbright ( const LLColor4 color  ) 

void LLPipeline::disableLights (  ) 

void LLPipeline::shiftObjects ( const LLVector3 offset  ) 

void LLPipeline::setLight ( LLDrawable drawablep,
BOOL  is_light 

Definition at line 3712 of file pipeline.cpp.

References assertInitialized(), LLDrawable::clearState(), LLDrawable::LIGHT, mLights, and LLDrawable::setState().

Referenced by LLVOVolume::createDrawable(), LLVOVolume::parameterChanged(), and LLVOVolume::setIsLight().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void LLPipeline::setActive ( LLDrawable drawablep,
BOOL  active 

Definition at line 3729 of file pipeline.cpp.

References assertInitialized(), and mActiveQ.

Referenced by LLDrawable::makeActive(), and LLDrawable::makeStatic().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

BOOL LLPipeline::hasRenderBatches ( const U32  type  )  const

LLCullResult::drawinfo_list_t::iterator LLPipeline::beginRenderMap ( U32  type  ) 

Definition at line 5277 of file pipeline.cpp.

References LLCullResult::beginRenderMap().

Referenced by LLRenderPass::pushBatches(), and LLDrawPoolBump::renderBump().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

LLCullResult::drawinfo_list_t::iterator LLPipeline::endRenderMap ( U32  type  ) 

Definition at line 5282 of file pipeline.cpp.

References LLCullResult::endRenderMap().

Referenced by LLRenderPass::pushBatches(), and LLDrawPoolBump::renderBump().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

LLCullResult::sg_list_t::iterator LLPipeline::beginAlphaGroups (  ) 

Definition at line 5287 of file pipeline.cpp.

References LLCullResult::beginAlphaGroups().

Referenced by LLDrawPoolAlpha::renderAlpha(), and LLDrawPoolAlpha::renderAlphaHighlight().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

LLCullResult::sg_list_t::iterator LLPipeline::endAlphaGroups (  ) 

Definition at line 5292 of file pipeline.cpp.

References LLCullResult::endAlphaGroups().

Referenced by LLDrawPoolAlpha::renderAlpha(), and LLDrawPoolAlpha::renderAlphaHighlight().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void LLPipeline::addTrianglesDrawn ( S32  count  ) 

BOOL LLPipeline::hasRenderType ( const U32  type  )  const [inline]

BOOL LLPipeline::hasRenderDebugFeatureMask ( const U32  mask  )  const [inline]

BOOL LLPipeline::hasRenderDebugMask ( const U32  mask  )  const [inline]

void LLPipeline::setRenderTypeMask ( const U32  mask  )  [inline]

Definition at line 226 of file pipeline.h.

References mRenderTypeMask.

Referenced by generateReflectionMap(), and render_hud_attachments().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

U32 LLPipeline::getRenderTypeMask (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 227 of file pipeline.h.

References mRenderTypeMask.

Referenced by generateImpostor(), generateReflectionMap(), and render_hud_attachments().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void LLPipeline::toggleRenderType ( U32  type  )  [static]

Definition at line 3743 of file pipeline.cpp.

References mRenderTypeMask.

Referenced by display(), LLViewToggleRenderType::handleEvent(), LLManipTranslate::highlightIntersection(), render_hud_attachments(), and toggleRenderTypeControl().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

BOOL LLPipeline::hasRenderTypeControl ( void *  data  )  [static]

Definition at line 3766 of file pipeline.cpp.

References hasRenderType().

Referenced by init_debug_rendering_menu().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void LLPipeline::toggleRenderDebug ( void *  data  )  [static]

Definition at line 3781 of file pipeline.cpp.

References hasRenderDebugMask(), llendl, llinfos, and mRenderDebugMask.

Referenced by init_debug_rendering_menu().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void LLPipeline::toggleRenderDebugFeature ( void *  data  )  [static]

void LLPipeline::toggleRenderTypeControl ( void *  data  )  [static]

Definition at line 3750 of file pipeline.cpp.

References hasRenderType(), llendl, llinfos, and toggleRenderType().

Referenced by init_debug_rendering_menu().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

BOOL LLPipeline::toggleRenderTypeControlNegated ( void *  data  )  [static]

Definition at line 3774 of file pipeline.cpp.

References hasRenderType(), and S32.

Referenced by LLViewCheckRenderType::handleEvent(), and LLDebugText::update().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

BOOL LLPipeline::toggleRenderDebugControl ( void *  data  )  [static]

Definition at line 3797 of file pipeline.cpp.

References hasRenderDebugMask().

Referenced by init_debug_rendering_menu().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

BOOL LLPipeline::toggleRenderDebugFeatureControl ( void *  data  )  [static]

Definition at line 3812 of file pipeline.cpp.

References hasRenderDebugFeatureMask().

Referenced by init_debug_rendering_menu().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void LLPipeline::setRenderParticleBeacons ( BOOL  val  )  [static]

Definition at line 3873 of file pipeline.cpp.

References sRenderParticleBeacons.

Referenced by LLViewCheckBeaconEnabled::handleEvent().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void LLPipeline::toggleRenderParticleBeacons ( void *  data  )  [static]

Definition at line 3879 of file pipeline.cpp.

References sRenderParticleBeacons.

Referenced by LLViewToggleBeacon::handleEvent().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

BOOL LLPipeline::getRenderParticleBeacons ( void *  data  )  [static]

Definition at line 3885 of file pipeline.cpp.

References sRenderParticleBeacons.

Referenced by LLViewToggleBeacon::handleEvent(), and LLDebugText::update().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void LLPipeline::setRenderSoundBeacons ( BOOL  val  )  [static]

Definition at line 3891 of file pipeline.cpp.

References sRenderSoundBeacons.

Referenced by LLViewCheckBeaconEnabled::handleEvent().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void LLPipeline::toggleRenderSoundBeacons ( void *  data  )  [static]

Definition at line 3897 of file pipeline.cpp.

References sRenderSoundBeacons.

Referenced by LLViewToggleBeacon::handleEvent().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

BOOL LLPipeline::getRenderSoundBeacons ( void *  data  )  [static]

Definition at line 3903 of file pipeline.cpp.

References sRenderSoundBeacons.

Referenced by LLViewToggleBeacon::handleEvent(), and LLDebugText::update().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void LLPipeline::setRenderPhysicalBeacons ( BOOL  val  )  [static]

Definition at line 3855 of file pipeline.cpp.

References sRenderPhysicalBeacons.

Referenced by LLViewCheckBeaconEnabled::handleEvent().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void LLPipeline::toggleRenderPhysicalBeacons ( void *  data  )  [static]

Definition at line 3861 of file pipeline.cpp.

References sRenderPhysicalBeacons.

Referenced by LLViewToggleBeacon::handleEvent().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

BOOL LLPipeline::getRenderPhysicalBeacons ( void *  data  )  [static]

Definition at line 3867 of file pipeline.cpp.

References sRenderPhysicalBeacons.

Referenced by LLViewToggleBeacon::handleEvent(), and LLDebugText::update().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void LLPipeline::setRenderScriptedBeacons ( BOOL  val  )  [static]

Definition at line 3819 of file pipeline.cpp.

References sRenderScriptedBeacons.

Referenced by LLViewCheckBeaconEnabled::handleEvent().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void LLPipeline::toggleRenderScriptedBeacons ( void *  data  )  [static]

Definition at line 3825 of file pipeline.cpp.

References sRenderScriptedBeacons.

Referenced by LLViewToggleBeacon::handleEvent().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

BOOL LLPipeline::getRenderScriptedBeacons ( void *  data  )  [static]

Definition at line 3831 of file pipeline.cpp.

References sRenderScriptedBeacons.

Referenced by LLViewToggleBeacon::handleEvent(), and LLDebugText::update().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void LLPipeline::setRenderScriptedTouchBeacons ( BOOL  val  )  [static]

Definition at line 3837 of file pipeline.cpp.

References sRenderScriptedTouchBeacons.

Referenced by LLViewCheckBeaconEnabled::handleEvent().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void LLPipeline::toggleRenderScriptedTouchBeacons ( void *  data  )  [static]

Definition at line 3843 of file pipeline.cpp.

References sRenderScriptedTouchBeacons.

Referenced by LLViewToggleBeacon::handleEvent().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

BOOL LLPipeline::getRenderScriptedTouchBeacons ( void *  data  )  [static]

Definition at line 3849 of file pipeline.cpp.

References sRenderScriptedTouchBeacons.

Referenced by LLViewToggleBeacon::handleEvent(), and LLDebugText::update().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void LLPipeline::setRenderBeacons ( BOOL  val  )  [static]

Definition at line 3909 of file pipeline.cpp.

References sRenderBeacons.

Referenced by LLViewCheckBeaconEnabled::handleEvent().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void LLPipeline::toggleRenderBeacons ( void *  data  )  [static]

Definition at line 3915 of file pipeline.cpp.

References sRenderBeacons.

Referenced by LLViewToggleBeacon::handleEvent().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

BOOL LLPipeline::getRenderBeacons ( void *  data  )  [static]

Definition at line 3921 of file pipeline.cpp.

References sRenderBeacons.

Referenced by LLViewToggleBeacon::handleEvent(), and LLDebugText::update().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void LLPipeline::setRenderHighlights ( BOOL  val  )  [static]

Definition at line 3927 of file pipeline.cpp.

References sRenderHighlight.

Referenced by LLViewCheckBeaconEnabled::handleEvent().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void LLPipeline::toggleRenderHighlights ( void *  data  )  [static]

Definition at line 3933 of file pipeline.cpp.

References sRenderHighlight.

Referenced by LLViewToggleBeacon::handleEvent().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

BOOL LLPipeline::getRenderHighlights ( void *  data  )  [static]

Definition at line 3939 of file pipeline.cpp.

References sRenderHighlight.

Referenced by LLViewToggleBeacon::handleEvent().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

BOOL LLPipeline::getProcessBeacons ( void *  data  )  [static]

Definition at line 3945 of file pipeline.cpp.

References sRenderProcessBeacons.

Referenced by LLDebugText::update().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void LLPipeline::unloadShaders (  )  [private]

Definition at line 621 of file pipeline.cpp.

References mVertexShadersLoaded, and LLShaderMgr::unloadShaders().

Referenced by destroyGL().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void LLPipeline::addToQuickLookup ( LLDrawPool new_poolp  )  [private]

void LLPipeline::removeFromQuickLookup ( LLDrawPool poolp  )  [private]

BOOL LLPipeline::updateDrawableGeom ( LLDrawable drawable,
BOOL  priority 
) [private]

Definition at line 1343 of file pipeline.cpp.

References assertInitialized(), LLDrawable::BUILT, mGeometryChanges, LLDrawable::setState(), and LLDrawable::updateGeometry().

Referenced by updateGeom().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void LLPipeline::assertInitializedDoError (  )  [private]

Definition at line 628 of file pipeline.cpp.

References llendl, and llerrs.

Referenced by assertInitialized().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

bool LLPipeline::assertInitialized (  )  [inline, private]

LLSpatialPartition * LLPipeline::getSpatialPartition ( LLViewerObject vobj  ) 

Definition at line 3971 of file pipeline.cpp.

References LLViewerObject::getPartitionType(), LLViewerObject::getRegion(), LLViewerRegion::getSpatialPartition(), and NULL.

Referenced by LLDrawable::getSpatialPartition().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void LLPipeline::updateCamera ( BOOL  reset = FALSE  ) 

Member Data Documentation

Definition at line 344 of file pipeline.h.

Definition at line 345 of file pipeline.h.

Definition at line 347 of file pipeline.h.

Referenced by display(), init(), and renderGeom().

Definition at line 348 of file pipeline.h.

Referenced by addTrianglesDrawn(), resetFrameStats(), and LLDebugText::update().

Definition at line 349 of file pipeline.h.

Referenced by LLRenderPass::applyModelMatrix(), and LLDebugText::update().

Definition at line 351 of file pipeline.h.

Referenced by addTrianglesDrawn(), and LLDebugText::update().

Definition at line 352 of file pipeline.h.

Referenced by addTrianglesDrawn(), and LLDebugText::update().

Definition at line 353 of file pipeline.h.

Referenced by resetFrameStats(), and LLDebugText::update().

Definition at line 354 of file pipeline.h.

Referenced by LLFrameStats::addFrameData(), addTrianglesDrawn(), and resetFrameStats().

Definition at line 355 of file pipeline.h.

Referenced by markNotCulled(), and LLDebugText::update().

Definition at line 356 of file pipeline.h.

Referenced by init(), init_stat_view(), and resetFrameStats().

Definition at line 357 of file pipeline.h.

Referenced by resetFrameStats().

Definition at line 359 of file pipeline.h.

Referenced by resetFrameStats().

Definition at line 360 of file pipeline.h.

Referenced by resetFrameStats(), and updateDrawableGeom().

Definition at line 362 of file pipeline.h.

Referenced by resetFrameStats(), and stateSort().

S32 LLPipeline::sCompiles = 0 [static]

BOOL LLPipeline::sFastAlpha = TRUE [static]

BOOL LLPipeline::sRenderBump = TRUE [static]

Definition at line 371 of file pipeline.h.

BOOL LLPipeline::sUseFarClip = TRUE [static]

Definition at line 372 of file pipeline.h.

Referenced by LLSpatialPartition::cull(), and display().

BOOL LLPipeline::sSkipUpdate = FALSE [static]

BOOL LLPipeline::sDynamicLOD = TRUE [static]

BOOL LLPipeline::sRenderGlow = FALSE [static]

Definition at line 382 of file pipeline.h.

Referenced by addTrianglesDrawn(), display(), and init_debug_rendering_menu().

Definition at line 387 of file pipeline.h.

Definition at line 396 of file pipeline.h.

Referenced by createGLBuffers(), releaseGLBuffers(), and renderBloom().

Definition at line 406 of file pipeline.h.

Referenced by blurReflectionMap(), createGLBuffers(), LLPipeline(), and releaseGLBuffers().

Definition at line 407 of file pipeline.h.

Referenced by blurReflectionMap(), createGLBuffers(), LLPipeline(), and releaseGLBuffers().

Definition at line 410 of file pipeline.h.

Referenced by createGLBuffers(), generateReflectionMap(), LLPipeline(), and releaseGLBuffers().

Definition at line 413 of file pipeline.h.

Referenced by createGLBuffers(), generateReflectionMap(), LLPipeline(), and releaseGLBuffers().

Definition at line 416 of file pipeline.h.

Referenced by setupAvatarLights(), and setupHWLights().

Definition at line 417 of file pipeline.h.

Referenced by setupAvatarLights(), and setupHWLights().

Definition at line 419 of file pipeline.h.

Referenced by cleanup(), init(), isInit(), and LLShaderMgr::setShaders().

Definition at line 420 of file pipeline.h.

Referenced by getUseVertexShaders(), restoreGL(), and LLShaderMgr::setShaders().

Definition at line 425 of file pipeline.h.

Referenced by hasRenderDebugFeatureMask(), init(), and toggleRenderDebugFeature().

Definition at line 428 of file pipeline.h.

Referenced by init(), and resetFrameStats().

Definition at line 434 of file pipeline.h.

Referenced by cleanup(), markMoved(), and updateGeom().

Definition at line 435 of file pipeline.h.

Referenced by findReferences(), markShift(), and shiftObjects().

Definition at line 465 of file pipeline.h.

Referenced by calcNearbyLights(), findReferences(), getLightCount(), setLight(), and unlinkDrawable().

Definition at line 466 of file pipeline.h.

Referenced by calcNearbyLights(), and setupHWLights().

Definition at line 467 of file pipeline.h.

Referenced by enableLights(), setupAvatarLights(), and setupHWLights().

Definition at line 473 of file pipeline.h.

Referenced by findReferences(), markRebuild(), and updateGeom().

Definition at line 474 of file pipeline.h.

Referenced by findReferences(), markRebuild(), and updateGeom().

Definition at line 476 of file pipeline.h.

Referenced by findReferences(), setActive(), and updateMove().

Definition at line 478 of file pipeline.h.

Referenced by findReferences(), markTextured(), and updateMove().

Definition at line 508 of file pipeline.h.

Referenced by rebuildPools().

std::map<uintptr_t, LLDrawPool*> LLPipeline::mTerrainPools [protected]

Definition at line 511 of file pipeline.h.

Referenced by addToQuickLookup(), cleanup(), findPool(), and removeFromQuickLookup().

std::map<uintptr_t, LLDrawPool*> LLPipeline::mTreePools [protected]

Definition at line 512 of file pipeline.h.

Referenced by addToQuickLookup(), cleanup(), findPool(), and removeFromQuickLookup().

Definition at line 513 of file pipeline.h.

Referenced by addToQuickLookup(), cleanup(), findPool(), and removeFromQuickLookup().

Definition at line 514 of file pipeline.h.

Referenced by addToQuickLookup(), cleanup(), findPool(), and removeFromQuickLookup().

Definition at line 515 of file pipeline.h.

Referenced by cleanup().

Definition at line 516 of file pipeline.h.

Referenced by addToQuickLookup(), cleanup(), findPool(), and removeFromQuickLookup().

Definition at line 517 of file pipeline.h.

Referenced by addToQuickLookup(), cleanup(), findPool(), and removeFromQuickLookup().

Definition at line 518 of file pipeline.h.

Referenced by addToQuickLookup(), cleanup(), findPool(), removeFromQuickLookup(), and renderObjects().

Definition at line 519 of file pipeline.h.

Referenced by addToQuickLookup(), cleanup(), findPool(), and removeFromQuickLookup().

Definition at line 520 of file pipeline.h.

Referenced by addToQuickLookup(), cleanup(), findPool(), and removeFromQuickLookup().

Definition at line 521 of file pipeline.h.

Referenced by addToQuickLookup(), cleanup(), findPool(), and removeFromQuickLookup().

Definition at line 522 of file pipeline.h.

Referenced by addToQuickLookup(), cleanup(), findPool(), and removeFromQuickLookup().

std::vector<LLFace*> LLPipeline::mSelectedFaces [protected]

Definition at line 528 of file pipeline.h.

Referenced by postSort(), and renderHighlights().

Definition at line 530 of file pipeline.h.

Referenced by cleanup(), and renderHighlights().

Definition at line 531 of file pipeline.h.

Referenced by cleanup().

Definition at line 532 of file pipeline.h.

Referenced by cleanup().

Definition at line 534 of file pipeline.h.

Referenced by enableLights(), and setupHWLights().

Definition at line 535 of file pipeline.h.

Referenced by enableLightsStatic(), and setupHWLights().

BOOL LLPipeline::sRenderPhysicalBeacons = TRUE [static, protected]

BOOL LLPipeline::sRenderScriptedTouchBeacons = TRUE [static, protected]

BOOL LLPipeline::sRenderScriptedBeacons = FALSE [static, protected]

BOOL LLPipeline::sRenderParticleBeacons = FALSE [static, protected]

BOOL LLPipeline::sRenderSoundBeacons = FALSE [static, protected]

BOOL LLPipeline::sRenderBeacons = FALSE [static]

Definition at line 546 of file pipeline.h.

Referenced by getProcessBeacons(), LLViewerWindow::handlePerFrameHover(), and postSort().

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:

Generated on Fri May 16 08:59:40 2008 for SecondLife by  doxygen 1.5.5